Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Boo wrote: »
    djvita wrote: »
    gw is the playground, just tested boba rework, used igd lead jedi team

    highest power team ive encountered

    shock all over and b2 got 2 turns all permastunned, and wigss killing, with all the debuffs palp and pilot getting tm like crazy. ani,sf did not move at all, palp died in the first wigss volley.

    its all about strategy.

    It is about strategy for some, but for others its impossible. Not everyone was able to get EP during his event and struggle in this meta without him.

    B2 is another as every new toon is thrown into Cantina battles to farm - who does any F2P player farm first?:


    And with the introduction of ships, people are starting to farm less important characters in standard toon battles, because they hold some importance in ships.

    If you are a big spender or at least were able to have built up your roster enough you could adapt with every change in the meta then you are in luck.

    For many of the playerbase, particularly F2P or even "Dolphin" P2P - its an impossible frustrating grind.

    So for those particular players being able to beat GW everyday - Impossible.

    And for those such as yourself saying "its just strategy" - its a tad insulting.

    even for someone like me who puts 10usd a week i feel since the cap increase our resources are spread too thin...
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    GW difficulty is far too challenging, i know some people are still complaining it is easy and all about strategy. However, most players cant do much with strategy as their toons are not deep enough. If they have enough toons, they lack of decent mods, credits to level up and credits to promote star. Only handful of players can finish GW on daily basis, please fix GW.
  • pargame
    989 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I agree with @ogre2005 - problem is not difficulty but AI cheating. I've got several times Leia dodges all three shots. Also anti crit is ridiculous.

    EDIT: there is so much content and AI cheating makes GW more frustrating just because consume a lots of time.
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    Galactic War is tough but I somehow managed to complete it most of the time after lots and lots of retreat. I hope it'll get easier one I developed my roster.
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    Right now I'm lvl 53 and on my last GW I faced a team with lvl 72 Dooku and lvl 68 Rey, which is really unbalanced
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    Right now I'm lvl 53 and on my last GW I faced a team with lvl 72 Dooku and lvl 68 Rey, which is really unbalanced

    Yeah that's rough - as you get closer to capping out then you will find it a bit easier because you will have a couple of teams with some good healing happening. Don't worry too much we've all been through it and are here to let you know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Don't be afraid to let a few slide too because a few hrs of frustration at trying to beat that one node just isn't worth it in amongst real life stuff.

    Good luck
    | ANZGC | Exile |
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    F2P/P2P has nothing to do with it.

    This is pretty blunt, if you see literally hundreds of thousands of people complete an obstacle course every day but you can't, is the course too hard or rigged just for you OR maybe you're just not approaching it the right way?

    An old guildmate complained it was impossible and I looked at his roster to help him, and yes with that roster it was impossible. He leveled up all his tanks, Lumi, and 7-8 of the worst toons like Magnatrooper, Snowtrooper and JKG to 7*. I didn't have the heart to tell him he basically wasted the last 3 months and he'd be better off starting over to reseed his arena and focus on the right toons.
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    Completed everyday of my playing except 1. Total 200+ campaigns. F2P, arena rank around 20. Now when I have my older team(standard Phasma/rey/gs/rg/qgj) and new team (wiggs,sth, lando, ani) well geared, it is easy 20 minutes game time....
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    Saraleb wrote: »
    DarthxMaul wrote: »
    I would love to know if there is actually one f2p player who has ever enjoyed playing galactic war, and if so how?

    Complete it and enjoy it everyday

    Ditto. Although, full disclosure - I've spent $30 in the last year playing so not completely f2p.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I'm f2p, play for about a year now and completed it every day (except on vacations or so) for as long as I can remember. I now have a good enough roster (actually use a single team, sometimes rotate 1 or 2 other guys) to complete it in 20-30 min.
    I *don't* enjoy it. It's repetitive and presents no interesting challenge, as it's about the same teams every day (weird outdated Chewbacca - Lumi - Sidious on lower nodes and Arena stuff on higher ones). I would totally sim the whole thing if I could. The only benefit I see to it is trying out new toons before Arena.
    ☮ Consular ☮ -
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    I used to enjoy it, but now only complete 1 in 5 and find it very frustrating. I hit level 79 just as the cap was increased to 85, I have one gear 11 character and node 11 and 12 are always maxed out, all gear 11. Before the cap was raised I was completing it almost every day.

