4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    I'll give it a try for a bit, but I'm not spending anymore, the veers and tarkin challenge are impossible...
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    Decided to knock down my challenges for the night. Lo and behold, in the attacker challenge, my guys are whacking away for 18k and I cannot even see the bosses bars going down. Not to mention stormtrooper grenades doing 2x-3x the damage they used to do, effectively bloodying my nose nicely before round 3. This was a lot different last night. I managed to kill _a_ support droid. LMAO. ****?
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    I loved this game. A lot. Now Its hard to bring myself to play it. They need to admit they made a mistake here.
  • Al_Tiz
    58 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    You guys are full of it. I've been playing f2p since December, got #1 or #2 everyday for months until I changed jobs and took a break, I came back when the cap was raised and am currently lv 73. High damage has always been the number 1 complaint in the forums. They have literally flipped the hp v damage ratio and you guys still complain.

    For those of us f2p'ers that are successful we value strategy over all, I will continue to adapt to any changes without crying and enjoying the challenge I'm presented with because it's the only fun part about an otherwise mundane farm game. Try new strategies to output higher damage by exploiting synergies now that your units won't bite the dust before they can make a move. Just be cautioned success as usual will be more difficult for f2p and will require dedication on the one hand to grind for resources and critical thinking to allocate those resources and succeed in arena simultaneously. I'll be enjoying this new challenge while you guys contine to whine interminably.
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    No... I dont love it at all! ¬¬
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    Thanks for making me LEAVE this game... no more money payed. .. Wait, its actually a GOOD thing! ****!!!! GW now its very hard, Challenges are imposibile -- With healers at least... Thanks again for **** this game... USED TO LIVE IT
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    I have no clue how people are winning with tank teams......running Lumi, Chewie, Mace, Fives, and random damage dealer and have lost 3 straight.....
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Stop. Merging. Threads!!!!

    i hate this thread merging as much as i hate the update.
    and god, i hate this update so much.

    this is terrible, the omega challenge thing, I have 1 character out of 3 for that......

    I worked hard on getting Jedi....seeing how they are the heros in the lore that is Star Wars....and all of the Jedi has become complete ****......seriously...nerfing Yoda????? seriously??????


    People are on the nose with quitting.....

    jackrl wrote: »
    New update is terrible. I've spent 6+ months playing this **** game & now my team is completely ineffective because of this "protection" stat. Probably will no longer play this game. Thanks EA. All anyone really wants is more sweet characters but instead you completely rework the game for no reason. Please undo this terrible update!

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    this update, so far, has taken away any ability to have unique teams different from everyone elses yet still maintain an competetiveness...

    Now you MUST HAVE 6 or so of the same characters if you want to stay competetive.

    And worst of all, thoise 6 or 7 characters are complete no bodies in the star wars universe.

    It would be one thing if Sidious had GSs skills.

    Or Old Ben had RGs skill set..

    At least you would be using important star wars characters.

    But now....let play starwars.....I want geonesan soldier...oooh and a Royal Guard....ooohhhh hoo hooo...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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    I was gonna say...I'm pretty ****. If they don't fix this **** soon I'll be finding another game.
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    My Tusken team is now useless... Nice job EA.
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    CG, there is time to salvage this. Your players hate you right now. Admit you made a mistake. Roll it back. Try again.
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    I'll likely be moving onto Marvel Alliance 2 (even with its crashing) as the SWGoH developers seem to be rather disconnected from the player base.
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    So many negative threads I can't even keep up lol
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    ~gives golf clap~
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    The op is right. This "balance" update is horrible. Seriously, what were they thinking? Did they even understand what people were saying about balance? All the op toons before today's update are still op and now they are harder to kill bc of protection. Protection was a good idea but if you don't change the damage and speed then all it does is increase health universally and lengthen games.

    I saw No damage increase for slower toons. Actually, there was a damage reduction for them. Slow toons got as much or more damage reductions as the fast ones. They hurt Mace even more and made Magma trooper useless. I'm gonna think it over but I may be done with this game.
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    Indeed. You can't **** off 90% of your player base and expect everything to be ok. Rollback please.
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    This is how it will be unless they do the right thing and listen to their players
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    They dont care im sure. Well, they MAY care but they wont change it back im quite sure. They think this is genious or they wouldnt have done it smh
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    Zemon wrote: »
    Anyone know how robots are doing with this upgrade?
    Buffs baby Buffs

    Droids received 2 bars of protection, so Rey can still take one out as long as someone takes out a bar of protection first.
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    Mods. Please don't toe the EA line and delete this. This needs to be seen. This update needs back to the drawing board
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    this update, so far, has taken away any ability to have unique teams different from everyone elses yet still maintain an competetiveness...

    Now you MUST HAVE 6 or so of the same characters if you want to stay competetive.

    And worst of all, thoise 6 or 7 characters are complete no bodies in the star wars universe.

    It would be one thing if Sidious had GSs skills.

    Or Old Ben had RGs skill set..

    At least you would be using important star wars characters.

    But now....let play starwars.....I want geonesan soldier...oooh and a Royal Guard....ooohhhh hoo hooo...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    This post makes too much sense!
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    I'm very curious as to how EA will respond to all the negativity around the update, I'm at least sticking around for raids to kick in.
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    Way to ruin what was a fun game....
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    Classix wrote: »
    I have no clue how people are winning with tank teams......running Lumi, Chewie, Mace, Fives, and random damage dealer and have lost 3 straight.....

    They're not "winning" with those teams. They're winning with another, then they drop in that tank team to frustrate other players on defense.
    RU486 wrote: »
    Oh I'm not quitting, I just wont be enjoying the game I loved as much and for sure not spending anymore on it.

    Lemme get this straight: you, the OP, the guy who says that the game will be gone in a month... isn't really quitting?!?

    I'm shocked!!
    (Sarcasm implied.)
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    I know it's been harder to finish arena battles near pay out , trust me this one guy i usually beat EASILY bested my team EASILY, so I did a little tweaking and ended up getting 10 at payout, my favorite thing of all is how beast Kylo Ren is... Just cause he's one of my favorite characters and i farmed him to 7stars for so long... thank you EA and CG so far I am a fan! this update has kept me interested in the game and I hope guilds and raids are even BETTER !!
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    CG, there is time to salvage this. Your players hate you right now. Admit you made a mistake. Roll it back. Try again.

    Lol. Dude. Take the night off from the game and the board. Use whatever it is you use to unwind. Go find a chick at the bar. You're going to have a coronary infarction at this rate.
    I am Darth Spartacus
  • Eleiem
    334 posts Member
    Too soon to tell. I like it in the arena, but challenges are a nightmare and haven't tried GW yet.
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    no one must have rg on your server
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