4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    I know Galactic war is horribly unfair with shields but I have no more problem with arena as I had before. Quest and challenges are too difficult to put time into though.
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    Overall I like the update. It was needed as attack and speed were the only 2 stats that mattered before. However, the execution was lacking and some of the changes were bizarre.

    My two main gripes:
    -dodges and deflections happen too frequently. It's like a 50-50 chance characters will land a hit now.

    -choice in character nerfs- I thought the point was to make slower characters more powerful? Now I find that Kylo Ren and Mace Windu, who I have spent a great deal of time getting to 7*, are even more useless. They were already relegated to backup status before the update. And one of the most OP characters in the game, Geonosian soldier, does not get touched at all? Why were Old Ben and Barriss' basic attack nerfed when they did so little damage before? Tuning should be making characters more balanced, and while adding protection and making defense more valuable was a step in the right direction, these damage nerfs were very counterproductive.
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    It seems since the update the game is a lot harder now... I can't just fly though the rewards sections anymore, I have to actually take time to defeat the first 2 waves and then spend forever on the Boss. It seems every enemy takes forever to kill. I hope this isn't permanent. No ones health meter depletes anymore. I see the tiny one goes down but the big one on their picture does not.
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    Money, I want it ALL BACK. Close to a thousand spent...EA you people messed up big this time.
    Everyone needs to give this a 1 star rating and if you've even spent a dime get it back. The reason I started playing this is cause of Clash of Clans horrible update/huge nerf. Now you people did the same thing. You've ruined an otherwise playable game. I hope your income drops to minimum wage numbers and all the devs get fired.
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    _Wong64 wrote: »
    What i know is i spent a lot to get 5 7* Jedi and they are worthless now i want my money back

    If thats possible I am requesting to get my money back as well!
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    that bad desicion to update the game that way, and I do not like now, I lost interest
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    I feel the dev's had the right intentions.. The execution may have been better if they left the past challenges as they were, and introduced new 1's that were harder.... Slowly ramping up difficulty maybe better for the newer players. I personally can do 2 out 3 challenges no probs, thou not on auto anymore...Mace's Challege I hav had I drop back 1 level till I can afford to lvl up thous plyrs.
    2 steps forward and 1 step back in a Challege that I had already geared to work with auto, felt like an elbow in the ribs..! KISS solution is offen the best fix :)
    Quote of the Day "Put that
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    Just6669 wrote: »
    JPBIZ wrote: »
    Seriously, after all these bad comments, I really hope that EA listens to reason...

    They dont care about comments.
    They will wait a fee days (weeks?) to see how changes have impacted sales and number of users playing the game.
    If both will drop, they will start to read comments and implement our suggestions.
    But not now.

    Very true Best is if everybody agrees not to spend a cent on the game but keep playing!

    If everybody plays bit nobody spends money on Crystals they will listen to our comments!
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    Wait until the level 84 challenges. LOL
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    I hate new update.
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    The update killed it for me. Like you all said time consumption now is ridiculous. I will save my money and won't play it until it's either rolled back or a new update is coming. Wow last night the game was still my favorite and now bammmmmm. Lousy update.
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    fudgra wrote: »
    Wait until the level 84 challenges. LOL

    I feel like I have been waiting ages already..., :)
    Quote of the Day "Put that
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    Personally I think it'll be a good thing if we see lots of different team compositions in the arena now, was boring the top 20 being the exact same squads pretty much.

    people need a small chill and wait a few days see how everyone adapts. Besides guild wars is the big one, nobody will care about anything else once that lands
    the force is: strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement
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    To all those folks that say there was no speed meta, they are just wrong. This helped a lot. As o see it, as of last week, you either had a droid team, a qgj led team or a dooku team and the dooku team was only recently. Argue all you want about that but it's true. GS and and fast, high damage assist hero could kill most slow high damage toons on the other side in one turn. The changes are good and I for one am going to play and figure it out before casting a stone immediately.
    One thing though, and maybe there is a method to their madness, but the challenges have gotten insanely difficult at tier 4. Not sure if that was necessary. Seems a little extreme.
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    To all those folks that say there was no speed meta, they are just wrong. This helped a lot. As o see it, as of last week, you either had a droid team, a qgj led team or a dooku team and the dooku team was only recently. Argue all you want about that but it's true. GS and and fast, high damage assist hero could kill most slow high damage toons on the other side in one turn. The changes are good and I for one am going to play and figure it out before casting a stone immediately.
    One thing though, and maybe there is a method to their madness, but the challenges have gotten insanely difficult at tier 4. Not sure if that was necessary. Seems a little extreme.
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    To your first point, challenges should be challenging. I actually lost a couple times on auto today, first time for weeks. I wish they were more challenging to give me something to work towards.

    To your second which starts in your first-There are lots of posts along to increase HP. Lots. Lots more begging for a shift from speed meta. It's basically what they did without making healers meta. Speed meta was broken and based on the EP comments would be more broken at next cap increase.

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    Let me just put it this way. I have and would continue to buy the 21 day crystal pack 1 time a month pre patch. Now i will not be buying it.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    You still need speed in order to make enough damage to win. I can still kill first order tie pilot before he moves.
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    1.) Rollback update apart from aesthetics and bug fixes. Replace protection by bolstering health of every character through multiplying it's health by a percentages based on their speed (slower characters receive higher health bump. Do this so that character with lowest health can withstand QGJ + Rey attack.

