Looking for a Guild? Check here! (Part 2)


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    Manticore Pryde is a fresh growing guild accepting all types of players. Very friendly guild chat with great folks eager to help newbies. Ally code 476-979-788. We look forward to welcoming you into the Pryde!
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    "We doɴ'т ғorɢeт, We doɴ'т ғorɢιve."

    This is the eve of a new beginning. We want to be stronger. We stand for fairness and will be lead by a strong leadership team. This game is about fun but this guild is about the one! Not yourself! We stand together we work together. TEAMWORK from the outset.

    Currently, we have over 10
    Players from different countries, so we are truly an international Guild. We look forward to have you as a member of a new beginning..

    What we are looking for

    1. Level 75+ daily Players
    2. minimum 5 7* toons
    3. LINE App
    4. Honesty and Loyalty
    5. Teamplayers

    Ɯє Aяє Lєgιση!

    my ally code: 497-267-437
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    We are:
    S t e ll a B e ll a
    and we are looking for players of level 50 or higher who play (almost) every day, who want to grow stronger with us. We currently have a few open spots. We value working together and being a team. Having a friendly atmosphere is even more important. As an example: during one raid, our entire guild stopped attacking the rancor to give one of us enough time to join.

    Rules and requirements:
    • We enjoy playing SWGOH. Most of the time :blush:
    • We respect each other's views and ideas.
    • We play daily. Missing one day a week (roughly) is no problem, if more: please say so.
    • All members must have game chat and read and follow guild announcements. You don't have to be active on the chat.
    • LINE app required for guild communication (and regular chat as an option). You may be read-only, we'll simply assume that you agree with proposals and decisions, unless you speak. We have organized our LINE groups so that you can set app notifications per message type (or switch them off).
    • All members spend at least 300 energy per day for coins.
    • No duplicate names. First one in the guild keeps the name, unless that person wants a name change.
    • All members must sync their squad on swgoh.gg (click).
    • Daily guild activities quota, if unlocked:
      • Light Side: at least 300 energy
      • Galactic War: at least 12 nodes (may be over multiple GW sessions)
      • Hard Mode: at least 150 energy
      • Challenges: at least 8 challenges
      • Dark Side: at least 300 energy
      • PVP Arena: at least 5 attempts
      • Cantina: at least 100 energy
    These numbers may be adjusted as our guild grows. We'll talk about stuff like that, using LINE.
    Our raids are mainly T5 and sometimes T4. We are in GMT+2 or UTC+2 (daylight savings active during April-October, otherwise it's +1). Our guild resets at 6:30 pm UTC+2.
    My name in the game: Shatterling Purslane. My ally code: 629-157-873, but always contact me on LINE (id: shatterling.purslane) because having LINE is a hard requirement for new members. Send me a pm for more info.
  • Kraemattman
    2 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Hello! I'm trying to recruit some new members to our guild Booba's Fate. We currently only have 13/50 members, and 90% of these are level 78-80, but we do have some mid 50's as well. We welcome any and all for casual guild building. Most of us are physically located in the Dubai area and are mainly expats from the US & Europe. My personal ally code is 912-624-412, my username is Krae Mattman, and I'm a senior officer on our guild. All are welcome, as we area young guild and need more members to be able to raid more, it's taking too long to build guild credits with so few members. Hope to see some of you! Guild_zpsiks9lcyo.png Guild_zpsiks9lcyo.png
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    are interested to merge your guild?
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    Fringerators is looking for active daily/Raiders. Currently a t4 guild and closely approaching t5 with some more members ... Very good about donating gear to help one another grow. Currently 26 members and growing.
    U.S. based EST but we have people from all over
    Come join us in conquering everything this Galaxy throws
    Ally code 321975956
    Line. Darkjedi64
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    petike9107 wrote: »
    are interested to merge your guild?
    Sure, how would we go about doing that?

