new lightspeed bundles???



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    I bought some of the packs but i think people do need to realise the frustration of those who are near say SLKR feel when everyone can get to the SLKR JG because of around £10. I also understand why CG did it as a possible tester for more teams etc in furure sales but there are a few things here;
    1. The f2p players probably feel done over
    2. the older players who spent a year getting these GLs/JG toons feel that competition shouldnt happen so easily
    3. Maybe there should be something when a player can show that they spent 6 months say for farming a GL get some kind of free incentive because these packs can be divisive and be a little unfair on those farming.

    The grumbling about these packs will only intensify when TW/GAC restarts and people are being demoted from certain leagues because someone has bought certain characters. Now there is the argumant that the toon doesnt make the cut because you still have to mod, zeta and omicron but those GAC battles are going to be far more closer than before and that might drive some away.
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    I really like the new packs. In my memory the first packs in the game with a very good value. If you need one of the GLs both packs are "no brainers". But what I really dislike is that you can't buy them in for 10€ in most parts of the world. Due to the selfmade exchange rate of google and apple, which is also used in the webstore. Actually the exchange rate is usury(which is illegal in germany, but no one sues them) . In Europe you've to pay 12,79 USD that are 28% more. That really ruins the part with competitiviy. I understand that CG has no influence on the exchange rate ingame. But pls make the currency in the webstore changeable. If I could pay directly in Dollar this problem would not occur. Thanks and may the force be with you.
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    This packs should be in webstore alongside with hyperdrive and became new way to start account. And better not to add new GLs(only SLKR).
  • Avy3414
    39 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Are you KIDDING ME CG. I spent MONTHS and so much money getting the requirements for SLKR and you are going to let people just instantly unlock all of his and Rey's requirements WITH RELIC 5 FOR $30?!?!?! I am going to have an aneurysm. And you are doing the same for Starkiller and raddus?!

    Totally agreed. They are literally on their path to make this P2W now with these packs. Man, it was so fun to play back in 2016-17 when it was just about having fun with gearing and now with these packs, these new devs are literally destroying the game. It will be their own downfall when one day majority of players will have all most characters at relics with $$$. This was NEVER the SWGOH I once knew.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Are you KIDDING ME CG. I spent MONTHS and so much money getting the requirements for SLKR and you are going to let people just instantly unlock all of his and Rey's requirements WITH RELIC 5 FOR $30?!?!?! I am going to have an aneurysm. And you are doing the same for Starkiller and raddus?!

    So what? Newer players also have to suffer through the same grind because you did?

    Look at it another way, at least you saved money not paying for them

    Nothing wrong with offering a monetary option for people to catch up to endgame and compete with other game modes that require them (especially at a low price)

    Then it's safe to say that this game has turned P2P/P2W, right?
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Are you KIDDING ME CG. I spent MONTHS and so much money getting the requirements for SLKR and you are going to let people just instantly unlock all of his and Rey's requirements WITH RELIC 5 FOR $30?!?!?! I am going to have an aneurysm. And you are doing the same for Starkiller and raddus?!

    So what? Newer players also have to suffer through the same grind because you did?

    Look at it another way, at least you saved money not paying for them

    Nothing wrong with offering a monetary option for people to catch up to endgame and compete with other game modes that require them (especially at a low price)

    Then it's safe to say that this game has turned P2P/P2W, right?


    You can still play this game without spending a dime so its not Pay 2 Play (P2P)

    You can still beat opponents who purchase the lightspeed bundles AND someone purchasing this bundle can still lose to other opponents who haven't purchased the bundle, so its not Pay 2 Win (P2W) since paying for these bundles cannot guarantee victory
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    Its a pay 2 catch up bundle

    And if that's a problem for you, then i guess you prefer if this game wasn't free on the app store to download but was a $99 game instead?

    Or do you think CG should work for free and not monetize this game in anyway? Can you come up with a non-P2P, non-P2W or non-P2C packs and model?
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    This is so stupid. No wonder suddenly all characters hsve 3_4 legends. I am done and out. Wasted bear money and grind for company to get quick cash injection. They should be 89 pounds minimum. A total joke.
  • Options
    Martyboy wrote: »
    This is so stupid. No wonder suddenly all characters hsve 3_4 legends. I am done and out. Wasted bear money and grind for company to get quick cash injection. They should be 89 pounds minimum. A total joke.

