Shakes looking for his shardmates.


  • OzwaldEMandius
    1032 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Round the clock Motrin/Advil is your friend for
    swelling, if it's still swollen or hot when you by stateside see an Urgent care.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Someone managed to move my carcass. lol. Durability is sitting in first ATM but I have my doubts his team was the one to do it.

    I watched him fail (I thought; maybe he ran out of battles?) first time u put ur team up. But I guess it is not that hard. Cam does it, too, I see.

    I don't have b2. I think a je droid team might need b2 to beat ur team. I can so far only win by letting u go first and hoping anni keeps it in his pants. I sit je and put in rg. If rex doesn't use sd, fight is actually easy. This is the same way I beat Oz, but in that case it works almost 100% of the time cuz of no anni/expose. IMO, this is one big reason why oz drops to 20 and u and sin have it made, in our current mix. This should be the case against EP lead, too, with EP leads letting Oz's rex go first, then kill him.

    Sin? Well, my drama-queen initial reaction aside, I think it's obvious that Shakes team defends better than Sin's old team. And especially hard to swallow if someone elses team can defend against urs. I imagine Shakes could defend against even Sin's EP lead to a good degree.

    Sin hasn't left top 3 since he switched, that I have seen. Even after knowing u can beat it, that doesn't mean u would potentially waste a battle to RNG gods if u don't have to.

    But I am glad he switched, too. His team broke the mold with EP health. And now that's one less team comp to have to worry about.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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    Agreed. Honestly today is my first day lower then 15 but my focus has been on the " new" raid and a full solo beginning to end ( which I've conceded on out of sheer self preservation from using Teebo)
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    I never had much trouble with his Palp team. Ani's debuff makes him unable to heal which basically puts him one foot in the grave.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Whelp. Looks like durability will leave me in the dust. I had only one droid team to climb today. And everyone else defended at least once. Oz defended twice. So I guess my previous estimate of his defense against me was slightly off. Lol.

    @shakes, yeah on offense, u woupd be more than fine. But I bet ur team also gave ep lead fits on defense, 40 percent of the time.
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    Something has changed over the last few days: Sin and Shakes are now quite difficult to beat, Caminero has gotten way harder too with a crazy powerful opening that can take out 2 of my chars (those mods though).

    As a result, those 3 tend to stay in the top 5 longer, which means the available top spots at payout are less numerous ... which means the cordial sparring between payout competitors is now a bloodthirsty war without mercy.

    (So, sorry DJ Robbe; don't push me back from 2 to 6 with one minute left on the payout counter if I can take out your team in 30s on auto ... you have to be a bit more crafty, or at least offer me a more comfortable rank so that I'm not tempted to strike back).
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    Sins just being annoying because it was arena day and the more battles the better I think.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    @aral, yeah. 2 days ago shakes changed his team, and then sin copied it and now they both tend to fight back whenever they drop out of top 5 cuz they need to finish their dailies, of course, and one battle for first obviously doesn't cut it. :)

    Ur team has also gotten strong in the last week. You are destroying my non B2 droids with authority.
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    I just have to pick on sin for copying me. Just gotta. Make an example of him lol :D I
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    I just hate waiting until 4-5p EST to start moving forward again. Further back I drop , the more jamokes try to crawl over me..
  • Aral
    36 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Am I the only one to find Caminero66 just unbeatable? I mean, he's sitting at #1 right now and since I had some attempts left I fought him a couple of times to see what the hell is going on, and each time the result is the same: 2 deaths on my side before I can even move.

    Is any of you able to beat him without a raid Han?

    Edit: @LastJedi I saw your thread about competitive shards; I think Caminero66 should give you hope that droids are still top tier, extremely relevant and powerful. I don't think any Wiggs or Lando team will be able to dish out so much damage with their opening moves anytime soon.
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    Lemme look and see if he's changed anything. I beat him fairly easily but I'm running a REALLY fast Rex
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    Nm I was thinking Sin.

    Yeah I beat him almost every time. Without a stun, Rex is giving out around 30-35 TM every time he throws an AE that Crits and if he doesn't ability block Rex it's all but a guarantee
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    Thanks for the info Ozwald. I guess I'll stay clear of him in the near future!
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    He may just be your kryptonite :). We all have one, Mine is B2 but three guesses who doesn't get a dang choice about that now
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Is any of you able to beat him without a raid Han?

    Edit: @LastJedi I saw your thread about competitive shards; I think Caminero66 should give you hope that droids are still top tier, extremely relevant and powerful. I don't think any Wiggs or Lando team will be able to dish out so much damage with their opening moves anytime soon.
    Unless something has changed in the last few days, I beat his team easily, but not with a meta team of my own. When I want to beat droids on offense, I use a 5 tank team with RG, and I have hitherto won with near 95% success. Takes anywhere from 2 and a half minutes to 4 and a half minutes, but it almost never fails, so far. 86 usually doesn't get a second attack. He's the first person I stun. Then I stun and/or kill 88, who will often get 1 additional basic, only. Then Je rezes 88, once, and I kill him again and kill JE next. Then 86. Then I stun HK while I kill B2.