  • кяσησѕ
    3 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Hallo alle zusammen,

    meine Gilde sucht Mitglieder. Wir sind komplett neu und wollen in die Welt des Raids stürmen. Gerne geben wir so wie es möglich ist Hilfe für Neulinge, dass ist gar kein Problem. Wir freuen uns auf Eure Bewerbungen.

    Bitte PN mit Eurem Alli-Code, einfach hier rein posten oder meinen Alli-Code nutzen:


    Bis bald und viele Grüße,
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    Come talk to us on "Group Me" chat app... Parental Guidance Advised

    You're invited to my new group 'PGA - Room' on GroupMe. Click here to join: https://app.groupme.com/join_group/24239724/ccCo0L
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    petike9107 wrote: »
    are interested to merge your guild?
    Sure, how would we go about doing that?

    if you have line app add me: petike9107 we can discuss
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    fangstar wrote: »

    Mostly doing Tier VI raids. Though if you need gear from lower raids that is possible too if you speak up. Pretty casual guild with some high level players. Looking for members of any level to help. If you are an active player you should be able to get guild points rather easily. One member just got a 7 star Palpatine. If you join make sure you ally him because Palpatine is so awesome to use. Took us 1.5 days to finish a Tier V raid. 11+ active players lv 70+

    Maybe open to merging with another guild. We have 16-17 active members so we can easily take in a bunch of members.
    fangstar Ally Code: 652-822-642 Teguilds swgoh.gg/u/fangstar/
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    Grand Champion StarKillers
    Pacific Time Zone

    We are looking for additional members. We have 10 active members now ranging from level 40-55. If you fall in that category and need a group, get in touch.

    No pressure. Just want to have fun and get some raids going. One per week is the goal.

    Ally Code: 568-479-384
  • Slim8
    19 posts Member
    Join The American Empire! We are a fun active guild that does T7 Heroic raids 3x per week. If you join us the raid rewards will be top notch. 65+ level requirement and you must earn 600 guild bank coins each day. My ally code is 483-766-448.

    If you are interested, please ally me AND send me a message here or in the LINE app. My LINE id is ssshady.

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    Critical Damage
    T7 Guild Critical Chance has started a new T5 Guild focused on player development. If you are a player with a T5 roster who is invested in the game and would like a drama free Guild that has it together please contact me or a recruiting officer through line.
    DH leader line id davidwbjr
    EA Offcer line id escapeartist51
    Irwin Officer line id Irwinthegreat
    Critical Damage Guild Rules
    1) Have fun above all else, enjoy playing this game and in return you will continue to play for a longer period.
    2) Respect your other guild mates. While debating is great for both guild and player, arguing is not and will never be tolerated.
    3) We use the Line app to communicate you must install it when joining the guild if not already installed.
    4) Guild coins, all players must complete 600 energy daily to pay for raids.
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    Tired of constantly changing raid times? If you are overseas and cannot accommodate our time then no need to apply.
    North American Refugees is recruiting!
    I'll explain the name if you join. Long story and joke.....
    We are running Heroic raid Tier 7.
    Currently 1 spot open.
    Looking for good natured players that play daily.
    600 guild coins a day is a must!
    All communication happens on discord. We are very organized.
    Our raid rules allow for 1 attack in the first 24 hours.
    ZERG at 23 hours and 59 min remaining in the raid.
    Our biggest goal right now is to allow everyone a chance to participate. Getting harder every raid as the guild gets stronger.....
    We don't have any whales here, but a lot of players from late 2015 when the game came out. We have a great mix of F2P and P2P
    You need to have at least 1 squad of 7 * toons to join.
    Have a sense of humor.
    And last but not least get your 600 coins.
    Contact us on discord or pm
    (Case sensitive)
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    League of Dead1y Slth has 1 opening.
    We are a fun laid back guild with a low turn over. We currently raid Tier 7 every 2 days as currency builds up. We are normally ranked 5-20 on the leader board depending on the day.
    We have a private forum and use Discord for out of game communication. We raid at 6pm pst every 2 days. If you have any questions please message me or send an ally request 998-277-556
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    Parental Guidance Advised is looking to fill a few spots to start T7 raids, we are a very active group with mix of f2p & p2p players. A lot of us been gaming together for years and are very friendly group. We use Group Me chat app, please contact me if interested. Or come talk to us on Group Me, You're invited to my new group 'PGA - Room' on GroupMe. Click here to join: https://app.groupme.com/join_group/24239724/ccCo0L

