4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    Danmorrisg wrote: »
    All very sensitive on here aren't you

    You realize that you got angry at someone for having a different opinion than you, and now you say we're all sensitive? Great logic dude.
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    Danmorrisg wrote: »
    At any point did I say my opinion was more valid than yours? I merely expressed my disappointment. I at no point said 'everyone thinks this' or 'no likes it', so thanks for that pointless outburst from you, you absolute melt.

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    How in any way did I get angry? All a bit of banter fella #cheeky #lad 1v1 me on rust
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    Personally I think all the changes are dumb. Reason being: I, like many of you have played this game for 4+ months. We played to the pros, and cons of the game. So to come in and obliterate all the work we've done is like making a painting for 4+ month just to have someone say sry the colors were all one big typo. Why would you do that? Okay now more points less personal feelings.

    I played the STR Gear Challenge 3 times today on auto (which is a terrible player anyway) and beat it, came back after the update barely made it over half way. I have a geo soldier,(gear lvl 9, six stars) sidius,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) IG-86,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) Luminara,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) and Consular(gear lvl 8, 6 stars). My squad power is 28k (ish). I fought a 25k (ish) squad. And lost twice.
    My geo soldier could do 10k damage combined attack with critical damage on both. I did a 5k damage with critical damage.

    I hate the new way. I loved the old life meter much better. If you think that I'm wrong please let me show me what Im doing wrong. That being said I despise the update so does my whole family (who plays the game).

    I love this game and I don't want to erase it. Partly because it's an interesting game, partly because I love star wars. I have gone through many games (marvel: contest of champions, marvel: future fight, Jurassic world, Avengers assemble 2, star wars: worlds at conflict) and no game has compared to this game.

    And I'm looking forward to the guilds and raids I've
    saved a thousand crystals already just to have my own so I love this game a lot.

    So in summary I love the game.
    I hate the update with all of its content.
    And EA please fix it.
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    Oh, I want to make another separate statement about the Yoda mega nerf - considering all the resources needed to get and level up him - he felt really in place and rewarding, now he's just a mediocre toon, actually weaker then some of the ewoks... thats.... just feels bad man.

    And I can confirm the nerf on credits and shard gains. Clearly someone from the financial team was giving ideas on the game devs. Feels even more bad, man.
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    I agree and here's why.

    Personally I think all the changes are dumb. Reason being: I, like many of you have played this game for 4+ months. We played to the pros, and cons of the game. So to come in and obliterate all the work we've done is like making a painting for 4+ month just to have someone say sry the colors were all one big typo. Why would you do that? Okay now more points less personal feelings.

    I played the STR Gear Challenge 3 times today on auto (which is a terrible player anyway) and beat it, came back after the update barely made it over half way. I have a geo soldier,(gear lvl 9, six stars) sidius,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) IG-86,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) Luminara,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) and Consular(gear lvl 8, 6 stars). My squad power is 28k (ish). I fought a 25k (ish) squad. And lost twice.
    My geo soldier could do 10k damage combined attack with critical damage on both. I did a 5k damage with critical damage.

    I hate the new way. I loved the old life meter much better. If you think that I'm wrong please let me show me what Im doing wrong. That being said I despise the update so does my whole family (who plays the game).

    I love this game and I don't want to erase it. Partly because it's an interesting game, partly because I love star wars. I have gone through many games (marvel: contest of champions, marvel: future fight, Jurassic world, Avengers assemble 2, star wars: worlds at conflict) and no game has compared to this game.

    And I'm looking forward to the guilds and raids I've
    saved a thousand crystals already just to have my own so I love this game a lot.

    So in summary I love the game.
    I hate the update with all of its content.
    And EA please fix it.
  • Obi_Wan_Cannoli
    272 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    1.) Rollback update apart from aesthetics and bug fixes. Replace protection by bolstering health of every character through multiplying it's health by a percentages based on their speed (slower characters receive higher health bump. Do this so that character with lowest health can withstand QGJ + Rey attack.