    Last I took on Cam's team, he only had a 6 star B2 and only g9, I believe. So that might change. I don't often get a chance to tackle him. My timezone is following Oz and Shakes... so I'm pretty FFed, myself.

    FWIW, my droid killer team is HK L, Magnaguard, RG, ST Han, and 4 star Ben. Crit down arrow on RG. Ben doesn't always die, and B2 often blocks most or even all of the buffs. But he's good anyway, because of his tankiness. When it's turn for a wet noodle like Ben to attack, always hit B2, unless B2 is almost filled anyway. I have also beat Cam using a 6 star Poe accidentally wearing no mods, in place of Ben. I have used Poe a few times and I don't believe I have ever lost. But I prefer using Ben. It's too much fun when his death buff actually works.

    If the stars align, AI will cripple hk or magnaguard off the bat and I will lose. But this is exceedingly rare. As long as rg and my meatshield spot (ben/poe) take some of the initial damage, it works, period.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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    Yeah shakes beat me 5 times in a row. Horrible RNG ( Rex resisted all my stuns EVERY time) but I'd made alterations to my weakness, then they bumped
    Me back and it was a moot point.

    I need to tweak I think, less denial more damage.
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    Did someone say Lando?

    Btw, welcome to the club. If ur team ends up being shakes Jr, no one will be surprised. WE are but players. They make the rules.
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    Nah went with GS was all I really needed. Even with JKA, a stun and a 19k crit from GS tends to end Lando fast.
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    I just checked to see if i held 2 spot. 5:16. I started an hour too early, lolol.
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    Gah. Whole day of airport connections and flights to look forward to tomorrow. Shouldn't there be teleportation by now? It's 2016, yo.
  • OzwaldEMandius
    1032 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Loll fly safe man

    Get that elbow looked at, I don't want you in my ICU for sepsis
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    ... And I play with a couple mods and I slaughtered his squad..* sigh* I need to stop reinventing the wheel
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Wedge lead with lando. Insane. I came back from the dead to beat shakes team. 2 for 2, now, even though it was impossible. Shoulda died both times but when Lando gets on a roll, nothing stops him. Down to lando and rg vs lando, rg, b2 and rex. 2 on 4 and shakes b2 and rg had some protection left. I got 5 aoe's off. I got 3 aoe's off at the end.... against just rg and b2. Double crit, double crit, LOL.

    This is opposite of droids where it feels like I can't possibly lose, then I do...

    4 star wedge takes the 1 spot!
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    Good job! Always an answer if one looks close enough lol
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Yeah, I am just so frustrated with droids I decided to try the OP new meta. I didn't know how good it would be already. So far I have only done 3 matches and won them all. Against u, shakes, skin of the teeth and oh so lucky. Pretty handily trashed durability, though. Almost as convincing as my 90% droid killer squad, only a lot faster. I think this confirms my hunch that droids need some love with r2d2, or their days are numbered. Ima leave this op 4 star wedge in tonight on defense.
  • Durability
    34 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    @LastJedi check out my inventory, been planning to drop droids for a while now. Looking to drop my new team next week, hopefully.
    Going for Wedge (L) , Biggs , Anakin , Raid Han Solo, B2. Once i get lando i'll see where i'll fit him. (Most likely drop raid Han since shoretrooper counters his a**)
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    Durability wrote: »
    @LastJedi check out my inventory, been planning to drop droids for a while now. Looking to drop my new team next week, hopefully.
    Going for Wedge (L) , Biggs , Anakin , Raid Han Solo, B2. Once i get lando i'll see where i'll fit him. (Most likely drop raid Han since shoretrooper counters his a**)

    Oooohweee daddy like. I might miss the anni train. So much gear, and I haven't even unlocked him, yet. Been getting miserable drop rate. And now new toons might be available (I almost hope they are chromium, so I can be OP for awhile lol). I guess we can't get em all... I got lando. U got anni. We both got 8 obsolete droids, lol.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    ****. With a little more luck I can beat shakes with 4 toons standing. 3 for 3. I dunno how a low gear/lvl wedge will work with anni. Mostly wedge buffs my lando and then dies... or are u hoarding metric tons of gear and shards? Next week? 4 stars gear8.....

    I figured I would try my team in arena after I essentially cleared gw with them, only losing wedge in node 11. **** rebs with lando are faster than droids.

    Lando is pretty easy to gear I think. Fyi.
  • Durability
    34 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    @LastJedi I've been hoarding gear for wedge since he's a pain to gear. Luckily I saved enough to get him to gear level 9 1/2 right away. This double drop came in clutch too. I have wedge's 100 cuffs, furnace, and mk5 stun gun for gear level 8
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