Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


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    Straglers is doing heroic AAT tomorrow, Thursday the 5th, looking for one more. Minimum 25 7* characters well geared
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    Our Only Hope just launched it's first heroic AAT, to see where we're at. So far, most of p1 is gone and only about half the guild has gotten on the leaderboard. Those that have participated have also set aside toons for future phases, so it's looking close so far. We have two openings right now for players who can help us get from "close" to "done."

    Guild leader's timezone is EST, and we have just a few rules. If you have a 7* Han, don't go all out on the Rancor. Thing ends in forty-five minutes anyway. We don't record damage at all from launch to the next guild activity change so that everyone can at least put up a 0 and get a share of the rewards. Make sure you take care of your daily contributions. Going under 2k/week (achieveable without crystals) can get you dropped if there's someone that has an active friend who wants in.

    We have a line chat, but most of our members seem to prefer in-game chat. It's a great group of players ranging from Day 1 players to just a few active newcomers who improve daily. If it sounds like we could be a good fit, send me a message here or add my ally code in-game. 134-184-928, and my in-game is Balanced Force.

    Hope to hear from you!
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    En Dark Force estamos reclutando la mayoría somos nivel 85 los requisitos para entrar son:

    Nivel 85

    Hacer los 600 diario con su captura de pantalla

    Whatsapp obligatorio

    Tener 2 equipos competitivos en AAT

    Hacemos tanque normal en un dia pronto haremos heroico y rancor heroico
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    Inglorious Blasters

    F2P guild - 2 Heroic tank raids per week - we have room for 1 more player in EU (8PM GMT raid time)

    Do you want to know more?

    PM me
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    HogtownHeroes are recruiting!

    We recently joined the ranks of heroic AAT capable guilds and have completed two heroic AATs this week. If you have at least 2 of the following squads at g10+ contact me: Jedi, Jroids, Clones with a Cody zeta, EP (and/or TFP), Rebels.

    We are US based. We start rancors at 830 PM EST and run 3-4 per week. For rancor, we have a 0-damage policy for 24 hours, and then we start a true FFA after an officer gives the go signal. We do not allow preloading damage for the rancor. We do not currently have any damage restrictions for the AAT raid.

    We maintain a Discord server that is mandatory for all members.

    If this sounds like a guild you'd be interested in, please send me a message on here or on Discord at Maegor#0568.

    Thank you,

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    BPC is a Euro CET based guild with a large number of US players, currently raiding Heroic AAT 2 times per week starting at 7pm CET and 3/4 T7 Rancor raids starting at 9pm CET with 24h 0 damage phase.
    We are currently looking to replace a couple of inactive players with new members meeting the following requirements:
    - Level 85 with at least 30 7* characters, including a solid droid team capable of doing 500k damage in p2, Rebels, EP/Chirpa/TFP are a bonus, but not required as we have all other phases on auto.
    - 600 daily contribution
    - Line App usage
    If interested please drop me a PM
  • SirWescott
    692 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Guild "Dont BBL8" Looking for One More Active Daily Player

    We Play As A Team We Win As A Team.
    Must Have Atleast 7 Gear 11 Characters.We Now Have A Spots Open For Very Active Heroic Tank Raid Focused Person.

    Must Contribute At Top Levels and Earn 600 Guild Tickets Daily,Set A Good Example And Offer Advice.

    We are a English Speaking Guild with a PST Event Reset.
    Heroic Rancor Raids Start At 6:00PM PST
    Heroic Tank Raid Starts At 7:00PM PST
    Guild LineChat.
    Registered SWGOH.GG
    And A Great Group Of Friendly/Helpful People.

    To Apply

    PM Me Here

    Or Line Chat "Sirwescot"
    Post edited by SirWescott on
  • aclbosox
    132 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Post edited by aclbosox on
    ΔCŁBØSØX | Discord: aclbosox#8982
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    Who's the Bøssk is recruiting (but not for long!).

    Are you looking to complete Heroic AAT and Rancor raids in a low-stress but active and successful guild? Then look no further! We have one or two spots left to fill out our two heroic AAT divisions. They'll go fast, so please contact us today if you're interested!

