new lightspeed bundles???


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    PlayerJ wrote: »
    I am a beginner, but I feel like the situation is being blown out of proportion.

    Rey & Kylo are new age Star Wars characters which many people don’t even like.
    I will not even mention how many believe they tarnished Star Wars good name.

    In addition, My teammates told me Raddus is a trash Capital ship.
    Is Raddus a trash Fleet?

    I have been playing for 6 weeks.
    Till this day, I have never seen a new player or old player rush into the forums and be like
    Oh My Gosh, I’m going after Rey & Raddus today!

    The game is just trying to give away trash in packs.
    People saying the pack is under priced?

    You people make me laugh.
    That pack isn’t under prices it’s over priced.

    They only reason people are even looking at that 20$ Raddus Fleet is because the game put BossK & Ahsoka in there.
    If they remove BossK & Ahsoka, It’s an auto skip.

    Several YouTubers have Raddus as 1 of worst fleets in game.
    Can Raddus be good in early game?

    The Early Game Meta Fleets:
    Tarkin with Tie Silencer + Geo’s
    Ackbar with Rebels + Ravenclaw
    Ackbar with Rebels + Phoenix

    The Mid-Early Game Meta Fleets:
    Thrawn with Bounty Hunters
    Tarkin with Houndstoooth + Geo’s
    Ackbar with Rebels + Hans M.Falcon 5 Stars

    Those early game teams would still tear Raddus apart wouldn’t they?
    I don’t know. I wonder if anyone knows.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔

    You need raddus to get GL Rey. The pack is super super under priced. Stay in the game for a couple more months and you will had wished you bought these packs.
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    CG: screws up epically the release of their new cap ship GL
    Players: are outraged
    CG: screws up to an even greater degree the latest edition of conquest
    Players: are outraged again
    CG: sells off old GLs at a fraction of their cost to placate players
    Players (some different, some the same): are outraged further

    Man CG just can't catch a break :D

    FWIW, I'm also a bit peeved at these packs given I spent the last three months grinding for SLKR. But, I have no disposable income to spend on these packs anyway so it's a moot point, and I know that my grind with recent gear and raid changes was not even half of what others did when they first came out. Needless to say I won't start towards Rey anytime soon just in case they make her even easier for FTP to grind.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
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    I don't mind them giving out those toons. What really bugs me is the missing communication upfront.
    The game has grown so much, that new players need a GL fast and if there are no new players the game would die.
    It's the right move to give a GL to new players. But what should've happened is a statement like: in 3 months we're going to make GL Rey and SLKR much more accessible, please plan your farms accordingly.
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    Great packs, but bring it to webstore please
  • Gawejn
    1133 posts Member
    One of new players (2mil gp) bought all of those packs and he gained like 900k gp. He had only one g13 toon before. And now he can make some score in geo tb. This is very good for low gp players buying those packs.
  • Devian
    676 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    I don't mind them giving out those toons. What really bugs me is the missing communication upfront.
    The game has grown so much, that new players need a GL fast and if there are no new players the game would die.
    It's the right move to give a GL to new players. But what should've happened is a statement like: in 3 months we're going to make GL Rey and SLKR much more accessible, please plan your farms accordingly.
    Totally agree, such things need advertisement as well. Making ads like "join swgoh now and Unlock competative top characters" would be a lot better that "hey, oldtimers, now is a chance to buy some GLs"...
    Plus they could update their hyperspace bundle with 2 GLs
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    I'm a relatively new player (1.3m) and I think these packs are terrible. I can either not buy them and then fall way behind in fleet arena and grand arena, or I buy them and my current roster becomes basically obselete and replaced by toons I don't really like and have no sense of pride or accomplishment for. Way to ruin a game overnight cg.
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    i wish there was an alternative offer unique to those who have all of the above.

    Say, 12 g11 finishers (half mk6 stun guns, half mk8 powercells or Mk6 commlinks or whatever) + 1200 kyros towards the g12 finishers.

    it's not nearly the same -- it doesn't include shards and it doesn't include anywhere close to the same gear, BUT you get to use the gear where you see fit, spreading it around on any number of projects.

