Looking for a Guild? Check here! (Part 2)


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    leader Slenderman

    O odious Ugnaught
    You move as a lug ought to
    I once had a smug thought
    A giant armed bug shot you

    Thugnaughts are filling 10 remaining spots.
    Join http://tinyurl.com/Thugnaught
    add officer celardar 871-497-751
  • Slim8
    19 posts Member
    Join The American Empire! We are a friendly active guild that does T7 Heroic raids every other day. Join us for epic raid rewards. 69+ level requirement. We only require that you earn 600 guild bank coins each day. If you are interested please send me a message on this forum and add me as an ally. My ally code is 483-766-448. Slim8
  • Adina
    148 posts Member
    Hi All! Steevo's Falcons are looking for the elite of elite. We are looking for 5 members to join us in building our way up to the top. Heroic here we come, but T6 first. We are truly a great guild with great members who are always looking to better ourselves! We chat using the in game option and using the LINE app. After hitting the high tiers of guild activities, we discuss how to improve our raid numbers. Our average level is about 75 and our leader/officers are almost 80 (in a few days). Donations make our guild go round. We love meeting new people, especially me, and we would truly love to have you. Let me know if you have any questions! Hope to see you soon!

    If you woould like to join, add any of us and we will bring you in pronto!

    Leader: Steevo Falcon (lvl 79)

    Officer: DarthDeeDee (me) (lvl 78)

    Officer: DarthFalcon6669 (lvl 80)

    Officer: Zhil Axfoway (lvl 76)
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    Hi All. Rebel Infantry is looking for more members to join our ranks. We have 18 regular members at the moment and we are completing T6/T7 raids. We aren't elitist but are a friendly helpful guild with no pressures. You play the game how you want and at the pace you want. All that we ask is that your are an active player. We have levels ranging from 50 to 80 and we alternate our raids to get every member involved in raiding.

    Ally code is 564-475-235 or search for us on the guild tab.

    Thanks for your time!!
  • Mr_C
    71 posts Member
    Hello all! I am the leader of YodaOneForMe, a guild that was at full capacity for awhile, but due to many different circumstances has dwindled down in numbers. We are looking for either individuals or another small guild like us to merge with us. We normally have done 2 tier 4s and 1 tier 5 in a week, so we are looking for members comparable with that. Most members are 70+. Hopefully i hear from you soon. Either shoot me a message on here, or send me an ally invite in game. My code is 655-355-637
  • Slim8
    19 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Join The American Empire! We are a friendly active guild that does T7 Heroic raids every other day. Join us for epic raid rewards. We only require that you earn 600 guild bank coins each day. If you are interested please send me a message on this forum and add me as an ally. My ally code is 483-766-448. Slim8
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    Wir, die Gilde »The Saviors«, haben noch 4 Plätze zu vergeben.
    T6 Raids sind momentan unser Standard!
    Wir bieten: Eine FB Gilden Gruppe, einen Messenger Chat über Facebook wo wir auch kommunizieren. Du kannst dich auch unserer Gruppe auf Facebook anschhließen und den Messenger zwecks Austausch zu nutzen oder den In-game Chat.
    Du Bringst mit:
    •Mindestens Level 75 oder höher
    •Eine Charakterauswahl die an dem 6er Raid teilnehmen kann, das heißt konkret:
    15-22 7*Charakter Minimum gear 7-8, da wir bald auch den T7 Raid in Angriff nehmen wollen.
    Außerdem sollte dir ein täglicher Gildenbeitrag von 550-600 Münzen keine Probleme bereiten.
    Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt?
    Dann melde dich hier oder per Facebook PN an Markus Strünker
    oder adde mich mit folgendem Verbündetencode:
    Möge die Macht mit dir sein!!!
  • Vengence
    1117 posts Member
    Hello all! KoR DadinSpace has a few openings. We are a T7 guild and are affiliated with KoR.

    About us: We are about the player. We raid as much as possible. Being in the KoR nation we have a vast wealth of knowlage and resources.

    As of right now are requirements are
    1. Player level 75 or above.
    2. 600 coins daily coins.
    3. At least one squad of 7*
    4. Must have Line app for communication

    *If you do not meet these still shoot me a message and I will be glad to help you get there.

