Shakes looking for his shardmates.


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    Someone managed to move my carcass. lol. Durability is sitting in first ATM but I have my doubts his team was the one to do it.
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    What up guys, found this thread through someones comments. Think it was Ozwald's.
  • Durability
    34 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Someone managed to move my carcass. lol. Durability is sitting in first ATM but I have my doubts his team was the one to do it.
    Hard to believe I bumped you, I know. But I did lol. I also managed to bump Ozwald to #3.

    Post edited by Durability on
  • Durability
    34 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Nice. What timezone u in, Aral? I think shakes in eastern or mountain time.

    Durability just **** me off. I went ahead and did a battle, early. Against durability, because I know he is in Pacific, an hour behind me and it was the max rank I could do, 14 to 9. Gonna happen later, anyway. He battled back for 9? He knows my payout is right before his.... he has to take me for 1 spot for almost a month str8.

    Ok no problem, he just wanted to see if he could beat my whacky droid killer team.

    One battle burned. I beat him again. Knowing he wouldnt burn another battle just for kicks against the same guy... and.... he does it again. This is 3 hrs before my payout. 4 hrs before his payout. Now I'm irritated. Now I'm gonna need a refresh for sure - he might not, because he only uses one team. I guess I just have to wait til my hr. But **** peeps are ****.

    Maybe he thinks I can't beat him again, lol. I think peeps are gonnna be disappointed with their droid teams with B2. They defend for ****.

    I remember this day bro, i'm sorry. i wanted to climb up atleast to #5 or #4 since i thought i was going to be busy later that day. Wanted to climb up as far as i could.

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    Welcome Dura! I'm glad it was you actually. Droid teams need a ray of hope according to LJ, :D
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    Also, it's pretty funny when old smack talk gets read by the target. It just is. Love the awkwardness lolol
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    I won't even remotely apologize for Chepin.

    Halfwit bumps from 5 regularly, tried to bump me from 6 at 2 then bounce to one, I bumped him back to six and locked one.. You KNOW if you bump me at seven minutes you're going back, no questions asked. You KNOW I have the horses to do it, all you did was cost yourself 250 crystals..
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    lol SinDevil's gone and copied my team.
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    Your team is EVIL lol
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    Beat both of them but without SFand Rex I don't think I would have pulled it out
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    Missed first. Net was crappy. Plus my elbow just started hurting like crazy out of nowhere. It's miserable. Feels all hot and inflamed. Sucks so bad. Got ice on it now. Thinking bursitis :s This might make the next couple days pretty cruddy...
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    Hey when is your pay out so I don't bump you at the wrong time?
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Is Durability on the forum?
    I'm 99% sure Durability is Pacific. He is pretty active out of hour lately. He must be excited with his new B2. And the new Shake team. But he always moves for first right after my hour.

    I found a way to beat the Shake. Well, it worked on the Sin clone team, anyway. But it relies on a coin flip, haha. Let them go first and hope Anni doesn't expose himself.

    @ Shakes get well soon. I can't believe you missed first due to bad net. Who else is on Central with you?
    Halfwit [Chepin] bumps from 5 regularly, tried to bump me from 6 at 2 then bounce to one, I bumped him back to six and locked one.. You KNOW if you bump me at seven minutes you're going back, no questions asked. You KNOW I have the horses to do it, all you did was cost yourself 250 crystals..
    Holy cows. Wes actually pulled that off on me, once... the 6 to 2, then take 1 thing lol. That was the last time I turned my back on him. I don't know why, but I seem to 1 or 2 shot Chepin's toons like no other. Even when it looks like I might lose, his toons just vaporize and I am back in it.

    BTW if u wanna defend better, in general, esp against chepin, u need anni. Or u need to slow down ur rex. All Chepin has to do is let ur rex go first and NOT use SD.