    Compared to historic pricing, $10 for 1200 kyros + 12 g11 finishers would still be a good deal. It wouldn't serve quite the same purpose since end game players could also buy them, but TBH there's a point at which it wouldn't be worth it (unless just for the gyros) even for end game players. I've only got 20 toons below g12 and all of them are g11. I'm also taking a good 3-4 per week from g11 to g12. Catch me at the beginning of December and I won't have any sub-g12 toons at all any more. G11 finishers will be meaningless to me. And I'm not a spender. For the whales and krakens that pack would already be greatly lessened in value.

    So I think they could offer something else in parallel with these GL-chasing packs without breaking the game and while serving the purpose that they're intending -- making end game content accessible to those who can't play it yet, rather than accelerating the spending war at the top of Kyber 1.

    Anyway, it's too late for this round, but if 12-18 months from now they offer SEE/JML packs (Or Malgus-SithEmpire/JKL packs) on this kind of limited-duration basis, maybe they'll find away to offer something like what I described so that higher-mid to lower-high GP accounts can also gain some benefits. While there is a need to boost newer players up to where they can succeed at GeoTB and make a few attempts at RotE, the highest-end players don't really need this sort of thing and it's okay if there's not a pack targeted at 11M+ accounts (or their equivalent at whatever future time they offer something like this again).

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    i wish there was an alternative offer unique to those who have all of the above.

    Anyway, it's too late for this round, but if 12-18 months from now they offer SEE/JML packs (Or Malgus-SithEmpire/JKL packs) on this kind of limited-duration basis, maybe they'll find away to offer something like what I described so that higher-mid to lower-high GP accounts can also gain some benefits. While there is a need to boost newer players up to where they can succeed at GeoTB and make a few attempts at RotE, the highest-end players don't really need this sort of thing and it's okay if there's not a pack targeted at 11M+ accounts (or their equivalent at whatever future time they offer something like this again).

    True, still I’m a bit of a laughing stock in my guild this year. Did a bring grind and a few little spends and got SK, Rey and SLKR, I was being congratulated last week. Now some of my guild mates that hadn’t even started their grinds have been handed to them in a single day. Like it’s severe bad luck for me but god it feels like they were watching my account or something 😂
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    Lots of complaints around slkr and there isn't even a pack for him.
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    scuba wrote: »
    Lots of complaints around slkr and there isn't even a pack for him.

    Well there is... for some reason they named it BB8, but it's essentially SLKR
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    scuba wrote: »
    Lots of complaints around slkr and there isn't even a pack for him.

    Well there is... for some reason they named it BB8, but it's essentially SLKR

    There is a pack that gives some of the easy reqs for slkr but not the hardest reqs(finalizer, r7) or emperor palpatine. It is a good headstart though but the finalizer is still a heavy grind.
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    Are you KIDDING ME CG. I spent MONTHS and so much money getting the requirements for SLKR and you are going to let people just instantly unlock all of his and Rey's requirements WITH RELIC 5 FOR $30?!?!?! I am going to have an aneurysm. And you are doing the same for Starkiller and raddus?!

    I'm just happy that they made it.. best packs ever..
    I would never go after them without these packs😅
    Now i'm forced..
    This is the way!!
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    I like when CG helps the newer players catch up ... I certainly don't have a problem with that.

    Where I see an unexpected advantage to some players (who probably aren't "new" players), which I haven't seen mentioned, is in GAC. I'm in Kyber 3 ... about 1.5 months away of finishing SEE and having all GLs except Leia ... and have Starkiller (yada, yada, yada). About 30% of my opponents in Kyber 3 don't have Rey, and about 10-20% don't have Starkiller. This gives them a great opportunity to catch up quickly ... and that will have some impact on the balance in GAC. Perhaps it won't be significant ... but that's where I see these packs potentially tipping some balance in an unfair manner.

    Time will tell.
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    Lots of complaints around slkr and there isn't even a pack for him.

    Well there is... for some reason they named it BB8, but it's essentially SLKR

    Thanks. I didn't really dig into most of the details for them
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    I like when CG helps the newer players catch up ... I certainly don't have a problem with that.

