Shakes looking for his shardmates.


  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Personally I don't see shore trooper being anything but a speed bump. Sun Fac and B2 still neutralize early taunt just like a fast STHan.

    I finished 30th on my shards tournament. I've got a Shoretrooper but I haven't put much effort into him. I just don't think he'll be worth it.

    But most people run b2 and sunfac slow. Only droids will be able to make b2 go first. And even for droids it will be a compromise. If u run SHT against the faster team, the enemy has to beat on SHT. B2 isnt triggered until it is SHT team turn. And then EP lead lives to stun your pants off. Rex lead will be key for dispel and tenacity up.

    So only defender left is rex lead. You can throw qgj and/or yoda in there, but u will suck on D.

    SHT can potentially be a win button against all faster teams, except rex. On offense anyway. On defense you can work around him with yoda or qgj or whatnot. B2 and Fac aren't going to be fast enough.... except on droid team.
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    Maybe. But if the attacker is using AOE then Fac has a big chance of countering. B2 getting full TM. What have you.

    I've seen vids of Shoretrooper in action vs wiggs and stuff. It doesn't seem to be the meta changing toon people prophesized lol. It just meant that the trooper died first.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Right. His Aoe will trigger your fac/b2. But only if his toons go first. SHT will allow the EP lead to go second and still win. Possibly useful for some other wiggs/lando combos, too. But I think EP lead is the big one.

    The entire purpose is to make sure EP gets a turn. This is same reason why rex lead is so good. Rex doesn't kill anyone. He makes sure the key toons can't be wiped or stunned by faster squad before they get a say, and/or get a taunt up.

    If your EP team is faster ur already gravy. You will use him to beat faster wiggs and droids.
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    @Aral .... What timezone are you at? Ahh. Just seen, an hour before me. Do you know how fun it is to have crystals stole by someone you don't even compete with? I'm happy for you to screw me out of crystals. Feel free by all means it's the game... But generally everyone here tries not to do that, because it is extremely annoying. Caminero is at my payout btw, You may notice I don't even screw him over that badly at our payout anymore because it is pointless and a waste of crystals. He can beat me, I can beat him, the same as you can beat me and I can beat you. So next time you wanna push me back at my payout from 2nd into 5th when cam is at 1st.... Do me a favour and just wait an hour. Your squad is boss btw. Gratz.
    Post edited by GeorgeRules on
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Drydin can go on repeat offender list, too?
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    @OzwaldEMandius it's not your payout time bro why you bumping me in the last 10 mins of mine?
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    Because I'm a friggin dipshir who didn't mean to auto :( ( which is why I came to aplogize)

    Mea culpa man, if I can make it up to you lemme know how
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    Sorry, trying to burn off attempts, was actually running them rather then surrendering.
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    it's fine bro, had to refresh though. But yeah this is my payout time.
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    Hello durability. Nice to see you here. And Aral. Welcome to the chat. I actually came to the thread to ask if anyone knew when arals cashout time was so I could screw him over for a few days.... Lol. But glad he's here so hopefully diplomacy will take over. I'm a nice guy really.
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    @LastJedi It's sin devil who's been the biggest culpret for me. I'm sure people hate OB. Poor Old guy. I'm tempted to dissapear into thin air. And does anyone know when Karol Gustav cashes? Him and snake are starting to climb higher each day. It's kinda nice to have some new faces around. And... where did houses go?
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Snake is a curiousity. He is very active in my timezone, as well. I.e., he attacks me, lol. But I don't THINK he's Mountain.

    Heh. I'm personally throwing in the towel. I been pretending for weeks now. I don't have the team for top 5. No more refreshes for me. I hope someone wins mountain time soon.
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    @GeorgeRules what up m8, Good to see you on here aswell!
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    Yeah refreshes are bad unless you know you're locking a slot. I don't generally do them unless it was to screw with Houses or move Chepin to where I want him.
  • Aral
    36 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    @Aral .... What timezone are you at? Ahh. Just seen, an hour before me. Do you know how fun it is to have crystals stole by someone you don't even compete with? I'm happy for you to screw me out of crystals. Feel free by all means it's the game...
    I know what your payout is, I've observed your pattern, and I'm generally done by this time. when did this happens? Not saying I didn't do it, but when I have leftovers fight I do them at around 20:05 my time so after your payout. Anyway, I've avoided you for weeks now at your payout, so I may have f*cked up that one time, was I drunk?, my bad sorry, kind of you to let me know.

    (And yes I know how fun it is, I hate it, it happened to me too ... for example I was totally convinced Cami was at my payout ... I'll let you guess why.).

    Edit: that spelling ...
  • Aral
    36 posts Member
    I actually came to the thread to ask if anyone knew when arals cashout time was so I could screw him over for a few days.... Lol. But glad he's here so hopefully diplomacy will take over. I'm a nice guy really.

    Well, I'm not saying a good rivalry can't be healthy (Cami66 made me so angry I started farming Jawas like a madman for the crit dam mods, and as a result I have a better team now), but if we could avoid an all out war I think it would be better for both us.

    Anyway, my payout time is CDT+7 / GMT+2 (for now; I have no idea what will happen when my country will go back to GMT+1 in a few weeks, will I have to fight you or will I stay GMT+2? If GMT+1 the top 5 is gonna get crowded...).

    Btw, do you know what time zone Wester is?

