Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    EasyRight wrote: »
    I dnt want to confuse things or sound really **** to those of u who've done a lot of research on this, BUT...ive heard something completely different & honestly, its made sense to me over the past few m9nths as Ive tested it.

    I heard that it has to do w/ the power ranking of the teams you start with & then it rates it again somewhere around node#6. Ive heard that the threshhold is under 35.5k. So i always start GW w/ a team under 35,000. It seems to guarantee a much easier walk through GW then if I start w/ a beefier team. Let me know what u find out if u try it plz.
    Tried it and it didn't make it any easier. What I did notice is that Node 12 is suddenly much harder, and I just 7*-ed Rey, which catapulted her into my top 5 toons, so maybe it simply is based on your most powerful 5 in the roster.
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    5 months later, still works great against level 85 squads. Enjoy the video :)
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    @Kelthuzad in node 9 - only 9 though not 12 :P
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    After 185 pages its good to see where the developers priorities lie. Have they even commented?

    This mode is absolute rubbish, the main reason being the AI is as dumb as a box of frogs. But rather than fix that lets just keep adding more and more overpowered toons for the whales to farm. There are bugs that will never be fixed, even ones that were fixed are now back.

    This game is nothing but a way of taking money from people who have too much of it, It is basically a pretty version of final fantasy 1.

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    it looks too easy, i'm not buying it ! :p
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • ogre2005
    83 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Today on node 12, super rebel team. Lando goes first and crits my entire A team for 11k. He IMMEDIATELY goes again. Whole team gone, two moves. Boom.

    All the strategy in the world won't beat that.
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    Grats on the CUP shard!

    Pretty cool video as well, thanks for sharing
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    Finished GW campaign in all days except for 1, 100%ftp. Mostly with my one strong arena team (currently WIGGS QGJ Lando STH, before it was standard Phasma/Rey/QGJ/GS/anything).

    I sub out QGJ and HAN after first node so that also other toons - at least my backup team - do gain some TM and must not start from 0, when I sub them for real fight when needed.

    This allows some more strategy on nodes 9,11,12 - you have deep pool of toons usable when RNG hates you and gives you hard teams. And everyone you sub in will have their turn before enemy.

    Then you can have several tricks up your sleeve:
    1) Teebo lead squad - against counter heavy (stealth attacks not countered)

    2) several usable tanks to soak damage for the price of losing tank in that battle - save prot and HP on good toons.

    3) Phasma rdy with more than half TM and his 50% TM up for whole team.

    4) Suicide squad to take out one toon or at least soak worst abilities and die in the process

    5) Sub different team - retreat - sub same team - you start with different RNG stacked and you may have different crits and dodges

    Nothing of this will not help you if you have undergeared and underdeveloped (especially) DPS toons or e.g no offensive dispellers.
    With low Damage you will always struggle - everywhere, GW, Arena. If you do not have (in endgame - currently lvl 83+ ) at least several gear 10-11 and reasonably modded (speed etc) damage dealers - well, that is your problem. Solve that and you start farming GW.

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    or die of boredom.
  • Twin
    527 posts Member
    Pretty good squad for a long time player or high tier player. Though one would think you might have the depth at that point to even use sheer numbers to complete but the squad is a great combo if you have them.

    I don't have EP or EE...

    I found Barriss, Wiggs, Rey + some needed tank/character works well for me to easily complete through 11 and part of 12 most days.
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    I use almost the same team. I just use QGJ instead of Phasma. Haven't lost a GW in months.

    Of course the last battle can still be a bit of a struggle sometimes, but usually this team makes it through all 12 battles.
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    Wouldn't tie pilot instead of Rey be better?
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    EasyRight wrote: »
    I dnt want to confuse things or sound really **** to those of u who've done a lot of research on this, BUT...ive heard something completely different & honestly, its made sense to me over the past few m9nths as Ive tested it.

    I heard that it has to do w/ the power ranking of the teams you start with & then it rates it again somewhere around node#6. Ive heard that the threshhold is under 35.5k. So i always start GW w/ a team under 35,000. It seems to guarantee a much easier walk through GW then if I start w/ a beefier team. Let me know what u find out if u try it plz.

    Never had that work. I always use a lower power team to clear the first 6 and never had it any easier at the end. Also if this was true then wouldn't you stop getting an easy node 12.

