4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    They took my Credits more than 600k after the Update ..... Thank U really Thank U ... Ruined this game ...
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    What people don't understand is that the "variety" of squads they want just isn't going to happen. People want the BEST team, so the minute someone finds the unnecessarily OP characters for this update, everyone will have them. People say how they love the diversity now..... Wait until everyone on the leaderboard has RG, Stormtrooper Han, and Daka...
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    First thing I noticed is how it is generically slower to play; seems all characters hit softer and the shields really hamper the heavy-hitters (eg FOTP would previously easily finish off a damaged opponent as he'd be say 3rd to shoot. Shields mean Keen Eye isn't active on his first turn)
    It does mean there will be a lot more battles where the score will be 5-3 as opposed the plentiful 5-0s previously

    But previously it was relatively simple: grab stats from SWGOH and get the highest BDMG/Speed rating with a couple tweaks
    We're getting to a major change in the meta where synergies become more important and it's about creating a balanced team where abilities interact to support each other.
    Obviously people who spent money building a team for the previous meta will feel like they wasted resources going in the (currently) wrong direction (not sure whether/how to appease them)
    Will have to unlearn a lot to decide where to go, hopefully get an updated stats pack soon. Before that time def not spending much in the way of gems/tokens/crystals
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    I started playing about 3 months ago. The game was great back then challenging but not so hard you can't defeat challenges. With this update my team of level 71's can't even come close to defeating the level 62 challenges. What happened with this crappy update. Worst update ever
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    Since my thread was deleted I will just keep posting this...

    Should have made team construction limited to

    1 - Tank
    1 - Healer
    2 - Attackers
    1 - Support

    (or 2 support 1 attacker)

    With 7 healers
    With 15 tanks
    With 24 Support
    with 31 attackers

    Team construction would have been incredible varied and far more competitive and balanced.
  • ReyIsTheOnlyBae4Me
    13 posts Member
    edited April 2016

    Update was and is and will remain ****.

    If Grand Master Yoda, and his months of work, becomes and unplayable character do to complete and utter uselessness, Darth Sidious becomes useless and characters like a bug and RG become gods, then you have the worst Star Wars game ever created.

    Congratulations EA

    You have just turned The Emopire Strikes Back into a Star Wars Christmas Special.

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    Game became slow and a struggle especially for a casual player now. There's an old saying, "if it ain't broke, fix it till it is."

    Thanks devs.
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    I feel enemies have way too much health now. I thought the health bars were just being adjusted to look more accurate but it seems they also majorly boosted their health. For example the bounty hunter mission. a round takes like 5 min now instead of like 1-2 min and cad bane can pretty much one shot all my guys now.
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    I was fine with the speed game and wished EA would just ignore the whiners too lazy to adapt to the new meta.

    This update sucks. People don't want to spend hours on a mobile app playing with characters who deal little damage. EA should have just ignored the whiner noobs who didn't know what they were talking about.

    This is the long and short of it for me: before update an arena match would take 2.5 min to complete, meaning spread out over the day I could do ten wars in about a half hour. Now the wars go well over 4 mins, which means I gotta devote at least an extra 1/2 hour of my day to the app for the same results. Screw that. Off to give this a one star review.
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    I'm not very active on the forums, but wanted to add my opinion into the mix. This update is very poor and, having spent a lot of money on this game (the first mobile game I have spent anything significant on), I am now officially F2P and, if there is recourse to get my money back I will be taking it.

    All the weeks and months of grinding certain toons has been for nothing. The new Protection stat is awful, the damage nerf makes it feel like a slow and ponderous game, and it is now boring. I was already frustrated with the low drop rates and was looking forward to new content.

    You have achieved in making old, stale content even more boring! I hate PVP balancing at the expense of all other aspects of a game. It has been put so much better by others on the forum, but this update needs to be rolled back and new content added instead. Thumbs down EA.
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    I know Galactic war is horribly unfair with shields but I have no more problem with arena as I had before. Quest and challenges are too difficult to put time into though.

    So far this is absolutely my main gripe! In addition I see the following:

    (1) This is a mobile game, not an MMORPG so battles should not be taking forever to fight. You want to be able to pick this up and play for 10 min, not hours. Everything takes longer and is harder now

    (2) They killed the ability to go higher in challenges. Played the highest level ability mats challenge yesterday and I don't think 5 lvl 80 players could have beaten those two in time before getting l hit smashed with special ability. This is ridiculous... It used to be at accomplishable by lvl 70-72 characters to finish that. Stupid...

    (3) Cannot reiterate enough how stupid it is not to renew shields(protection) on characters in Galactic March. Makes it virtually impossible at higher level and I don't see how anyone can finish unless the have 20 purple lvl 70+ toons to play with. Even then, it might be difficult. I think this was all designed to force people to buy/build more characters instead of playing with your favorites that work.

    Screw you EA and your crap update!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    This new update REALLY SUCKS!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    Asic wrote: »
    To your first point, challenges should be challenging. I actually lost a couple times on auto today, first time for weeks. I wish they were more challenging to give me something to work towards.

    To your second which starts in your first-There are lots of posts along to increase HP. Lots. Lots more begging for a shift from speed meta. It's basically what they did without making healers meta. Speed meta was broken and based on the EP comments would be more broken at next cap increase.

    I also want challenging challenges, but the difficulty should not come from numerical advantages. It should come from having to make tactical decisions, which is not the case now. Most people are limited by their roster, when they could complete it before the changes.
    It creates frustration.

