4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    Personally I wish I could have a refund on all the money I have now wasted on this game. I spent money on a game I enjoyed and want to play. Now EA, you have completely changed major aspects of the game and the money and hard work I put into certain characters is now wasted in certain aspects.

    Put out a Galaxy of Heroes 2 or something. Add the new stuff to that game. Let people decide if they want to play that one or the original. When someone buys a copy of Madden, you don't just change a bunch of gameplay aspects like this. You wait until the next version of Madden to make your game changes.

    it's garbage that EA can just change the rules and aspects of the game like this.
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    just finished first node of GW against a team composed of 4* blue gear level 60 characters....I lost 2 purple gear 6*s to complete it after 15 minutes of fighting.....wow....great update.....

    At least I can earn a **** load of crystals without having to sign in daily after I assign an arena team of

    Old Ben
    Royal Guard

    Good luck beating that team before time runs out.....
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    Look, it's a brand new NGE..... Developers never %^&*ing learn.
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    First impressions are bad on this update...

    1. Tried the challenge, can´t beat the challenges I could before.
    2. First battle in the war today with my 3rd team I lost 2 characters, I used to loose only one at the most on the first battle. Didn't enjoy that because since I got my first 7 star character I haven´t been able to win the war often and this feels like it will be even more difficult.
    3. Things already took way too long to get upgraded before, now it will be even longer.
    4. The health bars are very hard to understand, maybe I'll get used to it, but I don't like the fact that ALL of my characters just got WAAAAAY weaker.

    ALL of my characters are much weaker, I was really into the game before, would login every day and do all of the missions. This update has been a big turn off. Hope you get a new update out soon to fix some of these things, I think the new rebalance was a fail.
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    The Challenge Competition battles are now out of balance... some are impossible to defeat. Characters I developed are now not as relevant based on the changes. Overall a pretty frustrating change.
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    While the developers are advocating patience, I just don't see it. This is a game that I played because it was fun and because I could comfortably fit it in to the spaces of my life. Now, it is clear that battles will take longer, my squad is not nearly as good, it will take longer to farm materials, and I will lose more - all of this equates to less fun and more time. Considering that this app is in competition with other fun things in my life, like reading books, jigsaw puzzles, watching baseball, etc., I'm just not going to give this update a chance to succeed (sorry, life is not fair) and I've changed my appstore rating from 5 stars to 1 star. I just don't care enough about the product to commit to this complete reset. Sorry - but if things don't revert back, I'm done.

    Here's what I recommend.

    1. Go back to the pre-4/14 version
    2. Apply a Speed cap to Arena battles (say 550 or something) so that you can't go in with QGJ, Sid, Dooku, the Bug and whoever else is everyone's 5th favorite speed demon. Problem solved.

    A reminder that most of us aren't at level 70 with 20 7* characters and most of us don't post to the board complaining about not being able to win Arena battles because of the speed issue. Most us enjoyed playing all aspects of the game and enjoy the chase of getting Old Ben up to 5 stars or unlocking Vader. To re-configure the game completely to address issues of speed for the upper tier players is short-sighted.

    My Plan: I will use my Cantina energy every day to progress Mace and Old Daka to 5 stars. If the game goes back to pre 4/14, great - I'm back in. If not, I will never engage in another battle.


  • Leefx
    12 posts Member
    This update **** so bad
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    the simplest fix was that in arena you could only go in with

    1 - tank
    1- healer
    1 - attacker
    2 - support

    done and done.

    It doesnt take a bloody genius to see that was the simplest and easiest fix.

    EA lost sight of the forest for the trees.

    But hey...,,.Marvel Contest of Champions is a fun, far more interactive game.....
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    Terrible update, ruined the game for me. Can't complete the challenges I could yesterday. It seems that the opponents have remained unchanged. There are now too many bars to look at in battle and you can't recover health on 'protection'. My characters are now generally much weaker. I hope that EA see these comments and put the game back to how it was otherwise I can't really see myself playing it much longer like this.
  • Danmorrisg
    3 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    If it's not broken, don't try and fix it. Something you guys at EA need to learn. The game as a whole worked well, a few tweaks here or there would have made it perfect.

    Instead you've completely ruined it. Battles aren't as fun and take longer, you've made challenges near enough impossible, my characters are weaker even though I spent hours of time upgrading their gear - the 'protection' is lost in about 2 hits. I've played this game religiously for 7/8 months but I can't get behind this update. Taken the fun out of the game.
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    Fun is ruined
  • Tisikotka
    20 posts Member
    edited April 2016

    My first post here, but I need to give my 5 cents for the new updated, after spending the whole day with it.

