***TOURNAMENT MEGATHREAD*** (All related posts here)


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    Xyon wrote: »

    thx @Xyon

    but was this not a 3 day event?

    Only remember getting 1 actual refresh (would be 2 had I not "lost" one)

  • Stormy
    951 posts Member
    Taramel wrote: »
    @Stormy I dont even want to think about how many crystals these guys have spent.... and only one will win between the 2 of em.....


    Ive done 4 actual battles leading me into top 10 at start, since then, i just farm all the free teams. I just spam refresh, eat the bad teams- multiple groups of people around me doing it. Ive spent barely any actual money. Its a game of "who is online the longest to keep spamming refresh, and eat a farmer defense around them" - im sure other tournaments have less of it than this one, thats why i hate im paired here.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    @Nikoms565 You seem mad. Did you not heat up your Hot Pockets enough and they were still cold in the middle? Did your mom forget your favorite Lunchables? Was the brownie missing in your chicken nuggets Kid Cuisine?

    All of this QQ. This has nothing to do with people taking advantage and everything to do with poor game design. You can't support some people's tactics and not support others.

    Lol - what? Why does asking a question about how scoring works "seem mad"
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I'm on the same server and it's insane how much they're spending! I'm happily sitting somewhere between 3000-2000


    did your toons refresh this morning as per notification?

    No no. I didn't even get a notification saying they did. My roster has been refreshing around 6pm... I'm not really paying attention - I just go in once or twice a day and if I have toons, I play.
    Xyon wrote: »

    I doubt @LordStyling missed the Jesse's update.
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    I'm on the same server and it's insane how much they're spending! I'm happily sitting somewhere between 3000-2000

    I'm on the same server... they have like 92 gear maxed toons which would be 18 full squads... so with the exploiters around them, they get 18 free wins, then 18 25 crystal refreshes but yeah they're still spending major cash up there. Then I hear of my guild mates with 2000 points that are in the top 100 on their server but on our server it takes almost double that....

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    It's all good, I have no squabbles with ya, it's just comes across as disingenuous, that's all.

    You have a framework and you're using it.

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    Make a list of those pro tourney, and then compare it with the results and wonder if there is any correlation between high scores and "creative" playing.. lol
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Power got pushed up.
    I'm theorycrafting that as soon as someone passes the threshold, the team can be assigned.
    last week i was the highest in my guild

    now im not so there more power to go up as you can see 1k more
    Got this today
    beatable but it took me off guard

    also this made me laugh

    GW broken? you decide!
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    Lol - what? Why does asking a question about how scoring works "seem mad"

    I was wondering the same thing; I went back to re-read what you posted and thought "what was that backlash all about?".

    Drop It Like It's xHOTHx
    In Game Name: E Chu Ta
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    Ok, so for Europe, 5PM reset the chars, but didn't end the tournament. So presumably the tournament will end at 9AM as the countdown timer indicates. If it instead ends at 5PM tomorrow, I will be rather **** off (as I won't have any crystals left to refresh my squad to maintain my top 10 spot).
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    This would work! It's from a guildmate so I will not take credit: "Found an easy way to fix the tournament. First off, reward thresholds like the guild dailies. Once you reach a certain amount of points you get 'c' rewards. Once you reach the next threshold, 'b' rewards etc. and CG can still make money if they make the highest thresholds hard to get to. Like if they made the highest threshold 10k points or so. Super whales will still do it but less people would feel ******"

    Please comment for thoughts to keep the discussion going.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Then it's not as highly competitive and dislike the idea of dividing rewards into PvE players and Whale players

    They should stop allowing you to change defensive squads or require defense squads to be at least 30k power
  • 7AnimalMother
    2053 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Hopefully the banstick is out for the tournament exploiters. Or at the very least they should be removed from the tournament and their prizes go to others.

    In my tournament, the top 9 are the same guild and outpacing everyone else on the tourney by a significant margin. They blew by me the first day and I happened to notice that they all were using blue defenses so their entire qualifying roster could rack up wins, and then switching out. Obviously they are coordinating this abuse together.

    This is complete crap, and devalues the money/crystals I spend on the tournament. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want an R word.