    My ally code is 517-296-962
    My line ID is. Lastbornjoker
    Or message me here if you need help

  • Meat1980
    136 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Greetings everyone! My guild No Exuse has (1) opening. We are a very active T5/T6 guid. Our raid schedule is 9pm EST and we do 6556556 we get in 3 raids a week.

    We are a relaxed guild but we have daily minimum requirements.

    Requirements are:
    1. Player level 65 or above
    2. 500 coins daily
    3. At least one squad of 6* toons
    4. Contribute to daily guild activity

    My ally code: 185-682-195
    My line ID: meat1980

    Send me a PM if interested.

    Example of our daily guild activity:

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    Rancor Krusherz is a brand new guild, looking for active daily players.

    We are targetting T5 raids, and would like members with five star characters and at least player level 50.

    We are a casual guild with no special rules or regulations. Turn up, crush some rancors, and have a good time.

    We use the Guild chat, and would prefer to continue doing so - no special chat app required. We are an English speaking guild with members in the UK and the US.

    We really would like active players - the quicker we can build up Guild Bank Coins for our first raid, the better!

    We are friendly guys who have all contributed gear in previous guilds, and we are all happy to share advice and information to help others grow.

    Add me as an ally and I will invite you to our guild. Please make sure you have left your current guild first!

    Fra'es Dare: Ally code 218-655-845
  • Vengence
    1117 posts Member
    Hello all! KoR DadinSpace has a few openings. We are a T7 guild and are affiliated with KoR.

    About us: We are about the player. We raid as much as possible. Being in the KoR nation we have a vast wealth of knowlage and resources.

    As of right now are requirements are
    1. Player level 75 or above.
    2. 600 coins daily coins.
    3. At least one squad of 7*
    4. Must have Line app for communication

    *If you do not meet these still shoot me a message and I will be glad to help you get there.

    My ally code is 517-296-962
    My line ID is. Lastbornjoker
    Or message me here if you need help

  • Slim8
    19 posts Member
    Join The American Empire! We are a friendly active guild that does T7 Heroic raids every other day. Join us for epic raid rewards. We only require that you are lvl 70+ and earn 600 guild bank coins each day. If you are interested please send me a message on this forum and add me as an ally. My ally code is 483-766-448. Slim8
    You can also add me on LINE, id is ssshady.
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    Hello all. I am fairly new to the game (lvl 57) and looking for a fun and active guild. I play daily (several times of course) and fall somewhere between #70 and wherever I get knocked down to by collection time :disappointed:
    I am in a guild right now that does stuff daily so is really active but unfortunately for ME none of them speak any English. (No I am not a racist or a xenophobe so get over yourself) I think this impacts the exchange as well innit...
    SO long story short I am looking for a guild of crazies to have some fun in chat with (currently lacking), hit raids with on the daily and complete activities with.
    Hit me up if any of that struck a cord
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    The Elders Council is open for casual players. Only requirements are to contribute in guild activities and be active.
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    Group of 4 maybe 5 lvl 80's looking for a t4-t5 to merge with another guild. PM me if your interested. Thanks.
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    Council of reconciliation looking for two members. Casual guild doing T6/T7 raids. Only requirement is be active. Most members are level 80. Message me your ally code if interested.
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    327O to 1 recruiting for 1 spot!
    T7 guild, 49/50, min 3 raids per week

    August 26 in Player Guilds
    - T7 raids 3 times a week minimum, guaranteed T7 rewards
    - T7 Raid time is 6pm London time (accommodating both Europe and America time zones), only 1 attack per member in the first 12 hours, then all in (all in usually lasts 2 minutes...)
    - Next raids planned for Saturday and Sunday... 2 raids this weekend!
    - Requirements are 600 per day and use Line for raid announcements and strategy / rules
    - We are a good team who have fun together and help each other improve and get stronger
    - We are actively preparing the new raid with anti droid teams

    Looking forward to having you on board!

