Heroic Tank Takedown Guilds Recruiting Players


  • Ben_Sunwalker
    351 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Hey guys.
    New member of the forums here.
    However, I'm not new to SWGH, I've been playing it since july or june, I can't quite recall it right now.
    Either way, I'm a 100% P2P, at level 84, finish always top 100 on my Arena roster and I really, really need a hand to get me General Kenobi.
    I'm brazilian and am currently on a native guild. However, we tried to beat Heroic ATT and, unfortunately, I realised I'm in a bad guild for the purposes of getting GK.
    There are less than 10 really active players (me included), and at this rate we simply will never be able to get GK. So I decided to leave my guild, but I don't want to press the "quit" button until I can find a new home for me, which allows me to fullfil my real purpose: building the best Jedi team on this game.
    I stuck with Jedi from day one, and I'm a proud owner of an awesome jedi team (I currently have 7 or 8 jedis with 7*, all g10). However, since the raid release, I started building up a Jawa team for that specific purpose. Right now I'm only missing two jawa away from having all of them 7*.
    Also, Im really passionate about the whole SW universe (as I'm sure you all are), and I do play every day and finish everything I have to do there.
    All in all, I'm a guy who can commit with playing everyday, always improving his roster and very friendly and easy to deal with.
    With that introduction, I was hoping that before applying ingame, I would get some attention from you guys. If anyone is willing to help, I'd be more than grateful.
    Oh, lastly, I do not use Discord or those things (I'm 32, have a full time job, wife, etc., so it's hard to find time for that), so if its a requirement I will pass.
    May the Force be with you, gents.

    Edit: 100% F2P, sorry for the typo
    Post edited by Ben_Sunwalker on
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    We are a new guild that just formed from a smaller group within another guild. We are ready to focus on building towards Heroic Tank and we are looking for like-minded players or groups. This group can handle the Heroic Rancor easily, but we make sure everyone gets rewards. For Rancor Raids everyone logs damage in the first 24 hours and we finish it up on day 2.

    We use Line to communicate and coordinate, but it isn't a requirment. It makes discussions much easier.

    Payout is 6:30 CST. Most of us are in Central and Eastern Time zones, but we do have some further out west. Most of us are married and several have kids, so we understand that family comes first. We don't hold anyone to the 600 tickets per day standard, but most of us get that done anyway. We just ask that you do as much as you can.

    Ally Code is 518-268-399
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    Two spots available, and they go fast so act quickly!

    I represent the American Empire, we were the 6th ranked guild in the world last month. All players will be considered regardless of level and roster size, we have plenty of firepower. The most important things are that you hit 600 energy regularly (a must!), donate in the guild exchange, and communicate well.

    We are EST based, pit raids at 6pm on weekdays, 12pm on weekends - 3 times a week. Tanks twice a week as soon as we have enough tickets.
    Please contact me if interested:

    LINE: aloomis16 (preferred)
    Discord: aclbosox#8982
    Or even just PM me (I will respond but might take the longest)

    ΔCŁBØSØX | Discord: aclbosox#8982
  • Ski
    21 posts Member
    We are looking for 2-3 members to fill up our guild and push us over the top for heroic.

    Guild Name: Legacy of Chaos
    Requirements: 600 coins/ day (life does get in the way and we understand that), and use the Slack App

    Raid Times and Rules
    - Heroic Rancor: Launch rotates between 11:00MST and 6:30MST (2 raid times so we can accommodate our Euros and Aussies as well as US Based members.)
    - Heroic AAT: - Same launch times as heroic rancor above. We are still new to this so for now it is FFA until we get better and can clear it faster.

    PM me if you are interested! We would love to have you join the chaos!
  • DarfM
    14 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Post edited by DarfM on
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    TheRealGs are preparing to take down the hAAT. We are looking for 2-3 guys who wants to be a part of our great guild and have some experince and a decent inventory.

    We have many strong guys and active conversation via Line. It's also a must for us and you, if you want to join us. We are a international guild and we use a 4 hours rotation on our raids to give everyone a fair chance to get in top. We also have a 24 hours 0 damage rule because we normally kill that Rancor in half hour.

    If you think that you would like to join us or know some more of us, you can contact me here or in Line. My Line ID: JiroJarmo
  • Edwahoo
    50 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    The Wookiee Teebo Forcechoke/Strong With Force guild family is looking for two players who want to make the transition to heroic tank raids.

    Our two guilds span 9 time zones, and both have heroic tank on farm. We have a cool group of supportive players and a pretty fair raid system for all.

    If you can get your 600 tickets, play well with others, and want to come hang out with us, shoot me a message on Line. My Line ID is Edwahoo95.
    Post edited by Edwahoo on
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    "Too Old For This Sith" is a Heroic Tank Guild looking to recruit 2 players.