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    Two times today I started to post this suggestion; the downside is that once you hit a happy point you stop spending... so it won't happen. On the other hand; it's just not right to have guild mates get on a server where 2k get you in the top 100 and you're stuck needed 4k for the exact same thing.

    I'm the first one to teach my kids "life's not fair get over it" so maybe that applies here... but it really is discouraging.
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    AT Spain.... I do believe I've been staring at your squad name during my refreshes.... rank 72?
  • Brownie
    298 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Hopefully the banstick is out for the tournament exploiters. Or at the very least they should be removed from the tournament and their prizes go to others.

    In my tournament, the top 9 are the same guild and outpacing everyone else on the tourney by a significant margin. They blew by me the first day and I happened to notice that they all were using blue defenses so their entire qualifying roster could rack up wins, and then switching out. Obviously they are coordinating this abuse together.

    This is complete ****, and devalues the money/crystals I spend on the tournament. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want an R word.


    Do you also complain and want people banned when two people (same guild or not) work together to lock you out of the top arena spot?
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    Brownie wrote: »
    Hopefully the banstick is out for the tournament exploiters. Or at the very least they should be removed from the tournament and their prizes go to others.

    In my tournament, the top 9 are the same guild and outpacing everyone else on the tourney by a significant margin. They blew by me the first day and I happened to notice that they all were using blue defenses so their entire qualifying roster could rack up wins, and then switching out. Obviously they are coordinating this abuse together.

    This is complete ****, and devalues the money/crystals I spend on the tournament. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want an R word.


    Do you also complain and want people banned when two people (same guild or not) work together to lock you out of the top arena spot?

    False equivalency dude.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Then it's not as highly competitive and dislike the idea of dividing rewards into PvE players and Whale players

    They should stop allowing you to change defensive squads or require defense squads to be at least 30k power

    It's not really that competitive right now either though. It's just a scramble of people trying to exploit the most to get Shoretrooper for arena. Arena is where the real competition is anyways.
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    Got stuck at tier 11. My A sqyuad got wiped out before I got a single turn. F. You, EA.
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    Taramel wrote: »
    Phipps wrote: »

    You gotta sleep sometime.... o:)


    tsk tsk... someone fell asleep....... cost 5 spots :)@warmonkey1024


    Let's do this!
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Hopefully the banstick is out for the tournament exploiters. Or at the very least they should be removed from the tournament and their prizes go to others.

    In my tournament, the top 9 are the same guild and outpacing everyone else on the tourney by a significant margin. They blew by me the first day and I happened to notice that they all were using blue defenses so their entire qualifying roster could rack up wins, and then switching out. Obviously they are coordinating this abuse together.

    This is complete ****, and devalues the money/crystals I spend on the tournament. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want an R word.


    Good luck with that, this type of event is a money maker, as long as some are willing to spend as much as it takes, nothing will change. But hey, it's **** nice of the carrot chasers to keep the game free for me to play. Thanks friends!
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    gobears21 wrote: »
    Two times today I started to post this suggestion; the downside is that once you hit a happy point you stop spending... so it won't happen. On the other hand; it's just not right to have guild mates get on a server where 2k get you in the top 100 and you're stuck needed 4k for the exact same thing.

    I'm the first one to teach my kids "life's not fair get over it" so maybe that applies here... but it really is discouraging.
    gobears21 wrote: »
    AT Spain.... I do believe I've been staring at your squad name during my refreshes.... rank 72?

    I agree! Right now it's very broken though. The bottomless spending is great for the devs in the short term but after this tournament, I am not spending anymore for good rankings and I know many others doing the same. I'd spend if there were goals for points.

    And yes, I'm around 72ish. It's sad that I'd be in first in some of my guildmate's shards and yet I'm in the 70's because of Team Instinct. That's the main reason I think this needs to be implemented. Each server is too dependent on luck.
  • Brownie
    298 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    False equivalency dude.

    Not really, just on a much grander scale with much better rewards. But when you add up doing it every day over the course of the life of this game, those crystals are much more valuable than the rewards in this tournament.

    There are people that remove mods or change their lineup in arena to make it easier for a team to beat them, and then replace that mod/toon also. Its all relatively the same exact thing.

    This IS NOT guild hopping where people jump around to get 10x the raid loot as everyone else. This IS NOT alt factory farming, creating substantial coinage in a guild to be used by the main accounts to get 3-4x the rewards of everyone else.

