Shakes looking for his shardmates.


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    Poor AI is what makes the game tolerable actually. If the game was as smart as that chess robot...the rage would flow so hard on these forums lolol

    You mean I'd have to.. THINK?!?

    I don't think thinking (lol) is the problem. 5 minutes to do it in considering all the protection and dodge and health is though when you have to consider moves lol
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    Literally, AI is countered by focus. The way I test my team on defense is if i can auto a match with focus off. I've tested my squad against everyone now and it seems to hold so i know it is going to perform remotely well on ai although focus will still trump it which is evident today, being pushed back twice already. I think I'm almost done modding my squad for now. I used a refresh on mod challenges and got 1 t3 mod.... Waste of time untill I'm rolling in cantina energy.
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    Ya same here. I'm content with them knocking off and being knocked off and banking crystals.

    Wedge ( don't have him) and Biggs are getting buffs next and since JKA came out amazing after I think that's where I'll be working. I'd come
    get ready for the new raid and apply to TSR but I can't :(. Youre European based and I don't like Nutella :(
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    I don't think the raid times would suit anyone outside europe. They dont even suit me at times. 8am???? Madness.
  • Sunnie1978
    2937 posts Moderator
    Lol! Mine has some European members so one raid a week starts and the next day has free for all at 6 AM ET (-4 GMT). I am never awake for the start or end of that raid :-)
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    It is difficult. I think our guild as we are becoming more international should set the raids at 8pm. at least then its lunch time else where. But we have had rolling start times since day one. Its confusing as hell to keep up with.
  • Sunnie1978
    2937 posts Moderator
    Rolling start times? Ugh! Yeah, it's very hard to find good start times once multiple continents are involved.
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    I just wanted the Nutella joke :(

    But ya we have scheduled raids at different time because we have some Euros as well and an Asian member
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    Nuttella is awesome, i've heard it's got nothing on peanut butter jelly though I'm yet to try it.
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    My girl loves Nutella to the point of insanity. I stopped buying it because she'll just eat it with a spoon.
  • Sunnie1978
    2937 posts Moderator
    Nutella on crepes, best use of crepes
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    I'll tell Wifey

    She LOVES that stuff
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    being pushed back twice already
    One of those was me. Just had to try, while I was up there. I probably got some great RNG. I won't be making a visit until next PvP day. It's not worth my time/crystals to try to make top ten, yet. Too much RNG for me in those battles, yet.

    I did a rematch with Six, and he got his Han up another star, already. I got completely rolled.

    -1 for Nutella love. Haha.

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    I finally got to fight him yesterday. Was a bit surprised at the damge his team was able to pump out. Lost Sarge and RG but still won the fight.
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    Tried an experiment last night. Took Fac out and put Echo in. Pre-mods Echo in the team held really well. Not so much now. Dropped from 1st to 25th. Lowest I'd dropped in ages. Makes me scared to try Cody in the ring. lol

    Way things are it seems I just gotta keep two tanks.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Well, i seem to always beat your team at least 50/50 when I have leftover attempts. But always lose when it matters. Cody or sunfac. Same with ozmandius.and when I have leftover attempts, always use em on you because of this... trying to learn how to win my hardest matchups.
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    yeah I'm playing with Fac now but I need to gear him :(
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    I might try an Anakin/clone comp and see how that goes. Getting slight bored with my squad and having that itch to throw something else out there. The trick is's gotta work and be reliable. There just isn't that many options for defense lol
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    Ani is tough and he's no Rex.

    Was in first, using you to lock the spot and someone sniped me at 5'46" and I figured it was you ( since youd know EXACTLY when I was open..) and got free at 1 07 or so.. Didn't even come. CLOSE to beating you on auto..

    ... Then I Realized they lost to me..

    Holy crap I WON a defense match :)
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    I think your payout is EST, Ozzy? I don't usually mess with people just before top of the hour. It's a bit of a d**k move. Well, except at my payout. Which is at CST. I'm gonna back challenge another battle for guild challenge. Then pounce.
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    I sometimes very rarely attack you guys right before my reset which i know is your payout shakes. I thought you were both on the same payout. I'd never push you back before you cashout though. Kinda not bothered anymore, its been ages since i've been pushed into the 20's and can make my way back up top no problem.
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    Nah wasn't you, I figured it was because I'd gone down to you to burn it ( since its attempt day) but got locked at 5 something.

    You beat my A$$ on auto. Little pieces of Oz all over the arena. :(

    Figured it was a droid team, that's the only team I can D and even then only if they go AE on 88.
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    I tried Ani out in the lead spot a few times on offense. Mixed up the comp a bit. Used Ani in the lead with all clones including Cody once. Benched Five's for that one. Then when full Clone Wars and brought Ani and Ahsoka out with Rex, Five's and Echo. That was fun.

    Just can't trust any comps to hold reasonably anymore lol.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Holy **** I WON a defense match :)
    I won the other week, first time I fought your team. I must have gotten lucky. Against my droids, you're team is rock solid on D. I haven't beat you
    Nah wasn't you, I figured it was because I'd gone down to you to burn it ( since its attempt day) but got locked at 5 something.

    You beat my A$$ on auto. Little pieces of Oz all over the arena. :(

    Figured it was a droid team, that's the only team I can D and even then only if they go AE on 88.
    Might have been me. After my first win against you, I am now 1 and 3. And your team can beat droids even when they don't aoe. I got desperate and tried st han instead of je.

    That didn't work either, but I beat shakes rex lead once, with it.
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    Oh hey just reminded me:

    If you friend request me and I turn it down don't take it personal, I do the bulk of our recruiting as a guild during slow times ( when we are 48-49 members) and " Sorry I can't add you let me get someone who has a slot" doesn't go over well.

    It's not I'm a ****..

    .. Well I AM but this isn't part of that :)
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    Thoughts on new raid? Everyone going all Jawa crazy or waiting?
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    Hi oz, I'm going Jawa crazy but i think JKA clones and ima gun di should also be good. I'm going all the way with the jawa to see if they can actually cut it in PVP and also gonna be getting Ugnaugt ready in case he is good at all. Personally i think it will be similar to rancor except there will be more debuffs and we will probably be getting aoe'd or facing large amounts of droids that hit like fish with hi hp... AOE i think will also be a good strategy if there are a load of adds surrounding a main boss. This would explain scoundrel synergy with 88 and why anakin is hitting so hard on his aoe.
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    I've tuned up my jawas only mildly. I've only got three of them. I'm thinking they'll be back ups for clones that fall. At least I'm hoping it works that way lol
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    LJ, sorry if i cost you 50 crystals just now... Thought I was doing you a favour.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    LJ, sorry if i cost you 50 crystals just now... Thought I was doing you a favour.

    I thought so too, but then.... u defended. Rey dodged. Then she attacked next and foresight. Then I died, haha. If Rey isn't dead before Han taunts, it's pretty much game over.

    Wes took u down and then i wasted 50 on a refresh. Because either someone else attacked him immediately. Or he used a refresh to lock himself in. I think the latter. No big deal.

    I used my extra battles just now to try out my fledgling nebit. He is good!

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