    From everything I have seen when people have tracked data there is no way to make it easier. As you upgrade toons the difficulty climbs.
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    All I know is that I can usually get through node 11 with my droid/jawas team but node 12 takes out my entire roster. Very Frustrating!!
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    I don't believe one word of your "5 months later" marketing slogan. ;) You see, my problem is that I started playing in July and like almost all July players wasn't able to get Palpatine from his event which was less than 5 months ago obviously.
    So do me a favour and tell me what you had 5 months ago - maybe I can do that squad as long as I wait for the return of the extremely rare Palp event. Teebo, EE, Rey and Phasma aren't a problem for me.
  • Phatty
    14 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I know there are a lot of strategies especially with different rosters/top toons, but my droids are my most powerful toons and I run HK(L) 86 and 88 on almost every node and then cycle in important support toons in the first 6-8 nodes to get their TM's ready. Anyone with droids can try this if you'd usually set up full squads early with TM, the 3 main droids can do most of the killing instead while half the time the support toons don't even get a first turn, leaving their TM's almost full. This gets me to the final nodes without anyone having taken much damage and all TM's ready to go.
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    Basically just get wiggs and lando. GW is so easy with these 3.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    @Doitsuyama, a quick search on his channel would have brought you to this vid:
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    That, too.
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    Sure, thanks! So just Old Daka instead of Palp, I don't have her either... but I farm her of course. Is this still viable until level 85?
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Doitsuyama wrote: »
    Sure, thanks! So just Old Daka instead of Palp, I don't have her either... but I farm her of course. Is this still viable until level 85?

    not sure if she's the best option 5 months later. She's pretty much useless everywhere else. (imo)
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »
    Doitsuyama wrote: »
    Sure, thanks! So just Old Daka instead of Palp, I don't have her either... but I farm her of course. Is this still viable until level 85?

    not sure if she's the best option 5 months later. She's pretty much useless everywhere else. (imo)
    RG seems more useful on the team than Daka. EE does all the healing you need. Aayla Secura is a good option too if you're only picking based on stuns.
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    My biggest qualm is when they put someone 7 levels higher with gear sets to match. I understand it's Galactic Wars but at LEAST match it to our level. If this has to be done multiple times well it's obvious we can't beat em. I don't have 3 sets of super teams in my roster just laying around.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    ogre2005 wrote: »
    Today on node 12, super rebel team. Lando goes first and crits my entire A team for 11k. He IMMEDIATELY goes again. Whole team gone, two moves. Boom.

    All the strategy in the world won't beat that.

    Wow! That is totally insane. Nothing you can do there but just laugh - you'll go crazy if you waste time thinking about that and getting annoyed.

    I have given up trying to beat GW (haven't beaten it in ages). I have 7 teams all 7* gear 8-11 all moded all maxed abilities (minus the new Zeta) - I aim to always get to beat node 11 and just make it to Node 12 each day. But as for actually beating node 12 - forget it.
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    ogre2005 wrote: »
    Today on node 12, super rebel team. Lando goes first and crits my entire A team for 11k. He IMMEDIATELY goes again. Whole team gone, two moves. Boom.

    All the strategy in the world won't beat that.

    Are you sure there was no Ackbar skill before that double move?
  • Stevesaint74
    898 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I threw 56 7* toons at this node and still list!
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    matro wrote: »
    This is how I imagine it goes down....


    LOL. Sorry but that was dev who knows how to fix Teebo
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    leef wrote: »
    @Doitsuyama, a quick search on his channel would have brought you to this vid:

    Thank you for your feel @leef :) yes Daka was absolutely worth it as well back then.
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    anonidude wrote: »
    Right now I'm lvl 53 and on my last GW I faced a team with lvl 72 Dooku and lvl 68 Rey, which is really unbalanced

    Yeah that's rough - as you get closer to capping out then you will find it a bit easier because you will have a couple of teams with some good healing happening. Don't worry too much we've all been through it and are here to let you know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Don't be afraid to let a few slide too because a few hrs of frustration at trying to beat that one node just isn't worth it in amongst real life stuff.

    Good luck

    Thank you, I sure hope it will get easier. But as for now I think it's getting worst. I couldn't even get through the sixth battle on my last one.

    I suspect part of the reason might be because of my arena ranking.
  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    If you are not level 80+ you will have a tough time. Saying you cannot complete the 6th node tells me your roster isn't up to snuff yet. Just takes time although it is frustrating.

    There is a point at which GW becomes extremely hard. Really it's just a matter of levelling/gearing/expanding your roster. Everyone hits that wall at some point and everyone who sticks with it passes over that wall and completes it with ease.
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