    I really don't understand this take. Are people actually enjoying the game less because something can be had cheap now that they had to grind for? Is the game actually less fun because of these packs? The game hasn't changed. The only thing that's changed is that CG released some packs that happened to be an outstanding value. Is it really the message that we want to send to CG: "Release good packs with good value = lose players"

    How backwards is that? Do you actually WANT the game to continue to be a brutal slog the whole way to build a roster? This just doesn't make sense to me.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Options
    Martyboy wrote: »
    Wasted bear money and grind for company to get quick cash injection. They should be 89 pounds minimum. A total joke.

    It's OK, the ewoks aren't that great anyways...
    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Are you KIDDING ME CG. I spent MONTHS and so much money getting the requirements for SLKR and you are going to let people just instantly unlock all of his and Rey's requirements WITH RELIC 5 FOR $30?!?!?! I am going to have an aneurysm. And you are doing the same for Starkiller and raddus?!

    So what? Newer players also have to suffer through the same grind because you did?

    Look at it another way, at least you saved money not paying for them

    Nothing wrong with offering a monetary option for people to catch up to endgame and compete with other game modes that require them (especially at a low price)

    Then it's safe to say that this game has turned P2P/P2W, right?


    You can still play this game without spending a dime so its not Pay 2 Play (P2P)

    You can still beat opponents who purchase the lightspeed bundles AND someone purchasing this bundle can still lose to other opponents who haven't purchased the bundle, so its not Pay 2 Win (P2W) since paying for these bundles cannot guarantee victory

    I don't think so a new F2P player who downloads this game currently can ever beat someone who buys off GLs from packs without "spending a dime" lmao. It's probably just the "end-game F2P players" you are talking about.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Its a pay 2 catch up bundle

    And if that's a problem for you, then i guess you prefer if this game wasn't free on the app store to download but was a $99 game instead?

    Or do you think CG should work for free and not monetize this game in anyway? Can you come up with a non-P2P, non-P2W or non-P2C packs and model?

    "Pay to catch up" seems like a fancy way of saying "P2P" some modes which apparently CG is planning exclusively for GL events (by the look of the new store). And "P2W" for Grand Arena to crush the equivalent F2P players who don't spend a dime. And no, I don't think so CG should work for free and not monetize this game, but there are probably better methods of doing so, giving GLs away for some cheap cash isn't one of them, in comparison to F2P players who work & grind so hard for it :)
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    Well since there are a lot of posts about this I might as well throw in my own opinion.

    1) these packs are a fantastic idea to assist all players who are willing to spend a little money to support Capital games so more content can be created.

    2) this does affect all areas of the game. And I can understand the frustration that some people are feeling,
    However these bundles can effectively be classed as Legacy they still require players to go the final few steps required and also do not include Zetas, omnicrons or Mods that players further into the game have developed into their rosters.
    New players are given a chance to buy in with a firm foundation for 2 Legacy GLs that can help assist newer guilds and get them some good rewards in their progression.

    Mid players who might not have paid attention to GLs like Rey or SLKR due to their old content vibe or dislike for the characters themselves are given an opportunity to obtain these for a price of paying money, but they will still need to do the final leg work and do all the mods.

    Later game players that have these toons already may not get anything from these packs as they already have almost all characters at or above these values, but to go with that they already have all the Zetas, omnicrons and High end mods required for competitive gameplay and in terms of Rey they will probably also hold Ben Solo who is needed to bring the team to full fruition and zorri for the left overs.

    So there are a few downsides moving up the list but they can be seen as negligible in terms of the benefits.


    Well this is a tough one as there was a total of 4 packs.

    Here is the real clincher Legacy Vs Relevant
    The Rey and SLKR toons Obtained Via the packs can be classed as Legacy due to the reduced Gear Demand known as Kryo gear
    Compared to the Starkiller toons which will be classed as relevant due to kryo requirements.

    In terms of the cost of such packs I feel the StarKiller pack was a touch Expensive, however taking into effect the time the toons have been available it falls within what I would deem an acceptable range.

    The Rey and SLKR packs fall into the lower end of their range as super great value
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    I forgot to mention…

    In terms of moving forward GL packs would probably optimal once a year maybe on a significant day such as Xmas or may the 4th

    As for other things maybe once every road ahead do one small pack focused around anything.

