4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    I liked everything until I found out the health/protection "balancing" update just nerfed all my attackers. That is a pathetic move and needs to go.
    "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes." ~ Leia Organa
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    You'll forget about it in a week and you still be playing. Speed and power determined too many battles before, now battles are more interesting. Games like these always need tweaking, I think this one was necessary.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    What the heck? My comment has to be approved? Anyone getting this?

    Yup, first time ever for me as well. I edit myself guys, it's okay, you can trust me.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Now I can't even beat a tier 2 challenge and I am lvl 60 and have lvl 7 armor on 3 of those characters. ****
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    Anakin hit like a noodle now he does even less damage.
    Bariss hits even softer
    Old Ben does too
    QGJ and Yoda got hurt the worst of all........ Yoda has a 70% decrease in his AoE and with the addition of fortitude this is officially useless unless your stealing buffs.
    I really am have a hard swallow with this update....... Ill let it sink for a week or 2 and see how it plans out.
  • Magoo
    12 posts Member
    I agree. I'm going to stick it out and hope for the best, but I feel pretty cheated atm. All the time I sank into building my team and strategy, seems to be out the window. I doubt I will last another month.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    All they needed was to balance some characters........
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    its not the arena and meta changes that are even frustrating. it's the fact they've made gear level tiers that were previously beatable, practically impossible while GW is going to take an hour + if it's even doable
  • Dario
    326 posts Member
    How did qgj get hit the most? He still hits good and his skills are invaluable.
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    i totally hate the update.
    game became extremely slow, extremely defensive...
    GW: i used to finish on Auto-play, today lost 3 toons. (i running barris+lumi together, this is INSANE)
    you have protection once, so you basically have to face 10/11 teams that have advantage over you at start game.
    Arena: cant tell yet, played one game. it took so long, it proved the death of attackers completely. My old Ben control the game, with offense down, the other team cant do ANYTHING vs protection. dooku hit 4 times cant remove even a quarter of protection from Ben. so dooku useless, rey pretty much useless, gs,ig86,88, and basically EVERY attacker ?!
    the game became only TM manipulators, Debuffers, and buffers. all the rest have no place, they are useless.
    Healers dont effect the game anymore, since they will always heal only ONE toon. the AI will struggle even more when not focusing a single toon, it won't be able to kill anything.
    challanges: EXTREMLY HARD. with no damage, this is very hard to beat them, i had to stop the auto-play and take charge and focus my atcks well and startegy in order to beat savage. and it takes LONG. i dont want to sit on my phone allday to play this game, it should be swift and fun, not a burden.
    slow game, boring, lack of damage. this update is pretty bad IMO.
  • Diraan
    332 posts Member
    What the heck? My comment has to be approved? Anyone getting this?

    Baha. I wonder why people are so upset that they have to alter the comment system? It's a mystery the likes of which even sherlock couldn't solve.
    4/25/2016 - The day General Grevious Shards were reasonably priced.
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    All characters hits are weak now. I can't even beat a tier 2 challenge now at lvl 60 and lvl 7 armor on 3 of those characters
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    I agree. I don't like where this game is going. While right now everyone is complaining about damage nerfs and the disastrous challenges, I'm mainly concerned with protection. If you haven't noticed, protection can only be increased by upgrading a characters gear level. This creates a huge wall between whales/pre-crafters and f2p players. Whales and p2w are going to have ungodly advantages. The main reason behind why I got this game was because p2w players had advantages, but f2p could still compete. Now, that is gone.
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    The only problem now is everyone is jumping to just straight tank teams. I have been playing area and now I'm seeing teams with Baris, Fives, Daka, Luminara etc. They barely even deal any damage to me, I had one game where none of my characters protection was taken down, but I timed out. I don't mind the changes but if you are going to cater to tanks then they should at least up the timer. All my games against tanks are coming down to the wire (1 minute or less)
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    I like all the changes so far
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    This is the move I waited from EA to return to Summoner Wars,
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    EA is a joke!
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    Love it so much I gave Phasma my one and only precraft fusion furnace.
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    I'm leaving GOH, I'm going back to Summoner Wars.
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    Hell, I can't even beat the tier 3 attacker challenge. Normally my Vader saber throw wipes out either Veers or Tarkin. NOPE! Not any more.
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    Thank you team; love the update
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    Stop. Merging. Threads!!!!
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    Well the whole update is here and now my "assumptions" have come to truth.
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    Not terribly impressed thus far....just a bit more tedious imo.
  • Zemon
    26 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm actually mixed about the update, so much so that I actually made a forum account. It seems like tanks are gonna play a much bigger part, which I do appreciate. Haven't messed around with my 7* PK but compared to the team devouring Savage or Rg, I'm sure he is useless as usual. Nerfing the Jedi does leave me questioning the power of those members of the light side , whether it be the 5 Jedi I got to 7* or otherwise. On a high note I'm also thinking Phasma may rule the arena once again. Where FOTP is still a good DD and my in game hero, that bug scum GS is fricken wicked. Perviously i had no issues with the speed freaks and wanted GS, SO, IG-86, and IG-88 nerfed with this update i feel the same way still. Anyone know how robots are doing with this upgrade?
    Buffs baby Buffs
  • Balbes
    82 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Sadly that "balance" patch nerfed most chars but left untouched 2 most unbalanced chars - Rey and GS.
    I laughed when i 1 hit k.o with Rey shielded lumi in arena after patch. So much for balancing
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    this is terrible, the omega challenge thing, I have 1 character out of 3 for that......

    I worked hard on getting Jedi....seeing how they are the heros in the lore that is Star Wars....and all of the Jedi has become complete ****......seriously...nerfing Yoda????? seriously??????


    People are on the nose with quitting.....
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    Relax young yoda
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    i hate this thread merging as much as i hate the update.
    and god, i hate this update so much.
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    Game sucks now time to fine a new one sorry I put the money into it I did!!!!!!!!
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