Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Brand new acct. Just unlocked GW. Most of my heroes are 1/2*, Chewie is 4*, level 40. Average g4. So here is my node 11.


    I won.. lol


    yeah, I made an alt account (level 42), and have been thoroughly enjoying GW again. Going through the level 50 teams at the end is enjoyable, and getting to work with my entire 11 man roster (all level 42, G5). It's been fun again, and I think everything starting from protection up to and including mods is what's destroyed GW at max level for me. If I could turn off xp gain and stay here forever, I would. It'd be like level 19 **** bracket all over again. There's a certain purity there.
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    Brand new acct. Just unlocked GW. Most of my heroes are 1/2*, Chewie is 4*, level 40. Average g4. So here is my node 11.


    I won.. lol


    yeah, I made an alt account (level 42), and have been thoroughly enjoying GW again. Going through the level 50 teams at the end is enjoyable, and getting to work with my entire 11 man roster (all level 42, G5). It's been fun again, and I think everything starting from protection up to and including mods is what's destroyed GW at max level for me. If I could turn off xp gain and stay here forever, I would. It'd be like level 19 **** bracket all over again. There's a certain purity there.

    I tend to agree. It was a tough-ish fight but not impossible. I am curious to see 50 and mod battles. Stay tuned. ;)
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    Brand new acct. Just unlocked GW. Most of my heroes are 1/2*, Chewie is 4*, level 40. Average g4. So here is my node 11.


    I won.. lol


    yeah, I made an alt account (level 42), and have been thoroughly enjoying GW again. Going through the level 50 teams at the end is enjoyable, and getting to work with my entire 11 man roster (all level 42, G5). It's been fun again, and I think everything starting from protection up to and including mods is what's destroyed GW at max level for me. If I could turn off xp gain and stay here forever, I would. It'd be like level 19 **** bracket all over again. There's a certain purity there.

    I tend to agree. It was a tough-ish fight but not impossible. I am curious to see 50 and mod battles. Stay tuned. ;)

    I'm not sure if my opponents were modded or not, they were 50. They hit super hard, I got scared for a minute there (I had 3* STHan, 1* RG, 3* Talia, 2* JC, and 3* GS, all 42, all G5) but eventually took em out. Was a fun node 11. Mods would probably explain why it seemed like they were dishing out more damage than I'm used to.
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    yeah, I made an alt account (level 42), and have been thoroughly enjoying GW again. Going through the level 50 teams at the end is enjoyable, and getting to work with my entire 11 man roster (all level 42, G5). It's been fun again, and I think everything starting from protection up to and including mods is what's destroyed GW at max level for me. If I could turn off xp gain and stay here forever, I would. It'd be like level 19 **** bracket all over again. There's a certain purity there.
    I also made an alt a couple month ago and was really enjoying it all, including GW. All up to the point of the mods fiasco mid-July. Starting from that moment it all went South fast... :( What I cannot understand is a continuous "ensurances" that GW is WAI, while we - at least collectively - hold all the evidence that it is everything but...
    Man, I remember GW before the whole protection came up. Those were the days...

  • kalidor
    2124 posts Member
    Man, I remember GW before the whole protection came up. Those were the days...

    The days where CG knew what "fun" meant, without having to look it up?
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    yeah, I made an alt account (level 42), and have been thoroughly enjoying GW again. Going through the level 50 teams at the end is enjoyable, and getting to work with my entire 11 man roster (all level 42, G5). It's been fun again, and I think everything starting from protection up to and including mods is what's destroyed GW at max level for me. If I could turn off xp gain and stay here forever, I would. It'd be like level 19 **** bracket all over again. There's a certain purity there.
    I also made an alt a couple month ago and was really enjoying it all, including GW. All up to the point of the mods fiasco mid-July. Starting from that moment it all went South fast... :( What I cannot understand is a continuous "ensurances" that GW is WAI, while we - at least collectively - hold all the evidence that it is everything but...
    Man, I remember GW before the whole protection came up. Those were the days...

