Message from the CM


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    Hey @EA_Jesse I do appreciate your post and thanks for all the hard work you all do. I understand everyone's frustration, but I am disappointed with all the negatively i see here after you posted. Really folks, it's sad, you would not act or say this if you were in a room with someone. Anyways, CA has been listening and has been trying to improve quite a few things. Prices were high on items, community spoke, they brought the costs down. People complained when it first came out it was too simple, they added more strategy. People abused the raid standards they made it fair for all that played. There is a ton going on and they are a small team. Don't confuse Capital Games with the the studio that builds battlefront.

    While its easy to be a ****, voice your opinion and then provide a solution. Don't just be a **** because you can. Help give ideas and solutions to make things better. That's what me and all of our guild does. Sure we are not thrilled with changes of late but we are working through it. Yes, I have guild members raising their pitchforks, but "unless someone like you cares a whole lot nothing will ever change. It's Not" - the Lorax. So thing about it before you post here like a 12 year old without a filter. Let help make this game better together! I know I am willing to help. Are you SWGOH? - Dark Lord Lampshade

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    I thought y'all heard us yesterday? Then you go and make it even worse?

    Mods have ruined arena, GW, cantina, guild raids, guilds.... Now you're further ruining mods by punishing anyone who didn't drop a ton of crystals to refresh in the first day of the update.

    Here's some constructive feedback, actually invest brain cells on how these updates affect the entire game and not just pushing out shiny new junk to spike crystal sales.
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    1st off there's no adjustment that fixes this. Climb in to the Delorean and pretend like it never existed.

    Mods would be cool if they were a subtle adjustment tool allowing you to 'tune' your toons. i.e. every character has a total value of 'x' at lvl 80 g10, less at g9 etc... Allow players to FREELY tune their toons within certain parameters where adding to 1 stat must take away from another.

    You have to get off the blatant cash grab wagon and give players something that might be fun instead of just trying to extort your customer base at every possible turn.

    This barely resembles the same game we were playing 2 months ago - that's a problem.
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
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    I've been playing this game for a while now ever since back I think in February when cad bane was the daily log in I absolutely love this game and I'm not overly pleased with mods but I am glad to see that adjustments are being made hopefully a diff form of energy for mod battles is created.
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    How about @EA_Jesse puts a poll up with options on how to fix this hot mess? 1. Rollback to pre mod and give back crystals and credits used since the update. 2. Nerf the mods drastically, but keep them, 3. Other ideas. Let the community be heard!
  • Xenith
    267 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I am speaking with the dev team about all of your concerns, including the 100% drop rate on the 5* Mods. I can't give additional details if I don't have them, I'm waiting on more that I can share with you all.

    Cost to upgrad mods is a bit high considering the amount needed to have a 5 man full squad...
    Drop rates are garbage you guys said higher drop rates then cNtina shards 10 sims got me 2 mods T.T i was expecting at least 4
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    some suggestions for future versions:

    1) the MODS are great but i don't find them customizable very much. I suggest you add secondary MODS to primary MODS. This will go a great distance and make the game much more scalable.

    2) customize the look of your toons. I want to bling Chewbacca with piercings and maybe a ponytail. I would spend a lot of crystals if you added say tattoos or hair color changes. that kind of thing. And make it where my opponent MUST change the appearance of their toon if it is equal to mine in PVP.

    3) Lightsaber crystals!! add lightsaber crystals to lightsabers and depending on the color, it changes the stats of the saber. same can be done with other types of weapons. i want darth vader to have a pink saber. and add stats to pink have increased tenacity. id pay 100s for that.

    4) Pets!! i think in pvp we should have pets like mini drones or mini tauntauns beside our toons. and depending on the pet type, it can do a mini attack with small damage. every bit counts!

    5) after a fight, my toons need to be bloody and beat up. we need medpacks for them to heal before the next battle.

    6) Stims. each toon should carry max 2 stims into battle. each stim can do something different. so a healing stim, or potency stim that lasts one round of battle. stims can be cheap, like 5 crystals each.