    2.) Don't nerf any characters. Just stop it. Nerfing characters is a slap in the face to players who spend months building up characters grinding through the game. Instead, do semi frequent updates that buff other characters so that they better compete with or even replace the existing META characters. e.g. add taunt to Finn's hold the line. Nice buff no one will be mad about. Smiles not frowns, guys.

    That is all. My ideas are awesome, and everyone agrees with me. I can code too, I'll do it myself. EA, hire me, I'll fix your dumb game so that you don't anger like four fifths of your users with every update you make. [/b]
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    Danmorrisg wrote: »
    How in any way did I get angry? All a bit of banter fella #cheeky #lad 1v1 me on rust
    Re-read your comment and you'll see. I use the javelin during quick scope matches
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    Of course they have to make money on games.
    But they went too far.
    Solution is simple. Do not buy anything, until they will roll back from robbing us from advantage gained by buying crystals to build our teams.
    I was buying for $20-§30 every month, for last few months.
    I will not buy anything more from company, who already robbed me.
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    I like that attitude :D amd ya there would have been so many ways to do things better but no ofc well go with the easiest and most offending1! Geniuses(sighs)
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    I don't like the new update one bit. I've worked hard levelling my players up and making them stronger but now the changes to health bars my players seem weaker and keep getting knocked out in battles that I've never lost before. It's ridiculous. I'm not getting anywhere now as I can't win any challenges to earn rewards. I've put a lot of time into this game and I enjoyed playing it but since this change I can't do anything. In my opinion it should be changed back to how it was. .. What are other people's thoughts?
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    EA I hope you are reading the comments here.

    As you can see except for very few almost EVERYBODY that has been a long time player and spent real money (in my case more money than any other mobile game ever) are very unhapppy you were already making ALLOT of Money on this game and now you probably listened to some Financial consultant who made you more greedy, so greedy that you basically broke the game.

    Roll back your latest update, do this one over and do it right. I have been playing this game everyday since December 2015 basically its the only game I play, not anymore.

    But until the stupidity of this latest Update is rolled back or changed I have gotten Final Fantasy IX to play on my downtime.

    Thats my 2 cents Peace out!
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    Tisikotka wrote: »

    My first post here, but I need to give my 5 cents for the new updated, after spending the whole day with it.

    First let me do a brief introduction to myself. I've started my career as a game editor, worked that for over 10 years (when game medias were only magazines), and I work as a graphic designer for the last 6 years, 4 of them in a game retail online store, and 2 of them in the local branch of one of the biggest European game developers/producers (will hold on the name).

    I didnt read other comments, wanted my opinion to be unbiased by anything, so excuse me if I repeat something, other people stated. Also forgive any typos or other mistakes - engl. is not my native langugae.

    Reasons why we have the update
    In any online game, stalement is most visible in the end-game, and creating rich and satisifying meta is really hard thing to do (rarely a game company does it - one of the best in doing it is Blizzard, but even they sometimes fail at it (D3 pre-expansion, current SC2, vanilla WoW).

    Having few adequate team roosters, most of them being OTK is a problem for the game, that will push customers back. Being killed in one or 2 turns, without being able to interact with the game, while this is happening is not something new, and should have been forseen when characters and sinergies were designed (same thing happened in Hearthstone with Patron Warrior). As in HS, playing against same kind of opponents and being defeated in the same way over and over agains is really bad and should be addressed. I think that is what update was aiming to, and kinnda did it. But I worked way to much with games, to clearly see how devs didnt considered the impact the update will have on all other aspects of the game. And that chums is just bad game design decisions.

    Also lazy. Come on guys - playing the nerf hammer on dmg models, and buffing HP is just pure lazy. It is the "safe card" of game design, that can be done faster and with minimum effort, instead of rethinking every character, skill, and sinegry. I can just speculate why that was done - smaller team, tide deadlines, lack of creativity - I don't care really, but such decisions tend to kill games, especially when clearly no one considered how they will impact the game on all levels.

    Side note: messages like: Give it a try and then speak, or changes are for 80 lvl characters whith gear you dont have are actually pretty insulting. 20% dmg nerf is 20% nerf, coupled with higher hp is 40, up to 50% dmg nerf, and it IMPACTS THE GAME.