    Where I see an unexpected advantage to some players (who probably aren't "new" players), which I haven't seen mentioned, is in GAC. I'm in Kyber 3 ... about 1.5 months away of finishing SEE and having all GLs except Leia ... and have Starkiller (yada, yada, yada). About 30% of my opponents in Kyber 3 don't have Rey, and about 10-20% don't have Starkiller. This gives them a great opportunity to catch up quickly ... and that will have some impact on the balance in GAC. Perhaps it won't be significant ... but that's where I see these packs potentially tipping some balance in an unfair manner.

    Time will tell.

    This is my take as well.
    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
  • JanisWehner
    8 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    An easy solution, would've been to make these packs accessible only sub 3 to 4M GP. New players could catch up. Old players wouldn't get slapped for choosing Rey over another GL
    Suppose you and and someone else decided for their next GL. Both of you were missing Rey and let's say LV. You went Rey the other one now has them both, leapfrogging you for no reason, but GCs stupidly to do things properly.
    Just saw Xaereths account. He's almost 10M GP and just got 2 more GLs for 30$. That could not have been intended
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    I have been a free to play player this entire time I have been playing. I do not have SLKR or Rey and was going to start working on them soon. These pack prices are amazing considering CG's habit of costing an arm and a leg for very little. These packs are awesome and congrats to anyone who takes advantage of them. I was seriously tempted to buy these packs but then I remembered who would be getting my money. CG you have failed your player base time and time again over the years and you dont deserve ****. Maybe if you actually cared about your players enjoying your game instead of trying to squeeze every dollar out of the player base. Maybe if you listened to the players and worked with the larger content creators and created an atmosphere of collaboration and fun. Maybe if you actually released anything to this game that wasn't bugged and trash. CG you had it all and this game could be even bigger if you were not shoved up your own ****. FIX your game CG! If you were a better company I would have bought these packs.
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    Hard to find much to complain about by these packs. Amazing value and great for new players to catch up.

    As someone who has avoided sequel content like the plague, it's a huge win! I think those feeling agreived need to remember how much you have to catch up on with this game. Anyone who's played for a certain amount of time will have missed out on some of the benefits built in for newer players such as double drops for starters.

    The way the game has evolved means there is little need to go after SLKR or Ray and the stats for players who have them are huge. There is also the ships grind that you still have to do for SLKR which can take months so it's not quite getting a free GL.

    All I would say having brought the packs, I do feel like I've put in a cheat code or done something wrong! Maybe I'm just too conditioned. As a collector game there is an element that I enjoy completing the grind and choosing who to gear up next - but that's just me. So personally I hope this doesn't become 'a thing' or get carried away offering more expensive bundles later down the line. However in no way is that a critisim of these deals, makes perfect sense given the factions on offer.
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    If this is truly to help new players, then limit it to new accounts... < 1-2 years old / under a certain GP, etc... This breaks the balance and integrity of the game. I am a 9 mil GP player who's been playing for years. GAC is by far my favorite game mode. I don't begrudge new players getting a catchup. But why is a catchup offered to 9m players as well? I farmed and developed both SLKR and Rey. In my GAC, there's still plenty of opponents who don't have Rey, but who may very well have everything but her and Leia. Now they're insta-given a complete r5 team and Rey for the price of a cup of coffee... the relic and gear mats alone... There is no offering if you have both GLs already, but those that don't, get a handout for 1/150th the original real world cost and effort. CG has given a competitive edge to certain players. Now those players can put that saved gear and relic mats toward newer GLs, toons... This is a poor implementation of a "catchup" mechanic intended to help new players when it impacts the entire player base, except the top 1% whales.
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    edited October 2023
    An easy solution, would've been to make these packs accessible only sub 3 to 4M GP. New players could catch up. Old players wouldn't get slapped for choosing Rey over another GL
    Suppose you and and someone else decided for their next GL. Both of you were missing Rey and let's say LV. You went Rey the other one now has them both, leapfrogging you for no reason, but GCs stupidly to do things properly.
    Just saw Xaereths account. He's almost 10M GP and just got 2 more GLs for 30$. That could not have been intended

    Why should players with 4.1 M GP be punished

    Why are you trying to gate Rey / SLKR to newer players and not all players?