    PLEASE PLEASE consider these additions! I have more ideas if you are willing to listen.
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    Since you asked her are my issues in a simple, straight forward way I can put them.
    1. Credit availability/GW payout increase
      You mentioned in an earlier post that you have heard or complaints and we're going to increase the payout. After the patch, the payout is around 110k more. It should have been at least 1.5 times the previous payout maybe closer to 1.75. I know we aren't ever going to get a million per 12 battles but 675-775k is not game breaking in any way at 80. If your concern is the earlier levels, put in a sliding payout. 445k at level 45 when GW opens and 775k at level 80.
    2. cost of mod change
      I was actually pleased when I saw the initial costs of leveling mods. I leveled several 1 dot mods and several 5 dot mods. They were priced reasonably. Then you bumped the price to around .5 million for tier 5 mod. See my comment about GW payout above. With this change you basically just gave us the finger. It's really that insulting.
    3. Drop percentage change
      This game, and many Freemium games, thrive on how players watch for patch day. I don't know accruals but I'm sure the number of crystal purchases increase multi-fold when new patches are released. I know I bought some more. I played through 5 of 7 basic tables the first night and finished them the next getting 1 mod per battle. I then went into challenges and even though I only have teams for 3 of the challenges higher tierbattles, I was able to get several 5* mods. I've done 3 battles since the patch and not received 1. The people who refreshed now have a huge advantage over everyone who starts now.

  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @EA_Jesse To me, the one thing that is frustrating beyond anything else, is the recent changes in the Galactic War. I understand you want to make it a challenge, but this is beyond challenging: it's impossible! Plus, I must say, this is a phone app game, it's not meant to be spending all day in it. I'd rather the Galactic War be easy and and take about 30 minutes than it be challenging and take several hours. I love this game, I really do, but it's becoming more and more of a grind and there is starting to be too many things to manage without having to spend hours on Galactic War. Please consider modifying this... I also think the mods are FAR TOO POWERFUL. It just made leveling up and gearing up almost useless... But that's another matter, please fix Galactic War to a reasonable level... Thank you
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    Sat here and read though every post... All I can say is wow - and then the threat to block folks because they voice their opinion?

    Personally - leave the mods, I've already spent coins and crystals on them... To go back will wipe all that out. Just increase the credits and drop rates -

    Oh, and for Gods sake fix GW - I get the "difficult" aspect - but insane is another thing entirely. NO ONE likes it this way so can't you just give your loyal customer base what they want? I faced a fully geared, starred and now MODDED level 80 droid team at node 12 today. I sent 3 full teams of 7 star highly geared (and some modded) level 80's in and all were wiped clean out... Never got a chance to fire but a few attacks off. How is that fun?
  • Gavstar
    214 posts Member

    Hey, with the current unplayable state of the game and threats of spending halts by the player base. Would it not be wise to take a breathe, and think about a roll back process. Roll back of mods?

    This will give your dev teams the time to think and test issues with this major update more. Give them the time they need rather then rushing stuff through.

    I don't know who is in control, but they will need to suck it up. Make the call, and roll back. You need to stop the bleed.
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    And for the record @EA_Jesse I've always been a big supporter of you and nraj, Lucifer's dildy, John, etc but this is messed up. Seriously, you guys are doing the players wrong
  • RealHanSolo
    447 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Aniema wrote: »
    We love everything but mods. Just roll them back. Seriously. We love all of the updates except mods and today's potency nerf.

    Well that's it, there's the answer. Letssssssssssss just roll back the the server to before the mod update went live. WoW how come nobody thought about that? Wait...what about all the people who spent real money buying crystals to refresh Catina energy to get mods then spent millions to max them out? To heck with them right? Because the RealHanSolo and the people like him don't like mods lets just screw over the people who do and the money they spent. Screw them right? MODS are the update!!

    News flash, it isn't that easy. I have a question for you. Do you like to eat steak? How would you like it if someone fixed you the best steak ever. You take a bite and to your amazement it's the best steak you ever ate. As you go to take another bite the waiter comes an takes your plate away with your steak that you payed for and throws it in the trash. bet you would be seeing red.

    You're right you got me, they couldn't possibly just refund the crystals.

    And of course, I haven't wasted 3M credits and 400 crystals on refreshes to get the mods. It's been live for 2 days, there's no reason they couldn't roll back.
  • Ace5
    134 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    You can undo this situation with a roll back. It will be the only viable way to keep people here and maybe bring back out guild it's that rage quit.

    Beyond that anything you do will anger or frustrate some group: spenders, non spenders, precrafters non precrafters. No "patch" or adjustment will fix things just because this update w mods is truly game breaking in a very bad way.

    We are all posting bc we love the game and don't want to see it broken like this. We also don't have to encourage anyone to leave, quit or stop spending etc any of those things bc people are already doing it in droves . My guild area that have left, our line chat is blowing up, my friends that pay have quit and are active on the phone in negotioations w Apple.