    Yes, this removes (to some extent) the issue of OTK teams at late game PVE. The combo is still present and still strong, and because you can't heal shields it only delays a little your dead, after initial rampage that takes down 1 or 2 of your core toons.

    Problem is - it impacts all other game modes, and suddenly that increase of hp, and decrease in dmg leads to proportional inrease of time to complete PVE and decrease in chance to progress. The game was some kind of balanced in pve, but suddenly you buff the difficulty level with those percents.

    Since the only motivation to replay any mission is to grind resources, uping the completion time with more then 50% in some cases on the higher level missions is a bad game design choice for a mobile game. Most people play on their mobiles in shor brakes - in school or on their work, 3-4 min for a fix... hardly doable when it takes 8 minutes for a lvl 4 challenge with 7 starred lvl 60 toons. All battles are longer by a lot, and thats dull and boring.

    2.Galactic war
    After the first couple of battles your shields are down and don't regen, at all. GW was allready buffing your opponent teams (higher levels/gear/stars) so the rubbish AI have to oppose real players. Now it just handicaps you, by buffing with up to 45% the hp of the enemies. All battles are longer by a lot, and thats dull and boring, especially when RNG is not on your side, and your first 7 attacks proc their dodge, and you got critted so you have to restart a battle.
    Is it doable - yeah, much harder then before, sinking twice the time (longer battles + lowered win chance = more retries)

    3. PVE in general and challenges
    Again we face the issue how enemies feel buffed by a lot with the dmg nerf. Some challenges are really bad now, not only they take lots of time but you can't actually finish them. Those are the main way to attain resources, and I can see that this will urge people to spend cash on tickets but after few tries they will just stop doing it. It allready felt like a chore... and wasn't exactly fun. Now its boring to a level of frustration. Besides, upping the completion time and needing personal attention are two factors that most of the users (family type of guys, who can't afford to sink 2-3 hours just to do the dailies) don't have.

    4. Shield buff and arena
    8 battles today (refreshed), barely completed 3 of them before the timer expired. Actually i laughed and remebered how the duels of Shaman vs Paladin in vanilla wow went. For those of you who didnt experienced that - neither could kill the other for hours in hands of skilled players. Like litterally they didnt get the the damage to topple over the heals. Same stuff here.

    Thats where i felt that the last update was game breaking. The new taunt/healers meta that will emerge will be much more toxic and unbarable then current one. Get your team to the desired rank, swithc to all tanks/healers, Pass a game. Sure - you wouldnt be able to kill your attackers, but they wouldnt be able to do it so you keep your progress.
    Now battles are longer, but not fun-er. They are frustrating and in some cases only doable in auto mode. That is purely bad game design, chums and ironicly lowers the level of interaction.

    I've spared my spare fare of cash on this game, enough to buy 2 AAA titles, and I don't regret it, as I work in the industry and know what it takes to make and support such a game. But right now i feel scammed, pretty badly.

    If our game Lead Game Designer allows such update to roll for any of our games he will be our Ex-LGD untill the end of the week.

    The best think you can do is Rerool the patch, get back to the drawing board and redo it, adressing each balance issue alone, not trying to swipe everything with the most laziest way of them all - waving the nerf hammer across the board.

    Example of precise balance patches - DOTA 2

    P.S. I can see how some of the changes were aproved as way to push people to spend for shortcuts to complete PVE and compete in PVP. Things doesnt work this way, people will get pushed back. Go back to game design 101 and reread the curve of satisfaction and reward in gaming. Thats what pushes people to rain cash, not putting walls in front of them. And putting walls on purpose, or not seeing that it will happen as a result of other actions/changes is just bad game design and really unprofesionall.

    P.S.2 Allready beta tested BF4 a whole year after release, so EA tends to allow such things to happend, didnt know it was doable on mobile games.

    ps.4 this is not a rant

    Edit: New health bars are more confusing
    Equipment and shard drop rates seems nerfed
    No one considered how OP Imperial Guard would become
    Really really bad game designs

    That happens when someone from the marketing department listens to whiners on forums and demands changes biased by the opinion of new players with less then 10 hours ingame. Really disapointing and frustrating. How can I opt for refund?