    Thank God so many other people see how big of an issue GW's are, I'm with you, it was fun a while back. Problem is that it's geared towards those who have a stacked roster and those who started late and got advice on how to manipulate it. Too bad EA can't find the ability to make it fun.
  • Foxxphyre
    160 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Really not happy coming to comment on this again. Since the final tweak to gw i have only been able to finish once. Most 12th and some 11th are impossible even while improving my bench. Impossible to the point that even if I had a fully healthy A B and C squads with protection they would all wipe on node 12. This is after i mananged to get it to daily completion pre-tweak. It feels like the finish line has been moved. If I calculate the credits and shards Ive missed out on in 8 weeks ( not including guild coins).... its approx 4.2 million credits & 280 shards. Your changes basically put me a character behind people who are still able to complete.

    Please fix it. Keep it a challenge, but make it finishable on a regular basis. If you really want to challenge us, give us regular event challenges that dont make the foundation or our income.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    You darn kids, when I was your level, we ground all day and night killing bores for 2 pts of xp each, AND WE WERE GLAD TO HAVE THEM!!! Blasted kids want everything ...


  • Meat1980
    136 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Well I finally have to chime in. I'm level 74, rank top 5 in Arena on my shard and have spent way more money on this game than I care to admit. GW has been getting progressively more difficult since I reached level 70. I had a streak of 65 straight completions of GW until tonight. I knew this was inevitable because nodes 6, 9, 11 and 12 had been getting exponentially more difficult as I continued to level up. Something needs to change because this is just not fun. I can't even buy my way to improving because my toons need raid gear which we all know comes few and far between. It's impossible to build enough beefed up squads in order to compete against lvl 80 maxed teams on node after node. My simple solution however is to stop spending money. That perhaps is the message EA/CG hears the loudest.

    Update:I was able to miraculously beat GW the next day, and what did I do I spent money. Lol, darn addictive game.
    Post edited by Meat1980 on
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    I have beaten 3 GC's since mid-July. The final battle is impossible. It cannot be beaten. It's nowhere near mathematically possible. This past week has me nearly unable to beat Battle#6 w/ my best guys, with only 3-4 making it out alive. I'm just tired of it all. I rarely attempt a final battle; which I might add, takes me 3hrs to get to because I try so hard to keep my players healthy & their shields untapped. It's so ridiculous that I even spend the time to do this because 6, maybe 5 days a week I see the 10-gear maxed lineup of RG, REY, Dooku, Fives, etc., etc and simply reset. The only solace I get from it is that I hope EA sees these "restarts" without even attempting matches & feels like they ruined a part of the game. They've made part of their game 100%, completely unplayable. It's an impossibility brought on by greed & ineptitude.

    The funny thing is, that the whole time I was angry about credits, I barely noticed the considerable drop in TrainingDroids. I used to be able to say "Well, GC sucks, but at least I can focus on unlocking & leveling this guy or I can have fun in Raids", but now I don't even have that because EA has bent our needs/interests away from collecting & unlocking to nothing but building "A" teams. That's the one thing I didn't really care that much about (but I did enjoy it, don't get me wrong) but now it's the whole engine of the game. After level 70, the game pushes u into a corner & leaves you there.

    I am tired of this. Truly
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    For so long, I used to laugh at people who worked to unlock GenGrievous. I thought how ridiculous it was to waste the resources in the Shard Shop, but I get it. You simply get to a point where your unlocked characters trump your resources (credits & training droids) so badly that you have no choice. Without a challenge or goal, this game seriously shows its flaws. And know that it pains me to say that because I've enjoyed the heck out of the last 9months. I can't believe how fast it all went downhill. It was just the other day that I was dying to get back to my phone to play some GC or I'd count the days till I'd saved enough shards for a Chromium Pack. I know that nothing lasts forever, but it still sucks when a good thing comes to its inevitable end.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Meat1980 wrote: »
    It's impossible to build enough beefed up squads in order to compete against lvl 80 maxed teams on node after node.
    Don't try. Focus on one team and at least two or three tanks. And get gear and mods.