    About the Guild:
    We're a newly formed guild resulting from the merger of two top-100 guilds: Sinister Alliance and Fifty Shades of Rey. Our guilds were recently rebranded with our new name (Who's the Bøssk), but you've probably seen us on the PVP, Arena, and Ships leaderboards under our old names: Sinister Alliance (https://swgoh.gg/g/20/sinister-alliance/) and an alt guild called Green Gravy (https://swgoh.gg/g/10280/green-gravy/).

    We're off to a hot start on the January guild leaderboards:

    We are a well organized and competitive guild comprised of both P2P and F2P members. We aren't a whale guild and managed to take down the heroic AAT without kicking newer or more casual players to the curb, but we do have a lot of very strong and dedicated players.

    Our membership spans the globe, but mostly resides in the United States and Europe. We treat each other respectfully, and make guild decisions as a group. We expect every player to play regularly and to do their part for the guild and activities -- we are strict in that sense -- but we are also here to have fun and learn/discuss new strategies.

    We use LINE to communicate, and have a vibrant, collegial strategy discussion going most times of the day. We also have a private sub-Reddit where we post schedules and raid strategies.

    Both guilds exclusively run heroic AAT and Rancor raids on a regular basis (every other day for Rancor; every 2nd or 3rd day for AAT). Our raid systems are designed to give everyone a fighting chance without imposing excessive rules.

    Our Rancor raids are open for 24 hours for everyone to register a zero, and then each member is allowed one attack after a set time (detailed below). We let everyone attack once per phase in the AAT raid and have a set time for Phase 4 since it closes quickly.

    One of our guilds (Who's the Bøssk / Sinister Alliance) has a more EU-friendly / mid-day US schedule, while the other (Whø's the Bøssk / Green Gravy) caters more to Asia and US players who prefer to raid at night.

    Who's the Bøssk / Sinister Alliance Schedule:
    • Heroic AAT Raid: Opens around 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST / 6:00 pm GMT+0. Phases 1-3 proceed in order, taking about 1-2 hours each and generally finishing on the first day of the raid. Phase 4 occurs at 10:10 am PST / 1:10 pm EST / 6:10 pm GMT+0 on the second day of the raid. Players are limited to one attack per phase.
    • Heroic Pit Raid: Day 1 - players are encouraged to register a 0 to ensure raid rewards, but may not register actual damage. Day 2 - players are authorized to make one attack starting at 12:30 pm PST / 3:30 pm EST / 8:30 pm GMT+0.
    Whø's the Bøssk / Green Gravy Schedule:
    • Heroic AAT Raid: Opens around 1:00 pm PST / 4:00 pm EST / 6:00 am JST. Phases 1-3 proceed in order, taking about 1-2 hours each. Phase 1 and 2 finish on the first day of the raid (US time); phase 3 sometimes stretches over to the second day depending on members' availability. Phase 4 occurs at 7:30 pm PST / 10:30 pm EST / 12:30 pm JST on the second day of the raid. Players are limited to one attack per phase.
    • Heroic Pit Raid: Day 1 - players are encouraged to register a 0 to ensure raid rewards, but may not register actual damage. Day 2 - players are authorized to make one attack starting at 6:30 pm PST / 9:30 pm EST / 11:30 am JST.

    Requirements to Apply:
    • First and foremost, we want dedicated daily players looking to grow as part of a team. Completing your 600/600 guild contribution daily is a requirement.
    • Ideal applicants will have 3-4 strong heroic AAT squads (lvl 10+ gear), with a premium placed on strong Phase 3 squads. But we have a long history of taking dedicated up-and-comers, so you should feel free to apply even if you're a newer player who only has one strong AAT squad, as long as you're working hard and progressing quickly.

    Contact Info:
    You can reach me on Line at Ace97302 if you are interested in joining our guild! I try to check my PMs here occasionally as well, but Line is the better option.

    Thanks for considering us, and may the Force be with you!