    Probably the best assessment I've read in this section and whole heartedly agree with your sentiments
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    Some stuff to improve this situation with update 4/14: 1) important to make all challenges as they were before (fast automatic accomplishment for normal pick)
    2) Yoda and some other char have become too gentle. It's ok to fix them, but not so hard.
    3) DON'T BRING BACK the game to previous version. We just need a compromise situation)
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    Normally excited about updates. Not this time. I have several characters maxed everything and the title of this says it all.

    Hope you enjoyed my money cause that's the last of it you will ever get.
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    KingPin wrote: »
    Tisikotka wrote: »

    My first post here, but I need to give my 5 cents for the new updated, after spending the whole day with it.

    First let me do a brief introduction to myself. I've started my career as a game editor, worked that for over 10 years (when game medias were only magazines), and I work as a graphic designer for the last 6 years, 4 of them in a game retail online store, and 2 of them in the local branch of one of the biggest European game developers/producers (will hold on the name).

    I didnt read other comments, wanted my opinion to be unbiased by anything, so excuse me if I repeat something, other people stated. Also forgive any typos or other mistakes - engl. is not my native langugae.

    Reasons why we have the update
    In any online game, stalement is most visible in the end-game, and creating rich and satisifying meta is really hard thing to do (rarely a game company does it - one of the best in doing it is Blizzard, but even they sometimes fail at it (D3 pre-expansion, current SC2, vanilla WoW).

    Having few adequate team roosters, most of them being OTK is a problem for the game, that will push customers back. Being killed in one or 2 turns, without being able to interact with the game, while this is happening is not something new, and should have been forseen when characters and sinergies were designed (same thing happened in Hearthstone with Patron Warrior). As in HS, playing against same kind of opponents and being defeated in the same way over and over agains is really bad and should be addressed. I think that is what update was aiming to, and kinnda did it. But I worked way to much with games, to clearly see how devs didnt considered the impact the update will have on all other aspects of the game. And that chums is just bad game design decisions.

    Also lazy. Come on guys - playing the nerf hammer on dmg models, and buffing HP is just pure lazy. It is the "safe card" of game design, that can be done faster and with minimum effort, instead of rethinking every character, skill, and sinegry. I can just speculate why that was done - smaller team, tide deadlines, lack of creativity - I don't care really, but such decisions tend to kill games, especially when clearly no one considered how they will impact the game on all levels.

    Side note: messages like: Give it a try and then speak, or changes are for 80 lvl characters whith gear you dont have are actually pretty insulting. 20% dmg nerf is 20% nerf, coupled with higher hp is 40, up to 50% dmg nerf, and it IMPACTS THE GAME.

    Yes, this removes (to some extent) the issue of OTK teams at late game PVE. The combo is still present and still strong, and because you can't heal shields it only delays a little your dead, after initial rampage that takes down 1 or 2 of your core toons.

    Problem is - it impacts all other game modes, and suddenly that increase of hp, and decrease in dmg leads to proportional inrease of time to complete PVE and decrease in chance to progress. The game was some kind of balanced in pve, but suddenly you buff the difficulty level with those percents.

    Since the only motivation to replay any mission is to grind resources, uping the completion time with more then 50% in some cases on the higher level missions is a bad game design choice for a mobile game. Most people play on their mobiles in shor brakes - in school or on their work, 3-4 min for a fix... hardly doable when it takes 8 minutes for a lvl 4 challenge with 7 starred lvl 60 toons. All battles are longer by a lot, and thats dull and boring.

