Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


  • Vardnas
    9 posts Member
    edited January 2017

    I am looking for a heroic AAT guild for another guild member and myself who raids on European times

    We are active players with decent rosters and actively try to improve by using reddit, discord and line app.

    Our current guild is having difficulty completing the heroic AAT (midway p2 two months ago) due to accepting low characters into the guild to give other players help with finishing maxing Han Solo.

    We both have decent rosters and aiming to improve our raid characters and arena team. Rosters posted below.

    Vardnas SWGOH.GG and Martyn SWGOH.GG

    Please PM if interested.


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    Hey guys this is an advertisement for a brand new heroic guild coming out!

    I've been around since the beginning of guilds and nearly since the beginning of the game. I really love the game but never had such an intense attitude about the game to make spreadsheets and apply tons of rules... I kept everything simple and let everyone enjoy the game and created SHAL - Still Have A Life. Implying that while we love the game and will work hard we also have things to do and can't be expected to dedicate too much to the game. Now with the intro of heroic raids and how much dedication is needed to complete that, I've decided to split SHAL and create KHAL - Kinda Have A Life!

    As such SHAL will remain a normal raid guild and KHAL becomes the heroic guild. (If you're interested in either or a guild split yourself hmu)

    Name: KHAL
    Time zone: PST (several members are EST CST so we plan everything very well and take all opinions into account)
    Rules: Raid starts at 9am (can be discussed for change), 600 raid coins a day, use of discord and prior notice to not playing for a few days
    Chat app: Discord

    Still a pretty chill guild... we won't get on people's cases and we're a fun bunch. We like to talk and goof off a lot so you would be laughing too!

    Feel free to come join this new heroic guild. Pm me here or message me @Gridan1970
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    Estamos buscando gremio para 22 jugadores con nivel de AAT heroico. Los daños mínimos son de 600k y los daños máximos de 2M aún con margen de mejora de parte de todos. Buscamos gremio comprometido que nos reciba para encarar AAT heroico. TODOS TENEMOS MÍNIMO 2 EQUIPOS EN GEAR X PARA HEROICO. Y ALGUNOS TIENEN LOS 4 EQUIPOS.
    No importa si tenemos que esperar un par de semanas, queremos gremio estable y comprometido.
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    Strong guild looking for 5 new members, rank 84 or 85, 600 raid tickets per day - a must, donations are fast in our guild because we're all in. We raid allot and want to defete aat heroic so we need you. Join us - reach me via friend request and ill make room for ya. My ally code is 116-598-626.
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    TheRebelion is looking for 1 player who is ready to take on the heroic tank raid with us , if youre looking for a solid guild that's moving up quick come join us .. Heroic tank raid starts tomorrow at 2:30 pm est . We use line chat . My line id tommyd2234
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    ust completed its first heroic aat, but we could still use a few more members.

    Need to have at least 2 teams for heroic aat(Jedi, droids, chirpantine, tfp, rebels, clones).
    Have to get 600 guild tickets daily(we understand life happens).
    We require line app for chat purposes.

    If you're interested or have any questions let me know.
    Line: smokeyekoms
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    Wallet Warriors officer here. Looking to recruit people for Tank Heroic Raid. We completed our first this week and are never going back to normal.

    Must have at least a couple viable teams for each phase of the raid. Preferably a Wiggs, Droids, or Chirpatine at a minimum. We also would like guild participation with 600 guild tickets.

    We use GroupMe app to communicate outside the chat.

    If you're interested PM me. My ally code is 472-494-958.

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    We can make that run in "Less than twelve parsecs" :smiley:
    We are recruiting for Heroic Tank Raid. We have just completed a guild merger and have moved our lower gear players to a second guild.

    Our Next Heroic Run will be on this Saturday. We have two spots open

    The DNA of our guild:
    We don't have any damage limit on Rancor T7 raid. You get one team and one attack. We usually finish Rancor raid quickly.
    T6 Tank - Use all 5 attacks as you see fit. We usually finish quickly.
    Our guild reset is at 6 pm CST.
    Discord is our required communication app.
    We are looking for members that can do 2 percent damage for each phase.

    We are a very friendly and loyal guild. You will find a lot of great information for raids, tournaments, and ships once you join our discord channel.

    PM me with your ally code and we can get started.
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    The Wookiee Teebo Forcechoke/Strong With Force guild family is looking for two permanent heroic tank players.

    The Wookiees have completed 14 heroic tank raids in our Eastern/Central US guild. We just completed our first heroic tank in our expanded International guild and are looking for two people to join us.

    If you can get your 600 tickets, have a Line account, and want to come hang out with us, shoot me a message. Ewuuuauuughhhh!
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    I am a member of a Guild called Shywalkers and we are looking for players that can help us finish Heroic AAT-tank. We use discord and are a few peolpe short. Most of us are from Europe and its important that you are active and play every day.

