Game Update - 10/27/2016 Comments and Questions ***MEGATHREAD***


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    I bet there are still people who hoarded ally points, they are lauching at us again!
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    The ally point change is the main positive thing about this update. I think it could democratise the tournaments, even things out a bit. We shall see.

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    This update is a good one, even if some are complaining that a new character is AGAIN added to the cantina and not another shipment. I want so far 5 characters from that place but I also need the other shipment to complete the toon that I fetch on those other places, so even if SRP was added elsewhere, some other guys would have complained that it is not added to the right place.

    The ally points is a good way for the small players like me to have more fun and not rely on the crystal to go on battle. And even if I play with 5k and other with 80k, at least it's for free.
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    Nightlores wrote: »
    I bet there are still people who hoarded ally points, they are lauching at us again!

    Ha ha ha ha...
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    bngman wrote: »
    Because they stated you will never need them in an Event again!
    So we all spent them and now this.
    They think we are all ****.

    And also they said that the level cap would raise from 80 at the end of the year aka December. I don't see why to complain about...
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    Well the bad news is i just spent 60k ally points. Good news I still have 60k left.
  • PixieClock
    110 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    To be fair, I probably won't use them for the tournament. I have neither the time nor the patience to do more than play a token part in the tournament.

    Besides, in my mind, in tournaments, everyone has the same number of matches to start with, and then the best, say 50%, take it further and get matched off against each other until a winner is crowned. What we have at the moment is not a tournament.
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    PixieClock wrote: »
    To be fair, I probably won't use them for the tournament. I have neither the time nor the patience to do more than play a token part in the tournament.

    Besides, in my mind, in tournaments, everyone has the same number of matches to start with, and then the best, say 50%, take it further and get matched off against each other until a winner is crowned. What we have at the moment is not a tournament.

    Could not agree more...
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    Besides the misinformation, rather spend ally points then crystals. Maybe there should be a cap on ally points tho.
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    Thank god I saved mine...200k saved up
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    I don't understand the hate on using ally points for this tourney. If you saved up 100k ally points waiting for that magic moment when they became useful outside bronziums then congrats. If you spent all your ally points because you didn't think they would be useful then you got yourself a lot of lower level gear that is useful when progressing characters and maybe a few character pulls. I stopped farming RG with 40ish shards left to go months ago and I just recently maxed him thanks good pulls off bronziums. The tradeoffs are part of the strategy
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    Malthael wrote: »

    Edit: Fixes for the Raid issues are being implemented. You many find more information here:

    So... leaving 5 or 10 spots open on a sub guild and having top players rotating in to finish the raid for the weaker guild is still allowed (e.g. not a exploit?) as long as only 50 players get rewards?

    Honest question... I still don't understand.

    If the top players rotate in BEFORE you start your raid, such that they are part of the 50 guild members at the time, this will work fine ... now the top players wont get rewards if they fought over their limit, but if they're allowing the Sub guild to T7 instead of T6, it's still far more rewards overall for the guild.

    So yeah, you can have 5-10 top players be the feeders for potentially dozens of sub guilds with this practice.

    You can also flip it for Tank Raids, having 30 top players each clear 3.3%, and rotate in 20 bottom players from a sub-guild, spreading out the Heroic tank rewards.

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    PixieClock wrote: »
    To be fair, I probably won't use them for the tournament. I have neither the time nor the patience to do more than play a token part in the tournament.

    Besides, in my mind, in tournaments, everyone has the same number of matches to start with, and then the best, say 50%, take it further and get matched off against each other until a winner is crowned. What we have at the moment is not a tournament.

    Spot on.
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    don't worry i suspect there will be a option to buy ally points for crystals as a special offer when the tournament starts
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    @Daddyngo007 ah! The serial horder lives! This is defo 1 for you!
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    SantasWS wrote: »
    don't worry i suspect there will be a option to buy ally points for crystals as a special offer when the tournament starts

    Oh I can guarantee that
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    Let me pay with GW tokens instead please. Got 100k of those.
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    They should have put a limit like not more then 2 times per toon, no ally point, no crystals. That's it
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited October 2016
    Just had a guild mate post a pic of his 330k ally coins.....haha
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    You still haven't fixed teebos lead but you did take the opportunity to over-nerf Fives' speed down which was fine as is and introduce new bugged content. Priorities please. There were some positive changes here but I am really starting to feel like the dev community isn't really.interested in player experience.
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    I like that change from crystals to ally points. I still would like to see them shuffle the toons in the GW Store.
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    I applaud the effort to make the tournament less costly. It was crazy last time, but ally points seem like a weird way to go because now, unless there is a cap on the number of refreshes, who wins the tournament will be based completely off of who randomly didn't spend ally points for the last 4 months. It has nothing to do with roster size, skill or how strong your teams are.

    Also consider the fact that when it cost crystals, the whales that spent big to win a tournament would stay away the next round. Now, if they are sitting on 200 - 600k ally points, those whales have reason to get #1 again: free credits and gear.
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    Yeah, I am disappointed there is still no real strategy to the tournament. They should just do a daily refresh and make people use their rosters. This doesn't hurt whales, they should have a deep roster. But, it would make you think about when to use those toons. Other than the first couple of battles when you got paired up against some poor soul who shouldn't have been in that grouping to begin with, even though they were level 80 but were only running about 8 deep in a roster.

    But hopefully they do another Double everything. That would be nice.
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    I like the changes, raid changes too. Nice work.

    Ally points is a surprise, and some players will have a huge advantage cause they saved them for months. But this will level out after 1 or 2 tournaments.

    There s a lot to complain about, but when it s good, it s good.
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    Snake2 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    This is a very good and easy farm IMO

    Its only 8 energy node and with two refreshes at 100 crystals each can get you 7* within a month or close to it

    Should have been gw. There's already a backlog of cantina characters to acquire. Not to mention mods which you never stop needing.

    They seem to be afraid to release a new character to gw because it will be instantly gobbled up.

    I'm just tired of gw shipments being shard shop points by default. Heck, put a garbage character like mob enforcer in gw. I'll farm her up. Anything...

    i believe if they changed switch galactic war word with cantina, all sin will be forgiven.
    nothing new over there and most likely people think of it as credit mining by now
    the cake is a lie
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    Enzo_g87 wrote: »
    LOL MAJOR DERP on my part, delete this thread lol

    Nope this thread will never be deleted and will constantlybe bumped to the front page so you will never live down your shame. Congratulations welcome to the Forum.

    Just remember it could be worse, you could have proclaimed your love for Jar Jar Binks.

    Poor soul hahahahhahahahaha
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    I'm loving the idea of using ally points instead of crystals for the next pvp tournament, and wondering what new character they'll put in this one - I kind of doubt it'll be the shoretrooper again.
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    MCThr33pio wrote: »
    I'm loving the idea of using ally points instead of crystals for the next pvp tournament, and wondering what new character they'll put in this one - I kind of doubt it'll be the shoretrooper again.
    Well, i really hope is shoretrooper shards! Otherwise, EA will show us that they just care about big whales. Because a lot of people not gonna be able to even unlock him. SInce on the first tourney was all about guild mates cheating plus walets battle.
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