Precraft gear gap has only worsened as time goes on


  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Lasserini wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    It is an enormous miscarriage of justice

    Easy tiger, you´re playing a casual mobile-game :)

    You are right. Which is why it shouldn't be a big deal to fix the problem.
  • John_Matrix1985
    2276 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Very interesting discussion. I consider myself lucky that I started early on as a FTP and have 23 7* toons. I precrafted 5 droid callers, still have 1 left. My arena team has moved beyond needing droid callers and furnaces. Now its the security scanners and design techs that i need which is fine by me.

    A simple solution would be to just make the droid callers and furnaces semi permanent on the shipment store. People either save up the crystals or spend a few bucks.

  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Very interesting discussion. I consider myself lucky that I started early on as a FTP and have 23 7* toons. I precrafted 5 droid callers, still have 1 left. My arena team has moved beyond needing droid callers and furnaces. Now its the security scanners and design techs that i need which is fine by me.

    A simple solution would be to just make the droid callers and furnaces semi permanent on the shipment store. People either save up the crystals or spend a few bucks.

    This would at least help bridge the gap.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    There needs to be a mega thread for the pre crafting issue.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Keep this post rolling.
  • Maarek_Stele
    115 posts Member
    edited June 2016

    The real problem is people don't understand the problem.

    People expect end game gear from T5 or T6.

    Anyone doing heroics knows that precrafting is a non issue. Doing heroics you will average a raid piece every other day between salvages, guild currency, and full drops.

    Haha, why people feel the need to make up stories for a mobile game is truly something else.

    No one averages a raid piece every other day since you can only start a Heroic basically once every two days.

    Also false. Heroics reward based on the breadth of your roster. If you have 50 7*s at gear 8 you will destroy a precrafter with 3 good teams.

    10 whales can clear a heroic. If you are upset about gear find a guild with 10 whales and start swimming in gear.

    I am FTP and didn't precraft. I have 2 droid callers, 1 scanner, 1 design tech, and 3 furnaces I can't use.


    I'm still farming stun cuffs, hair dryers, and stun guns.

    Heroics reward a wide roster? Are you joking? You need an A team, and that's it. My guild isn't even top notch if you look at the leaderboard, and we have to restrict everyone to 1 attempt in any phase, and we still barely manage to get all 50 people on the damage board.

    If you've got all those gear pieces (*although we all know its really just an internet 10x reality brag) and you can't use them, you basically suck at this game lol.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Some people are too transparent about this issue. "As long as I have Heroic on farm and place in the top 10 to get 40-50 salvages per raid, there isn't a problem."

    Not for them maybe. They may as well not even comment as they're by far the minority of players.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member

    The real problem is people don't understand the problem.

    People expect end game gear from T5 or T6.

    Anyone doing heroics knows that precrafting is a non issue. Doing heroics you will average a raid piece every other day between salvages, guild currency, and full drops.

    Haha, why people feel the need to make up stories for a mobile game is truly something else.

    No one averages a raid piece every other day since you can only start a Heroic basically once every two days.

    Also false. Heroics reward based on the breadth of your roster. If you have 50 7*s at gear 8 you will destroy a precrafter with 3 good teams.

    10 whales can clear a heroic. If you are upset about gear find a guild with 10 whales and start swimming in gear.

    I am FTP and didn't precraft. I have 2 droid callers, 1 scanner, 1 design tech, and 3 furnaces I can't use.


    I'm still farming stun cuffs, hair dryers, and stun guns.

    Heroics reward a wide roster? Are you joking? You need an A team, and that's it. My guild isn't even top notch if you look at the leaderboard, and we have to restrict everyone to 1 attempt in any phase, and we still barely manage to get all 50 people on the damage board.

    If you've got all those gear pieces (*although we all know its really just an internet 10x reality brag) and you can't use them, you basically suck at this game lol.

    Nice to hear another voice of reason.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member

    Heroics reward a wide roster? Are you joking? You need an A team, and that's it. My guild isn't even top notch if you look at the leaderboard, and we have to restrict everyone to 1 attempt in any phase, and we still barely manage to get all 50 people on the damage board.