    EasyRight wrote: »
    For so long, I used to laugh at people who worked to unlock GenGrievous. I thought how ridiculous it was to waste the resources in the Shard Shop, but I get it. You simply get to a point where your unlocked characters trump your resources (credits & training droids) so badly that you have no choice. Without a challenge or goal, this game seriously shows its flaws.
    Haha, yeah. Farming vader, first, myself. There are just not enough purple gear and credits to bother with all your GW and arena shards.

    Last major challenges for me were credit heist and GW. Once those were easy mode, game got boring, to be honest.
  • Mc7
    34 posts Member
    Dear EA Jesse,

    Please tell EA team to fix GW. It meant to be difficult I understand but should not impossible. Nodes, 8, 10, 11 and 12 is 120% above our squad power and making it impossible to finish it. And people who are around 38-39k fully geared are getting level 50 opponents because there is no one at 120% above their squad power. Either lower the percentage for developing players so we can develop, or create AI teams with squad power 41-42k for those people with higher squad power to level the playing field--eighter we all improve or we all fall.
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    Yersterday I made it to node 12 with my ENTIRE roster intact. Sure a bunch of guys had no protection, but I had TM advantage and my ENTIRE roster. I felt like I was finally going to be able to beat this, and my Node 12 didn't have a RG in it. It was Anakin, Ayala, STH, Old Ben and QGJ.

    Now lets put this out there:
    They all had 30 Speed arrow Mods. They all had several mods giving speed as a secondary, some were 7, 9 etc. Thats another 15 speed. They all had 6 lvl15 health mods and all had health pools that were gigantic.

    I can't outplay the speed. They all had at least +45 speed. My A team after multiple retreats couldn't even kill anakin(after suicide squading the specials out of them). It took me 45 mins and 2 full squads to get anakin to a sliver of health. My 3rd squad killed anakin, but the rest of their team quickly wiped me out.

    There is no strategy that can beat a team with +50 speed with insane damage mods. They hit like trucks, and I didn't stand a chance. If I threw in my lower level guys, they never even got a turn.

    The formula used to calculate the GW matches is BOTCHED. When a gear 11 toon thats power 8500 has +50 speed, Health\Protection above 65K(almost 3x the unmodded char), how can they still only be 8500? They should clock in at power 10-12K.

    It's awful.
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    Yersterday I made it to node 12 with my ENTIRE roster intact. Sure a bunch of guys had no protection, but I had TM advantage and my ENTIRE roster. I felt like I was finally going to be able to beat this, and my Node 12 didn't have a RG in it. It was Anakin, Ayala, STH, Old Ben and QGJ.

    Now lets put this out there:
    They all had 30 Speed arrow Mods. They all had several mods giving speed as a secondary, some were 7, 9 etc. Thats another 15 speed. They all had 6 lvl15 health mods and all had health pools that were gigantic.

    I can't outplay the speed. They all had at least +45 speed. My A team after multiple retreats couldn't even kill anakin(after suicide squading the specials out of them). It took me 45 mins and 2 full squads to get anakin to a sliver of health. My 3rd squad killed anakin, but the rest of their team quickly wiped me out.

    There is no strategy that can beat a team with +50 speed with insane damage mods. They hit like trucks, and I didn't stand a chance. If I threw in my lower level guys, they never even got a turn.

    The formula used to calculate the GW matches is BOTCHED. When a gear 11 toon thats power 8500 has +50 speed, Health\Protection above 65K(almost 3x the unmodded char), how can they still only be 8500? They should clock in at power 10-12K.

    It's awful.
    Brad, I hear you brother. I went through that exercise yesterday. Took my top 2 teams + 2 suicide squads to take out JKA. Took 2 more teams to kill AA and QGJ. But what I was left facing were Fives and SunFac - both riposting tanks with their gargantuan stock of health nearly full. And only my 3d-rate toons at best. They went through my heroes and only got healthier, as they refreshed between battles, while I could make tiny scratches at best, if at all.
    GW matching algorithm is so botched...

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    Scorpionad wrote: »
    Scorpionad wrote: »
    The GCW is rigged so that you spend money, unless you have a flush roster, PERIOD. You can use your teams abilities, retreat out, go back in, use those same abilities in the same order and get the EXACT same result a dozen times in a row. Including DOT's such as Vader's. Either they have the worlds worst programmers, or it's just plain rigged! I vote for rigged.