    Add us as an Ally / contact us on Line and we will invite you to guild (make sure you have left your guild)
    Vega: 998-343-338 - Line ID: Vega
    Startomsto: 141-669-831 - Line ID: Startomsto
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    Do you feel tired of doing low tier raids over and over again? Sick of getting those useless gears you don't need anymore? Craving for some Han Solo shards and bunch of exclusive raid gears?
    All you need is at least ONE 7star character! And spend 600 energy daily so we do as many raids as possible! More raidsl means more gears and Han Solo shards!
    Join the Galactic Order today!
    Line app is required.
    My Line ID- eliavs
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    Nerf Herder Elite Force is currently accepting members for high-level guild! (top 20 guild) (no special chat app required)

    Currently tied for 14th place on the guild leaderboard and continuing to move up!

    Our elite guild is always at 50 members and we just replace when needed, usually related to not making the 600 daily energy. We're currently looking to take one heavy-hitter for our top 20 elite guild. Details/requirements at the link below. Our post has over 1.9K views! We run t7s every other day. No special chat app required. This particular slot we're looking for a player with some premium pay to player (P2P) chars. Feel free to message me and I'd be happy to discuss any questions.

    Guild Name: Nerf Herder Elite Force

    Description/Requirements: Positive vibe guild, not a lot of rules, but need to contribute daily. We're members from other guilds who started a new guild to prep for next raid (Grievous/AAT) Many of us have been with the game since launch. Seeking lvl 80 players, min of 18 level 80 7* chars, daily players, top 50 in Arena. We use game chat to discuss raids and game overall. No special chat app required. Some of us use swgoh.gg, but not mandatory.

    Raid level: t7 (Rancor) every other day

    Player level: 80

    Guild Refresh is 7:30pm EST

    Guild time zone: Members from US, UK/Europe, Australia, Singapore, and more. We raid during daytime US hours (kickoff is 12pm EST)


    Feel free to message me with any questions. Thanks!

    Guild leader: musashi
    Ally Code: 935-752-382
  • ViciousG1
    315 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Parental Guidance Advised is looking to fill a few spots to start T7 raids, we are a very active group with mix of f2p & p2p players. A lot of us been gaming together for years and are very friendly group. We use Group Me chat app, please contact me if interested. Or come talk to us on Group Me, You're invited to my new group 'PGA - Room' on GroupMe. Click here to join: https://app.groupme.com/join_group/24239724/ccCo0L

    Grootmeester Vicious
    Post edited by ViciousG1 on
  • Mand
    24 posts Member
    Me and a buddy of mine (were both lvl 80 with 20-25 7* toons) tried our hand at starting our own guild and had too much recruiting problems. So now we are looking for a t5/t6 laid back guild to join. we don't mind daily activity requirements as we are both extremely active. our ally codes and usernames are below.

    mine is 152-489-317 username Mand'alor
    my buddy's is 825-823-246 username SenorObiiJuann
  • AbeTheFearless
    109 posts Member
    edited September 2016

    Name: We are legion
    Raid tier: VII (main) V&VI (sister) VII asap
    Raid time: 1800 est
    Requirements: (main)600 daily guild coins, max f2p guild activities, active in chats
    (sister)600 daily, active in chats
    Communications: LINE (mandatory)
    Open Spots: around 40

    We are a friendly guild that shares strategy and helps each other advance. We are expanding our family to 2 guilds due to our first doing so well. Teamwork is essential to everyone's betterment within the game. We are structured and trying to be the best guild we can be. No level requirement. Our leadership is top notch and fair to all members. We will not hold you back from doing your best and encourage high raid scores. If this sounds like a fit for you then shoot me a pm on here or on line.

    We will have around 40 spots open for individuals or a group merger.

    Line ID: abethefearless
    Post edited by AbeTheFearless on
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    We are recruiting new members, we have space for you. If you are still doing tier 6, I invite u to join us.
    We do tier 7 Heroic raids 3x a week and we are a very friendly bunch of people from all over the world,
    If you can meet the following pre-requisites, do drop me a message on LINE @ fantastic_duck
    1. Must join LINE chat for communication
    2. Must do daily guild activities 600/600. We like active players
    3. Must have 1 x 7 star toons at level 80.
    So drop me a pm ok? All are welcome, whales and f2p, all races, nationalities, gender are welcome.
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    We are:
    S t e ll a B e ll a
    and we are looking for players of level 50 or higher who play (almost) every day, who want to grow stronger with us. We currently have a few open spots. We value working together and being a team. Having a friendly atmosphere is even more important. As an example: during one raid, our entire guild stopped attacking the rancor to give one of us enough time to join.