    Another good point. Our guild has a similar policy. We do one attempt until everyone has gone, then we use whatever remaining battles to finish phase four. The remaining health is usually gone in five minutes so it's not like anyone has time to get a ton of extra battles in.

  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Some people are too transparent about this issue. "As long as I have Heroic on farm and place in the top 10 to get 40-50 salvages per raid, there isn't a problem."

    Not for them maybe. They may as well not even comment as they're by far the minority of players.

    Yeah as if everyone playing this game is too lazy or too stupid not to have heroic on farm. I formed a guild with mostly friends and although I have 11 7* characters most members in my guild barely have one or two. Won't have heroics on farm for quite some time.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    So, the developers are in discussion on the topic, so it's a known issue. However, there are some on here saying that there's an unfair advantage, especially the whales who have a few gear levels on us. Thing is, no one is stopping us from spending that much either. You can get that gear just as easily as a whale, unless you don't want to spend the money. The more time passes, the bigger the gap gets, but not because of pre-crafting, because some people are spending more crystals than others. If you don't want to spend the money, it will just take longer. I'm with the crowd that wants to see more options for gear 9+ salvages in Light/Dark, Cantina, and Challenges. But we all gotta realize, "there's always a bigger fish."
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    So, the developers are in discussion on the topic, so it's a known issue. However, there are some on here saying that there's an unfair advantage, especially the whales who have a few gear levels on us. Thing is, no one is stopping us from spending that much either. You can get that gear just as easily as a whale, unless you don't want to spend the money. The more time passes, the bigger the gap gets, but not because of pre-crafting, because some people are spending more crystals than others. If you don't want to spend the money, it will just take longer. I'm with the crowd that wants to see more options for gear 9+ salvages in Light/Dark, Cantina, and Challenges. But we all gotta realize, "there's always a bigger fish."

    This would be true if we could buy callers, techs, and scanners in shipments, which is the wall some people have hit. I bet you won't find a single whale who reads this forum regularly who didn't precraft a bunch of callers before the update.

  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    So, the developers are in discussion on the topic, so it's a known issue. However, there are some on here saying that there's an unfair advantage, especially the whales who have a few gear levels on us. Thing is, no one is stopping us from spending that much either. You can get that gear just as easily as a whale, unless you don't want to spend the money. The more time passes, the bigger the gap gets, but not because of pre-crafting, because some people are spending more crystals than others. If you don't want to spend the money, it will just take longer. I'm with the crowd that wants to see more options for gear 9+ salvages in Light/Dark, Cantina, and Challenges. But we all gotta realize, "there's always a bigger fish."

    This would be true if we could buy callers, techs, and scanners in shipments, which is the wall some people have hit. I bet you won't find a single whale who reads this forum regularly who didn't precraft a bunch of callers before the update.

    I think you're missing the point that he's trying to make, the whales will always be ahead of you
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    So, the developers are in discussion on the topic, so it's a known issue. However, there are some on here saying that there's an unfair advantage, especially the whales who have a few gear levels on us. Thing is, no one is stopping us from spending that much either. You can get that gear just as easily as a whale, unless you don't want to spend the money. The more time passes, the bigger the gap gets, but not because of pre-crafting, because some people are spending more crystals than others. If you don't want to spend the money, it will just take longer. I'm with the crowd that wants to see more options for gear 9+ salvages in Light/Dark, Cantina, and Challenges. But we all gotta realize, "there's always a bigger fish."

    This would be true if we could buy callers, techs, and scanners in shipments, which is the wall some people have hit. I bet you won't find a single whale who reads this forum regularly who didn't precraft a bunch of callers before the update.

    I think you're missing the point that he's trying to make, the whales will always be ahead of you

    Sounds like he's saying spending money could fix the issue when it can't at this point.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    So, the developers are in discussion on the topic, so it's a known issue. However, there are some on here saying that there's an unfair advantage, especially the whales who have a few gear levels on us. Thing is, no one is stopping us from spending that much either. You can get that gear just as easily as a whale, unless you don't want to spend the money. The more time passes, the bigger the gap gets, but not because of pre-crafting, because some people are spending more crystals than others. If you don't want to spend the money, it will just take longer. I'm with the crowd that wants to see more options for gear 9+ salvages in Light/Dark, Cantina, and Challenges. But we all gotta realize, "there's always a bigger fish."