    This is just ridiculous. You do realise that with GW you HAVE to do something different in order to change the outcome, there is no RNG in those fights like with raids where it could go differently from the off. You need to change who you attack with a particular move or the toons you go into that fight with. The game isn't rigged, your incompetency is just off the scale. Move along. Also good effort for quoting what I said yet attributing it to somebody else, round of applause for you. Also not sure why you to chose to quote when nothing you say is in direct response to the things that I said...

    Yes, it is rigged. Go in and use abilities that should have RNG determined results, such as the number of DOT's that land per character, they come out the same way every time. If they don't, the result is rigged because it's either random or pre-determined. I'm not interested in predetermined outcomes that are contrived by an incompetent development team to boost sales.

    yes, I realize you have to to do something different if you're losing, the test was whether the random number generator is robust, and it clearly isn't. And if it's not being used at all, that's even worse.

    @Scorpionad Dooood ... do you understand random number generators? They are based on a seed. If you give the function the same seed, you get the same result. They work that way by design. It is intentional. It is necessary for code development.
    The seed at the beginning of every GW battle is constant; it is saved in memory. When you enter the fight, you always start with the same seed. If you go into the battle and do everything the same, you get the same result. It is NOT rigged. That's how RNG works.
    Now, YOU can do something to change the seed. Change the makeup of your squad or do a different attack. This will manipulate the seed and change the result. Sometimes the changes are small, sometimes large. The point is, YOU can do something to affect the outcome. Take advantage of this knowledge, and gain power.

    Having said that, it is possible to randomize the seed at the beginning of every battle, as is done in Raids. When you attack the Rancor, if things don't go your way, you can retreat and try again. When you re-enter, you may get a different result even if you do everything exactly the same. This does NOT work in GW because GW does NOT randomize the seed.

    That is absolutely not how random number generators work in any application.
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    I hate gw. Have not completed it since the July update. It's a game killer for me.
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    GW needs to be fixed.
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    Scorpionad wrote: »
    Scorpionad wrote: »
    Scorpionad wrote: »
    The GCW is rigged so that you spend money, unless you have a flush roster, PERIOD. You can use your teams abilities, retreat out, go back in, use those same abilities in the same order and get the EXACT same result a dozen times in a row. Including DOT's such as Vader's. Either they have the worlds worst programmers, or it's just plain rigged! I vote for rigged.

    This is just ridiculous. You do realise that with GW you HAVE to do something different in order to change the outcome, there is no RNG in those fights like with raids where it could go differently from the off. You need to change who you attack with a particular move or the toons you go into that fight with. The game isn't rigged, your incompetency is just off the scale. Move along. Also good effort for quoting what I said yet attributing it to somebody else, round of applause for you. Also not sure why you to chose to quote when nothing you say is in direct response to the things that I said...

    Yes, it is rigged. Go in and use abilities that should have RNG determined results, such as the number of DOT's that land per character, they come out the same way every time. If they don't, the result is rigged because it's either random or pre-determined. I'm not interested in predetermined outcomes that are contrived by an incompetent development team to boost sales.

    yes, I realize you have to to do something different if you're losing, the test was whether the random number generator is robust, and it clearly isn't. And if it's not being used at all, that's even worse.

    @Scorpionad Dooood ... do you understand random number generators? They are based on a seed. If you give the function the same seed, you get the same result. They work that way by design. It is intentional. It is necessary for code development.
    The seed at the beginning of every GW battle is constant; it is saved in memory. When you enter the fight, you always start with the same seed. If you go into the battle and do everything the same, you get the same result. It is NOT rigged. That's how RNG works.
    Now, YOU can do something to change the seed. Change the makeup of your squad or do a different attack. This will manipulate the seed and change the result. Sometimes the changes are small, sometimes large. The point is, YOU can do something to affect the outcome. Take advantage of this knowledge, and gain power.