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    Wester is at your payout. When the clocks go back we all move back so I'll still be an hour ahead. Welcome to the top tier. Caminero is a bit like Sindevil. They are both around here in the shadows but both don't seem to have much etiquette when it comes to respecting other peoples payouts. You are right about it being healthy at times, But it generally does lead to all out war which costs, If you want to screw caminero go for it, I didn't see what happened yesterday I just saw you in 2nd and you were in 5th and we'd switched places, I was actually out having a life for once and cam has been getting a little more agressive with me lately. I'm not gonna retaliate, your squad is strong and easily steamrolls my dinosaur squad, Just like sindevil and caminero though, if you think you can hold top 5 indefinitely you will end up extremely dissapointed. Congrats on making it to the top though. It's nice to see more people climbing and have more squads to battle.
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    As to what George said, I LIKE to battle tougher teams so if I bump you please take it as a compliment most times. I get bored beating droids/EP squads and look for hard teams because this game otherwise is all about beating self set goals and watered down p*ssy wimp challenges like watered down Yoda.
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    And I almost always do my best to respect times, I have around 3 hours from 4p EST to 7P Est to get in place ( yay Atlantic Ocean) but I will move up from like 20+ at any given time because being back there encourages mid 20-50 players to hit my team and some bad RNG and I spend 50 crystals crawling up.
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    Generally I think we're a pretty easy going shard. I try my best to stick to my payout. Most likely how people know when my payout actually is. I don't see the point in battling people just because they push me back. There are some squads that are tougher now, I'm kind of wishing I'd farmed wedge instead of going for anakin and B2. They are an awesome combo but thd level cap increase will bring more changes. I'm hoping my jawa squad might actually become viable... I too farmed them hoping droids would actually struggle vs them but it came down to a speed mod race on JE and they are underpowered compared to droids, even with them winning the speed race they didn't hold on defence and were beat easily by any other squad. Also anyone know when jeunesse cashes. He is pushing me back at payout almost deliberately. Do not onow if he is just trying to ride the ranks off my squad or what but it is extremely annoying.
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    I think sometime European because he almost always sends me a friend request then ( I do recruiting for my guild so I almost always deny them) but I could be wrong.
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm well and truely on the backfoot with OB... Anakin will be replacing him very soon. Really cheesed about wiggs/rex/landakin meta... Just no avoiding it, I don't want to follow suit but struggling to see a ftp alternative other than droids. Lost to aral twice today, it's like droids mk2 except even more OP. At least you could shut droids down with raid han when he decided to work. Really at a loss for how to proceed... finish my droids or continue the long farm for lando and wiggs?
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    I'm mid Lando ( Id started him a LONG time ago and he's low on my priorities) but honestly the whole meta is about speed first ( AGAIN) and short of a counter/slow heavy team or the Rex solution, it's a screw job.

    Phasma, EP, JKA ( lead), very little compares to hoping Wiggs picks a tanky person to try to OhK.. Even Rex it's a crap shoot.

    Which is why I'm farming counter teams with 5s, Aayla, etc..
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    Think I'll just finish the droids and try them out... I know LJ has experimented alot. It's just like droids in that if they target the wrong guys you can win but if they one shot a toon it's Game over. I don't have the patience to play much longer. I just hope the raid is fun.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Wiggs can oneshot lando or rex before rex lead fills st han. Droids can't do that unless they get several attacks before rex tm fills enemy taunters. And to do that they need mega speed advantage. 15% per crit is massive gain for rex.

    Speed is the meta except the fastest team cant get the job done. Unless u mod the **** out of them, droids cant even use speed advantage agInst rex. Droids also can't defend. Very weak. Can be beat with tank squad without much mod at all.

    Once u max all ur droids u will probably rage quit. Bye, george. LOL.

    Wiggs. EP maybe viable with new toons. Rex. Don't bother with nothing else. Imo. Counter team will definitely crush droids. But that is not enough. You won't have any droids to beat in top ten, except cam. So counter... meh. Counter attacks crit, too.

    B2 also has inherent rex loophole. His lots of little hits compromise his value vs rex. On offense rex can beat anything. Rex can defend against everything but faster wiggs and evasion. Or lucky or uber ep droids. So droids will be a big disappointment.

    I would be working on lando and rg and then anni. When Tp and sht are out u can decide to go wiggs or ep with new toons. Or rex fac.

    6 star gear 8 wedge lead already better than max droids, same mods. I have almost no reason to ever pull out droids.

  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    The droids are almost there tbf. Just need a few pieces of gear and omegas and they will be maxed. They are good, I've been using them in gw. They kill super quick but then if they get hit back hard they drop like flies. Think I'll get wedge 4 stars and just commit to getting them all geared and starred over the next 2 months. By which time no doubt they will be old news.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Rex.... get rex and profit. He never gets old. And no one ever complains. Only way to beat him is a speedy ohko. Now, everyone crying for wiggs nerf..... so next meta is empire (and rex). Rex will always be on top cuz devs don't know how to make a counter that isn't OP, itself. Rex has been meta since day 1 without a break. Ben had a really good run. Droids had a moment to shine. Wiggs barely born yet, and already the counters are coming. Thru all this rex is smelling like roses.

    Speed or stun, rex has the counter. With enough room left on his team for detaunt, taunt, and dps +- stun.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Btw, yeah... I remember using OB lead in GW. Lol..sloowwww... Ur going from the slowest to one of the fastest ways to clear gw.
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    That said. caminero is still doing well with droids. How come he does so well and yet others are abandoning ship? I think If I get them finished they should be good vs wiggs if i get b2 to throw in the mix.
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    Durability has just switch to wiggs too...
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