    This would be true if we could buy callers, techs, and scanners in shipments, which is the wall some people have hit. I bet you won't find a single whale who reads this forum regularly who didn't precraft a bunch of callers before the update.

    I think you're missing the point that he's trying to make, the whales will always be ahead of you

    Sounds like he's saying spending money could fix the issue when it can't at this point.

    I've spent lots of money, not whale money, and it for sure cannot fix the issue but it will get you much closer and much further ahead than those who don't.
  • thee_pdx
    302 posts Member
    Since im so far behind already, i decided buying crystals was pointless. So have stopped spending.

    Our guild isnt ready for t7 (and im in the bottom ten so cant move really im lucky to be in there). So will just progress at a slow pace.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    I have nothing against Whales being ahead. I also don't think those who pre crafted did anything wrong. However, I'm currently working on crafting my first droid caller which has taken well over a month. One piece of gear that came easily before the patch for those who crafted it then. This puts those lucky people at least a month ahead of those of us who didn't pre craft for every piece they crafted. This is an enormous advantage that had nothing to do with spending more money. The developers are solely to blame and they need to find a way to correct the issue.
  • Options
    With the raid gear it will be approximately 3-4 months before I get a single piece of raid gear.( my guild is a lower level one, but I am level 77)
  • Options
    ive done 10 heroics, have got 3 characters to gear 9. But i still stand no chance in Arena. And the best players in my guild are building their guys up stronger and faster and solidifying their rank in the guild. This system stinks.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I have nothing against Whales being ahead. I also don't think those who pre crafted did anything wrong. However, I'm currently working on crafting my first droid caller which has taken well over a month. One piece of gear that came easily before the patch for those who crafted it then. This puts those lucky people at least a month ahead of those of us who didn't pre craft for every piece they crafted. This is an enormous advantage that had nothing to do with spending more money. The developers are solely to blame and they need to find a way to correct the issue.

    So we all agree it added drastically to the grind time for those gear pieces, for those players who didn't have the parts before the patch (though I wouldn't call them lucky), but there aren't a lot of options to fix it. Some of the ideas thrown around on here just won't fly. For example:

    1. If they drop the requirements from 50 parts back to 20, everyone (myself included) who has crafted those gear pieces AFTER the patch would then have essentially 'lost' those pieces of salvage (the 30 no longer needed), adding a third perceived group of people who got their progress affected. So that's no good.

    2. If they gave us salvage pieces, that's not fair to anyone else.

    I still vote the only viable option is to increase the salvage drop rate and locations (like add them to a new level of challenges) so that the gear can be farmed outside of the Guild Shipments/Raid Drops. But even if that does happen, anyone who missed the opportunity is just going to have to deal. I didn't even have the salvage pieces to make any of the 'pre-craft' items.

    In other words, I can't start playing this game last month, then be angry that some players are way ahead of me because they started playing back in November.

    You can't remove advantage from this game.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    The main problem they created was gating gear at level 8. Furnaces and droid callers should have been harder to get but not as much as they are.

    Raid gear required to reach level 10, that's fair enough.

    In short, Nubians should be raid-only, furnaces and callers should have a non-raid option and be treated equally (as they are, essentially, the same tier items).

    The pre-crafters became the top raiders and are now 2-3 levels ahead of those confined to gear 8. Make furnaces and droid callers available, open up gear 9 and close the gap.

    It won't please everyone, but the game needs it due to the damage done already.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Yeah make sure you search and comment on some of the feedback threads asking for higher rewards in the challenges and different battle modes. You're not alone.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I have nothing against Whales being ahead. I also don't think those who pre crafted did anything wrong. However, I'm currently working on crafting my first droid caller which has taken well over a month. One piece of gear that came easily before the patch for those who crafted it then. This puts those lucky people at least a month ahead of those of us who didn't pre craft for every piece they crafted. This is an enormous advantage that had nothing to do with spending more money. The developers are solely to blame and they need to find a way to correct the issue.

