Game Update - 10/27/2016 Comments and Questions ***MEGATHREAD***



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    Lower the sodding evasion of all raid bosses to zero.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
    2761 posts Member
    SpeedRacer wrote: »
    MCThr33pio wrote: »
    I'm loving the idea of using ally points instead of crystals for the next pvp tournament, and wondering what new character they'll put in this one - I kind of doubt it'll be the shoretrooper again.
    Well, i really hope is shoretrooper shards! Otherwise, EA will show us that they just care about big whales. Because a lot of people not gonna be able to even unlock him. SInce on the first tourney was all about guild mates cheating plus walets battle.

    I think it will be shoretrooper too. Otherwise, put him in GW shipments and be done with it.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    I dont think there should not be any refreshes aloud.
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    It's gonna be a new Rogue One toon for sure...
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    Enzo_g87 wrote: »
    LOL MAJOR DERP on my part, delete this thread lol

    Nope this thread will never be deleted and will constantlybe bumped to the front page so you will never live down your shame. Congratulations welcome to the Forum.

    Just remember it could be worse, you could have proclaimed your love for Jar Jar Binks.

    Haha! Love it!
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    Enzo_g87 wrote: »
    Enzo_g87 wrote: »
    LOL MAJOR DERP on my part, delete this thread lol

    Nope this thread will never be deleted and will constantlybe bumped to the front page so you will never live down your shame. Congratulations welcome to the Forum.

    Just remember it could be worse, you could have proclaimed your love for Jar Jar Binks.

    Haha! Forums are amazing

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    Dundadarr wrote: »

    Any chance droid callers and scanners will ever return to shipments?

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    Viperluis wrote: »
    Dundadarr wrote: »

    Any chance droid callers and scanners will ever return to shipments?


    August 2017
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    DaniB32 wrote: »
    I dont think there should not be any refreshes aloud.

    Agreed. It just have no sense
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    DarthScott wrote: »
    who wins the tournament will be based completely off of who randomly didn't spend ally points for the last 4 months. It has nothing to do with roster size, skill or how strong your teams are.

    Lol you mean like last time when when who won the tournament were these who spent the most money on crystals?

  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    tRRRey wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    So they have stopped the 2 person buddy system and switched it to a six person buddy system.

    How so?
    DoomeyEyes wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    So they have stopped the 2 person buddy system and switched it to a six person buddy system.

    How so?

    I think it was a joke... insofar as you get ally points from borrowing a 6th toon for battles.

    Actually it is not. Some of my assumption is that you are again ranked by points and that 7th rank cannot see 1st or 2nd.
    If that is the case 6 people start at the same time getting on the same leaderboard. 2 of them set minimal defense teams. Then all 6 work to keep them the 2 with weak defense team in 1st and 2nd so only the 6 top places working together keep everyone locked out.

    Of course you could probably just work with 2 and remove mods as others have stated.
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    Rancor Raid:

    It's evident that it's been changed, however during our guild raid tonight myself and several guild members registered 0 damage, despite fully attacking the Rancor and dealing several k damage.

  • Pjay
    283 posts Member
    So I just opened up the game, checked the inbox, and claimed the ally points. That brought me to 50k, so I spent it all (nothing good at all besides I got ES). I then checked the forums and realized that the refreshes will be based off of ally points instead of crystals.

    Anyone else do the same thing?

    Yes, have never saved ally points and felt this was the way to go after being told they would never be used for anything but bronziums. Spent my 5000 without a second thought. A notice along with the points would have been nice. Did quickly read the message, do not think it said anything.
    However, is a good move by devs.
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    Pjay wrote: »
    So I just opened up the game, checked the inbox, and claimed the ally points. That brought me to 50k, so I spent it all (nothing good at all besides I got ES). I then checked the forums and realized that the refreshes will be based off of ally points instead of crystals.

    Anyone else do the same thing?

    Yes, have never saved ally points and felt this was the way to go after being told they would never be used for anything but bronziums. Spent my 5000 without a second thought. A notice along with the points would have been nice. Did quickly read the message, do not think it said anything.
    However, is a good move by devs.

    Yes, the notice definitely did tell us that the next tourney would use ally points.
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    We tried to start rancor raid and were told the guild is at the limit. We cannot remember how many raids we did this week. The new cap is 210 tickets which is between the cost to start 3 (180k tickets) and 4 (240 tickets) raids.

    Does anyone's know now that it it is Sunday and new week starts - can we launch 3 or 4 raids this week? @CG_Kozispo@CG_Kozispoon

    Update -- Our week just reset at the start of Monday for our guild leader. Is anyone else seeing that too? @CG_Kozispoon @EA_Jesse could you please clarify these details quickly? It is hard to tell what the actual system is and how to schedule raids now ESP when a few bonus tickets were distributed like this last week.

    Is the week reset supposed to be at the start of Monday for guild leader? Are we supposed to be Able to launch 4 rancor raids in a calendar week? Or only 3?
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    So did the cheaters get the ban hammer or not?
  • slothe
    221 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Post edited by slothe on
  • Henchman805
    317 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    No they have been able to exploit for a week and a half now...

    I posted asking ea and Cg the same question weeks ago saying that the raid cap effects guilds who DO NOT CHANGE GUILDS because u can easily go over the 210 a week especially if u have a full bank because we had a full bank and emptied it and the day the update went live, the 10/22 update, I couldn't get rewards because we already did 3 raids and had bank maxed. Poster screen shots no reply just threats against people who were hopping and refreshing.

    People don't hop for extra raids anymore they hop for helping guilds beat AAT

    This is Wai apparently.

    Again another roadblock for the 99% while they cater to the 1%
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    Should put the heist credits once a week, we try many expenses and now comes the ships are no shortage of credits in this game we have to train, promote avatars and even improve mods the game is getting unfeasible investment, we need large inventory for the new ATT and you guys are not making nice game.
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