    Grootmeester Vicious
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    Child of Light is a casual T5 – T6 guild looking for about 7 new members. We just welcomed 4 new members to the guild and are grower stronger each day!

    Looking for levels 70+ to run T5 - T6 raids, but we welcome levels 55+ to grow with us as well. Running T5 or T6 guilds currently.

    We’re at 43/50 members with the majority being level 80 and the rest mid-levels working their way up.
    No requirements aside from being active and use the in-game chat. We love joking around on the in-game chat and helping our members progress.

    PM me or add me in-game (During the work day I can only hop on a few times while at the office. Feel free to add our Leader as well if i don't respond right away).
    My Ally Code: 752-295-757. - Valerian
    Leader Ally Code: 331-889-214. – Exodio
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    "Too Old For This Sith" is a T7 Guild looking to fill 4 spots.

    We complete T7 about 3 times a week, but we need more active members to keep earning coins so we can continue raiding at a high frequency.

    Typically the top 3 spots go to our officers, so if you are OK with that and are looking for a steady flow of T7 raid loot, send me an ally invite and I'll send you a Guild invite.

    (We are GMT -04:00.)

    Line ID & Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    Galactic Security wants you! We are a semi-casual guild looking for five new, active members. We raid T4/T5 at least twice a week, and are looking to break into T6 soon, with heroic on the horizon.

    If you are level 50+ and want to raid, we would be glad to bring you in (but please have at least 1 5* so you can immediately get raid rewards). While we do want active members, we do not require full daily contributions and we have no problem with people taking vacations or brief time off. Our chat is always helpful, and we do offer tips and advice on how to maximize your game enjoyment. We also have a guild Line channel to assist you.

    If this sounds right for you, please send me a pm. You can also shoot me an Ally request at 879-417-165.

    Good hunting!
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    T7 guild recruiting 3 more (47/50)

    PM me or contact us through LINE:

    Hobnob - 615-913-459 - lineID: hob_besb
    Muriloo84 - 967-989-613 - lineID: skywalker84sjc

    Thanks and hope to see you on board!

    Do or do not...
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Hogtown Heroes are recruiting!

    We are a Heroic Raid guild looking for everyday players that have at least 10 7* heroes (we want you to be able to step in the raid and reap the rewards as well).

    We were started by a group of friends, and have a stable roster of everyday players. We are looking for players that can be on everyday, who enjoy a friendly group atmosphere, and who want build their roster. Our members actively discuss raid comps, arena comps, ,how to 3* battles, and help each other gear their heroes through donations. We run T7 raids 2-3 times per week. Currently we have a 1 attempt in the first 24 hours rule so all members can get on the board for prizes.

    We have members from throughout the world. Our reset time occurs at 7:30 PM EST. We do not require any 3rd party apps.

    If this sounds like a guild that you could call home, please ally invite me or message me on here and I can answer any questions you have.

    Thank you and good luck,

    Ally Code: 687-342-475
  • Vengence
    1117 posts Member
    KøR DiS has spots available
    Guild time zone est + 1
    T7 raids
    You need 1 7* to join minimum
    Produce 600 coins we will help you
    Get the line app my ID vengence6
    Organized Raids
    Part of the KøR Family (5 guilds)
    Get access to Josh Mayer's arena strategy room and raid strategy room
    First looks at smithie D's video's
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    Owen Family BBQ

    Looking for those struggling with a small guild.

    Our guild is looking for serious players who want to have fun as a TEAM. We are in the process of one merge and it was very successful however some "fair weather" players keep us looking to fill spots after for serious players who contribute daily.

