Game Update - 10/27/2016 Comments and Questions ***MEGATHREAD***


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    Cantina currency is the new credit crunch lol
    I believe it is intentional to add a bit of variety to the game.

    Do you farm another character or some mods? Which character do you prioritize? If you decide to spend time farming mods, will your opponents farm Wedge (or whoever else) and start beating you in arena (or vice- versa)?
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    Well on bright side cantina has lots of gold to farm now....aayla, b2, ani, lando, etc...

    The IMPORTANT thing to note is that after SRP added there's still blank spots for 11 more toons in cantina!!!
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    Saved about 220k. Wbu guys?
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    .... I see someone new.
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    used them all

    i wanna cry
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    I was talking one of my guildies into spending his 60k last night...I hope he didn't in the end or he might kill me! haha
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    32.7k started saving 10 days ago. one guildmate has 330k
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    Love the crystals to ally points,finally use for them
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    I would be really happy if they added Mk3 Ability Mats to the GW store.
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    Spardog713 wrote: »
    I have to be honest. If I spent a boatload of cash to get shoretrooper and then saw this I would quit the game instantly...

    Unless Shoretrooper is not rewarded in next tourney that is.

    You have to agree the last tournament was a disaster and this is a major improvement.

    I have a 5* ST and I am ok with it
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    I do not understand..there are so many toons that have gone into cantina, which makes farming them all take an extremely long time. And prevents the farming of mods. WHY not throw a toon into gw? The last was Cad bane if I remember correct over the summer. This is really disappointing and sucks. You make it pretty hard to progress forward in the game with some of these decisions.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Dude looks beast...especially with scarif and multi-abilty toons like yoda, palpy, grevious etc...

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    First update with a positive outlook since a long time, it's a good start
  • Rui
    80 posts Member
    How about stun cuffs are another hard gear farm? Right now GW currency is for Vader shards and I've bought 2 fully crafted fruances. Not for the raid salvage. But because of the holo's and syringes that I need 1000's of.
  • Robhar3187
    104 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    @EA_Jesse Perhaps you can remind the developers that there are these shipment shops in the game, where they can also put characters
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    Valace2 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    I have to be honest. If I spent a boatload of cash to get shoretrooper and then saw this I would quit the game instantly...

    Unless Shoretrooper is not rewarded in next tourney that is.

    You have to agree the last tournament was a disaster and this is a major improvement.

    I have a 5* ST and I am ok with it

    It is. And if it doesn't bother you than I guess I was wrong. Wish I had 100k ally points... instead of piles of useless gear now. Lol
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    Should I halt farming B2 shards for SRP shards? Not sure which is more useful.
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    counting the 5000 that they just gave as a gift ? 5200... :)
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    stumpoman wrote: »
    I would be really happy if they added Mk3 Ability Mats to the GW store.

    +1 million!!!
  • Magulama
    125 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I think the changes to the tourney are excellent, much appreciated!
    Reading some of the posts 're the update, I also would like to point out, that the players on this forum are some of the most negative and bitter I have come across in 15 years of online gaming...
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    106k here.....too lazy to pull bronziums for a couple hours straight
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    Something needs to be added to cantina, arena and GW shipments. This is ridiculous.

    +1 I'm not enjoying the game to much anymore but I stay because my guild is daaa bombbbbb
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    How do you guys stock that much of Ally Points!? Do you guys never ever really purchase Bronziums at all!?
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    Gw is a terrible idea for a new character, maybe an existing 1 but it makes it far too easy to farm. Which, let's face it, is why ppl want toons put there.

    For the us guys who have been playing since November or even launch gw is pretty much pointless lol it is for me
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    Welcome to the forums
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    Thats awesome using ally points but another **** character in cantina? How about the universally hated raid being addressed?
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    VektorT wrote: »
    How do you guys stock that much of Ally Points!? Do you guys never ever really purchase Bronziums at all!?

    163k atm. I save mine up by the thousands and then use them on a boring day. Last time it took me an hour to burn up 100k in Ally Points. Got mostly excess gears, some shards and a couple of full characters.
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    How is this going to be fair?
    I have 20k ally points.. the other guy as 80k? The other one has 5k?
    We will compete in the same server?
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    DeeRod12 wrote: »
    Gw is a terrible idea for a new character, maybe an existing 1 but it makes it far too easy to farm. Which, let's face it, is why ppl want toons put there.

    For the us guys who have been playing since November or even launch gw is pretty much pointless lol it is for me

    Not pointless.... But much less rewarding.... Just farming raid gear and occasional shards now...m
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