    Having said that, it is possible to randomize the seed at the beginning of every battle, as is done in Raids. When you attack the Rancor, if things don't go your way, you can retreat and try again. When you re-enter, you may get a different result even if you do everything exactly the same. This does NOT work in GW because GW does NOT randomize the seed.

    That is absolutely not how random number generators work in any application.

    Actually, it is. But believe what you want.
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    Scorpionad wrote: »
    Scorpionad wrote: »
    Scorpionad wrote: »
    The GCW is rigged so that you spend money, unless you have a flush roster, PERIOD. You can use your teams abilities, retreat out, go back in, use those same abilities in the same order and get the EXACT same result a dozen times in a row. Including DOT's such as Vader's. Either they have the worlds worst programmers, or it's just plain rigged! I vote for rigged.

    This is just ridiculous. You do realise that with GW you HAVE to do something different in order to change the outcome, there is no RNG in those fights like with raids where it could go differently from the off. You need to change who you attack with a particular move or the toons you go into that fight with. The game isn't rigged, your incompetency is just off the scale. Move along. Also good effort for quoting what I said yet attributing it to somebody else, round of applause for you. Also not sure why you to chose to quote when nothing you say is in direct response to the things that I said...

    Yes, it is rigged. Go in and use abilities that should have RNG determined results, such as the number of DOT's that land per character, they come out the same way every time. If they don't, the result is rigged because it's either random or pre-determined. I'm not interested in predetermined outcomes that are contrived by an incompetent development team to boost sales.

    yes, I realize you have to to do something different if you're losing, the test was whether the random number generator is robust, and it clearly isn't. And if it's not being used at all, that's even worse.

    @Scorpionad Dooood ... do you understand random number generators? They are based on a seed. If you give the function the same seed, you get the same result. They work that way by design. It is intentional. It is necessary for code development.
    The seed at the beginning of every GW battle is constant; it is saved in memory. When you enter the fight, you always start with the same seed. If you go into the battle and do everything the same, you get the same result. It is NOT rigged. That's how RNG works.
    Now, YOU can do something to change the seed. Change the makeup of your squad or do a different attack. This will manipulate the seed and change the result. Sometimes the changes are small, sometimes large. The point is, YOU can do something to affect the outcome. Take advantage of this knowledge, and gain power.

    Having said that, it is possible to randomize the seed at the beginning of every battle, as is done in Raids. When you attack the Rancor, if things don't go your way, you can retreat and try again. When you re-enter, you may get a different result even if you do everything exactly the same. This does NOT work in GW because GW does NOT randomize the seed.

    That is absolutely not how random number generators work in any application.

    Except ... that's exactly how random number generators work. There is no true "random" in programming.
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    Scorpionad wrote: »
    That is absolutely not how random number generators work in any application.
    With all due respect. but this is precisely how it works. If you don't change anything, you will get the same sequence numbers. That's why its called pseudo-random. True random you can't repeat, period. All standard randomizers in programming are "repeatable" for a reason, otherwise you won't be able to trouble shoot things. Normally if you want new sequence you change the seed. In GW you change the seed by changing your squad (just shuffling around does it) or by performing different actions.
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    Scorpionad wrote: »
    Scorpionad wrote: »
    Scorpionad wrote: »
    The GCW is rigged so that you spend money, unless you have a flush roster, PERIOD. You can use your teams abilities, retreat out, go back in, use those same abilities in the same order and get the EXACT same result a dozen times in a row. Including DOT's such as Vader's. Either they have the worlds worst programmers, or it's just plain rigged! I vote for rigged.

    This is just ridiculous. You do realise that with GW you HAVE to do something different in order to change the outcome, there is no RNG in those fights like with raids where it could go differently from the off. You need to change who you attack with a particular move or the toons you go into that fight with. The game isn't rigged, your incompetency is just off the scale. Move along. Also good effort for quoting what I said yet attributing it to somebody else, round of applause for you. Also not sure why you to chose to quote when nothing you say is in direct response to the things that I said...