    So we all agree it added drastically to the grind time for those gear pieces, for those players who didn't have the parts before the patch (though I wouldn't call them lucky), but there aren't a lot of options to fix it. Some of the ideas thrown around on here just won't fly. For example:

    1. If they drop the requirements from 50 parts back to 20, everyone (myself included) who has crafted those gear pieces AFTER the patch would then have essentially 'lost' those pieces of salvage (the 30 no longer needed), adding a third perceived group of people who got their progress affected. So that's no good.

    2. If they gave us salvage pieces, that's not fair to anyone else.

    I still vote the only viable option is to increase the salvage drop rate and locations (like add them to a new level of challenges) so that the gear can be farmed outside of the Guild Shipments/Raid Drops. But even if that does happen, anyone who missed the opportunity is just going to have to deal. I didn't even have the salvage pieces to make any of the 'pre-craft' items.

    In other words, I can't start playing this game last month, then be angry that some players are way ahead of me because they started playing back in November.

    You can't remove advantage from this game.

    I can agree to a fix like this. I started in January and had materials to craft a few droid callers but didn't bother because I couldn't equip them until 74 or whatever. I didn't know they would change the requirements.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Palanthian wrote: »
    The main problem they created was gating gear at level 8. Furnaces and droid callers should have been harder to get but not as much as they are.

    Raid gear required to reach level 10, that's fair enough.

    In short, Nubians should be raid-only, furnaces and callers should have a non-raid option and be treated equally (as they are, essentially, the same tier items).

    The pre-crafters became the top raiders and are now 2-3 levels ahead of those confined to gear 8. Make furnaces and droid callers available, open up gear 9 and close the gap.

    It won't please everyone, but the game needs it due to the damage done already.

    This would work as well.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Are we going to hear from the developers on this issue this week? They have had two weeks to discuss.
  • MrJx3
    257 posts Member
    Weren't they supposed to have told us something last week? People who think this isn't an issue is living a lie. Only 1% aren't harmed by this and those are people who do heroics easily. T5 and t6 should offer better rewards. Change the reward system entirely, they still haven't addressed this issue either. I actually had to resort to saving up 8250 coins to buy 25 pieces, and I'm still not done. I guess for a moment we forgot this is EA we're talking about, they could care less about us, as long as we spend money.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    MrJx3 wrote: »
    Weren't they supposed to have told us something last week? People who think this isn't an issue is living a lie. Only 1% aren't harmed by this and those are people who do heroics easily. T5 and t6 should offer better rewards. Change the reward system entirely, they still haven't addressed this issue either. I actually had to resort to saving up 8250 coins to buy 25 pieces, and I'm still not done. I guess for a moment we forgot this is EA we're talking about, they could care less about us, as long as we spend money.

    So true. I'm in the same boat, still only about half way to my first droid caller.
  • Options
    The gap between players is becoming a problem. I myself save up from all of the raids and purchase the gear pieces that I need from the store with the guild currency. However it is not enough to remain competitive. When there is a group of individuals who have players which are all higher gear level, then it is very hard to win. It is starting to be felt in GW as well as Arena.

    One of the easiest solutions to this is to create a permanent event like credit mining and for gaining training droids. Allow me to do an event for 26 energy and I gain one to three of piece of gear. Then there is a way that I can possibly keep up and gain the gear I need.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    The gap between players is becoming a problem. I myself save up from all of the raids and purchase the gear pieces that I need from the store with the guild currency. However it is not enough to remain competitive. When there is a group of individuals who have players which are all higher gear level, then it is very hard to win. It is starting to be felt in GW as well as Arena.

    One of the easiest solutions to this is to create a permanent event like credit mining and for gaining training droids. Allow me to do an event for 26 energy and I gain one to three of piece of gear. Then there is a way that I can possibly keep up and gain the gear I need.

    This could work. Something has to be done.
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