    I'm sure it will become more achievable again as I expand my roster, but at the moment having hot needles poked in my eyes would be more fun.
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    GW is still a giant bag of ****. When a game mode chews through 30 of my level 83 characters (I'm still 83) most of whom are G9-11, something is tuned very very wrong.
  • rawman
    685 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    anonidude wrote: »
    as you get closer to capping out then you will find it a bit easier because you will have a couple of teams with some good healing happening.

    as you get closer to capping then healing will get almost completely irrelevant. i reach node 12 with just one team needed (maybe exchanging 1-2 chars when needed in some occasions) and sometimes i even clear node 12 (now unfortunatetly hard again) without losing a team.

    fully maxed and modded wiggs/lando/anakin/palp (just 5* though) just rush through hole GW like nothing most of the times :)
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    i heart wasting 3 hours everyday to get 400 tokens on the last node.
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    I keep hearing two different takes on it:

    1. Node difficulty is based on the most powerful team you defeated so far in Arena.
    2. Node difficulty is based on your 5 most powerful toons in your roster.

    Which one is it? Thanks in advance.
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Much like the answer to how many lícks to get to the center of a tootsie pop, the world may never know.
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    Klocko wrote: »
    Much like the answer to how many lícks to get to the center of a tootsie pop, the world may never know.


    But seriously, I have seen it discussed but one of the answers was based on how it worked prior to GW being tweeked. Anyone heard anything official from the devs on what it is currently?
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    They haven't officially said. It seems to be a combination of top 5 power toons and highest power you've ever won with in arena. That's the last I heard anyway. Glad you appreciated the joke above.
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    I tracked it for an entire month a couple of months ago, and I'm pretty sure its based on the power of your top five characters. The results were pretty consistent using top five power characters. Percentage of top five character power by node.

    Node 1 58%
    Node 2 62%
    Node 3 68%
    Node 4 60%
    Node 5 60%
    Node 6 93%
    Node 7 74%
    Node 8 75%
    Node 9 98%
    Node 10 84%
    Node 11 102%
    Node 12 26%

    I used to get the free node twelve, but since the level cap increased I don't anymore. I've been getting some pretty stacked whale teams, but I haven't tracked node 12 yet. I may track it for December to see if anything changed.
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    I've never seen definitive info and I've looked around. All just varying theories.

    The most reasonable I've seen and I believe was referenced to have supposedly been stated on redit by a dev is that it's based on your Squad Arena Power as shown in the Guild "Manage" screen.

    If that is it, it should generally reflect the most powerful team you've won an Arena match with, but that number seems to somehow reflect toons that have been on your arena team in the past, almost like it's somehow a culmination of the powers of the five most powerful toons in your inventory that have ever been on your Arena Squad (and won).

    That number in the Guiild "Manage" screen only ever goes up as I'm sure everyone knows...

    I run droids and not long ago replaced IG 100 with Jawa Eng, and that dropped my "current" arena team's power (when viewed in the Arena "Battle Select" screen) down quite a bit.

    A couple days ago I tried swapping a mod to a higher dot version on IG 100 even though he's not on my arena team and it raised my Arena Power when viewed in the Guild "Manage" screen accordingly, even though that number just got even further away from my actual current Arena Power.

    Adding up the current powers of my 5 most powerful toons that have ever been on my Arena Squad don't total up to my power that's shown in the Guild "Manage" screen, but they do seem to be able to affect it so I definitely don't fully understand...
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    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    I tracked it for an entire month a couple of months ago, and I'm pretty sure its based on the power of your top five characters. The results were pretty consistent using top five power characters. Percentage of top five character power by node.

    Node 1 58%
    Node 2 62%
    Node 3 68%
    Node 4 60%
    Node 5 60%
    Node 6 93%
    Node 7 74%
    Node 8 75%
    Node 9 98%
    Node 10 84%
    Node 11 102%
    Node 12 26%

    I used to get the free node twelve, but since the level cap increased I don't anymore. I've been getting some pretty stacked whale teams, but I haven't tracked node 12 yet. I may track it for December to see if anything changed.