    While I don't disagree that this should not be allowed, you guys are overly abusing the word "cheating" here. Guilds are working together in a manner never seen before in this game, within the confines of the game design and using their entire rosters to achieve better results. This is also available to every single player in this game without doing anything different.

    Again, this should absolutely be changed, but get off your high horses.
  • NerfHerder44
    333 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Brownie wrote: »
    Hopefully the banstick is out for the tournament exploiters. Or at the very least they should be removed from the tournament and their prizes go to others.

    In my tournament, the top 9 are the same guild and outpacing everyone else on the tourney by a significant margin. They blew by me the first day and I happened to notice that they all were using blue defenses so their entire qualifying roster could rack up wins, and then switching out. Obviously they are coordinating this abuse together.

    This is complete ****, and devalues the money/crystals I spend on the tournament. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want an R word.


    Do you also complain and want people banned when two people (same guild or not) work together to lock you out of the top arena spot?

    False equivalency dude.

    How? You pay crystals to refresh your arena battles. You're paying crystals in the tournament to refresh your teams. Guilds with people on the same shard collude to lock you out of the top spot, just as they are doing in the tournament.

    Are you seriously not understanding the comparison here just because the rewards are different?
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    Brownie wrote: »
    Hopefully the banstick is out for the tournament exploiters. Or at the very least they should be removed from the tournament and their prizes go to others.

    In my tournament, the top 9 are the same guild and outpacing everyone else on the tourney by a significant margin. They blew by me the first day and I happened to notice that they all were using blue defenses so their entire qualifying roster could rack up wins, and then switching out. Obviously they are coordinating this abuse together.

    This is complete ****, and devalues the money/crystals I spend on the tournament. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want an R word.


    Do you also complain and want people banned when two people (same guild or not) work together to lock you out of the top arena spot?

    No. Completely different scenario. When people work together to lock others out of arena, they are not abusing game mechanics.
  • Options
    Brownie wrote: »
    Hopefully the banstick is out for the tournament exploiters. Or at the very least they should be removed from the tournament and their prizes go to others.

    In my tournament, the top 9 are the same guild and outpacing everyone else on the tourney by a significant margin. They blew by me the first day and I happened to notice that they all were using blue defenses so their entire qualifying roster could rack up wins, and then switching out. Obviously they are coordinating this abuse together.

    This is complete ****, and devalues the money/crystals I spend on the tournament. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want an R word.


    Do you also complain and want people banned when two people (same guild or not) work together to lock you out of the top arena spot?

    No. Completely different scenario. When people work together to lock others out of arena, they are not abusing game mechanics.

    No you are wrong because they are. People remove mods to let others attack and pass them when they can't otherwise be beaten. Or change their lineups to help their shardmates. Then collude with them to lock people out.
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    Taramel wrote: »
    Phipps wrote: »

    You gotta sleep sometime.... o:)


    tsk tsk... someone fell asleep....... cost 5 spots :)@warmonkey1024


    Let's do this!

    oh dear....... I hope you are not on any meds with all those pretty sure they don't mix........ just make sure to check for heart issues every couple hours :smiley:
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    Brownie wrote: »
    Hopefully the banstick is out for the tournament exploiters. Or at the very least they should be removed from the tournament and their prizes go to others.

    In my tournament, the top 9 are the same guild and outpacing everyone else on the tourney by a significant margin. They blew by me the first day and I happened to notice that they all were using blue defenses so their entire qualifying roster could rack up wins, and then switching out. Obviously they are coordinating this abuse together.

    This is complete ****, and devalues the money/crystals I spend on the tournament. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want an R word.


    Do you also complain and want people banned when two people (same guild or not) work together to lock you out of the top arena spot?

    No. Completely different scenario. When people work together to lock others out of arena, they are not abusing game mechanics.

    I'd also love to hear how you determine what is considered abusing a game mechanic and what isn't. No one will EVER agree on what is abuse and what isn't. Personally, I do believe that anything in the game that any player can do without hacking the system is not abuse. It may not be right or working as intended but you cannot blame the players for taking advantage.

    Its a very fine line and again, we'll never agree, but thats why players should and likely will not face any consequences here. The blame falls entirely on the developers for not noticing this tactic.
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