    Yes, it is rigged. Go in and use abilities that should have RNG determined results, such as the number of DOT's that land per character, they come out the same way every time. If they don't, the result is rigged because it's either random or pre-determined. I'm not interested in predetermined outcomes that are contrived by an incompetent development team to boost sales.

    yes, I realize you have to to do something different if you're losing, the test was whether the random number generator is robust, and it clearly isn't. And if it's not being used at all, that's even worse.

    @Scorpionad Dooood ... do you understand random number generators? They are based on a seed. If you give the function the same seed, you get the same result. They work that way by design. It is intentional. It is necessary for code development.
    The seed at the beginning of every GW battle is constant; it is saved in memory. When you enter the fight, you always start with the same seed. If you go into the battle and do everything the same, you get the same result. It is NOT rigged. That's how RNG works.
    Now, YOU can do something to change the seed. Change the makeup of your squad or do a different attack. This will manipulate the seed and change the result. Sometimes the changes are small, sometimes large. The point is, YOU can do something to affect the outcome. Take advantage of this knowledge, and gain power.

    Having said that, it is possible to randomize the seed at the beginning of every battle, as is done in Raids. When you attack the Rancor, if things don't go your way, you can retreat and try again. When you re-enter, you may get a different result even if you do everything exactly the same. This does NOT work in GW because GW does NOT randomize the seed.

    That is absolutely not how random number generators work in any application.

    Except ... that's exactly how random number generators work. There is no true "random" in programming.
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    I can't believe they feel GW is "working as intended". You intended it to anger the player base so much that it destroys our fun in the game and drives away members of our guilds on a regular basis? That was what you intended?? For us to go up against teams that are better than the top 5 arena teams on our shards, with no protection left at all? Not only are the node 12 teams anywhere from 4k to 6k higher than us in power, they have over 3 times the health/protection we do by the time we get there. And since I'm still unlocking Cantina characters for the various challenges, I haven't had the time OR the credits to get and level up class 5 mods.

    As a result,. I have only been able to finish GW once since the changes happened. I'm the top contributor in our guild and the top raid damage and I can't do a thing on node 12. My last match was against a team that had a combined score of over 42,000. Two gear 11 and three gear 10. All maxed, omega'd and with mod 5s. I threw every single character I have (over 20 maxed characters) and I didn't even get the protection down on JKA.

    If this is all working as intended, then you need to adjust your intentions to the reality your playing base is experiencing. End of story.
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
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    I can't believe they feel GW is "working as intended". You intended it to anger the player base so much that it destroys our fun in the game and drives away members of our guilds on a regular basis? That was what you intended?? For us to go up against teams that are better than the top 5 arena teams on our shards, with no protection left at all? Not only are the node 12 teams anywhere from 4k to 6k higher than us in power, they have over 3 times the health/protection we do by the time we get there. And since I'm still unlocking Cantina characters for the various challenges, I haven't had the time OR the credits to get and level up class 5 mods.

    As a result,. I have only been able to finish GW once since the changes happened. I'm the top contributor in our guild and the top raid damage and I can't do a thing on node 12. My last match was against a team that had a combined score of over 42,000. Two gear 11 and three gear 10. All maxed, omega'd and with mod 5s. I threw every single character I have (over 20 maxed characters) and I didn't even get the protection down on JKA.

    If this is all working as intended, then you need to adjust your intentions to the reality your playing base is experiencing. End of story.
    Well said, Ambassador!

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    AND PLEASE FIX TEEBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How many months has this been the top reported bug? Three? Four?
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
  • Darth_Azrael
    457 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I can't believe they feel GW is "working as intended". You intended it to anger the player base so much that it destroys our fun in the game and drives away members of our guilds on a regular basis? That was what you intended?? For us to go up against teams that are better than the top 5 arena teams on our shards, with no protection left at all? Not only are the node 12 teams anywhere from 4k to 6k higher than us in power, they have over 3 times the health/protection we do by the time we get there. And since I'm still unlocking Cantina characters for the various challenges, I haven't had the time OR the credits to get and level up class 5 mods.