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    Straglers needs 1 more for heroic AAT. We just launched it and a guild member left as soon as it was launched
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    Message me on Line app look for Dreadeno
  • Fearless
    211 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    I am the representative of KøR. We are an alliance of 14 guilds that have banded together to share knowledge and experience. We currently have four of our guilds running Heroic AAT raids.
    We are planning to expand that, so we are looking for more heroic ready players to join us.
    We could also use some players that are on the verge of being heroic ready.

    If you are dedicated and dependable, I invite you to join us.
    Message me on the Line app.
    My ID is FearlessFrank
    Post edited by Fearless on
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    Highly active and dedicated member here looking to do heroic att raids.

    Already have kenobi @ 5* so I can hold my own in it.

    PM me if you want further details. Only guilds who can already complete heroic att please msg.

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    Full Cleared is right on the cusp of completing heroic! We will be making another attempt in 2 weeks and are looking for just a few more strong, heroic ready, rosters. If you are interested, message me here, on reddit @ /u/EthenScottwalkerFC, or on Discord @Ethen Scottwalker FC#4046.
  • Chewie_says_Aaarww
    753 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    We are no longer recruiting, since we're at [50/50] :)
    Post edited by Chewie_says_Aaarww on
    SWGOH.gg profile - Our guild, 3720 to 1, has 1 spot open! [49/50].
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    Order 66 is in need for 1 more player.

    Doing heroic AAT regulary.
    We got a very nice and focused community.
    Not to serious all the time.


    You should have about 50x 7* Toons of which at least 25 are g11 and g10.
    You need line app for communication.
    600 contribution is mandatory.

    The guild reset is at around 6pm pst.
    Raid Times are (9am pst "thats 6pm in EU") / (2pm pst "thats 11pm in most EU") / (7 to 9 pm pst "about 4 to 6 am in most EU")
    These 3 times are always in Rotation and we pre open about 12 hours for prize locks on the LB if you are not able to make the raid time.

    If you are interested, just contact me with your swgoh.gg link or ally code so we can check further.

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    TheRebelion : Solid guild That needs 2 to 3 good players ready to take on the heroic tank raid , we use line chat to communicate . If you have 4 or 5 squads ready for the heroic tank raid come join use . Contact me on line chat .. Line id. Tommyd2234
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    I CLUB Baby Whales - F2P Guild clearing out the Heroic Tank twice a week

    If you like regular schedules for your raids, a friendly Line community, and a guild with just enough rules to make everything fair for everyone, but still relaxed enough that being a guild member won't be a stress on you message Morgoth54 on Line.
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    Rebel Force is recruiting for 2 guilds:
    Rebel Force Endor - PST Based.
    Currently running Heroics with no issues/Hopping
    Rebel Force Yavin IV - Running Heriocs with no issues/Hopping
    Currently seeking active members
    600 tickets/day required. We use Discord for communication. Any announcements are also made in game, so you don’t need to monitor Discord unless there is an announcement. We also have a private subreddit where we collect the best comps and strategies to help members.
    If you are interested, send me your ally code!

    One spot open in Endor atm
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    Outcast Heroes a Heroic Tank guild has 10 spots open for those that can do their 2% damage per phase.

    We only have a few simple rules:
    -We do use Line to communicate outside of game. You don't have to talk but we use it for raid planning and it is required to download and read.
    -Daily personal raid contribution of 600
    -Max of 24 Galactic War nodes for the Guild activities
    -Screen shots of raid attacks.
    -Have fun

    For more information feel free to reach out to us

    Outcast Heros
    (EU) DameDawg Line ID - DameDawg
    (EU) Addendu Line ID - archer23890
  • MadMalgusReturns
    670 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Heroic AAT guild DOA IEA (ranked 53rd right now) had two spots come available. My ally code is 836-161-661. Message me here or on discord at MadMalgus#2598. We complete HAAT in 2 hours and have he raid on farm status. Raid times are 11 an EST for HAAT and 1:30pm EST for T7 Rancor. Very adult guild so if easily offended then we may not be for you.
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    'Game of Clones' is looking for one more to fill out guild for heroic tank raid. Must be able to communicate on LINE. Pm me here, but preferably on LINE for faster answer. Simple guild, we need your 600 per day, and to follow raid rules. All else is a bonus. Thanks for looking. Rage3375 -here, in game, and on LINE.
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    Im looking for a guild that does heroic AAT raids. I really want to unlock GK. I only prefer discord, because line and kik and everything else is silly. Stats are here; https://swgoh.gg/u/fecaltrumpet/
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    Guild: Please Wash Your Hans