    First let me do a brief introduction to myself. I've started my career as a game editor, worked that for over 10 years (when game medias were only magazines), and I work as a graphic designer for the last 6 years, 4 of them in a game retail online store, and 2 of them in the local branch of one of the biggest European game developers/producers (will hold on the name).

    I didnt read other comments, wanted my opinion to be unbiased by anything, so excuse me if I repeat something, other people stated. Also forgive any typos or other mistakes - engl. is not my native langugae.

    Reasons why we have the update
    In any online game, stalement is most visible in the end-game, and creating rich and satisifying meta is really hard thing to do (rarely a game company does it - one of the best in doing it is Blizzard, but even they sometimes fail at it (D3 pre-expansion, current SC2, vanilla WoW).

    Having few adequate team roosters, most of them being OTK is a problem for the game, that will push customers back. Being killed in one or 2 turns, without being able to interact with the game, while this is happening is not something new, and should have been forseen when characters and sinergies were designed (same thing happened in Hearthstone with Patron Warrior). As in HS, playing against same kind of opponents and being defeated in the same way over and over agains is really bad and should be addressed. I think that is what update was aiming to, and kinnda did it. But I worked way to much with games, to clearly see how devs didnt considered the impact the update will have on all other aspects of the game. And that chums is just bad game design decisions.

    Also lazy. Come on guys - playing the nerf hammer on dmg models, and buffing HP is just pure lazy. It is the "safe card" of game design, that can be done faster and with minimum effort, instead of rethinking every character, skill, and sinegry. I can just speculate why that was done - smaller team, tide deadlines, lack of creativity - I don't care really, but such decisions tend to kill games, especially when clearly no one considered how they will impact the game on all levels.

    Side note: messages like: Give it a try and then speak, or changes are for 80 lvl characters whith gear you dont have are actually pretty insulting. 20% dmg nerf is 20% nerf, coupled with higher hp is 40, up to 50% dmg nerf, and it IMPACTS THE GAME.

    Yes, this removes (to some extent) the issue of OTK teams at late game PVE. The combo is still present and still strong, and because you can't heal shields it only delays a little your dead, after initial rampage that takes down 1 or 2 of your core toons.

    Problem is - it impacts all other game modes, and suddenly that increase of hp, and decrease in dmg leads to proportional inrease of time to complete PVE and decrease in chance to progress. The game was some kind of balanced in pve, but suddenly you buff the difficulty level with those percents.

    Since the only motivation to replay any mission is to grind resources, uping the completion time with more then 50% in some cases on the higher level missions is a bad game design choice for a mobile game. Most people play on their mobiles in shor brakes - in school or on their work, 3-4 min for a fix... hardly doable when it takes 8 minutes for a lvl 4 challenge with 7 starred lvl 60 toons. All battles are longer by a lot, and thats dull and boring.

    2.Galactic war
    After the first couple of battles your shields are down and don't regen, at all. GW was allready buffing your opponent teams (higher levels/gear/stars) so the rubbish AI have to oppose real players. Now it just handicaps you, by buffing with up to 45% the hp of the enemies. All battles are longer by a lot, and thats dull and boring, especially when RNG is not on your side, and your first 7 attacks proc their dodge, and you got critted so you have to restart a battle.
    Is it doable - yeah, much harder then before, sinking twice the time (longer battles + lowered win chance = more retries)

    3. PVE in general and challenges
    Again we face the issue how enemies feel buffed by a lot with the dmg nerf. Some challenges are really bad now, not only they take lots of time but you can't actually finish them. Those are the main way to attain resources, and I can see that this will urge people to spend cash on tickets but after few tries they will just stop doing it. It allready felt like a chore... and wasn't exactly fun. Now its boring to a level of frustration. Besides, upping the completion time and needing personal attention are two factors that most of the users (family type of guys, who can't afford to sink 2-3 hours just to do the dailies) don't have.

    4. Shield buff and arena
    8 battles today (refreshed), barely completed 3 of them before the timer expired. Actually i laughed and remebered how the duels of Shaman vs Paladin in vanilla wow went. For those of you who didnt experienced that - neither could kill the other for hours in hands of skilled players. Like litterally they didnt get the the damage to topple over the heals. Same stuff here.

    Thats where i felt that the last update was game breaking. The new taunt/healers meta that will emerge will be much more toxic and unbarable then current one. Get your team to the desired rank, swithc to all tanks/healers, Pass a game. Sure - you wouldnt be able to kill your attackers, but they wouldnt be able to do it so you keep your progress.
    Now battles are longer, but not fun-er. They are frustrating and in some cases only doable in auto mode. That is purely bad game design, chums and ironicly lowers the level of interaction.