    The GLs are over 3 years old
  • JanisWehner
    8 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Ultra wrote: »
    An easy solution, would've been to make these packs accessible only sub 3 to 4M GP. New players could catch up. Old players wouldn't get slapped for choosing Rey over another GL
    Suppose you and and someone else decided for their next GL. Both of you were missing Rey and let's say LV. You went Rey the other one now has them both, leapfrogging you for no reason, but GCs stupidly to do things properly.
    Just saw Xaereths account. He's almost 10M GP and just got 2 more GLs for 30$. That could not have been intended

    Why should players with 4.1 M GP be punished

    Why are you trying to gate Rey / SLKR to newer players and not all players?

    The GLs are over 3 years old

    Because you have to draw the line somewhere. As said above by Valdarion I too face lots of opponents with 5-6GLs and more often than not missing Rey. Somebody in my ballpark should not be gifted 1-2GLs. The resources I put into Rey/SLKR let to me neglecting other decent teams. I get nothing out of this pack and an opponent I faced last week got a free GL.
    I wouldn't mind new players catching up. I hate players my level being gifted a GL.
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    These packs are great SKLR was my first GL. I was currently farming Starkiller and am halfway there. But I don't have Rey and was never planning on getting her, but now I am one capital ship and a r7 BB8 away. Got the raddus and Rey packs. Will continue farming SK but am now one GL further ahead. Pretty sweet deal.

    I don't begrudge anyone getting the SKLR pack and am happy they get quick access to a toon who has served me very well and still does.
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    OrionStahr wrote: »
    Was able to purchase the bundles and everything seems kosher with the upgrades to the toons. However, I’m noticing that several of those toons aren't being counted against the journey requirements. For instance, the packs upgraded both Poe and Resistance Pilot to R5, but the game doesn’t seem to recognize it and check those boxes.


    Restart the game and it will count on your journey req’s
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    Ultra wrote: »
    An easy solution, would've been to make these packs accessible only sub 3 to 4M GP. New players could catch up. Old players wouldn't get slapped for choosing Rey over another GL
    Suppose you and and someone else decided for their next GL. Both of you were missing Rey and let's say LV. You went Rey the other one now has them both, leapfrogging you for no reason, but GCs stupidly to do things properly.
    Just saw Xaereths account. He's almost 10M GP and just got 2 more GLs for 30$. That could not have been intended

    Why should players with 4.1 M GP be punished

    Why are you trying to gate Rey / SLKR to newer players and not all players?

    The GLs are over 3 years old

    Because if you reward veteran players with free GLs it unbalances the game. You understand that right? We're not talking about the toons. You're not just giving them the toons. You're giving them hard earned gear and relic mats worth literally thousands of dollars to try to replicate with gems. But only to players who didn't farm a Rey or SLKR right now... If player in my GAC bracket is given that you understand it breaks the integrity and balance right? They then can move those relic and gear mats to make other teams stronger cause they no longer have to go through the farm of SLKR/Rey
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    Valdarion wrote: »
    If this is truly to help new players, then limit it to new accounts... < 1-2 years old / under a certain GP, etc... This breaks the balance and integrity of the game. I am a 9 mil GP player who's been playing for years. GAC is by far my favorite game mode. I don't begrudge new players getting a catchup. But why is a catchup offered to 9m players as well? I farmed and developed both SLKR and Rey. In my GAC, there's still plenty of opponents who don't have Rey, but who may very well have everything but her and Leia. Now they're insta-given a complete r5 team and Rey for the price of a cup of coffee... the relic and gear mats alone... There is no offering if you have both GLs already, but those that don't, get a handout for 1/150th the original real world cost and effort. CG has given a competitive edge to certain players. Now those players can put that saved gear and relic mats toward newer GLs, toons... This is a poor implementation of a "catchup" mechanic intended to help new players when it impacts the entire player base, except the top 1% whales.