    Rules and requirements:
    • We enjoy playing SWGOH. Most of the time :blush:
    • We respect each other's views and ideas.
    • We play daily. Missing one day a week (roughly) is no problem, if more: please say so.
    • All members must have game chat and read and follow guild announcements. You don't have to be active on the chat.
    • LINE app required for guild communication (and regular chat as an option). You may be read-only, we'll simply assume that you agree with proposals and decisions, unless you speak. We have organized our LINE groups so that you can set app notifications per message type (or switch them off).
    • All members spend at least 300 energy per day for coins.
    • No duplicate names. First one in the guild keeps the name, unless that person wants a name change.
    • All members must sync their squad on swgoh.gg (click).
    • Daily guild activities quota, if unlocked:
      • Light Side: at least 300 energy
      • Galactic War: at least 12 nodes (may be over multiple GW sessions)
      • Hard Mode: at least 150 energy
      • Challenges: at least 8 challenges
      • Dark Side: at least 300 energy
      • PVP Arena: at least 5 attempts
      • Cantina: at least 100 energy
    These numbers may be adjusted as our guild grows. We'll talk about stuff like that, using LINE.
    Our raids are mainly T5 and sometimes T4. We are in GMT+2 or UTC+2 (daylight savings active during April-October, otherwise it's +1). Our guild resets at 6:30 pm UTC+2.
    My name in the game: Shatterling Purslane. My ally code: 629-157-873, but always contact me on LINE (id: shatterling.purslane) because having LINE is a hard requirement for new members. Send me a pm for more info.
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    SPS is an active guild and we are doing T6 raids. We only have a few openings left so if you want to be part of full guild that does raids 3 times per week, we would love to have you.
    We are F2P, friendly and have no minimum daily requirements. We are looking for some like minded individuals who want to have fun and enjoy playing the game. If this interests you, please PM me or you can send me an ally request.

    Ally code: 513-757-984 (charged1981)
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    Hi guys, we are 'A littleTooChewie' a new guild (3 of us to be exact). We are daily players with a level 80, 73 and me at 37 so far. Please come and join us and climb those ranks. Perfect for new players also ! :) My ally code is: 822-836-643 SlackD3mQN. See you in game :smiley:
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    looking for 3 members
    We are doing t5 now
    my ally code is 871 379 528
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    Stuff of Legend's is a casual T5 – T6 guild looking for about 5 new members.

    Since we're running T5 - T6 raids, we prefer levels 70+, but we welcome levels 50+ to grow with us as well, all you need is one 5* to join us in the T5 raids.

    We’re at 46/50 members with a mix of 2/3 level 80 and the rest mid-levels working their way up.
    We only have 2 requirements, be active and use the in-game chat. We love joking around on the in-game chat and helping our members progress.

    PM me here. Or add me in-game.
    My Ally Code: 389-512-284 Lazerous
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    Come join 'Peace is ä Lie' ..a new start up guild where our aim is to power through some T3 raids for the rewards so we can all raise together! I'm an active daily dedicated leader with about 6 people waiting in the winds to join us. I wanted to make sure I could establish the guild to a degree before I pulled them from their current guild! Need to atleast be able to at least participate in Tier 3 so you'll need at least a few 3 stars atleast. I hope y'all come and join in! I look forward to helping y'all progress!! 113-666-399 send me an ally request or look us up! Anxious to meet any newcomers!
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    Mostly doing Tier VI raids. Though if you need gear from lower raids that is possible too if you speak up. Pretty casual guild with some high level players. Looking for members of any level to help. If you are an active player you should be able to get guild points rather easily. One member just got a 7 star Palpatine. If you join make sure you ally him because Palpatine is so awesome to use.

    fangstar Ally Code: 652-822-642 Teguilds swgoh.gg/u/fangstar/
This discussion has been closed.