Precraft gear gap has only worsened as time goes on


  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    We better get an answer on this on Friday.
  • Unimatrix
    283 posts Member
    How many heroics have you done? Most of my guild has gotten 3-5 full drops plus crafted another 3-5.

    If you aren't doing heroics, don't expect end game gear without doing end game content.

    (Bad)RNG is RNG. We have people in our guild who have yet to receive any droid callers or droid caller salvage. Sitting at 200 furnace salvage. And yes we do heroic.

    Same here. True Story. My story, unfortunately.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Unimatrix wrote: »
    How many heroics have you done? Most of my guild has gotten 3-5 full drops plus crafted another 3-5.

    If you aren't doing heroics, don't expect end game gear without doing end game content.

    (Bad)RNG is RNG. We have people in our guild who have yet to receive any droid callers or droid caller salvage. Sitting at 200 furnace salvage. And yes we do heroic.

    Same here. True Story. My story, unfortunately.

    This is why the entire game is completely broken for at least half of the player base.
  • Hellcat
    319 posts Member
    It's perfectly fine to make gear grind difficult, IF THE GRIND IS FAIR. Precraft has totally ruined the balance, and the devs need to acknowledge it.
    Make the current raid gear more accessible (better rates from raids, make them obtainable from shipment, give them out in events or even include them in daily award ala omega mats) is one way to solve this. Delay the gear grind until the next big update (Gear 12 onwards), and make sure nobody can precraft this time ;)
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Have they made the announcement yet?
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Hellcat wrote: »
    It's perfectly fine to make gear grind difficult, IF THE GRIND IS FAIR. Precraft has totally ruined the balance, and the devs need to acknowledge it.
    Make the current raid gear more accessible (better rates from raids, make them obtainable from shipment, give them out in events or even include them in daily award ala omega mats) is one way to solve this. Delay the gear grind until the next big update (Gear 12 onwards), and make sure nobody can precraft this time ;)

    Well said and great ideas.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Have they made the announcement yet?

    Not yet. Hopefully tomorrow.
  • marydare
    117 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    The droid caller struggle is real, and in the month and a half I've been playing its gone from bad to worse to a material disadvantage in every raid & GW node. If they don't address this as promised, soon, I may have to stop supporting the game. And that would be sad for me because I like it (a lot!) and have put considerable time & money into it, and otherwise I think it is pretty awesomely balanced and scaled to allow for lots of fun future content & interesting gameplay.

    But in my experience an inequitable, arbitrary roadblock to player progress like this (accompanied by extended radio silence & a conspicuous lack of ameliorative action) is indicative of negligent gamemakers who will continue to create artificial scarcity & carrot-on-a-stick stress to squeeze every possible dime out of players, often ruining the game in the process. There is plenty of pressure already, and the game is extremely well-monetized at this point. There is a tipping point where it stops feeding momentum & starts making honest effort feel unrewarded and futile. And that's when good, dedicated, profitable players will go elsewhere.

    C'mon team, don't leave us hanging on this one! Aside from this, I've been really impressed by your communication and the evolution of the game. I want to believe! <3

    EDIT: Can't call out staff or mods.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    marydare wrote: »
    The droid caller struggle is real, and in the month and a half I've been playing its gone from bad to worse to a material disadvantage in every raid & GW node. If they don't address this as promised, soon, I may have to stop supporting the game. And that would be sad for me because I like it (a lot!) and have put considerable time & money into it, and otherwise I think it is pretty awesomely balanced and scaled to allow for lots of fun future content & interesting gameplay.

    But in my experience an inequitable, arbitrary roadblock to player progress like this (accompanied by extended radio silence & a conspicuous lack of ameliorative action) is indicative of negligent gamemakers who will continue to create artificial scarcity & carrot-on-a-stick stress to squeeze every possible dime out of players, often ruining the game in the process. There is plenty of pressure already, and the game is extremely well-monetized at this point. There is a tipping point where it stops feeding momentum & starts making honest effort feel unrewarded and futile. And that's when good, dedicated, profitable players will go elsewhere.

    C'mon team, don't leave us hanging on this one! Aside from this, I've been really impressed by your communication and the evolution of the game. I want to believe! <3

    Very well written and thoughtful statement. Alienating the player base is never good for business.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
  • Obi_Wan_Cannoli
    272 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    i just wanted to comment that I hugely agree with this thread.

