Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Azadum
    39 posts Member
    edited August 2016
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    I try not to complain on forums, especially when it comes to mobile games, but when i am only level 53 and you are having me fight a level 75 with 7 stars, there is seriously something wrong with your take on "challenging". I get this is a pay to win game but holy **** this is bad design at its best.
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    Yup another GW completed and another 2 hours of my life wasted. Oh and in case DarthBisharp neglected to actually read my comments, the problem that keeps getting swept under the rug is PROTECTION within GW, you know the white meter above a characters life meter that was introduced earlier this year. I have been playing this game long enough to know what GW was like before PROTECTION was introduced, and yes I enjoyed it back then. PROTECTION was introduced without consideration of GW and how it would affect that part of the game. Also the dev's acknowledged the problem and NEVER PROPERLY FIXED IT. There were tons of suggestions on how to fix it and they were never implemented. Then those comments started turning into complaints which in turn caused a huge mega thread "which is this thread". And now there is people who like GW and there is also a much larger amount of people who hate GW for this reason, and on top of that, mods were introduced which made matters even worse. Now to go further, what most people don't understand is that updates are constantly being implemented without being properly tested first, which is where us, as players, come in, WE are the testers here. Problem with that is people actually pay money to upgrade their squad, then once an improperly tested update gets rolled out (a prime example is the whales who were "Mercinaries" for guilds trying to complete a tier 7 raid are now stuck waiting for 48 hours before they can move onto the next) those players end up getting the short end of the stick. GW with PROTECTION is one of those improperly tested updates. Are you starting to see a trend here??? Or is the wool that's over your eyes too thick to see through?

    Ahahaha that's so funny. Aww I feel so bad for you, you've clearly been struggling for an awful long time.
    *gets out violin to play you a sad little melody*
    Yeah, how dare the devs add in protection when the meta at the time was all about high speeds and high dps to give other toons more survivability. HOW DARE THEY! This translated into GW because it stopped you getting stomped by the first of those high tier meta teams that you get towards the end. And again if your toons aren't lasting with their protection bar closer to the end or your squads can't handle taking down those later teams with full protection then that's YOU and YOUR APPROACH to the mode. You're just blaming in game mechanics for your complete lack of competence. As is the fact that it took you 2 hours to complete it today, that's just the tactics you employ, if you had the characters and the strategy then it wouldn't take you that long and you wouldn't have to keep retreating and retrying. Analyse the team you're up against and plan accordingly.
    And now you're getting your knickers all in a twist over improperly tested updates and mercenaries are a terrible example. The timing was poor and screwed a few people but you can hardly call that change improperly tested, it's achieved what it intended and they're only unable to obtain rewards for 48 hours as they move back into their home guilds. That is then down to the discretion of that guild to hold off on raiding until the cooldown period has ended for those people. And it isn't those people getting the short end of that at all, it's the guilds who they helped who can't do t7's anymore but again that's down to the discretion of that guild to go and find new members (if they lost after modgate which they most likely did) and to plan better to succeed. My guild used mercs a few times, but following this update we completely changed up our plan of attack and what do you know, the rancor fell within 6 hours. But that is a completely separate issue to be discussed elsewhere, you're just clutching at straws now to try and make your case and it didn't even do that.
    But back to the topic that THIS thread is for, you're yet to bring up a GW "problem" that actually breaks the game and can't be solved by simply working on and developing your teams and improving your own abilities. There is literally nothing else to beating GW and beating it in a 'reasonable' time than that simple little fact.

    I didn't even care enough to read your entire post simply because I know you are getting paid by EA to defend GW and all their mistakes in order to try and cover them up. As far as my post earlier I'm glad you finally found the common sense to understand it finally. So go on, do your little contracting job they are paying you to do but stop harassing players, because I'm pretty sure that's not part of the deal.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I didn't even care enough to read your entire post simply because I know you are getting paid by EA to defend GW and all their mistakes in order to try and cover them up.
    Tell me what happened to Tower 7. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    My GW today, very easy with few RG's or dodge leads
    Lost my main team in node 11 due to "attrition" but b team mopped up fives 1v3ing my toons.
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    I hate facing the droids fully modded with je that's one team I can't beat.
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    I also am getting 3* teams in last node my arena power was 34k until i started using mods now is 39k once i hit the 39 k i get 3* every day for last team so i believe the theory that it trys to put against team = or better then ur team and stronger then the last fight when there isnt one u get what i call THE DUMMY TEAM het ur arena rank above 37.5k and u will also get this dummy team in arena for GW 12 daily at least from my experience
  • Zee
    119 posts Member
    I've faced the exact same team with the same name/toons/gear/power for 3 consecutive attempts on node #12. How is that even plausible?
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Zee wrote: »
    I've faced the exact same team with the same name/toons/gear/power for 3 consecutive attempts on node #12. How is that even plausible?

