Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I just finished my 10th node, and in the rewards I got 1 shard for RG. Usually after you complete the 12th node you get a random shard for somebody, this is my first time receiving a shard from a GW node other than the last one.
    Has anybody else noticed this?

    Yes I've received shards on 9,10,11, and 12.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    I couldn't help but chuckle.


    A first since Lugal Kelim, who was at least beatable, and my first GW loss since I was mid-60's and pitched against an all 70 team on the third node many months ago. I'm not kidding when I say this squad is impossible.

    My top five toons have a combined power of over 45.5k, so I'm going to win an arena match with them before resetting GW tomorrow.

    To be fair, I'd only be short of 70k credits and 400 tokens every day (a non-issue since I've nearly 7*ed RP) but the idea of ending my GW campaigns by merely burning through my roster so I can reset doesn't appeal to me.

    WAI, I presume.

    Hahahaha - I got the same team except sub B2 for an 85 7* gear 11 Vader! - it was a joke. That was me done for the day.

    WAI - this is the biggest joke of the m all!! It even beats the release of the AAT raid in August, pushed back to months to be perfect and is anything but! lol
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    I actually thought this was the only squad the GW calculation would bring up, but I was wrong. I've faced other hardcore Node 12 squads and managed to beat them (even one with a Rex lead with Aayla, Fun Sac and co). And, because I'm an ****, I didn't know you could just restart the GW holotable after 24 hours without blowing through all your toons or completing a campaign. I've not yet tried to glitch out Node 12 again (just reached Level 84 so I think I can surpass 46k, but that might not be enough).

    It looks like I won't consistently beat GW every day, but I can deal with that. I still think that's some amateur work on the matching algorithm, though. For real. Xio's squad is NOT a team for strategically testing your entire roster and any claim to the contrary is bollocks.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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    I just finished my 10th node, and in the rewards I got 1 shard for RG. Usually after you complete the 12th node you get a random shard for somebody, this is my first time receiving a shard from a GW node other than the last one.
    Has anybody else noticed this?

    Yes I've received shards on 9,10,11, and 12.
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    GW needs a reworking. There's no competitive thought till the last level then all you do is toss everything you've at it.
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    This is how I imagine it goes down....


  • Dagon
    105 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    GW should be updated
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    nubkin wrote: »
    GW needs a reworking. There's no competitive thought till the last level then all you do is toss everything you've at it.

    It depend's of your level, there are player's in level 75 that happen to get in the last node a level 85 player with a maximum leveled equipment.
    It becomes very hard, considering the fact that maybe they will only have a few characters with good equipment.
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    It goes back and fourth. Right now my expectation is to make it to #9. I am constantly blasted from #1 to #9. The teams I go against average over 50k and lvl 85 geared fully and moded fully. Feel like I'm being punished for building my whole group up. Not fair and seemingly just stupid.
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    matro wrote: »
    This is how I imagine it goes down....


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    matro wrote: »
    This is how I imagine it goes down....


    Hahah. totally!
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    gw is the playground, just tested boba rework, used igd lead jedi team

    highest power team ive encountered

    shock all over and b2 got 2 turns all permastunned, and wigss killing, with all the debuffs palp and pilot getting tm like crazy. ani,sf did not move at all, palp died in the first wigss volley.

    its all about strategy.
    Post edited by djvita on
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    Niladin wrote: »
    As soon as you are not able to do gw get out your cc. Spend at least 10K € and you should be safe for 3 days. You don't have the money ? Sell everything. Get your wife and daughters to "work". EA will appreciate it.

    No. Serious. Since i begun GoH i always bought the 21 day crystal pack. 9 days to go and i will not renew it because the gw disaster. Yes. GW is supposed to be hard at the last nodes. But they patched it to impossible for the casual player. If EA thinks they can milk the cow endlessly with patches destroying the fun (Hey, EA, a game is supposed to be fun, isn't it?) then answer with your closed purse. It's just that easy.

    The last weeks GW is more a nasty duty then fun. And that's the point for the majority of players.

    I stopped paying months ago. GW finally broke my spending addiction. I am having much more fun playing f2p than I was when I was paying $100 to $150 a month. I figure I have saved at least $1200 since they jacked up GW. Hopefully they don't fix it, I don't wanna go back to spending again.
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    Niladin wrote: »
    As soon as you are not able to do gw get out your cc. Spend at least 10K € and you should be safe for 3 days. You don't have the money ? Sell everything. Get your wife and daughters to "work". EA will appreciate it.

