Shakes looking for his shardmates.


  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm 7 starring mine tomorrow. He just went gr 9 too. Will be a while before i get the mods to put on him but I am really looking forwards to getting them all gear 10. Have a funny feeling they are going to be rubbish.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm 7 starring mine tomorrow. He just went gr 9 too. Will be a while before i get the mods to put on him but I am really looking forwards to getting them all gear 10. Have a funny feeling they are going to be rubbish.
    I think so...

    The only thing Nebit does for my droid team that is particularly groovy is to reset HK/86 cooldown... .which does nothing against Rex lead, but it is bomb against Anakin L. I was able to beat Shakes. I got super RNG, though. I barely cut down Anakin in my first droid assault, which is like a 1 in 10. Then barely clung on for dear life. I don't think I will count on it at payout, yet, but maybe with max gear.

    Nebit is so slow, he only got 2 moves. So on my droid team, if he uses his taunt as the first move, that is his only meaningful move for the game. If I were to use his assist, first, his taunt wouldn't come until too late... against han taunt or clones.

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    I took them to node 3 in GW before they got wiped out. Was a little dissapointed.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Maybe if you have 4 of them plus Rey, and get Jawa speed up to around 200-210 base, plus get Nebit up to around 135-140. It might have a shot.
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    Have you seen my St Han? When they are ready i will commit to modding them to death. I Think they are definitely lacking at the minute but that could change with gear and star level. Worse case scenario i finish gearing the droids and have the full camp.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Well that's the other thing I was thinking about.

    Nebit is potentially the fastest taunter, now. So if you use Nebit, Jawa, and JE, and you take all speed mods off Han, and give them to JE and Nebit and Jawa, you could get

    1. JE recalibrate at tick 400ish, or faster
    2. Jawa AOE stun in same tick
    3. Nebit taunt
    4. Rey attack/foresight
    5. Han taunt

    Without mind tricks Han will take a beating. But if you take off all his speed mods and replace with health/protection and crit damage avoidance, it might have a shot? Han speed doesn't matter, since Nebit taunts, first. Hmm, except Han has to avoid getting hit with an AOE ability block.

    You also are hurting on offense. And droid teams with 4 or 5 droid jawa are still going to get the drop on you.

    So.... Jawa PvE... maybe. Start leveling HK, haha.
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    Sup fellas. I notice a couple more Sun Facs creeping into lineups
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Wes ain't around, eh? I got some words for him.

    Shakes: Oz's team looks more like yours every day, haha.
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    Absolutely on SF. Need a more frequent dispel when people run 2-3 taunts.
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    Oh and FotP and Phasma sure aren't bad against non droid teams either ;)
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Not sure yet. But wes terallo might be a ****.

    Two of us in the same timezone in the top ten. That is it. And he drags me from 2 to 6 at the last second when he could have taken 3rd. GeorgeRules is paid, already. Or first for that matter, if he started a little earlier.

    Wes, if ur out there u can stop wasting matches to lock me out. For one, I can't beat clones. So just wait until there is 5 to 7 minutes left and take top spot.

    For seconds u might not have noticed, but I have never attacked you except from the highest possible spot i can achieve from below you and if I have battles left before payout and ur the only match i got. Cuz I am not a **** and I can see ur in my timezone.

    I can beat u just as easy as u can beat me, so let's play nice and come out ahead.

    Peace bro.
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    Lol, It's frustrating sometimes isn't it? All i'll say LJ is that it gets real dull, real quick when you stop messing with each other or stop caring. I used to get wound up about caminero. He used to like to make the point that he could beat me. We would often have days where we would push each other back over and over. It was pointless, but at the same time we have been battling each other since day one. Recently I've stopped caring so much so I don't fight religiously for first like I used to. The difference now is I don't care. All I'll say with wes is you have two choices. Mess with him back, or mess with him only when he attacks you. If you let him walk all over you, he will and being nice won't make him realise you are. You need to show him you can mess with him back, then he will realise that you aren't.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Heck, I imagine we can swap places for an entire hour and both end up at rank 10+ when the bell rings. I'd rather the two of us get the highest two spots we can possibly get for our payout hour... And once we're there duke it out and/or box out. I beat him a few days back... but I got the highest spot I could get, first... so he took third. Either way, we collectively take the highest payout that was possible that day.

    If he takes on you for 3rd, "we" get 150 more crystals between us. Now those crystals evaporate.

    I don't see messing with him being an option. I'd rather not spend an hour swapping places with someone while people who are already paid sit in top five thru my payout.

    It's nothing to do with being nice. It's just business. :)

  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm the same Told Cam the same too. It's a two horse race, no point in not taking 1st or second. That said you have to make it clear that you aren't messing with him. And the only way to do that is to mess with him so he knows.
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    Or just don't challenge him or react. just take the highest spot you can without pushing him back.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    So Cam is on the forums, at least?
    I found a Westellero on the forums - with an E. What are the chances that a guy can misspell his own last name? Unfortunately, this Wes only has one post, so I don't think I am gonna find out, either way.

    Maybe I'm wrong, and Wes CAN'T reliably beat you? I purposely went around him, today, taking 15 instead of him at 14, because I know this is his hour... even though it was late and it looked like he wasn't playing today. This made me burn up an extra battle getting to 2, even... giving me no chance for a mistake. Then I take 2 spot and see him in 6 spot with 4 minutes left, and I think uh oh. What are the chances...