    One of the main reasons shakes and sin team defends so well is anni one pt faster than rex.... which means rex will use SD almost half the time, even if they go first. If u had anni, u could defend against EP teams like chepins at least some of the time. If u slowed ur rex down slower than Chepin st han, u might also throw him for a loop.
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    Yeah I wouldn't be so actively annoyed with him if he didn't pull things JUST like that

    First was George, 3 wasn't SinWiggs, bumping the ONE person you know IS active seemed quite dumb
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    See my edit. I think u can **** off Chepin with anni. But oh neermind. That would hinder u on offense... gotta beat Chepin back, too... lol.

    I think ideally u would have two squads. Rex/anni on defense and wiggs on offense. With this, u drop the min and between the two teams u can auto anyone in ur timezone.
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    @OzwaldEMandius I'm PDT so in about 6 hrs will be my payout. Thanks for checking in with me bro! :)
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    @LastJedi What up gavon, yeah I'm on the forums. 30% active tho. I left you a reply somewhere on this thread. :D
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi, Dura. Didn't catch that. Response to my hissy fit over arena? I figured u were just playing with ur B2 and didn't like the fact that I could beat it with a 4 star toon on my team, lol. No problem.

    If you got trouble with Sin/Shakes ever again, check my last post.

    @ Oz : another possibility for your situation is to get one speed toon like Poe, which you can get faster than EP's ST Han, and use that to beat EP on offense. Then put anni back in on defense. I hate seeing you targeted, because I know when you have battles left over you sometimes move Sin/Shakes out of top spot. I appreciate the public service. :)

    I'm not sure Poe's TM down is reliable enough... or if the 20% is enough, though. The only other alternative would be to have a faster ST Han, and that's just a speed race.
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    @ Durability BTW, I would usually make more of an effort to work around you, because I know ur up next. But that particular day I had a certain number of battles left and had an agenda. Sorry, dude.

    Also, FYI, we are going to be competing come Day Light Savings.
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    @LastJedi I've been able to beat the Rex teams as well surprisingly! It's hard but doable. Pretty cool strat you got there, going to give it a go if I need to face them.
  • Durability
    34 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    @LastJedi I saw you mention us having to face each other somewhere on this thread. Currently what my guildmates do on their shard is they each have a turn taking #1 each day. So one gets #1 and other gets #2 and next day they swap. I'm all up for this if you are as well. As long as there is no bumping from #5 - #1 because **** that's a 200 crystal loss, lol.
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    Durability wrote: »
    @LastJedi I saw you mention us having to face each other somewhere on this thread. Currently what my guildmates do on their shard is they each have a turn taking #1 each day. So one gets #1 and other gets #2 and next day they swap. I'm all up for this if you are as well. As long as there is no bumping from #5-#1 because **** that's a 200 crystal loss, lol.
    I'm ok with that. Hopefully we will still be able to take 1 and 2 come November.

    BTW, sorry, I remember ur entrance, now. Ur the newbie on the thread. Welcome, again.
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    @LastJedi Thank you :) . Also it looks like your rival Wes Terallo is making a reappearance after not contesting #1 for some days.
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    Nah I'm good man :)

    I haven't missed taking first in like 2 weeks, I can't exactly complain beyond being annoyed at bad manners.

    No worries, my Rex is up to 231 for speed so I fire before all but the fastest StH which lets me get EP on him with a shock with his 100ish potency.

    I'm good ;)
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    Yeah the net here on the island is spotty. We were out to dinner. Wifi is pretty much only assured at the villa mostly. St Thomas is on EST but that didn't matter. Since my payout was still central.

    Elbow feels a bit better after starting on some Advil to bring inflammation down. Still hurts though just more mild.
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    Whoops. I missed my first arena for about a month. I got conned helping my ole lady make dinner.

    Next time just park ur team in second the night before, and u will still be there. Worked for Sin, too.... LOL.
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    Shakes be careful with that, get someone to look at it when you get back ( NOT THERE!!)
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    Swelling is down quite a bit today. Not as tender despite bashing it on the bathroom door last night lol.

    I think it's funny sin made my same team. Not the first time my squads have affected our arena. I like to keep everyone on their toes lol
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    Sin shouldn't have touched a thing he was HARD to beat
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