    If legacy have a small price tag for 3-6 toons that can be classed as Legacy or old toons(Phoenix not including Captain Rex)…

    If a more relevant set of toons (DR Aphra requirements or a more relevant imperial trooper set like Gid, Iden, dark trooper scout trooper). Keep the pack to around 3-4 toons 5 at a push and price them relevant to their release date, toons that are newer for example the Leia marquee characters if put up to unlock at Relic 5 today if the pack was any less than £150 I would not be impressed but if a pack for an imperial trooper team such as veers, Stark, Dark, Gideon and ranged I would be expecting £35-50 based off the current bundles

    Not something that should be brought around once a month… re doing the same packs AoK (non GL packs)

  • scuba
    14165 posts Member
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Its a pay 2 catch up bundle

    And if that's a problem for you, then i guess you prefer if this game wasn't free on the app store to download but was a $99 game instead?

    Or do you think CG should work for free and not monetize this game in anyway? Can you come up with a non-P2P, non-P2W or non-P2C packs and model?

    "Pay to catch up" seems like a fancy way of saying "P2P" some modes which apparently CG is planning exclusively for GL events (by the look of the new store). And "P2W" for Grand Arena to crush the equivalent F2P players who don't spend a dime. And no, I don't think so CG should work for free and not monetize this game, but there are probably better methods of doing so, giving GLs away for some cheap cash isn't one of them, in comparison to F2P players who work & grind so hard for it :)

    If the only reason someone was winning was because opponent didn't have rey and/or slkr, than this is a case of git gud.

    Will it affect GA, sure, anything expanding roosters with good units does. Spending money, for someone that knows how to play the game (has skill), should push them above someone that doesn't spend.
  • Options
    scuba wrote: »
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Its a pay 2 catch up bundle

    And if that's a problem for you, then i guess you prefer if this game wasn't free on the app store to download but was a $99 game instead?

    Or do you think CG should work for free and not monetize this game in anyway? Can you come up with a non-P2P, non-P2W or non-P2C packs and model?

    "Pay to catch up" seems like a fancy way of saying "P2P" some modes which apparently CG is planning exclusively for GL events (by the look of the new store). And "P2W" for Grand Arena to crush the equivalent F2P players who don't spend a dime. And no, I don't think so CG should work for free and not monetize this game, but there are probably better methods of doing so, giving GLs away for some cheap cash isn't one of them, in comparison to F2P players who work & grind so hard for it :)

    If the only reason someone was winning was because opponent didn't have rey and/or slkr, than this is a case of git gud.

    Will it affect GA, sure, anything expanding roosters with good units does. Spending money, for someone that knows how to play the game (has skill), should push them above someone that doesn't spend.

    I think it's going to be more than the "git gud" if more GLs start getting their packs, since this was successful.
  • scuba
    14165 posts Member
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Its a pay 2 catch up bundle

    And if that's a problem for you, then i guess you prefer if this game wasn't free on the app store to download but was a $99 game instead?

    Or do you think CG should work for free and not monetize this game in anyway? Can you come up with a non-P2P, non-P2W or non-P2C packs and model?

    "Pay to catch up" seems like a fancy way of saying "P2P" some modes which apparently CG is planning exclusively for GL events (by the look of the new store). And "P2W" for Grand Arena to crush the equivalent F2P players who don't spend a dime. And no, I don't think so CG should work for free and not monetize this game, but there are probably better methods of doing so, giving GLs away for some cheap cash isn't one of them, in comparison to F2P players who work & grind so hard for it :)

    If the only reason someone was winning was because opponent didn't have rey and/or slkr, than this is a case of git gud.

    Will it affect GA, sure, anything expanding roosters with good units does. Spending money, for someone that knows how to play the game (has skill), should push them above someone that doesn't spend.

    I think it's going to be more than the "git gud" if more GLs start getting their packs, since this was successful.


    If "you" have them and your opponents don't and that is why you where winning, git gud.

    If "you" don't have them and you where winning because your opponents didn't have them and now do, well that is the advantage they paid for, however they paid for that advantage and you will eventually get matched vs opponents that don't have them again.
    Yeah this kinda sucks but is what it is with GA, money can buy a temp advantage as it has always been able to.