    Lucky you. It took me over a week to get a rematch against the squad that stumped me. :)
  • UBFUBAR065
    6 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I only have one complaint about GW , I have a diverse group of characters from 7 * down to 2 and I am working hard to build them all up to great fighters. I check each battle and rearrange my squad for each. I was told by a guild member that GW stats are based off my arena squad's power so I have been getting my rear end kicked in the arena so that I may complete more wars and collect and achievement. The first 2 GW'S I did fine. But lately I may complete 9 or 10 battles and that's it. If I do get to battle 12 every enemy is a level 80, they ALWAYS ATTACK FIRST, and they dodge or resist everything I throw at them taking no damage. I appreciate that you wanted to make it difficult but if I wanted a "no hope, never win situation" I would have stayed married to my ex wife. I play to help me relax. I read the forums and can't make out half of what the die hards are talking about. That's okay for them but if you can't make the game winnable and enjoyable for EVERYONE then why bother?
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    That was supposed to be "If you CAN'T make it winnable for everyone "
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    Seeing the frustration of most of the users and given the fact the amount of posts on this matter by gamers frustrated by gw something must be done soon. How does the developers not understand the less the enjoyable the experience the more people will give up on this game. EA should really look into this and make these changes or else you will see a lot of people quit this game. They can't be this stupid can they.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    I'm posting my two latest Galactic War experiences here. Looks like I went over the magic line with my arena power. I didn't really try to raise that, wanted to keep it low so not to run into a wall in GW. Had I known how low the limit is I would have raised it earlier.

    In the past in Nodes 6, 9 and 11 I kept facing Droids with JE, the nastier Jedi's (Anakin, Aayla etc), the serious annoyances that were the clones and RG, Sun Fac, GS, Rey, Leia etc. The gear level at node 6 was usually 10-11 with more 10 than 11. Node 9 was 10-11 with more 11 than 10. 11 and 12 were usually fully modded gear level 11 with 1 glvl 10. Now that's the base line.

    After hitting the magic mark, today I had two very easy GW's.

    Node 6 was glvl 8-9, with emphasis on 8. Node 9 was 9-10, with emphasis on 9. Node 11 was 9-10 (not even a single glvl 11), with more 10 than 9. Opponents were easier ones, such as Mace Windu, Kylo Ren, Darth Vader, Yoda, Luminara, HK-47, Phasma etc. I didn't see any GS, IG-86/88, JE.

    Node 12, you ask? Well, it was working as intended. In the first run I had Luke with white gear, Jawa with blue gear, clone sergeant with white gear, Tusken shaman with white, Stormtrooper with blue. All with 3 stars and levels of 78-80. Serious opponents here! I wondered if this was going to be a recurring theme and yes, my second run today was as easy as this one.

    Second node 12, Stormtrooper green, Teebo blue, Zam white, resistance pilot blue, Lobot blue.

    Now I know what the easy mode is and that the "working as intended" yes team has been saying is utter and total garbage. Your runs up until node 12 are _not_ harder than our runs are. Hey, I like this. Please EA, do not change this anymore. I like being challenged.