    Guildname: Shywalkers
    Communication: Discord
    Player level: 85 (80+ is ok)
    Roster: At least 4 good AAT-tank teams
    Heroic AAT-tank: Almost
    Normal AAT-tank: Less than 24h
    Heroic Pit-raid: Follow the rules! Goes quick.

    If you are interested send me a message.
  • NicolasRage
    1038 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Found a guild. Thanks all

    Post edited by NicolasRage on
  • Mrek0
    188 posts Member
    Looking for a heroic AAT raiding guild. Must use only discord app.

    here are my stats

    Would you join line?
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    Guild name is deathwatch knights we are trying to do heroic tank raids. Laid back competitive guild. We need a couple more guys and will be able to finish heroic. We use line app to coordinate. We have members from both US and Europe. Alternate raid start times to accommodate both
    Any questions or interested message me
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    Do you want to be a part of the best SWGOH community? Are you tired of normal tank raids? If so, join Team Skunk Rogue Three. We are currently heroic and have merged two guilds to build a solid foundation. What are we looking for 10 great team members (individually or as a group from another guild) who meet the following requirements: 1. 20 Gear 10+ 7* Toons (need droids or clones and rebels) 2. Must have Droids and Rebels in these toons. 3. Signup and use Discord Chat App 4. Hit 600 daily About Rogue Three: 1. Guild Reset is 5:30PM EST 2. Pit Raid is 0 Damage for 24 hours then free for all. Launches at 3:30PM EST due to time zones all over the world. Will be changing times to 630pm Est (Tank) and 800pm est (Pit) on the 16th. 4. https://swgoh.gg/g/11753/teamskunk-roguethree 5. Have 3 open spots but will have a few more open up working on transfering gmt time zone members. Don't hesitate to be part of the best SWGOH community and earn Kenobi Shards!!! If you have any questions, send me a message. Snake {R3 Leader}#0551 discord id
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    HogtownHeroes are recruiting!

    We recently joined the ranks of heroic AAT capable guilds and have completed three heroic AATs in the past week.

    We are US based. We start rancors at 830 PM EST and run 3-4 per week. For rancor, we have a 0-damage policy for 24 hours, and then we start a true FFA after an officer gives the go signal. We do not allow preloading damage for the rancor. We do not currently have any damage restrictions for the AAT raid.

    Being active for AAT raids is a must in any potential member.

    We maintain a Discord server that is mandatory for all members.

    If you are ready to collecting your GK shards, please send me a message on here or on Discord at Maegor#0568.

    Thank you,

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    January 2017 >> A new guild that treats everyone like friends would like to have you grow with us. Feel free to just play, play, play or join chats about life, dogs, movies, travel, cars, music, guns, bourbon, game of thrones, Star Wars of course, anything. We have parents whose kids love Star Wars just as much as they do. We have a DJ, a coach, an Inn owner, people from all over the US. We use the Line app to communicate.

    Currently most everyone is L85 with strong squads and are hoping to find L80+ players to share the growth and fun as we do heroic Pit raids and normal tank raids. Once we are a full squad, heroic tank raids will be done too.

    Members manage very busy lives and use this game to just have fun, but understand their daily contributions are important to the guild and continually do their best. Perfection isn't expected but participation is. We try to keep rules to a bare minimum.

    Any questions, please PM me or join our Line app to ask questions and get to know the fun guildmates. Join the guild (GoingRogue) if you like, take a look at everyone's squads, see if it's for you. Ally code is 933-921-496. Add me as an ally and I'll invite you to the guild. Line app ID: PuPu Platter

    We use the central time zone as our base time
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    The Greedo's Burritos are currently recruiting. We currently have 3 openings and we are on the verge of completing Heroic AAT.

    We run Rancor at 4pm EST and give everyone a 2 hour check-in so that you can get rewards. Then we destroy him in 8 minutes.

    We start AAT at 12pm EST and have several people that hit 3+ million and plenty of awesome people to help you.

    LINE is our preferred method of contact and we ask that you be level 85 and ready for Heroic. Several of our members are #10 in arena everyday and will make you feel welcome.

    Submit ally request to 647-574-387 to join.
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    Heroic AAT contributors wanted. Resplendent Whispers is at 48/50 and looking for 2 new members who play regularly (and want to raid regularly) to put us over the top to finish AAT Heroic. Lots of F2P with just a handful of spenders. We've retained many of our original members since guilds began, which speaks to how solid and respectful our group is.
    Raid Details - Heroic Rancor every other day, 2pmPST/5pmEST. 24 hr registration, 1 attack, 1mil dmg cap. We like for everyone to get a chance at rewards. We roll Normal AAT as soon as we get the coins, but 1 team per phase gets us through in around 24 hours.
    Requirement- We're looking for daily players, ideally with a solid 7 star squad for each phase of Heroic AAT, g9+.
    PM me or reply and I can invite you!
  • Pacdiggity
    143 posts Member
    edited January 2017

    Our guild is INCHES away from heroic raid completion. You may ask, why join a guild so new to completing heroic? (1) You're likely to get better prizes, and (2) we're a lot of fun, very loyal, and never cut-throat. Most of our members have been here since day one of guilds.