    2.Galactic war
    After the first couple of battles your shields are down and don't regen, at all. GW was allready buffing your opponent teams (higher levels/gear/stars) so the rubbish AI have to oppose real players. Now it just handicaps you, by buffing with up to 45% the hp of the enemies. All battles are longer by a lot, and thats dull and boring, especially when RNG is not on your side, and your first 7 attacks proc their dodge, and you got critted so you have to restart a battle.
    Is it doable - yeah, much harder then before, sinking twice the time (longer battles + lowered win chance = more retries)

    3. PVE in general and challenges
    Again we face the issue how enemies feel buffed by a lot with the dmg nerf. Some challenges are really bad now, not only they take lots of time but you can't actually finish them. Those are the main way to attain resources, and I can see that this will urge people to spend cash on tickets but after few tries they will just stop doing it. It allready felt like a chore... and wasn't exactly fun. Now its boring to a level of frustration. Besides, upping the completion time and needing personal attention are two factors that most of the users (family type of guys, who can't afford to sink 2-3 hours just to do the dailies) don't have.

    4. Shield buff and arena
    8 battles today (refreshed), barely completed 3 of them before the timer expired. Actually i laughed and remebered how the duels of Shaman vs Paladin in vanilla wow went. For those of you who didnt experienced that - neither could kill the other for hours in hands of skilled players. Like litterally they didnt get the the damage to topple over the heals. Same stuff here.

    Thats where i felt that the last update was game breaking. The new taunt/healers meta that will emerge will be much more toxic and unbarable then current one. Get your team to the desired rank, swithc to all tanks/healers, Pass a game. Sure - you wouldnt be able to kill your attackers, but they wouldnt be able to do it so you keep your progress.
    Now battles are longer, but not fun-er. They are frustrating and in some cases only doable in auto mode. That is purely bad game design, chums and ironicly lowers the level of interaction.

    I've spared my spare fare of cash on this game, enough to buy 2 AAA titles, and I don't regret it, as I work in the industry and know what it takes to make and support such a game. But right now i feel scammed, pretty badly.

    If our game Lead Game Designer allows such update to roll for any of our games he will be our Ex-LGD untill the end of the week.

    The best think you can do is Rerool the patch, get back to the drawing board and redo it, adressing each balance issue alone, not trying to swipe everything with the most laziest way of them all - waving the nerf hammer across the board.

    Example of precise balance patches - DOTA 2

    P.S. I can see how some of the changes were aproved as way to push people to spend for shortcuts to complete PVE and compete in PVP. Things doesnt work this way, people will get pushed back. Go back to game design 101 and reread the curve of satisfaction and reward in gaming. Thats what pushes people to rain cash, not putting walls in front of them. And putting walls on purpose, or not seeing that it will happen as a result of other actions/changes is just bad game design and really unprofesionall.

    P.S.2 Allready beta tested BF4 a whole year after release, so EA tends to allow such things to happend, didnt know it was doable on mobile games.

    ps.4 this is not a rant

    Edit: New health bars are more confusing
    Equipment and shard drop rates seems nerfed
    No one considered how OP Imperial Guard would become
    Really really bad game designs

    That happens when someone from the marketing department listens to whiners on forums and demands changes biased by the opinion of new players with less then 10 hours ingame. Really disapointing and frustrating. How can I opt for refund?

    Probably the best assessment I've read in this section and whole heartedly agree with your sentiments

    I agree that comment needs to sent to EA´s CEO!

    EA dont be greedy you cant hate us that spent so much money on this game, please roll back!
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    Terrible updates. Have ruined the fun for me, and it appears, a ton of others. Go back to the pre update version.
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    What i know is i spent a lot to get 5 7* Jedi and they are worthless now i want my money back
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    Great game that has just been destroyed by updates, what where they thinking.

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    The more I play the more I hate this update. Months of work ruined in a matter of seconds. The first and last app game I'll spend money on. This was one of the better app games but every time they have an update the game gets worse. Yesterday's update being the most destructive. Materials keep getting harder to come by and now all my high level characters do crap for damage. Can't even beat tier three gear challenges now, could beat tier four before update.This is frustrating, instead of not spending money on game consider not playing it at all. Ea is just greedy sorry company like a lot of others only concerned with padding their pockets. Anyone figures out how to get a refund post it.I got a few dollars invested in this game and would love to recover it. Ruined my favorite game with a touch of a button.
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    Simple feedback: The game became 2X more time consuming. It was taking alot of my time but now, i'm not sure i'm willing to spend so much time on a "pocket game".
  • Sikho
    1088 posts Member
    This is a rant about the way EA/CG handled the PvE changes, especially the way challenges were changed. Though this is linked to the update and the challenges threads, I thought it would be wiser to post it as a new thread, since it is a fairly long and developed feedback. If a mod passes by and feels the need to move it to a merged thread, please don’t. I’d rather have it locked or deleted than getting drown in billions of notifications because it was moved to a merged thread.
    If a dev happens to read it, a comment would be appreciated, and if possible, not just a copy/pasted “We’re working on it” answer.