    Ah, there were no responses when I started typing... Maybe that's it, then. Or is it possible that if it was tracked against your Guild Manage screen Power number it would come out with similar results?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Galdin_Wan wrote: »
    I tracked it for an entire month a couple of months ago, and I'm pretty sure its based on the power of your top five characters. The results were pretty consistent using top five power characters. Percentage of top five character power by node.

    Node 1 58%
    Node 2 62%
    Node 3 68%
    Node 4 60%
    Node 5 60%
    Node 6 93%
    Node 7 74%
    Node 8 75%
    Node 9 98%
    Node 10 84%
    Node 11 102%
    Node 12 26%

    I used to get the free node twelve, but since the level cap increased I don't anymore. I've been getting some pretty stacked whale teams, but I haven't tracked node 12 yet. I may track it for December to see if anything changed.


    The last node isn't really correct, it's some % around like 120% of the power. The problem is there is no team with this power in moSt cases so you get a dummy squad. Not sure where those toons are selected from but the look like the bottom of a roster.
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    I've seen that tracking before. It seems right when looking at it and not sitting and comparing against my own roster. Node 12 is probably 126% though. When we were sitting capped at 80 there was nobody 126% stronger, so the algorithm would get confused and drop the 1 off the front. Now with higher caps and people reaching them, the hard node 12 is back.
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    Beyond all that it seems basically like there are plenty of synergy squads who's power totals don't come close to describing what they're going to do to you, throw in a couple of those or a whole war like I had yesrerday where there was at least one counter attacker on every single node and half of the nodes had two or an Ima led Jedi Counter-attcking nightmare and it makes for any one GW to seem way harder than it should be.
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    Klocko wrote: »
    They haven't officially said. It seems to be a combination of top 5 power toons and highest power you've ever won with in arena. That's the last I heard anyway. Glad you appreciated the joke above.

    Oh yeah...I was a 70's kid. Loved that ad!
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    Phatty wrote: »
    Beyond all that it seems basically like there are plenty of synergy squads who's power totals don't come close to describing what they're going to do to you, throw in a couple of those or a whole war like I had yesrerday where there was at least one counter attacker on every single node and half of the nodes had two or an Ima led Jedi Counter-attcking nightmare and it makes for any one GW to seem way harder than it should be.

    I hate the ones that throw a team with RG, EE (or some other revive healer), Rey, Leia, and a maxed out Savage Oppress. I'm working on QGJ and Boba Fett (ignores taunt now) so hopefully it won't be as much of a problem.
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    It's an absolute joke of a system now, impossible nodes now on 4??? This is nothing but a squeeze on the mid players, you think anyone is going to stick around for ships if you are cutting off one of the farming routes? An it's blatant cheating if you look, characters with hidden bonuses, enemy ai targeting single characters, not to mention facing power creep of almost 10-15k and gear levels through the roof... Compared to most games out there, this was night and day a head of the curve, sucks to see greed seeping into all game decisions now...
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    I dnt want to confuse things or sound really stupid to those of u who've done a lot of research on this, BUT...ive heard something completely different & honestly, its made sense to me over the past few m9nths as Ive tested it.

    I heard that it has to do w/ the power ranking of the teams you start with & then it rates it again somewhere around node#6. Ive heard that the threshhold is under 35.5k. So i always start GW w/ a team under 35,000. It seems to guarantee a much easier walk through GW then if I start w/ a beefier team. Let me know what u find out if u try it plz.
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    EasyRight wrote: »
    I dnt want to confuse things or sound really **** to those of u who've done a lot of research on this, BUT...ive heard something completely different & honestly, its made sense to me over the past few m9nths as Ive tested it.

    I heard that it has to do w/ the power ranking of the teams you start with & then it rates it again somewhere around node#6. Ive heard that the threshhold is under 35.5k. So i always start GW w/ a team under 35,000. It seems to guarantee a much easier walk through GW then if I start w/ a beefier team. Let me know what u find out if u try it plz.
    I'll try it out :-)
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