    As a result,. I have only been able to finish GW once since the changes happened. I'm the top contributor in our guild and the top raid damage and I can't do a thing on node 12. My last match was against a team that had a combined score of over 42,000. Two gear 11 and three gear 10. All maxed, omega'd and with mod 5s. I threw every single character I have (over 20 maxed characters) and I didn't even get the protection down on JKA.

    If this is all working as intended, then you need to adjust your intentions to the reality your playing base is experiencing. End of story.

    Well said. Today I gave up the first time to close a GW, after completing 56 GWs since I created my account. I started playing 2 months ago and I don't have many heroes, but have few developed the best, and now the game has drawn the team:

    Dookan (L), Rey, QGJ, Leia and RG.

    All 7 star, gear 8, fully moded with health mods level 5. Rey and RG have all skills omega and gear 9. Team level 80. 4 Toons have +30 speed arrow mod.

    Im f2p and 72 level. How can i beat a team like that? Rey can kill everyone in my team with one shot. If i use my b-team, all my toons die before deal a significant damage to anyone.

    I'm in the top 20 every day and the last node GW is more difficult than the top 1 of my server. ****?!?!?!?!?

    What the hell devs of EA are waiting to fix that **** GW?
    Post edited by Darth_Azrael on
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    @EA_Jesse don't listen to these crying fools. i have not been able to finish GW in three weeks. i never can get past node 11. so this tells me that GW is working as intended. bravo to the t programming team. Jesse, I'm reaaly not sure I should even be able to get past node 10. Can you please make node 10 more challenging so I can only beat it maybe once a week? i just feel it is too easy for my level (78). And before all you crying fools respond, i just want to let you know that I am SERIOUS about this post. I have become mostly immune to the frustration of the last two nodes. So EA seriously needs to make mode 10 much much harder so i can get that angry feeling back again. @EA_Jesse I AM VERY VERY SERIOUS. TELL THE TEAM TO MAKE NODE 10 3X HARDER THAN IT CURRENTLY IS!!!!!

    This post is not meant to be sarcastic and i really really really feel this way.
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    The six player stages of Galactic War
    1. Noob. Finally unlocked GW! I can't beat it yet, but that's not a surprise. I'll build up my roster so I can.
    2. Elation. I beat GW! This is great, sooo many credits! I'm rich!
    3. Arrogance. What are all these noobs crying about? I beat it all the time, it's not that hard. LTP for crying out loud.
    4. Outrage. What happened? I lost?! This is impossible! Nobody could beat a gauntlet like this! So overpowered. Imma quit soon, this is bogus.
    5. Emergence. I don't believe it, I won. I may not win again, but today was a good day.
    6. Acceptance. Maybe GW isn't so broken after all, or maybe it is. It's beatable. And what is up with these easy nodes? I don't know, it doesn't matter. I still need 30 million credits for mods.

    Or, if you run droids (I hear) it's more like this
    1. Surprise. That was easier than I thought it would be.

    Friendly reminder. You guys are in stage 4.
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    The six player stages of Galactic War
    1. Noob. Finally unlocked GW! I can't beat it yet, but that's not a surprise. I'll build up my roster so I can.
    2. Elation. I beat GW! This is great, sooo many credits! I'm rich!
    3. Arrogance. What are all these noobs crying about? I beat it all the time, it's not that hard. LTP for crying out loud.
    4. Outrage. What happened? I lost?! This is impossible! Nobody could beat a gauntlet like this! So overpowered. Imma quit soon, this is bogus.
    5. Emergence. I don't believe it, I won. I may not win again, but today was a good day.
    6. Acceptance. Maybe GW isn't so broken after all, or maybe it is. It's beatable. And what is up with these easy nodes? I don't know, it doesn't matter. I still need 30 million credits for mods.

    Or, if you run droids (I hear) it's more like this
    1. Surprise. That was easier than I thought it would be.

    Friendly reminder. You guys are in stage 4.

    Except that even when I beat all 12 nodes ... it was still all a big ball of frustration and not at all fun or engaging. So I never experience stage 5. There's never any elation. It's just a giant bag of garbage that sucks to grind through.
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    Friendly reminder. You guys are in stage 4.

    90% of them? Hmmmmm.
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