    I've spared my spare fare of cash on this game, enough to buy 2 AAA titles, and I don't regret it, as I work in the industry and know what it takes to make and support such a game. But right now i feel scammed, pretty badly.

    If our game Lead Game Designer allows such update to roll for any of our games he will be our Ex-LGD untill the end of the week.

    The best think you can do is Rerool the patch, get back to the drawing board and redo it, adressing each balance issue alone, not trying to swipe everything with the most laziest way of them all - waving the nerf hammer across the board.

    Example of precise balance patches - DOTA 2

    P.S. I can see how some of the changes were aproved as way to push people to spend for shortcuts to complete PVE and compete in PVP. Things doesnt work this way, people will get pushed back. Go back to game design 101 and reread the curve of satisfaction and reward in gaming. Thats what pushes people to rain cash, not putting walls in front of them. And putting walls on purpose, or not seeing that it will happen as a result of other actions/changes is just bad game design and really unprofesionall.

    P.S.2 Allready beta tested BF4 a whole year after release, so EA tends to allow such things to happend, didnt know it was doable on mobile games.

    ps.4 this is not a rant

    Edit: New health bars are more confusing
    Equipment and shard drop rates seems nerfed
    No one considered how OP Imperial Guard would become
    Really really bad game designs

    That happens when someone from the marketing department listens to whiners on forums and demands changes biased by the opinion of new players with less then 10 hours ingame. Really disapointing and frustrating. How can I opt for refund?
  • Cst
    1 posts Member
    Too hard to kill anything. Health bars are too OP espresso ally in the challenges. Protection messes the whole game up.

    Why do they insist on fixing stuff that isn't broken. Instead of making rubbish updates like this, and increasing the level cap, thus making it more frustrating due to the cost and time needed to get to level 80, why don't they just focus on adding more characters.

    Character updates suggested-
    1:Attack of the Clones - add clone commanders from the clone wars series. Like Cody, Bly, Gree, Woffe, Fox, Jet.
    2:Revenge of the Sith - add Sith characters from the Star Wars Galaxy, it doesn't matter weather or not they fit the new film. Like Darth Plagueis
    3:A new hope add bounty hunters missing like Han Solo normal, as well as a few more obscure Heros from across the films, tv, and game series.
    4:Return of the Jedi - add missing Jedi like young Obi, Luke (as a Jedi), Shaak Ti
    5:The old republic - characters from those games. Darth Revan Malgus
  • NightwingTR
    169 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Thanks EA CG ! You Made A REAL GARBAGE GAME... (droid events [24energyreq] take more than 5 minutes.......)
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    This update is AWFUL EA

    1) Strength challenge is impossible to beat on hardest level (I'm currently level 72).

    2) The protection bar idea is horribly done. Battles take FOREVER now.

    3) AI Dodge seems WORSE than before-if that's even possible

    4) Getting character shards from Cantina and Hard battles for me is currently at a 0% drop rate. I did 6 Cantina battles this morning for Dooku shards=received 0 shards. Did all 6 hard battles on light/dark for Dooku shards=received 0 shards.

    5) Credit system is still broken. It's a CONSTANT problem.

    6) Went from consistently being in the 200's rank in the Arena to high 600's over night.

    I have played this game every day since I downloaded if in December. I'm seriously thinking of giving up. It's so dang frustrating now.

    Anyone have any answers for my issues? Any clarification or rationalization would be much appreciated.
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    Was gonna leave the "giving feedback" to everyone else until I read the developer update from
    CG_JohnSalera calling for feedback.

    Generally, I think this patch is in the right direction, but a few things do stick out-

    First, and possibly what I find most applicable to my experience, is Kylo. The nerfs to his damage coupled with the impact protection has had on the usability of his "<50% special" leaves him plain bad. Tanky is good and all, but he doesn't bring enough damage or utility to the table to contribute to his squad. Prior to the update I received the damage boost on Outrage pretty rarely, players almost never get him to sub 50% until the end of the battle, NPC's barely did either. Now that happens even less often with protection, Kylo literally has to take about 3x more damage to get him into the yellow and give outrage the damage boost. His basic and AOE were far from overpowered before, they were just "good enough". They didn't demolish other teams, they felt very balanced, only somewhat under average, which was fair because his tanky health. At this point, Kylo never does enough damage, certainly not against teams that include.... (Inc next point)

    Royal Guard. 50K health including protection. 5 minute arena time limit. The rest of RG's squad generally reigning unchecked for as long as he survives, which is for about 5 minutes, because he has 50K health. Coupled with Rey and/or GS? Oh boy, I went from doing great in arena against seemingly balanced teams to not taking out a single member of their squad against a RG/Rey/GS comp. Those other two I've now mentioned are my next point.