    Bring everyone back!!!

    give us a product worth our buck!!!

    Roll back the update and get rid of the mods!!!!

    try beta testing them at 10% of original effect the re release them in a week or two and maybe fix a few broken characters like your did anakin as a show of good will.

    There you go, the answer to all your problems
    Post edited by ShaolinPunk on
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    some suggestions for future versions:

    1) the MODS are great but i don't find them customizable very much. I suggest you add secondary MODS to primary MODS. This will go a great distance and make the game much more scalable.

    2) customize the look of your toons. I want to bling Chewbacca with piercings and maybe a ponytail. I would spend a lot of crystals if you added say tattoos or hair color changes. that kind of thing. And make it where my opponent MUST change the appearance of their toon if it is equal to mine in PVP.

    3) Lightsaber crystals!! add lightsaber crystals to lightsabers and depending on the color, it changes the stats of the saber. same can be done with other types of weapons. i want darth vader to have a pink saber. and add stats to pink have increased tenacity. id pay 100s for that.

    4) Pets!! i think in pvp we should have pets like mini drones or mini tauntauns beside our toons. and depending on the pet type, it can do a mini attack with small damage. every bit counts!

    5) after a fight, my toons need to be bloody and beat up. we need medpacks for them to heal before the next battle.

    6) Stims. each toon should carry max 2 stims into battle. each stim can do something different. so a healing stim, or potency stim that lasts one round of battle. stims can be cheap, like 5 crystals each.

    PLEASE PLEASE consider these additions! I have more ideas if you are willing to listen.

    Hahahs! Yes! (You WERE kidding, right)
  • CalEl21
    8 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Plus GW needs fixed asap. But I do personally appreciate that y'all are trying new things to make the game more exciting and fun but if it doesn't work it doesn't work thanks for all you do please GW
  • URcompanySux
    6 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    SUGGESTION: Meet us halfway and bring GW back to its JUNE 15th state. That would go a long way to placating the player base at least to the point that they would be willing to deal with the time it takes for you guys to address this problem.
  • Ixias0
    29 posts Member
    First off, thanks for posting @EA_Jesse. I honestly think you care about the game and want to make people happy, despite what a lot of people here apparently seem to think. I think communication is key, especially when there is a massive update like Mods so keep it up!

    I'm legitimately at a bit of a loss for what to do to fix this on a macro level. I think there are a few things regarding this update would certainly help to calm people, so I'll start with those. I also apologize for the long post, but I'm trying to be constructive and offer legitimate feedback.
    • Credits. Credits are used for leveling, crafting gear, promoting characters, and now building and upgrading Mods. The recent slight increase to GW was something, but not nearly enough to make a dent in modding one character, let alone the 5 required for Arena. Adding more credits to Daily Activities, increasing the frequency of events (such as the current Scoundrel event or a modified Force Champion event), boosting the GW credits (there are still not much higher than they were when tuned for level 60), and slightly decreasing the cost to upgrade mods will certainly ease some concerns over the revitalized Credit Crunch.
    • Galactic War. This has been a concern in the forums and in my Guild for the last few weeks and has really come to a head with this update. Having fully geared teams with Protection starting halfway through was rough enough, but now those teams are all Modded. The Credit payout per battle has only slightly increase (very recently) and the battles have gotten substantially more difficult. Adding a larger boost to Health/Protection regeneration after the battle, as well as allowing Protection to regenerate when your Health is maxed at the end of the battle, will make it much more bearable to complete. Also, I've always been a proponent of having your characters recharge Health/Protection and reduce Cooldowns while benched since, realistically, it makes complete sense - when you rest, you recharge. Finally, I totally understand that it's meant to be difficult, but it is very time consuming and boring to fight roughly the same teams on each node. I understand that major changes like this would take time, but just throwing a suggestion out there: decrease the amount of nodes and have each node be a different faction. This would break up the monotony of having all Meta teams and make it a bit more enjoyable. Echoing what I said above, increasing the Credit payout would also help.
    • Cantina Energy. Prior to this update, Cantina Energy was a great way to farm new characters, which allowed for more experimentation and potentially new Arena comps and meta shifts. Requiring Mods to use that same energy, all while making Mods more powerful than even Gear, makes it virtually impossible to rationalize shard farming through Cantina over Mod farming. This also means that getting characters for the Mod Challenge Battles is near impossible for F2P and a pain for moderate spenders (see below). I really see two main ways to fix this: 1. Model Cantina Energy after normal Energy: Increase the refresh time to 6 minutes, give bonus Cantina Energy, and decrease the cost of Crystal refreshes; 2. Create a separate "Mod Energy" unique for farming Mods and leave Cantina energy as it is now. There are pros and cons to each, but I like option 2 as unlocking new characters is integral to the game and is what a majority of the players enjoy most.
    • Mod Challenge Battles. Right now, only mega-whales will be able to complete all of these, thus creating an even greater divide between F2P/dolphins and whales. Optimizing the battles for a team of 3 characters (albeit leveled, geared, etc.) would make them more accessible for wider range of the player base, while still giving people a challenge and encouraging the development of more characters. The Omega battles were a great example of this, though I would imagine the Mod Battles would be a bit more difficult.
    • Mod Balance. I love the ability to customize characters to try to cover their weaknesses or enhance their strengths, but there needs to either be a cap to how much a stat can be increased or have some sort of drawback to using a more powerful mod. Having characters like Rey with more Health/Protection than Royal Guard, plus more Speed and Strength than she had without mods doesn't make much sense.
    • Mod Preview. I would love to get some insight on what the secondary stats may be for a mod before we pay to upgrade it. Dumping 400+ thousand credits into a mod, only to find that it's not great is extremely disheartening. I'm not even suggestion you display everything, but at least some sort of teaser of what stats may be affected.
    • Daily Challenges. I think with the new and robust "grind" the we now have in Mods, decreasing some of the stress/frustration of farming gear would go a long way. Add a new tier to the Daily Challenges which slightly increases drop rates and includes all gear from previous tiers would be awesome. The AGI Challenge is a prime exmaple with the Mk3 Droid Callers and Mk 6 Syringes being locked to two different tiers, while both being required in large quantities for high level gear upgrades.