    2.) Don't nerf any characters. Just stop it. Nerfing characters is a slap in the face to players who spend months building up characters grinding through the game. Instead, do semi frequent updates that buff other characters so that they better compete with or even replace the existing META characters. e.g. add taunt to Finn's hold the line. Nice buff no one will be mad about. Smiles not frowns, guys.

    That is all. My ideas are awesome, and everyone agrees with me. I can code too, I'll do it myself. EA, hire me, I'll fix your dumb game so that you don't anger like four fifths of your users with every update you make. [/b]
    1.) Rollback update apart from aesthetics and bug fixes. Replace protection by bolstering health of every character through multiplying it's health by a percentages based on their speed (slower characters receive higher health bump. Do this so that character with lowest health can withstand QGJ + Rey attack.

    2.) Don't nerf any characters. Just stop it. Nerfing characters is a slap in the face to players who spend months building up characters grinding through the game. Instead, do semi frequent updates that buff other characters so that they better compete with or even replace the existing META characters. e.g. add taunt to Finn's hold the line. Nice buff no one will be mad about. Smiles not frowns, guys.

    That is all. My ideas are awesome, and everyone agrees with me. I can code too, I'll do it myself. EA, hire me, I'll fix your dumb game so that you don't anger like four fifths of your users with every update you make. [/b]

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    Also, to those that say that the game is still about speed and damage, yes, you're right, it is. The only difference now is that those toons that got one shotted previously now actually get a chance to affect the fight.
    That is the reason the update was made.
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    Not a huge fan of the update so far. Health bar at the top right always shows enemies have full health no matter how much damage is done. I really wish "protection" could be regained, especially in galactic war. Healers seem pretty weak now and their ability to heal is really reduced since they cannot grant protection.

    Challenges need to be fixed. It doesn't seem like the update really did anything to modify the enemies there, it just limited the player. Enemies have insane amounts of health, no protection, and the effectiveness of our attacks are severely reduced, while there attacks seem to have maintained the same strength as before.

    I've played this game completing all of the daily challenges every day for months and its disappointing that all of my hard work and time that I spent building my characters seems to have been wasted. Most of my characters don't have the protection slot even though their levels are in the 60s. I used to really enjoy the game and now I'm finding it rather tedious. I'll continue to check back into the game, but if it stays this way, with the glaring issues, I probably won't keep up with it.
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    Hey guys!

    At this point, applause to EA for the latest update, it totally ruined the game and experience. I've been playing the game for a while now (more than 5 months) with occasional purchases. With the update, any investment of my time or money in the game seems quite ridiculous. I hoped that this one wouldn't be spoiled as many others have been spoiled. Maybe it would be fair from EA to just honestly say how much money is enough, all of us can scrape it up, and then they can make the game fun and engaging again. I'm still unclear about the "big picture" behind this update, so for the time being I'll stop playing. Hopefully, EA will post better news and improve the experience.

    "Good, good...Let the hate flow through you!"

    Until you decide for the normal game experience for your customers...Have a nice day!
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    For everyone complaining about time consumption, you must not have played HODA. lol
    IGN: Malmsteen's Comet
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    to those saying it will be nice to see some variation in teams; while this is a great idea in theory, in practise, how quickly can people jump ship and rebuild teams? even the whales/semi-whales will take a while to get a new squad together.
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    jeremyj26 wrote: »
    For everyone complaining about time consumption, you must not have played HODA. lol

    See everybody? As long as there are worse games, who cares if this one is now a time sink that you don't want to waste your lives on?

    Some people just don't get it.
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    I forgot to add to my feedback an idea to balance out his damage decrease and the fact that outrage barely gets its damage bonus this update- changing outrage to give the bonus when Kylo's protection runs out. This way the ability is effectively the same as pre-nerf, he's getting the bonus when he has exhausted 50% of his total life reserves. It would also be even better in some ways, which would serve to justify the damage decrease he received. The examples where it'd be even better than before are any times heals go out- since you can't restore the protection meter, you could afford to heal Kylo back up to full health without taking away his damage bonus.

    This change seems to me like it would be a lot more viable, but it doesn't seem like it would be overpowered like a few other toons I mentioned still are.
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    This update definitely does not translate well for each module of play. Challenges were THE thing allowing me to make my squad more competitive now i have to slink back to challenges that dont supply ANY of what i need... GW was a great suppliment for items but the "scaling" difficulty was ALREADY ridiculous this patch makes it worse. PvE is okay i guess but i see that getting frustrating now that upgrading gear has gotten pfttttt difficult (logical in a way to influence a cash grab but poor taste guys). The ONLY place this update seems reasonably tweaked is in PvP which before it was plagued (at least for me) with OP squads that defied strategic logic now, i can accept a loss much easier because i KNOW its based on my error and not exploits. This tweak needs a doctor. Stat.
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    Update was and is and will remain ****.

    If Grand Master Yoda, and his months of work, becomes and unplayable character do to complete and utter uselessness, Darth Sidious becomes useless and characters like a bug and RG become gods, then you have the worst Star Wars game ever created.

    Congratulations EA

    You have just turned The Emopire Strikes Back into a Star Wars Christmas Special.
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    Very slow, takes a significant amount of turns more to finish a fight.

    I wish ea would do less to be honest
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