    I also suggest you read the intro of the post: I am happy with the end of the speed meta, and as I said, I am not talking about it. I'm pointing the flaws in PvE since the update.
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    EA has done terrible with their games lately especially in concern with Star Wars. Battlefront turned out to be a bit of a let down and now all the rebalancing on here. I usually play this at work because it is fast and I dont have to put too much attention into it while I work. Now I pretty much have to pay almost full attention to the game. It moves way too slow now please fix it. I love this game and don't want to end up not playing anymore.
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    They have slowed some characters by slowing the whole game down. Think this is a mistake and that they have forgotton its a game for your mobile where you play in the breaks you can get through your day. Agree the speed meta needed tweeking but this is badly implemented.
    Think people need to hear a response from the devs to all the feedback, because in this day and age people can move onto the 'next big thing' pretty quicky and are unlikely to return if they do.
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    The game balancing doesn't make much sense to me. When going through Galactic war, the earlier battles with weaker characters now have more health, are just as hard to kill as the later battles and are now over powered. The "protection" only works to the advantage of the AI in the following battles and the goal of protection was to prevent one hit kills, which now happen more to me. This doesn't make sense and I really don't like it.
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    Btw: Chewie's regeneration is totally useless after this update...

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    I created an account here just to complain. I don't want to bash or name call, just file an honest complaint. All the fun and enjoyment has been **** out of this game because of this update. I loved the whole Ewok event - things like that are great! But crippling my entire team and doubling an AI opponent makes it impossible to win--not challengong to win--impossible to win. Can you please rethink this update?
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    For a game I previously enjoyed AND one of the games I spent real money on... not happy with new update - far too slow now, characters too weak...Logged in every day for rewards and missions for last 5 months - now.... may not log in again... very dissapointed.
    Will be asking for a refund, and they can delete my game data.
  • Juff
    24 posts Member
    Call me when you fix yoda.
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    I just don't have the time to babysit all the challenges and GW.

    Yesterday's arena I ended every single one with 4 or 5 characters standing.

    Offensive arena got easier, and all challenges and GW, which were tedious and repetitive before, now require my constant micromanagement.

    Not my cup of tea.
    Knights of the Mobile Republic
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    This latest update really sucks and seems to be driving the need for in-app purchases. In arena battles I have a squad with total power of about 15k and I've been able to beat squads that are 20 at times using skill. This new update cut my whole teams power in half by not having shields. My ranking is going to sink until I get my squad to gear level 7. I now need to buy crystals to get more opportuniy to play missions and get gear... A lot of the fun has been taken out of this game for me.
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    How do I get my money back, now that the game is ruined and the characters I worked hard to build are worthless??
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    It's always fun to get a kick out of all the whiners after an update comes out.... No one wants to have to work for anything anymore. Good patch by the way. Tha protection aspect really looks great. This is going to force people to have to think about strats rather than just face rolling their phones. Keep up the good work and am looking forward to the raid!!!!
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    Yeah, how do we get money back?

    In the consumer world, when a product is purchased, the purchaser has the right to be able to refund if product is deemed unsatisfactory.

    Well guess what......
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    I usually play this at work because it is fast and I dont have to put too much attention into it while I work. Now I pretty much have to pay almost full attention to the game. It moves way too slow now please fix it. I love this game and don't want to end up not playing anymore.

    I feel exactly the same. I played it at work over other games because I could put a battle on Auto-play and win battles without having to worry too much and still get work done, but now it's either all of my attention on this game or work. Playing this game doesn't pay the bills, so guess which one I'll be choosing.
  • bobsyoda
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Made an account just to complain. I don't typically care or complain about games since I don't typically care enough to bother.

    This game was a decent time waster for the cost of a cup of coffee periodically I could feel progress and play.. 1 hours tops a days spread throughout the day and I could move up the ranks happily.

    The new update has turned this game from a fun way to waste time at starbucks into a game that requires TIME based dedication. In short, I have wasted a crap load of time building a fun team of characters and due to some developers deciding they wanted it to be more difficult, have made it impossible to play. In order to finish things quickly I am finding myself playing challenges 2 to 3 levels lower than I did previously meaning I now don't progress.

    This game now, and simply.. sucks. Thanks for taking my money and making the game a steaming pile of crap. Mobile games need to be fast and quick..

    Here is a last point, I have always despised mobile gaming, they are either too simple or don't suit the platform, you guys had found a balance that really pleased me, so I have been playing for months (a **** record)...

    On the bright side, I have now recovered an hour of my life back, more time to bike and hike.

    I had been recommending this game to friends and family to play, I won't be now.
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    Star Wars KOTOR IS Downloadable for less than the price of 1200 Crystals. (RPG Game and AWESOME)

  • ReyIsTheOnlyBae4Me
    13 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    There are definitely some things the devs should think about....

    1. When your app goes from 5 stars to 2 and 1/2 an the App Store.... YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG

    2. When Royal Guard and Geonosian Soldier become a more viable option than Yoda, Darth Sidious, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett etc....YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG

    3. When the a good portion of the fan base paid a lot of money to play this game and are now demanding their money back.... YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG

    Regardless if you like the new update or not, these are FACTS and this game is now a joke
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    People complain about speed and one hit kills and lack of arena diversity.... So they slow the game down, lower damage and increase arena diversity and everyone loses their minds!
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