  • armyhutchings
    273 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    seeing G10/11 and fully modded on node 6 is getting really old. followed by fully modded (albeit level 72) node 7. followed by 4 80 G8 node 8 .... screw this. Auto-and-done. I don't care about your broken system anymore. You don't want to listen to feedback and make your game more enjoyable, fine; I'll keep my money in my wallet.
  • DarthBisharp
    68 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Yup another GW completed and another 2 hours of my life wasted. Oh and in case DarthBisharp neglected to actually read my comments, the problem that keeps getting swept under the rug is PROTECTION within GW, you know the white meter above a characters life meter that was introduced earlier this year. I have been playing this game long enough to know what GW was like before PROTECTION was introduced, and yes I enjoyed it back then. PROTECTION was introduced without consideration of GW and how it would affect that part of the game. Also the dev's acknowledged the problem and NEVER PROPERLY FIXED IT. There were tons of suggestions on how to fix it and they were never implemented. Then those comments started turning into complaints which in turn caused a huge mega thread "which is this thread". And now there is people who like GW and there is also a much larger amount of people who hate GW for this reason, and on top of that, mods were introduced which made matters even worse. Now to go further, what most people don't understand is that updates are constantly being implemented without being properly tested first, which is where us, as players, come in, WE are the testers here. Problem with that is people actually pay money to upgrade their squad, then once an improperly tested update gets rolled out (a prime example is the whales who were "Mercinaries" for guilds trying to complete a tier 7 raid are now stuck waiting for 48 hours before they can move onto the next) those players end up getting the short end of the stick. GW with PROTECTION is one of those improperly tested updates. Are you starting to see a trend here??? Or is the wool that's over your eyes too thick to see through?

    Ahahaha that's so funny. Aww I feel so bad for you, you've clearly been struggling for an awful long time.
    *gets out violin to play you a sad little melody*
    Yeah, how dare the devs add in protection when the meta at the time was all about high speeds and high dps to give other toons more survivability. HOW DARE THEY! This translated into GW because it stopped you getting stomped by the first of those high tier meta teams that you get towards the end. And again if your toons aren't lasting with their protection bar closer to the end or your squads can't handle taking down those later teams with full protection then that's YOU and YOUR APPROACH to the mode. You're just blaming in game mechanics for your complete lack of competence. As is the fact that it took you 2 hours to complete it today, that's just the tactics you employ, if you had the characters and the strategy then it wouldn't take you that long and you wouldn't have to keep retreating and retrying. Analyse the team you're up against and plan accordingly.
    And now you're getting your knickers all in a twist over improperly tested updates and mercenaries are a terrible example. The timing was poor and screwed a few people but you can hardly call that change improperly tested, it's achieved what it intended and they're only unable to obtain rewards for 48 hours as they move back into their home guilds. That is then down to the discretion of that guild to hold off on raiding until the cooldown period has ended for those people. And it isn't those people getting the short end of that at all, it's the guilds who they helped who can't do t7's anymore but again that's down to the discretion of that guild to go and find new members (if they lost after modgate which they most likely did) and to plan better to succeed. My guild used mercs a few times, but following this update we completely changed up our plan of attack and what do you know, the rancor fell within 6 hours. But that is a completely separate issue to be discussed elsewhere, you're just clutching at straws now to try and make your case and it didn't even do that.
    But back to the topic that THIS thread is for, you're yet to bring up a GW "problem" that actually breaks the game and can't be solved by simply working on and developing your teams and improving your own abilities. There is literally nothing else to beating GW and beating it in a 'reasonable' time than that simple little fact.

    I didn't even care enough to read your entire post simply because I know you are getting paid by EA to defend GW and all their mistakes in order to try and cover them up. As far as my post earlier I'm glad you finally found the common sense to understand it finally. So go on, do your little contracting job they are paying you to do but stop harassing players, because I'm pretty sure that's not part of the deal.

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Grow up. I'm not but if EA/CG wants to start paying me to talk this game up I would not say no. I'll run around and promote this game everywhere for some extra cash, or they can give it to me in game via credits that'd be pretty sweet too.
    Just 'cause I'm competent in my GW approach doesn't mean that I'm being paid by EA/CG, that's quite literally the most pathetic thing I have ever heard. And you don't care to read because you're chatting bare pap and nothing you said actually holds up when challenged. Also, you made a comment on a public forum on the internet, ergo anybody can challenge and disagree with what you said. That isn't harassment, don't want people to challenge your views?

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our Community Guidelines]
    Post edited by Afista on
  • Mc7
    34 posts Member
    During today's Glactic War and whenever I battle in Squad Arena Againts Old Daka (after the update), she messes up other characters abilities. After they are dead, Characters (self) revive themselves without Daka. In addition to gaining self revive ability, characters get other abilities, such as taunting Phasma, stealth General Gregious, and Qui Gon Jin that can ignore any taunt and attack other characters. I have a screen shot for taunting Phasma--if you provide me your email address I am happy to share it with you. Not sure how to post picture here.