    Very good.
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    He sent me a message to say hi a few weeks back. I basically told him what your saying here. It's a two horse race, why mess with each other. But ultimately, I didn't really care.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    That said you have to make it clear that you aren't messing with him. And the only way to do that is to mess with him so he knows.
    ? So walk me thru it. Tomorrow I drag him back on purpose... and then? I suffer more?
    He sent me a message to say hi a few weeks back. I basically told him what your saying here. It's a two horse race, why mess with each other. But ultimately, I didn't really care.
    I sent a pm to Wes Tellaro13? If that's not him, you have permission to pass on my forum ID to him, if you would be so kind.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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    I was talking about caminero. Not seen wes. It's up to you how you go about it.
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    I'd say if he was in 6th.... taking second is just asking for it. Should of pushed me back instead if you can't beat shakes. Then waited for him to move on second.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Well no biggie. I am still gonna play the same way. Maybe he 5hought I was screwing with him the other day when I took him from 1 to 3. I couldn't beat shakes in 2 spot though...

    Anyhow now things got more complicated. Going back to my old team... I just spent 1 month gearing and starring JE. And now I am back to my original team of droids with qgj and rg. I dunno why cam and durability beat shakes with JE. I can't do it, lol.
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    They don't use rg. Try swapping rg for JE. Burst damage is insane.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I tried using my maxed qgj and 6 star je. And I still had no dice.

    With qgj and rg, I rocked shakes and oz, both, on offense just now. But I barely beat u and have no clue yet how I will fare against wes. But I spent too much time rearranging mods to n9t give this at least a day or two. I just hope i dont drop too much.

    Maybe it is the last star on je holding me back, but coincidentally, my qgj and rg team is my 5 most powerful toons. All maxed except rg 6 star. Last time I had this team together, I was just holding top 20.... but that was at about 4 gear levels minus.

    I can beat durabilitys qgj and je team on offense too... Maybe JE is over rated? Well I know he can be great on defense... cam droid team is no joke.
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    I tried using my maxed qgj and 6 star je. And I still had no dice.

    With qgj and rg, I rocked shakes and oz, both, on offense just now. But I barely beat u and have no clue yet how I will fare against wes. But I spent too much time rearranging mods to n9t give this at least a day or two. I just hope i dont drop too much.

    Maybe it is the last star on je holding me back, but coincidentally, my qgj and rg team is my 5 most powerful toons. All maxed except rg 6 star. Last time I had this team together, I was just holding top 20.... but that was at about 4 gear levels minus.

    I can beat durabilitys qgj and je team on offense too... Maybe JE is over rated? Well I know he can be great on defense... cam droid team is no joke.

    Rocking Oz when he's on D is a given. I move toons around specifically to beat the competition. I suck at D and I'm happy the days I'm not back in the 20's or the usual Sunday afternoon where I start at 40+. Even droids can beat me as I'm laid out now ( SF is bollocks against Droids):

    I still like George's team best but I refuse to play Ben out of my detesting the Dodge mechanic outside of Rey or a singular toon. The rest of my stuff works for raids, which is really what it was built for. SF is probably my only non raiding toon over g8 and that took me like 5 months :)

    Oh and I hate droids and will kill them any time I can. They gave me hell back in the day before I saw Rex's lead ability.
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    P.S. Speed D mod on SF or Protection D mod on SF? Thinking speed since it takes him like 37 years to go..
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I would go speed, but also get as much offense as you can. he takes ages to kill so you want him hitting hard when he counters.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Oz, what i realize is rex is why none of the other droid guys speed up HK. The more turns he gets the worse u do. My HK was too fast. So after the buff to armor, there was one droid team u could still defend.

    Usually I am starting low to mid 30s on sunday. So far so good at 21 with six hrs to go. So either droids are viable withou5 JE, or no one bothered to look at my squad yet. Ha.
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    They are viable but think about what JE actually does. He gives you first turn domination to neutralise any threats. He gives you crit chance up for two turns which is essentially an extra turn for each droid under HK lead if they crit which they most likely will. He also gives you a revive and heal. Any other character in a hk droid squad offers very little in comparison.
  • VeridianShakes
    1118 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    SF is fine against droids IMO because they can't stun him. Sun is doing his job right when he is taunting and not stunned. I modded mine for protection, health and tenacity. I didn't worry about speed unless as a secondary. The longer he is taunting, the better. HK/JE team droids get buffs. Sun likes buffs. They are delicious. My RG is in there basically as an emergency back up plan. And to stun Hans, QGJ's, 86's and Reys.

    Honestly, I wish I could sit one of my tanks on D. Preferably RG because Sun's dispel on basic is much better but, and this is where I agree on his slowness, he just takes too long to go on defense. Squad members die while his huge thumb is up his behind. I love my offense team with Echo. Wish I could just leave it like that. It's monstrous.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    But on the downside:

    Heal: 88 and 86 both self heal. 88 self heal is spectacular. 86 is enough to often get him back over 50% to put RG back into play. HK doesn't have self heal, but he has high health to start.

    my JE is self healing, half the time.

    Revive is huge, no doubt. This is the biggest drawback.

    Both of these abilities are much, much better with a stronger JE. So I think having only 6 stars is gimping my JE team, here.

    Bombs are nice for counterattackers. But having QGJ also allows me to deal with counterattackers and tanks better by stripping their defensive buffs and giving O up, and having QGJ speed of 213 puts QGJ at the right spot at the right time, more often than not.

    The major downside is defense. It is probably easy to kill one of my assassins and crumble the team on D.

    ^ And aha, Fac. There ya go. Honestly, assassin droids crit most of the time even without crit up. The crit up is a liability, and I would remove it from JE's recalibrate special if I could. HK is the only droid that doesn't already crit all day long (well, Magnaguard...)... and his special is great for the debuffs, not the damage. Damage on his basic is fine.... but not against rex teams. Crit up is just hurting him, there against Rex AND Fac. I know it only says 49% under crit for the assassins. But 88 feels more like 75% in practice. And 86's crit is money in the bank.
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