    We are a 7pm EST tank raid start guild (9pm Rancor) and looking for people who can do 8% damage over all four phases, although our strategy utilizes strengths, so you don't necessarily have to do 2% per phase, you could do all 8% in one phase.

    Message me (pacdiggity) for info. We use Discord and in game chat to communicate.
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    We are closed.
    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
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    Who feels like doing some heroic tank? KOTNR finished one last night with our friends at House Clegane, who we are working with to build 2 strong heroic teams. We are looking for a few good heroes want to join a good fun group. We have both line and discord options. We have a room on either for purely training and guiding people to get heroic faster, or bolster their team to be stronger in it. We are taking it down again tonight. EST based group with 3 other continents in the group.

    What we are looking for.

    Cool people Friendly people Team players Ability to follow hit lists/strats Participation. Heroes that have 2 strong Phase teams at least (g10/11) If you have a very strong droid team that moves you up the list.

    If you are a group feel free to get in touch we might have the space depending on size, between the 2.

    Get in on the fun.
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    MèreDooku is looking for a few recruits to help us defeat the AAT Heroic !

    After failing our first attempt due to a lack of solid droid teams, we need an extra help for our next attempt due next month, early february.

    We are a french guild (time zone GMT), but we welcome english speaking people ! Condition : 600 daily, and use of Discord to communicate.

    Send me a PM or an ally request if interested

    Team MèreDooku [Fr]
    Recruiting now ! Send me an ally request : 557 787 579
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    Looking for a heroic tank guild
    I'm gmt+8 so I could join us guilds that starts their raid time early morning or night time. Afternoon start times would be like middle of the night for me.

    Always online and active.
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    Full Cleared is recruiting for heroic AAT

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    Looking for 5 cool people who want to grab some Kenobi shards!

    DeathStarVentDesigners is recruiting
    - either 5 heroic guys with a decent roster, being able to deal >2 million dmg in Heroic AAT (US sub guild)
    - or 5 heroic rdy guys with at least 2 gear 10 teams - output should be 1-2 million (EU main guild)

    Discord App mandatory, dedicated players with 600 contribution

    Alliance Leader and Leader of DeathStarVentDesigners - Discord App: Kelthuzad#5528

    DeathStarVentDesigners | DeathStarPortDesigners | DeathStarDelinquents | DeathStarRebelWranglers | DeathStarDarkKnights | DeathStarReactorDesigners | DeathStarGermanOrder | DeathStarHumanResources | Aussie Battlers | Terra
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    ***De Wanna Wanga*** - In loving memory of Bib Fortuna

    A committed but not hardcore guild that is on the brink of Heroic AAT raids is looking for a few quality members to get us over the hump.

    We are a mix of all forms of sea life, mostly light dolphins with a couple of full-roster whales and a few quality F2P. We try to be laid back and not be **** but still encourage all of our members to complete their daily and guild activities and will be looking for members who will do so.

    Very positive guild community of SW fans that is willing to help all of its members. We prefer new members to use Discord to help facilitate this community and to coordinate raids.

    Currently, we easily complete Heroic Rancor Raids in a few hours allowing only one attempt per member (we stretch it out to 6 so everyone has time to join in).

    We easily beat normal AAT raids in two days (possibly could do it in one if we didn't have any rules, IMO)

    Mostly Americans with a few Europeans, we currently start our raids at 12pm EST USA (5:00 pm UTC). We try to accommodate for everyone's time zones and schedules as best as we can. Reset is a 7:30pm EST.

    As mentioned earlier, we're looking for members that will help us complete a Heroic AAT raid, which means a fairly mature roster is needed. Likely need to be a Lvl. 80-85. As a general guidline, we're looking for someone who ranks in the top 100 in arena and as enough 7* toons to complete at least 4-5 attempts.

    Thanks for considering us. If you're interested, or want more information, my ally code is 684-366-746, or preferably contact me on Discord @ Scottamaximus#1423 Cheers!
  • Kipps
    43 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    hi looking for a heroic tank guild that i could participate in im GMT+8

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    Cantina Lords is recruiting.!
    2 spots open

    We are starting our HAAT run and are looking for veteran players to fill our roster.

    We are in an alliance with FearTheBoot. Have around 7 guild under that alliance.

    We use discord chat app and is required.

    PM me and we will review your qualifications.
    Cheers Heros or villains.
  • Darkman00
    40 posts Member
    edited January 2017

    I'm looking to join a new guild that works better with my work hours. Any heroic guilds out there that raid between 9 - 11 AM Central Time???

    Here is what I'm looking for...

    FFA Heroic AAT that starts no later then 11 AM CT and is completed within 4 hours.
    Heroic Rancor that is either FFA or 1 hit only (honestly it doesn't matter) starting no later the 11 AM CT

    I'm a whale who is very friendly and easy going and will follow all your rules. I can easily get 2% in each phase of AAT Heroic.

    Please PM me if I make a good fit!

    Thanks for reading!
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