    That said many players don't know how to use or care etc use their rosters, I know I am one of them (hate PvP modes) so not everyone that bought these deals will move up and not everyone that didn't will move down.
  • Options
    Interesting debate and may of slightly over reacted but here is my reflection on it.

    Simple example... what's the point to daily log in rewards any more. Just spend 10 pound once a month.
    You also devaluing crystals as currency and other materials.
    It's like watching a video to see the end of the game without playing it.
    A large amount of people would consider 9.99 affordable. And there's nothing in the game left that you cannot buy now.
    A key feature is grinding which is now not necessary.
    That's the best example I can give you.

    It's completely messed up the championship match up.

    I think we will see a reset by Jan 2024 with relics going up to level 12 , mods going to chrome etc. As a fix.

    Also a GL event or mode.

    Frankly I likey to have lost interest by then, and many others and yes it is personal. I devoted time to get starkiller and a GL, likey to be considered old and put on sale.

    I am a daily log in committed player.Frankly disappointed 😞

  • Options
    scuba wrote: »
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Its a pay 2 catch up bundle

    And if that's a problem for you, then i guess you prefer if this game wasn't free on the app store to download but was a $99 game instead?

    Or do you think CG should work for free and not monetize this game in anyway? Can you come up with a non-P2P, non-P2W or non-P2C packs and model?

    "Pay to catch up" seems like a fancy way of saying "P2P" some modes which apparently CG is planning exclusively for GL events (by the look of the new store). And "P2W" for Grand Arena to crush the equivalent F2P players who don't spend a dime. And no, I don't think so CG should work for free and not monetize this game, but there are probably better methods of doing so, giving GLs away for some cheap cash isn't one of them, in comparison to F2P players who work & grind so hard for it :)

    If the only reason someone was winning was because opponent didn't have rey and/or slkr, than this is a case of git gud.

    Will it affect GA, sure, anything expanding roosters with good units does. Spending money, for someone that knows how to play the game (has skill), should push them above someone that doesn't spend.

    I think it's going to be more than the "git gud" if more GLs start getting their packs, since this was successful.


    If "you" have them and your opponents don't and that is why you where winning, git gud.

    If "you" don't have them and you where winning because your opponents didn't have them and now do, well that is the advantage they paid for, however they paid for that advantage and you will eventually get matched vs opponents that don't have them again.
    Yeah this kinda sucks but is what it is with GA, money can buy a temp advantage as it has always been able to.

    That said many players don't know how to use or care etc use their rosters, I know I am one of them (hate PvP modes) so not everyone that bought these deals will move up and not everyone that didn't will move down.

    Agreed with this
  • Options
    Martyboy wrote: »
    Interesting debate and may of slightly over reacted but here is my reflection on it.

    Simple example... what's the point to daily log in rewards any more. Just spend 10 pound once a month.
    You also devaluing crystals as currency and other materials.
    It's like watching a video to see the end of the game without playing it.
    A large amount of people would consider 9.99 affordable. And there's nothing in the game left that you cannot buy now.
    A key feature is grinding which is now not necessary.
    That's the best example I can give you.

    It's completely messed up the championship match up.

    I think we will see a reset by Jan 2024 with relics going up to level 12 , mods going to chrome etc. As a fix.

    Also a GL event or mode.

    Frankly I likey to have lost interest by then, and many others and yes it is personal. I devoted time to get starkiller and a GL, likey to be considered old and put on sale.

    I am a daily log in committed player.Frankly disappointed 😞

    True, I can highly see crystals being devalued now as you rightly mentioned. When this game started, I don't know if you were there but it was all just about "chromium datacards" and it was actually fun to open them back then lol. It gave away some of the great exclusive characters which weren't farmable anywhere. Not saying they should bring THAT feature back but maybe if they could revamp the datacards and their costs a little. I'll be honest, I completely stopped them as they don't have a better maximum limit like 330 shards in some of the packs today.
  • scuba
    14165 posts Member
    Martyboy wrote: »
    Interesting debate and may of slightly over reacted but here is my reflection on it.

    Simple example... what's the point to daily log in rewards any more. Just spend 10 pound once a month.
    You also devaluing crystals as currency and other materials.
    It's like watching a video to see the end of the game without playing it.
    A large amount of people would consider 9.99 affordable. And there's nothing in the game left that you cannot buy now.
    A key feature is grinding which is now not necessary.
    That's the best example I can give you.