    We are a guild that believes in raiding as a group. All of us have left guilds with officers and leaders that didn't pay attention to the lower ranks. Some of us are high 70's & Level 80 players, however we value a fun guild over your level so if you are in a position to be a part of a guild running T5 and looking to be a part of building to a heroic level then we are your group!

    We expect all players to build their entire character list deep and even. Not looking for one team wonders. PM me or seek out Moh Pai player code 582-174-493 &/or PaiHuShih 951-953-995

    Our guild is a VERY positive atmosphere. Looking for those who want to enjoy the game but not take it too seriously. Guild hoppers need not apply. We have some (very few) people who don't take play as serious as we prefer. About 35 of 50 are solid consistent players. We are looking to fill the last spots and are ready to cut people from our roster for the right candidate.

    We want people to join who wish to grind until we make it to the top. Our goal is to take every person to T7 with 25 7* or above.
  • cduck
    8 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Drop it like it's Hoth (DLH) gold is currently looking for new active level 80 members for heroic If you are interested and not a ****, please let me know :)
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    Carowallader is looking for members! We're transitioning from another guild to this one, we only have five members but around 20 members should be joining shortly. we're on EST, prefer level 75+ players. the last guild was on a tier 5 level but we usually will do a tier 4 here and there to get some quick rewards. Not super strict on participation! just be active in daily activities most of the time and you'll be okay. my ally code is 923-599-764
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    Nerf Herder Elite Force is currently accepting members for high-level guild! (top 20 guild) (no special chat app required.)

    We are looking for one heavy-hitter. Our top 20 elite guild is always at 50 and we just replace when needed. Currently tied for 14th place on the guild leaderboard and continuing to move up! We hit 2K views on our guild thread! Details/requirements below and in the first post. We run t7s every other day. No special chat app required. We discuss mods, Arena, raid strategy and we joke around a lot too. This particular slot we're looking for a player with some premium pay to player (P2P) chars. Feel free to message me and I'd be happy to discuss any questions or requirements.

    Guild Name: Nerf Herder Elite Force

    Description/Requirements: Positive vibe guild, not a lot of rules, but need to contribute daily. We're members from other guilds who started a new guild to prep for next raid (Grievous/AAT) Many of us have been with the game since launch. Seeking lvl 80 players, min of 18 level 80 7* chars, daily players, top 50 in Arena. We use game chat to discuss raids and game overall. No special chat app required. Some of us use swgoh.gg, but not mandatory. 600 daily energy requirements and daily guild activities with the goal of t7s every other day.

    Raid level: t7 (Rancor) every other day

    Player level: 80

    Guild Refresh is 7:30pm EST

    Guild time zone: Members from US, UK/Europe, Australia, Singapore, and more. We raid during daytime US hours (kickoff is 12pm EST)


    Guild leader: musashi

    Ally Code: 935-752-382

    Feel free to message me with any questions.
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    The Lasagna Armada is looking to recruit you! We are getting our feet under us and have a range of members from 80's to the 50's. We are an EST guild but all are welcome. We are running T5 raids but looking to do T7 soon and T6 even sooner.

    We are not a guild with crazy rules. No app required for communication. We will not reject you because you are not running the most elite squads. We will not kick you because you go away for a weekend or miss getting 600 energy every day. This is a game, and we treat it as such. With that said we would like your best effort and open communication.

    Just send me an ally request, have no guild, and I'll send you an invite. Ally code: 387-968-118
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    Armchair heroes is looking for a few more heroes. Laid back t5 and up guild. We are about to break into t6 t7 but need a few more heroes. MrBrett Ally code 995 244 968
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    YodaOneForMe is a guild that was strong in number not too long ago. Due to inactivity, the number of members in our guild has declined. We are looking to return to what we used to be and to grow even stronger. We were able to do 2 tier 5 raids in about a week. No crazy requirements, just have fun and contribute as much as you can.
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