    Edit: Removed hate remark.
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    edited June 2016

    If only they would work to fix things rather than sweeping it under the rug.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    I've yet to get a single piece of unobtainium so far...not one...then again im f2p so im not crying, just laughing at you big babys crying over the gear walls and how there too big or too easy....

    Dude the majority of players NOT in a mega guild have yet to even have a single chance of getting a mk5 furnace or droid caller or please for the love of space....keep crying about how unfair it is that your throwing scrap unobtainium on CUP and ugnaught while rest of us 3rd world players in the outer rim haven't even had a CHANCE to get unobtainium...yet again alone actually get a piece...the most the vast majority will even see for months to come is a piece of salvage...if there lucky...

    So go on cry about your 1st world problems...its quite amusing...and entertaining

  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Loose_Lee wrote: »
    I've yet to get a single piece of unobtainium so far...not one...then again im f2p so im not crying, just laughing at you big babys crying over the gear walls and how there too big or too easy....

    Dude the majority of players NOT in a mega guild have yet to even have a single chance of getting a mk5 furnace or droid caller or please for the love of space....keep crying about how unfair it is that your throwing scrap unobtainium on CUP and ugnaught while rest of us 3rd world players in the outer rim haven't even had a CHANCE to get unobtainium...yet again alone actually get a piece...the most the vast majority will even see for months to come is a piece of salvage...if there lucky...

    So go on cry about your 1st world problems...its quite amusing...and entertaining

    Who are you referring to exactly? This thread is about the unfair advantage that was given to pre crafters when gear that was previously farmable was made unobtainable for the purpose of giving a reward in a terribly designed raiding system.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    Precrafters, mega guilds, not complaining just noting that the only ones that seem to comment in the numerous threads on this subject are the ones that either precrafted or are in a guild that was doing raids that gave chances for unobtainium from the begining...thus making the arguments put forth, however accurate or inaccurate on the same level as having a prosecuting attorney that is the brother of the defendant...the content is misrepresented. I am fine with EA making f2p the gear gap huge...its there game they can do what they want.

  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    I got you. Good point.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Can we get a mega thread for the gear/pre crafting issue? There are many threads out there.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    The developers have been extra quiet for the past week. Not sure if it's because they're coming up with a solution or hoping it'll blow over.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    I'm wondering the same. This is why I've been trying to keep updating this thread so that the issue keeps getting seen and discussed.

  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    They have been traveling....
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    Jesse was on vacation and I'm pretty sure he's the only guy that works there
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Pretty sad if it's just him.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    He replied to a thread on NVidia Shield tablet yesterday.
    Hopefully we will get an answer tomorrow on the community update
  • Riggin12
    129 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    djvita wrote: »
    He replied to a thread on NVidia Shield tablet yesterday.
    Hopefully we will get an answer tomorrow on the community update

    That is my hope as well. I am concerned that ignoring major balance issues will cause an exodus and harm the survivability of the game.
    Post edited by Riggin12 on
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    It's all speculation since we don't have the numbers for increase or decrease in player activity. I'm editing replies to help keep this thread open guys. Make sure your replies are written in compliance with:
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    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Thank you for looking out.

  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    I'm with you guys, I'd love to see some more ways to get end-game gear outside of heroic raid. Although, I also believe there ought to be something cool for those able to do the top things. But we've already listed a bunch of good ideas. Good work!
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    I'm with you guys, I'd love to see some more ways to get end-game gear outside of heroic raid. Although, I also believe there ought to be something cool for those able to do the top things. But we've already listed a bunch of good ideas. Good work!

    Or at least give us the option to choose what we need from the raid rewards. That would be step in the right direction.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Haha, that would be something, but it totally goes against the slots mechanic of the rest of the game. I wouldn't hold my breath for that one, but we can dream right? :)
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    DEVs skipped the Wednesday update this week so tomorrow is really make it or break it day. If there is no weekly Friday update, i predict the game goes into death spiral. Here is hoping for the best...

    Also my guild only does heroics - have gotten a fully crafted furnace, plus plenty of other furnace salvage, but A total of 5 droid caller salvage. It is kind of a bad joke....
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    edited June 2016
    Has there always been a weekly update on Wednesdays? I was unaware. I wouldn't worry about a death spiral either way. Is your Girl-Power team ready? I'm excited for this next event, because I actually have heroes for it. :)

    Maybe, just maybe, like what if, what if there are some higher gear pieces in the reward for this Female Hero event?!
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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