    Also, drop rates for anything related to cantina energy are out of control. You MUST NOT ignore the drop rates as it is the number one reason why people are dropping the game. I am not throwing baseless threats, however, it is reaching to a point where it is not fun to play anymore. And when it is not fun to play anymore then it is time to stop playing.
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    Mc7 wrote: »
    After they are dead, Characters (self) revive themselves without Daka.

    You mean after Daka is dead? Because as long as she's alive she has:

    "Serve Again - Unique - Level 7: Whenever another ally is defeated, Daka has a 10% chance to revive it with 30% health and grant it Offense and Defense Up for 1 turn. In addition, revive character gains 20% Turn Meter."

    I can't speak to the rest of it, but unless you kill Daka first, she can revive passively as well as her active ability.
  • Mc7
    34 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Mc7 wrote: »
    After they are dead, Characters (self) revive themselves without Daka.

    You mean after Daka is dead? Because as long as she's alive she has:

    "Serve Again - Unique - Level 7: Whenever another ally is defeated, Daka has a 10% chance to revive it with 30% health and grant it Offense and Defense Up for 1 turn. In addition, revive character gains 20% Turn Meter."

    I can't speak to the rest of it, but unless you kill Daka first, she can revive passively as well as her active ability.

    Yes, after she is defeated...and Daka is not the leader. GG came back 2 times (QGJ on a different battle did 5 times), he ignore any of my toon's taunts and foresight, and my opponent's Phasma was taunting--have the screen shot if someone let me know how can I post the s-shot here, I will share it.

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    Third day in a row of impossible node 12. Used my entire bench and still lost.
  • Mc7
    34 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Double click to make it bigger and see taunting Phasma. Btw, Old daka is dead but GG came back any way.

  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    That is how GG works.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Mc7 wrote: »
    Double click to make it bigger and see taunting Phasma. Btw, Old daka is dead but GG came back any way.


    GG got a stealth buff, didn't you know? 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Mc7 wrote: »
    Double click to make it bigger and see taunting Phasma. Btw, Old daka is dead but GG came back any way.

    @Mc7 That taunt on Phasma came from Grievous, if I'm not mistaken. His Tactical Retreat unique ability gives a random ally an automatic taunt when he drops below 50% health. Check it yourself. Not a bug.
  • Mc7
    34 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Thx EE, yes he does that ability. So, True, except, it died first, then it revived itself, (GG below 50%), no taunt, end it died again, then the taunt happened. He peacefully died on the third one luckily. + I don't think GG is bugged, it is the old daka who mess up everything (like Teebo stealth breaks RG taunt).

    Mc7 wrote: »
    Double click to make it bigger and see taunting Phasma. Btw, Old daka is dead but GG came back any way.

    @Mc7 That taunt on Phasma came from Grievous, if I'm not mistaken. His Tactical Retreat unique ability gives a random ally an automatic taunt when he drops below 50% health. Check it yourself. Not a bug.

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    Just gimme more credits and make the GW "work as intended" for people with arena teams over 36k power. Thats where it starts glitching out
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    Another GW lost. First "full metal" team on node 9 that took out half of team B. Then on node 11 a team from my guild mate, who, as I know for sure, has 6+ months of farming on of me. My account is two months old. Imagine how much more powerful his team is: level 80, g11, the works. And, finally, on on node 12: JKA -lead team with Rey, QGJ and two riposting tanks - Fives and GS. I took down all but tanks, but then I was left with nothing but second-rate toons who could do nothing about those tanks, as they regenerated health faster than I could dent them.
    "Great" experience :(
    WAI, naturally...
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Brand new acct. Just unlocked GW. Most of my heroes are 1/2*, Chewie is 4*, level 40. Average g4. So here is my node 11.


    I won.. lol


  • Options
    Brand new acct. Just unlocked GW. Most of my heroes are 1/2*, Chewie is 4*, level 40. Average g4. So here is my node 11.


    I won.. lol


    Dat TM advantage! Well done.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Final node reward


    Brand new acct. Just unlocked GW. Most of my heroes are 1/2*, Chewie is 4*, level 40. Average g4. So here is my node 11.


    I won.. lol


    Dat TM advantage! Well done.

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