    There won’t be a TL;DR, but I can simply say that I am not pleased with the recent changes, as they do not make sense on a game-design point of view. The way EA/CG handled those changes is, in my opinion, flawed and lackluster.

    This topic will focus on providing constructive feedback and offering several ideas to fix the problems we are facing at the moment.

    If you’re not sleeping under a rock, you probably realized that yesterday’s update has triggered a lot of criticism, either positive or negative (though mostly negative) regarding the changes that were made to the challenges, and the difficulty of the PvE missions. This created the excrement storm going on at the moment.
    I will not talk about PvP as the PvP changes were something we asked for, and we did for a long time. Most people will probably be sad that their toons aren’t the most effective anymore, but I believe that being ahead of the meta is a key component to be successful in strategy games. I won’t therefore talk about the PvP design changes, because people knew that an update was coming, yet still decided to farm speed/dmg toons.

    Regarding the challenges, let me tell you one thing essential if you want to create a freemium game : Giving things away for free for a long period of time make players feel like they are entitled to this privilege.

    Now I understand the reasoning behind the changes. You wanted to make challenges more, heh, challenging, which is something that was, I believe, needed.
    But the execution is so poorly done that it has caused players to invade the forum with hate messages (as you may have witnessed lately).

    Your approach on the rebalance of challenges is wrong. We do not want any numerical tuning in these challenges, because it will only cause frustration.

    No. What we want is some innovative, creative, enticing new way to see the game. The challenges should not be a chore you auto-play, they should be an experience you are looking forward to. A chance to test your skill and show your might, to create the best combos in the game using your talented mind!

    If, for instance, you gave us access to a predefined roster in which we have to pick which toons we want to bring to this fight, even if we don’t own them or don’t have them geared/leveled/starred, the challenges would be more enjoyable. You decide what power level the toons have, then let us try to find the best combination with these predefined toons. Maybe rotate them sometimes, or make them random.
    Because if we can’t complete the challenges today, there’s only one solution: Gear up, Star up, Level up, and try again, with the same toons, over and over again.

    Now imagine if we had the choice between a list of ready-to-use toons. You can’t complete the challenge? Well just pick another team! Maybe the toons could rotate through the day, so you could try different combinations at different times of the day.

    There are so many ways you could enhance our user experience through these challenges, but no, you just keep making them numerically harder.
    What’s the result? We need to gear up our characters.
    And how do we do that? With the very gear you can’t get because you can’t complete the challenges!

    When I saw the Ewok challenge, I was pleased because it introduced interesting and thematically right mechanics. Why can’t this be done for all the challenges?
    Right now, the only challenge I find attractive is the STR one, because it’s pretty unique and I like the “death countdown” aspect of it. Savage could be interesting but he’s always going to be either too hard or too easy due to the “if I can kill one of you you’re probably all dead” aspect.

    It’s really frustrating for me, because no matter how many times we tell the devs, it seems like they don’t care about our experience. GW is a chore while it could be the occasion to face unusual or themed themes. Challenges could be really fun, but are now just an impossible chore that frustrates everyone.

    This needs to be addressed, for the game’s sake.

    The worst thing is : We DID NOT ask for the changes. What the players were complaining about was the unfair and boring meta where a handful and fast/powerful toons dictate the pace of the game by one-shotting everything.

    But instead, we got a weird PvE patch attached to that, while nobody had a problem with challenges or DS/LS missions. I understand that PvP and PvE are linked, but why would you fix something that isn’t broken? This part of the patch doesn’t make sense, because we did not ask for it.