    I know that was an extremely long list, but I think I offered constructive feedback with feasible solutions. There are a lot of things this update did right, including things the community has asked for. Using Sim tickets for Challenges, mass Sim battling, better Gear search-ability, and the overall UI modifications are all fantastic and show that you do listing to at least some feedback.

    In all honesty, I'm strongly considering calling it quits. I love this game and have played since mid December, spending a moderate amount of money along the way. I've met great people in my guild and have enjoyed a lot of the features the game has; but at this point, I'm nervous that nearly everything I've worked towards over the last 7-8 months is rapidly being devalued by the Mods and frankly, I'm not really interested in a steep uphill grind for them. I know that I'm a mere forum poster and have no sway in this, but I hope you at least read some of my suggestions. I'm not throwing in the towel yet, but there are a lot of things this update has done to make this game far less enjoyable and I look forward to seeing what will be done to address our concerns.

    Thanks to those who took the time to read this! :smile:
  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    some suggestions for future versions:

    1) the MODS are great but i don't find them customizable very much. I suggest you add secondary MODS to primary MODS. This will go a great distance and make the game much more scalable.

    2) customize the look of your toons. I want to bling Chewbacca with piercings and maybe a ponytail. I would spend a lot of crystals if you added say tattoos or hair color changes. that kind of thing. And make it where my opponent MUST change the appearance of their toon if it is equal to mine in PVP.

    3) Lightsaber crystals!! add lightsaber crystals to lightsabers and depending on the color, it changes the stats of the saber. same can be done with other types of weapons. i want darth vader to have a pink saber. and add stats to pink have increased tenacity. id pay 100s for that.

    4) Pets!! i think in pvp we should have pets like mini drones or mini tauntauns beside our toons. and depending on the pet type, it can do a mini attack with small damage. every bit counts!

    5) after a fight, my toons need to be bloody and beat up. we need medpacks for them to heal before the next battle.

    6) Stims. each toon should carry max 2 stims into battle. each stim can do something different. so a healing stim, or potency stim that lasts one round of battle. stims can be cheap, like 5 crystals each.

    PLEASE PLEASE consider these additions! I have more ideas if you are willing to listen.

    The sarcasm is strong with this one... ha

    Chill out, what you yellin' for?
    Lay back, it's all been done before
    And if you could only let it be
    You will see

    Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
    I see the way you're
    Acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated
    And life's like this you,
    You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into
    Honesty, you promised me I'm never gonna find you fake it
    No, no, no
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
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    chewy shards to try to keep people coming back is insulting. Might as well give out free maxed out ugnaughts to everyone to really get the juices flowing
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    SUGGESTION: Meet us halfway and bring GW back to its JULY 15th state. That would go a long way to placating the player base at least to the point that they would be willing to deal with the time it takes for you guys to address this problem.