    It's completely messed up the championship match up.

    I think we will see a reset by Jan 2024 with relics going up to level 12 , mods going to chrome etc. As a fix.

    Also a GL event or mode.

    Frankly I likey to have lost interest by then, and many others and yes it is personal. I devoted time to get starkiller and a GL, likey to be considered old and put on sale.

    I am a daily log in committed player.Frankly disappointed 😞

    The sale of these packs hasn't made anything new available for purchase.
    It just made something a good deal/value for once.
    GL event has already been datamined before the release of these packs, which makes these packs even better, get more people doing the events.

    These are also limited time packs and there is no telling how long it will be before they run them again and/or add others.
    Crystals still have high value for many players.
    The sky is not falling.
  • Gawejn
    1139 posts Member
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Are you KIDDING ME CG. I spent MONTHS and so much money getting the requirements for SLKR and you are going to let people just instantly unlock all of his and Rey's requirements WITH RELIC 5 FOR $30?!?!?! I am going to have an aneurysm. And you are doing the same for Starkiller and raddus?!

    So what? Newer players also have to suffer through the same grind because you did?

    Look at it another way, at least you saved money not paying for them

    Nothing wrong with offering a monetary option for people to catch up to endgame and compete with other game modes that require them (especially at a low price)

    Then it's safe to say that this game has turned P2P/P2W, right?


    You can still play this game without spending a dime so its not Pay 2 Play (P2P)

    You can still beat opponents who purchase the lightspeed bundles AND someone purchasing this bundle can still lose to other opponents who haven't purchased the bundle, so its not Pay 2 Win (P2W) since paying for these bundles cannot guarantee victory

    I don't think so a new F2P player who downloads this game currently can ever beat someone who buys off GLs from packs without "spending a dime" lmao. It's probably just the "end-game F2P players" you are talking about.

    Depends on how he will play and a guild. New player has some time to grind stuff. Like 4 or 5 months to get to gac.
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Avy3414 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Are you KIDDING ME CG. I spent MONTHS and so much money getting the requirements for SLKR and you are going to let people just instantly unlock all of his and Rey's requirements WITH RELIC 5 FOR $30?!?!?! I am going to have an aneurysm. And you are doing the same for Starkiller and raddus?!

    So what? Newer players also have to suffer through the same grind because you did?

    Look at it another way, at least you saved money not paying for them

    Nothing wrong with offering a monetary option for people to catch up to endgame and compete with other game modes that require them (especially at a low price)

    Then it's safe to say that this game has turned P2P/P2W, right?


    You can still play this game without spending a dime so its not Pay 2 Play (P2P)

    You can still beat opponents who purchase the lightspeed bundles AND someone purchasing this bundle can still lose to other opponents who haven't purchased the bundle, so its not Pay 2 Win (P2W) since paying for these bundles cannot guarantee victory

    I don't think so a new F2P player who downloads this game currently can ever beat someone who buys off GLs from packs without "spending a dime" lmao. It's probably just the "end-game F2P players" you are talking about.

    Those new players will never be facing players who spend on packs though

    So I still don't see an issue

    Outside of squad arena but the rewards on that game mode aren't that amazing that its the end of the world, just some shards that you can also collect at higher squad rankings (it takes ~3 months to get to level 85 anyways so that game mode is always gated out for new F2P players)
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    I'm a bit jelly of the people who haven't unlocked Rey or SLKR yet and do spend. This is something I would for sure buy myself if I didn't have Rey or SLKR. I'm still debating on the 19.99 pack cause there's 4 toons in here I don't have relic 5 yet.

    Asking for options I guess XD


    Should I buy the pack?
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    You guys have no idea how much money CG made by these new packs...... If you are in a 250M or lower level guild you should know that how many people bought this.
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    If you're someone who can afford to spend, taking 1 toon to r5 for $5 is a great deal ... at least compared to typical prices for access to things like this.

    L3 is a great toon. Carth is situationally very useful. Young Lando is required at relics for TB.

    T3-M4? Well, I don't have much use for him, even though I have him at relics, but let's write him out. Now your price is basically $7 each for a great toon, a situationally great toon, and a toon that you could take a miss on except that he's a TB requirement.

    To me that's good value.
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