    First, you’re making a false assumption about this being to help newer players. I don’t think that’s been said and even if it has and I missed it then it’s just words. This is like anything else CG does, it’s to make money and excluding people runs counter to that. As for breaking the integrity and balance of the game, come on. Even buying all 4 packs brings you nowhere near the meta of anything, it would allow you to be more competitive at best. Welcome to p2w games. Are these great deals? Raddus and BB8 are at least. They need to be great to push through the justified rage the majority of the player base is feeling right now. This is a dual purpose money grab and distraction from the current surge of bugs, problems and poor decisions CG has made lately, plain and simple. I suppose you could construe them as a form of apology for the series of snafus the last few months but I doubt that was ever actually discussed at CG which is a missed opportunity, if they pretended to care once in a while there wouldn’t be such a groundswell of anger when they inevitably screw up.
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    Valdarion wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    An easy solution, would've been to make these packs accessible only sub 3 to 4M GP. New players could catch up. Old players wouldn't get slapped for choosing Rey over another GL
    Suppose you and and someone else decided for their next GL. Both of you were missing Rey and let's say LV. You went Rey the other one now has them both, leapfrogging you for no reason, but GCs stupidly to do things properly.
    Just saw Xaereths account. He's almost 10M GP and just got 2 more GLs for 30$. That could not have been intended

    Why should players with 4.1 M GP be punished

    Why are you trying to gate Rey / SLKR to newer players and not all players?

    The GLs are over 3 years old

    Because if you reward veteran players with free GLs it unbalances the game. You understand that right? We're not talking about the toons. You're not just giving them the toons. You're giving them hard earned gear and relic mats worth literally thousands of dollars to try to replicate with gems. But only to players who didn't farm a Rey or SLKR right now... If player in my GAC bracket is given that you understand it breaks the integrity and balance right? They then can move those relic and gear mats to make other teams stronger cause they no longer have to go through the farm of SLKR/Rey

    The GL's aren't free, there is a cost to acquisition. They are available to all players not just veterans. It doesn't break the integrity of the game or unbalance it as they are avaliable to all players at same cost. The game has always offered the ability to upgrade through paying for it.

    It's a great deal for a player looking to improve. Improving should not be just limited to a select few.
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    They are not giting anything. People have to buy the packs.
    Players: CG your packs are over priced, relic material packs are not worth what they are selling them for
    Also players: These packs are to low in price they are breaking the balance. You are giving away relics that cost thousands of dollars.

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    Tsfletch wrote: »
    Valdarion wrote: »
    If this is truly to help new players, then limit it to new accounts... < 1-2 years old / under a certain GP, etc... This breaks the balance and integrity of the game. I am a 9 mil GP player who's been playing for years. GAC is by far my favorite game mode. I don't begrudge new players getting a catchup. But why is a catchup offered to 9m players as well? I farmed and developed both SLKR and Rey. In my GAC, there's still plenty of opponents who don't have Rey, but who may very well have everything but her and Leia. Now they're insta-given a complete r5 team and Rey for the price of a cup of coffee... the relic and gear mats alone... There is no offering if you have both GLs already, but those that don't, get a handout for 1/150th the original real world cost and effort. CG has given a competitive edge to certain players. Now those players can put that saved gear and relic mats toward newer GLs, toons... This is a poor implementation of a "catchup" mechanic intended to help new players when it impacts the entire player base, except the top 1% whales.

    First, you’re making a false assumption about this being to help newer players. I don’t think that’s been said and even if it has and I missed it then it’s just words. This is like anything else CG does, it’s to make money and excluding people runs counter to that. As for breaking the integrity and balance of the game, come on. Even buying all 4 packs brings you nowhere near the meta of anything, it would allow you to be more competitive at best. Welcome to p2w games. Are these great deals? Raddus and BB8 are at least. They need to be great to push through the justified rage the majority of the player base is feeling right now. This is a dual purpose money grab and distraction from the current surge of bugs, problems and poor decisions CG has made lately, plain and simple. I suppose you could construe them as a form of apology for the series of snafus the last few months but I doubt that was ever actually discussed at CG which is a missed opportunity, if they pretended to care once in a while there wouldn’t be such a groundswell of anger when they inevitably screw up.

    I never said it was meta. And I was referring to the many comments saying this is a great catchup mechanic for new players. I'm fine paying money for this game. I'm not f2p. And if I didn't have these toons I'd absolutely buy them for this ridiculous price. But you're giving a p2w option to a segment of the player base, with no compensation for those of the same GP level. And you still didn't address the biggest issue, which is the free gear and relic mats. GAC is the only mode this really affects. TW/TB will balance out and it's a great boost for guilds.
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