Game Update - 7/27/2016 Comments ***Megathread***


  • SpeedRacer
    1037 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    - Credit crunch still a big problem
    - Need 100% drop rates for mods
    - Upgrading mods still costs too much
    - GW is too hard
    - Scoundrel event every week so at least it's possible to get a bit more credits
    - Rework to toons waiting for a while like darth maul and boba fett
  • Rotor
    473 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse @EA @CG_NotReallyAJedi
    Seriously, what the ****. What made 88 good as a lead was his unresistable dot damage. Have you even looked at the game you made? Every team that's in the top 25 is either phasma, ani, or Dooku. I along with one other person in my shard uses droids ( HK lead for him) I literally just got into top 5 the other day. This also messes up raids as the Rancor and probably the Tank will be able to resist dots. No one asked for this. The .01% that use 88 as a lead get screwed over. Thank you EA I'm glad I stopped buying anything right before Guilds came out. I was ACTUALLY thinking about dropping another $20 to get more mods. Not anymore. It's not like you actually read these posts as YOU NEVER LISTEN TO OUR FEEDBACK EVER. Unless you want to or ask us for "hey what toons do you want next!" I really would love to see the stats on this game in the past month.

    A player who is about to quit.

    Seriously you changed the potency and tenacity of the game... Now this!!!!! This wasn't an issue that anyone was complaining about. You basically have completely destroyed my raid set up with 2 updates.

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    Well, historically, we've gotten them shortly after a new unit's "debut" a few days after Magmatrooper's run, he went tovGW ships, shortly after Denger's, he went to Guild shipments, so hopefully after Wedge's run, hell go to Cantina or Arena shipments. Although the fact he was Aurorium and not a brand new character may make this comparison pointless. I'd love to get Wedge, mainly for when the Empire Assault rolls around to buff Biggs.
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    Empire enemies eh? Oh you mean Vader, ya, we see him skulking around once and awhile, lol

  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Gee thanks for "fixing" 88, now how about fixing Teebo? I'm sure a lot of us would appreciate it :smile: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Osik
    235 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    for those complaining about wedge... the patch notes said that wedge is august login hero so a lot of ppl will be able to get him just playing every day...

    EDIT: heres the link to the info:
  • Mynd
    233 posts Member
    Osik wrote: »
    for those complaining about wedge... the patch notes said that wedge is august login hero so a lot of ppl will be able to get him just playing every day...

    EDIT: heres the link to the info:

    Login shards aren't enough to activate him from 0. What's the plan after August? How long until he is farmable? He's no longer in Aurodium and wasn't added to Chromium? August shards will be useless to most of us until he becomes farmable. One would assume that's the plan, but CG didn't say and logic hasn't been their forté lately.
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    Wedge will be the Login Char next month. :)

    FYI Rebels are FUN to run!

    Login Character? Does that mean he will be made farmable afterwards?
  • ohshet
    44 posts Member
    You fixed IG 88 lead abilty, what a relief. Thanks for killing another opportunity for a leader. Inb4 be right back, have to spam old ben leader and a casual rey for a casual 30k dmg
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    Yeh adding synergy to characters where very few people have one of them makes perfect sense...

    How about credits and mod drop rates which the people actually want.
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    JawaJawa wrote: »
    Thanks for the free Wedge shards @EA_Jesse

    Is there a plan to be able to unlock him after since he is completely unfarmable right now even from chromiums?

    Like he's going to answer that. Lol

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    on a plus note, full raid gear drops from raid rewards has been increased. I have already seen this occur. I wonder if they are trying to allow everybody to get closer to max gear before the new raid?

    personally I love the wedge synergy buff. I bought him, so I have a chance to benefit. He is very fun as leader, the AOE for him and lando give huge health heals and leia now heals herself a ton more.

    I do wish they would have left 88 alone, he was a great :stealth" lower powered leader for my last raid squad that did unnecessarily good damage b/c of the dot, but I was suprised that the dots couldnt be resisted ... not consistent with any other ability in the game unless it says "can not be resisted/avoided"
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    Fragoola wrote: »
    So what exactly is PvE shipments?

    Been playing since Dec and have no idea what the player vs enemy shipments is.

    I am assuming it just means shipments?
  • Jaycd1
    12 posts Member
    Has anyone else looked for Wedge shards? We'll get 15-20 for logging in in August, terrific, but how can they promote a character and give him cool synergies without making his shards available? They're not even in Data cards. I so don't get why they did this
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Osik wrote: »
    for those complaining about wedge... the patch notes said that wedge is august login hero so a lot of ppl will be able to get him just playing every day...

    EDIT: heres the link to the info:

    Unless they bump up what they normally deliver in daily toon shards. No one who doesn't have him will get anywhere with 30 shards, hes 80 to unlock
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    I am normally a huge critic of these guys, but this wasn't a terrible update. They fixed a few minor things.
    Wedge is now the August login char, and will probably end up F2P shortly after. Biggs is already farmable.
    Between Mod challenges and Empire event, Rebels are needed, this will help people get their rebels up for empire event, Wedge and Biggs should ensure victory.
    They also addressed one thing we all complain about, not enough synergy. Well there is some now.

    Quietly, you guys do realize that Biggs will be come arena relevant, and so wilL Wedge once he is obtainable, and that they will help shift the meta away from RG. These guys will mow RG down like nothing. I hate that they made it all empire, but still RG should start going away once all the STH Rebel teams come around.
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    Where will Wedge be farmable after August?
  • Trindor
    13 posts Member
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    #Wedge2GWshipments 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Bones
    456 posts Member
    This update would be nice, if the new wedge and biggs actuallY worked right. Wedges leader doesnt even work. It doesnt give biggs the extra speed and offense if he is present. FAIL!
  • DaniB32
    196 posts Member
    Wedge is daily login next month. But daily login only gives 30 shards. And you need 80 shards to unlock him. ? Pointless
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    Wedge will be the Login Char next month. :)

    FYI Rebels are FUN to run!

    Login Character? Does that mean he will be made farmable afterwards?

    After that month, probably.
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    Just open 8 pack of mega data pack, not even one Rex or Wedge shards at all.
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    If the do make more duo-synergies, Maul and savage could have something together. Maybe something like, if one gets attacked the other counters doing 20-30% less damage. Or if one dies the other gets 100% TM, and advantage. Being ftp I'd like maul to be in arena before any of this happens
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    @EA_Jesse Is there going to be any events this weekend?
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    Chief Nebit didn't get fixed.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Fragoola wrote: »
    So what exactly is PvE shipments?

    Shipments from the main Screen (in which you see all the tables in the cantina).
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Saraleb wrote: »
    Biggs has been farmable for f2p since um forever ?

    Lmao. Really? Its wedge that's not.
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    gobears21 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    And the odds of you staring wedge any time soon by using chromium......yeah good luck with that.

    I have wedge.... 277/65 shards... g8 level 66... my question is he now worth it?

    Based on looking at the numbers I'm not seeing how he's any good right now.... You'd have to use him with AA lead to give him enough speed to move before Rey; his health & protection weren't buffed so he will be killed off most likely without a turn.

    If we have to use him with AA that makes his lead worthless which looks great on paper.... still want comments from those that have them both maxed up and can use them.

    Yeah right. Prove it with a screen shot. You can't even get shards for him
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    Wedge(L) + Biggs + Luke + Lando is fun.
    So sad I dont have scoundrel Han to make a full team.
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