    Rey and Geonosian Soldier. They're still ridiculously OP. My guess is they weren't touched because 90% of F2P spent so much time on GS, and Rey seems like a whales only real advantage as far as specific toons go. But the lack of changes to their damage is pretty contrary to the stated goals of this balance update. Especially when you compare their performance with the post-balance performance of other toons, for example Kylo.

    I could continue elaborating, and maybe I will later. Thanks for being receptive to feedback lately, CG!
  • WildWest1974
    628 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    That's your opinion. Others are pleased that the longevity of the game has been increased.

    Also, "fun" is relative. You may like the super speed/dps direction the game was taking. Others do not. No person's opinion is more valid than any other's.
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    I have no opinion whether change is good or bad. From gaming point of view, it is a level playing field for everyone anyway. I am 100% FTP, post update I can still claim top 5 spot, can still complete GW and all challenge, even that I had to change tactics and lineup.

    One thing I'd like to point out is that because the new protection stat can't be healed, healers are now quite useless other than in GW. This is likely an oversight that need to be addressed sooner or later.
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    Game now is too slow heavy and difficult. No fun at all
  • SiranthaAxus
    118 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I've been steadily playing this game for 3 months. I was happy and eager to log in every day: reached level 67, had 6* character (yay) and various 5* with VII gear (My heroes are few I considered them powerful: 37 characters). I even spend $25 on crystals. After yesterday's update I feel all my time and $ went to waste. Challenges bosses are impossible (their health bars haven't been adjusted), Galactic War is unbeatable (All my characters got killed in the 4th battle), and the Protection bar is disappointing as it is impossible to heal back. Really unhappy with these changes... I want my money and time back!!!!! The purpose of the game were battles and now, with these changes battles are NOT FUN.
    Post edited by SiranthaAxus on
  • Just6669
    22 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Tisikotka wrote: »

    My first post here, but I need to give my 5 cents for the new updated, after spending the whole day with it.


    That happens when someone from the marketing department listens to whiners on forums and demands changes biased by the opinion of new players with less then 10 hours ingame. Really disapointing and frustrating. How can I opt for refund?

    I loved your post.

    Spot on.

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    At any point did I say my opinion was more valid than yours? I merely expressed my disappointment. I at no point said 'everyone thinks this' or 'no likes it', so thanks for that pointless outburst from you, you absolute melt.
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    Yes, it is that bad @CG_JohnSalera

    Your antics to get people to spend more money have gone too far and now you are receiving backlash for it.

    I urge people to stop spending money on this game. They seem to not be listening to their player base at all and only think of more ways to open wallets.
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    What you've done??? This Update completely destroyed the Gameplay!
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    Generally I like the update and it is a step in the right directions. Events - Awesome, protection mechanic - good. In theory this should allow more versatile teams. Some of the nerfs for already slow tools feel strange, but we will see how this turns out in the long term.

    But, the major meta remains Count Dooku/ Royal Guard. It even became stronger. And while you still can mirror those teams, precrafting now becomes an onvious advantage as seen on my shard. The number one player has a fully precrafted meta teams with one gear above everybody else and it is almost impossible to bypass that. Even he complained that he doesn't need to fight back for Number 1 at the moment.

    And while guilds should come in 2-3 weeks, nobody knows how fast those 50 gears for the next level can be achieved. 10 per day? For 5 toons that is still almost a month.

    I think I would be very happy with this update, but that precrafting issue really starts to hurt a lot and imo destroys all the good directions this game is going.

    And while the communication from the devs is now really good, no statement about the precrafting issue is not good. Maybe it was just a bad timing in development for the new updates and guilds, and financial revenue pressure, but a statement like "guys, we know this is not good, but we can't change it" would at least ease some frustration with the current situation.
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    But just to be clear, most people do agree with you, it's tosh, the opinion of the majority should matter
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    Danmorrisg wrote: »
    At any point did I say my opinion was more valid than yours? I merely expressed my disappointment. I at no point said 'everyone thinks this' or 'no likes it', so thanks for that pointless outburst from you, you absolute melt.

    And all he was doing was saying other people think differently, and you thought it was appropriate to get angry start insulting him. I'm pretty sure this game is for people ABOVE the age of 6, so maybe it's not for you
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    All very sensitive on here aren't you
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    EA_Jesse wrote:
    Ability Material Omega Event

    Each day of the event will only require 3 characters from a predetermined list

    Reads: If you want to take part in the event, please buy some stuff for real money, because you will definitely have a maximum of 2 characters required.

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    lol, yup. 2 chars here. locked out. great new content!
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