    This is the second lesson : Anticipate your players’ needs and wishes, but ASK THEM before making any large-scale change.

    You should have made polls or ask for specific ideas when you decided to include PvE in the patch. You didn’t. Players are unhappy because you changed something that didn’t need changing.

    I really love this game, so it’s heartbreaking to see the devs taking such bad decisions. I really hope you will manage to make things right, but please, don’t ignore the problem.
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    Bad update hate it get rid of it especially the stupid armour actually find the non purple toons now do better as the as it appears the meta kills helth quickly once armour is gone on those tons at L7+
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    _Wong64 wrote: »
    What i know is i spent a lot to get 5 7* Jedi and they are worthless now i want my money back

    I have just completed my Jedi Team.
    It is useless now.
    I guess "dark side" (finance department) has decided to execute order 66.
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    Seriously, after all these bad comments, I really hope that EA listens to reason...
    COME ON EA, do something! I hope you have some guys reading these comments. Not just interns, but also execs or designers... PLEASE!!!
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    This game has become a terrible grind now. I'm so frustrated with it that I'm not even that motivated to play today. I'm level 73 (and I don't play the cookie cutter Phasma/Sidious/Dooku/Lumi/Random Chump combo because it was fun to experiment with other groups) and was working on some goals for different heroes, but this update is so sad, and has made this game so much more tedious that I'm just not sure I have the energy or time for it anymore. This was the best RPG I'd ever seen a few months ago.

    This is exactly how I feel today:
    "Problem is - it impacts all other game modes, and suddenly that increase of hp, and decrease in dmg leads to proportional inrease of time to complete PVE and decrease in chance to progress. The game was some kind of balanced in pve, but suddenly you buff the difficulty level with those percents.
    Since the only motivation to replay any mission is to grind resources, uping the completion time with more then 50% in some cases on the higher level missions is a bad game design choice for a mobile game. Most people play on their mobiles in shor brakes - in school or on their work, 3-4 min for a fix... hardly doable when it takes 8 minutes for a lvl 4 challenge with 7 starred lvl 60 toons. All battles are longer by a lot, and thats dull and boring."

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    Created an EA account just to comment on this update. I think I'm done with the game now, what used to be great was I could login before I began my bus ride to work and complete GW and all the daily tasks except for arena (bus ride takes about an hour). Quick login at lunch for extra energy and an arena battle, do a couple of challenges and on the bus ride home finish my challenges and arena battles. Now each battle takes so long, I think I only got the first tier of GW done before I got to work. In essence...the game is now boring the hell out of me. I spent a bit of money at the start but since then have just been F2P and have about 10 7 star toons with purple gear and now I'm walking away. CG can say they've 'balanced' the game but what you've done has turned a nice hearty game, the breakfast equivalent of bacon, eggs, tomato and toast into porridge...with no sugar...or milk...
    Can't wait for Pokémon Go to give me an alternative game to waste my time on.
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    JPBIZ wrote: »
    Seriously, after all these bad comments, I really hope that EA listens to reason...

    They dont care about comments.
    They will wait a fee days (weeks?) to see how changes have impacted sales and number of users playing the game.
    If both will drop, they will start to read comments and implement our suggestions.
    But not now.

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    Forgetting the number of aesthetic bugs and glitches caused by this update but I was right it's now turtle meta. Nobody does damage anymore. Plus for the challenges your team protection usually only last for the first turn. So instead of actually protecting my toons it just means that the round lasts for one more turn. So my question is who has more protection Savage or RG? I'm going to try to build a new high health squad since damage seems to not matter anymore. Rey used to crank out anywhere from 6k to 8k for me and now she's lucky to get 3k, so logically she should get a health upgrade, right? Nope she just gets "protection" that mean she can survive one toons attack, then gets killed by the next one becuase her Foresight was lost with her protection.
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    hey hi ı must say somethıng about last update it can be good for you but we can do the all mıssıons and now ı cant do the mıssıons check ıt ıts so hard ıt must be some easy guys plss check ıt :) see you thanks
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