    No. Serious. Since i begun GoH i always bought the 21 day crystal pack. 9 days to go and i will not renew it because the gw disaster. Yes. GW is supposed to be hard at the last nodes. But they patched it to impossible for the casual player. If EA thinks they can milk the cow endlessly with patches destroying the fun (Hey, EA, a game is supposed to be fun, isn't it?) then answer with your closed purse. It's just that easy.

    The last weeks GW is more a nasty duty then fun. And that's the point for the majority of players.

    I stopped paying months ago. GW finally broke my spending addiction. I am having much more fun playing f2p than I was when I was paying $100 to $150 a month. I figure I have saved at least $1200 since they jacked up GW. Hopefully they don't fix it, I don't wanna go back to spending again.

    I was about to come on here and get really angry because I am currently pulling my hair out on node 6 but then I saw your comment and realized that I havent spent money either because of how much GW frustrates me. So youre right. Dont fix it. I can just relax and play it when I want to. Spend more time on the DC game like this. I use to spend around 100 bucks a month and it hadnt dawned on me that I havnt spent any money in a while on this broken game. It was like an epiphany so thank you for helping me realize that I am free from wasting anymore money on a game that doesnt reward its paying players.
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    Why can't gw just get fixed already?
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    I would love to know if there is actually one f2p player who has ever enjoyed playing galactic war, and if so how?
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    DarthxMaul wrote: »
    I would love to know if there is actually one f2p player who has ever enjoyed playing galactic war, and if so how?

    Complete it and enjoy it everyday
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    I enjoy it at the moment, but I focussed on having a lot of characters rather than getting them at a high level.

    My large but under-geared and low-level teams are terrible at arena, but I crush GW most days.

    As the credits trickle in, I'll eventually level up. The key to f2p happiness is to just not care about being successful/viable. :)
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    FtP, complete it every day and enjoy it.
    As of today, that's 3,687 GW battles won.
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    Saraleb wrote: »
    DarthxMaul wrote: »
    I would love to know if there is actually one f2p player who has ever enjoyed playing galactic war, and if so how?

    Complete it and enjoy it everyday

    Yep. Sometimes it's excruciatingly annoying and makes me want to uninstall.
    But most of the time. I do enjoy it
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    DarthxMaul wrote: »
    I would love to know if there is actually one f2p player who has ever enjoyed playing galactic war, and if so how?

    Yes, lots of it. Work on your roster and stop complaining ;)
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    DarthxMaul wrote: »
    I would love to know if there is actually one f2p player who has ever enjoyed playing galactic war, and if so how?

    I complete it every day, and I enjoy. There's a certain sense of satisfaction taking down a 52K power team after taking down a 50K power team the node before.


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    i'm f2p and complete it pretty much every day. it's a breeze once you have the right squad.
  • Lar
    13 posts Member
    I stopped playing gw for the longest time, now ships have brought me back to playing it. I like the challenge
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    DarthxMaul wrote: »
    I would love to know if there is actually one f2p player who has ever enjoyed playing galactic war, and if so how?
    *lol* ... at least i understand you ... i complete gw every day since ... hmm .. no clue, months ... but i did enjoyed it the last time ... ya, months ago ;)

    Its just an annoying trail & error (at least node 6, 9, 10 and 11) that consumes time every day, but is needed to get enough credits to get your chars up to where you want them.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Every god d**n day the same unbeatable whale cash-only team in the last node. Would you please do something about this!? :s
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    Very good
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    matro wrote: »
    This is how I imagine it goes down....


  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    djvita wrote: »
    gw is the playground, just tested boba rework, used igd lead jedi team

    highest power team ive encountered

    shock all over and b2 got 2 turns all permastunned, and wigss killing, with all the debuffs palp and pilot getting tm like crazy. ani,sf did not move at all, palp died in the first wigss volley.

    its all about strategy.

    It is about strategy for some, but for others its impossible. Not everyone was able to get EP during his event and struggle in this meta without him.

    B2 is another as every new toon is thrown into Cantina battles to farm - who does any F2P player farm first?:


    And with the introduction of ships, people are starting to farm less important characters in standard toon battles, because they hold some importance in ships.

    If you are a big spender or at least were able to have built up your roster enough you could adapt with every change in the meta then you are in luck.

    For many of the playerbase, particularly F2P or even "Dolphin" P2P - its an impossible frustrating grind.

    So for those particular players being able to beat GW everyday - Impossible.

    And for those such as yourself saying "its just strategy" - its a tad insulting.
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