    Looking for a merge with a heroic AAT ready guild. We can bring over 15-20 strong active members.

    Our current guild just couldn't get with the program. We stalled out with about 5% left in Heroic P2.

    We've been focusing on the "underpowered guild super squad strategy". Most of us can do 2% on most of the phases (more on some and less on others).

    Instead of cutting the fat and trying to recruit 30 new members, we are looking for a merge with a heroic ready.

    We are an English speaking guild, primarily EST to PST time zone and use LINE app.

    Players please add me (Kanyeworst) in game (339-696-623), message me here through forums or add me in Line app (swgohkanyeworst)
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    Looking for a few new members who play regularly (and want to raid regularly) to put us over the top to finish our first AAT Heroic. We put down Heroic Rancor quickly and Normal AAT quickly but stay organized so everyone gets rewards. Lots of F2P with a handful of spenders. Our members are largely US/Canada based, with some Europe and Asia. We've retained many of our original members since guilds began, which speaks to how solid and respectful our group is.

    Typical Rules/Times- Rancor Raids are 2pm PST/5pmEST, 24 hr 0 dmg registration, then attack any phase with one team, 1mil dmg cap (we try to get everyone rewards!). AATs are one team per phase as often as we can roll them.

    Requirements- Ideally, a solid 7 star squad for each phase of AAT, all G10+. In the least, we'd like you to be doing 600 coin contribution daily and 2-3 solid 7 star squads. Guild name is "Resplendent Whispers". PM me for details.
  • Delicious_Bass
    86 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Abomidable Wampas
    Looking for two strong additions. 35 7 star with a couple strong tank raid teams
    We raid at 9:30pm EST
    Heroic Rancor is one hit best shot Tuesday and Thursday till reach P4 (everyone just hits P1 at start so high damage overlaps and won't be passed in till phase ends) and slow hit Sunday to assure full guild participation
    On verge of heroic tank. Attempted a couple times and we are a couple more strong rosters to take it down

    Must be active. No drama guild with a great active community that is involved and respectful in dealing with each other

    PM me here if interested
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    Outcast Heroes a Heroic Tank guild has 5 spots open for those that can do their 2% or more damage per phase.

    We only have a few simple rules:
    -We do use Line to communicate outside of game. You don't have to talk but we use it for raid planning and it is required to download and read.
    -Daily personal raid contribution of 600
    -Max of 24 Galactic War nodes for the Guild activities
    -Screen shots of raid attacks.
    -Have fun

    For more information feel free to reach out to us

    Outcast Heros
    (EU) DameDawg Line ID - DameDawg
    (EU) Addendu Line ID - archer23890
  • Zega
    76 posts Member
    SirWescott wrote: »
    Guild "Dont BBL8" Looking for Two More Active Daily Players

    We Play As A Team We Win As A Team.
    Must Have Atleast 35 7* Characters.We Now Have Two Spots Open For Very Active Heroic Tank Raid Focused Individuals.

    Must Contribute At Top Levels and Earn 600 Guild Tickets Daily,Set A Good Example And Offer Advice.

    We are a English Speaking Guild with a PST Event Reset.
    Heroic Rancor Raids Start At 7:00PM PST
    Heroic Tank Raid Focused
    Guild LineChat.
    Registered SWGOH.GG
    And A Great Group Of Friendly/Helpful People.

    To Apply

    PM Me Here

    Or Line Chat "Sirwescot"

    Still looking
  • Tigzie
    579 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Post edited by Tigzie on
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