    It is still July 14th here
  • eldredpe
    142 posts Member

    SUGGESTION: Meet us halfway and bring GW back to its JULY 15th state. That would go a long way to placating the player base at least to the point that they would be willing to deal with the time it takes for you guys to address this problem.

    Looking at the calendar, I'm pretty sure GW is in its July 15th state right now...
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    Captainrrl wrote: »

    SUGGESTION: Meet us halfway and bring GW back to its JULY 15th state. That would go a long way to placating the player base at least to the point that they would be willing to deal with the time it takes for you guys to address this problem.

    It is still July 14th here

    Thanks for pointing out the mistake. Its been edited.
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    I recommend you go see the polls right now in general discussion and they are overwhelmingly in favor of dealing the mods entirely and refunding everyone, which I'm in favor of as well. Honestly, there was far more strategy before the mods came into play and just bullied everything. HOWEVER... Galactic War is the biggest problem. Why is out so difficult to understand that we would rather have it easier and quicker than challenging and arduous?
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @scuba we're looking at Mods, testing them, how is that not addressing a concern? I refrained from posting exact details because they aren't locked in yet.
    Well then I suggest you refrain from making demands on communities *until* you have nothing to show for. Why should the community do what you ask after being disappointed and contradicted multiple times in past?

    Full disclosure: already quit. It wouldn't affect me either way.
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    This place is more heavily moderated then a concentration thought camp.
    Here are a couple of things that I’d like to see stop:
    • Posting threads telling people to quit, to stop spending on the game or to lower their review scores. This does nothing to help the state of the game. What helps us is seeing feedback on why you don’t like a certain feature and how it affects your enjoyment of the game.
    • Do not create posts bashing EA, CG, the dev team or the moderators. Again, this does nothing to help the game.
    • Do not create posts on how the game is dead, or how it’s going to die, or anything along those lines.

    Let's be honest here, you address NO concern of the mess that has been made of this game. But address THE ONLY thing that gets any horrible business entities attention...LOSS OF REVENUE and BAD PR. The product your trying to sell is broken, try fixing it instead trying to step on your customers throats to shut them up. Someone else did that before.....I think his name was Hitlerrrrr.


    Quoted for Truth.

    That is the only reason Jesse respibded, to shut us up and 'quiet our tone.' It was too contentious for the gods to handle.
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    BlackIrish wrote: »
    @EA_Jesse I placed mods in each of Rey's 6 slots today and confirmed that they applied.

    When I went back to Daily Activities, I had not gotten credit for that leveling up of Reys mod. Thus, I am not getting the Omega that I should be getting.

    Just in case something was hung in a process, I closed the app entirely and re-launched it. Nothing changed.

    TehNeoMeta (Game Alias)

    Did you lvl any of them up?
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    Sorry @EA_Jesse, but there is no testing and adjuatment to the mods will fix this issue. Players spent vast resources on Tuesday to Wednesday getting and upgrading mods. Then this update changes it all with the release of T6 and T7, not to mention putting those who did not make the mod push in a 48 hour span drastically behind. Mods are a great concept, but their execution has been a disservice to the community and to a game that is very resource intensive where much planning goes into our actions. Please roll this back and being back mods when they are ready.
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    Genuine feedback here.

    I'm not F2P OR a whale. I've spent about $275 on this game since May.

    I updated within minutes of the new patch on Tuesday. I spent probably 800 Cantina energy. Nothing crazy but enough to get some Mk5 mods. However they are almost all E or D quality. I didn't realize the difference at first but was pretty happy with them at the time. I had enough to mod my arena squad and with some filler 1-2 and a couple 3-4 tier mods as fillers for the gaps.

    Not only that, I went up against an arena team with one character (Rey) who had all 5 tier A quality mods. The rest of the team had decent mods (more on par with my own modded toons) but that Rey! She destroyed my team single handedly.

    Realizing the difference between A quality 5 tier mods and what I had, I tried to upgrade my mods. Lo and behold, they are now much harder to get and MUCH more expensive to level.

    I felt cheated and I was one of the first people to get mods!

    The disparity from the whales and me is incredible. The disparity between me and any F2P people who didn't get the optional update is also incredible.

    This is just one small facet of the difficulty we've been facing?

    Can you please comment and correct any erroneous information in what I have just stated?
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    Credits is my big problem. I am sitting on shards, mods and even gear I can't level up because there are no credits available. Can we further increase credit rewards?
This discussion has been closed.