    We do not have daily requirements and are pretty casual, but I do boot players who go inactive or barely play. We also go pretty heavy on movie quotes/ (The Big Lebowski is definitely the Guilds go to quote machine) =)

    If you are interested please let me know. I would also highly recommend joining our Raid group on Line.

    (We are GMT -04:00.)

    Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    We are 42/50 - we are going to do our 2nd attempt of heroic end of month - first was to gauge where we were- we were 2% shy of P3 (due part due to holiday so few were away)

    We have cleaned house in the guild - new blood and want to open it up to the masses to join before slots get filled.

    Pm @Ghobis
  • Jedi_of_Oz
    547 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Come and join ANZGC.

    We have three sub guilds currently completing Heroic AAT raid and are prepping a fourth to kick off in February. IT WILL SUCCEED.

    That's 150 players collecting GK shards with another 50 to join them soon. Come and join us as we work towards getting that fourth sub guild completing AAT Heroic.

    We're predominantly an Australian/NZ based guild, although we have considerable membership from Oceania, the US, European and Asia.

    Raids are typically started any time from 4PM to 9PM Melbourne/Sydney time (GMT 10+).

    600 daily guild coins contribution is mandatory and warnings and penalties apply if you don't achieve this minimum. We want to be fair to our guildmates who meet their targets and we want to raid as often as we can.

    As a starting point, your roster should have at least 25 x 7* toons and it would be good if you have reasonably strong Jedi, Droid, Jawa and Rebel squads capable of pulling 1% per phase for the Tank raid or are at least working on them.

    Communication on the LINE app is mandatory as we need to coordinate raids and other activities. You don't need to be extremely chatty, but checking in daily to see any announcements or changes is required.

    We have a successful track record of merging with smaller guilds and helping them achieve their goals in the game.

    We also have firm alliances with members of other guilds to optimise tournament participation. Many in the tournament group have achieved significant success for comparatively minimal spend of ally points.

    Come and be part of our community.

    My LINE ID is: kriles76 ,or PM me here if you'd like to chat.


  • oioEXODUSoio
    213 posts Member
    edited January 2017
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    Destroy all who oppose us and Master Jedi Knights are a team guild looking for level 85 players.

    Master Jedi Knights runs heroic Pit raid and regular AAT, DAWO runs heroic pit and heroic AAT. Raid schedule is Pit raid Monday's at 11 am EST, Wednesday 9 PM EST, and Saturday 5 PM EST, also there is a 12 hour 0 damage rule on Pit. AAT is run Wednesday 6 PM EST and Saturday 2 PM EST. Both guilds maintain the same raid schedule. The top players for MJK are given the option on Every other Tuesday to move up to DAWO. Line is mandatory as well is daily 600 energy contributions. We are a fun group with lively conversations, both guild share a general line chat channel but maintain separate raid related chats. If you are interested everyone starts in MJK. For more information please feel free to message me here or on line, my line ID is Krayt337

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    Guild "Dont BBL8" Looking for One More Active Daily Player

    We Play As A Team We Win As A Team.
    Must Have Atleast 7 Gear 11 Characters.We Now Have A Spot Open For Very Active Heroic Tank Raid Focused Individual.

    Must Contribute At Top Levels and Earn 600 Guild Tickets Daily,Set A Good Example And Offer Advice.

    We are a English Speaking Guild with a PST Event Reset.
    Heroic Rancor Raids Start At 6:00PM PST
    Heroic Tank Raid Starts At 7:00PM PST
    Guild LineChat.
    Registered SWGOH.GG
    And A Great Group Of Friendly/Helpful People.

    To Apply

    PM Me Here

    Or Line Chat "Sirwescot"
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    Willing to help you finish Heroic tank while you are waiting to fill slots. Line ID Chondrosarcoma and discord is Chondro#3150. I have a group of professionals that will come with me if needed.

    Chondrosarcoma- Chondro3150#0907
  • Hearts_of_Jed1
    58 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm at Discord Pri'noli#1943
    Ally code 353 859 586

    We have about 15-20 spots open for a small group that are also well on their way, to join us for dedicated Tank 7 prepping.

    I'd love to have you join Hearts of Jed'i. Here's more about us.

    - We are around 35/50 and mostly 40-50k arena power but still working on gearing up our 4 teams each for Tank heroic.

    - GSReset: 5.30pm PST/8.30pm est/+8hrs CET. Mostly USA ppl and a few Eurooeans.

    - Active, chatty Original Guild, Well Organized Teamwork, very dedicated, sociable, f2p/p2p. Mostly USA.

    - We do Rancor 7 several times/week. I use the Overlap loophole to give everyone use of at least 3 teams and most use all their inventory. That way all the extra damage capacity is used up, wins are rotated, phases are split for after work & timezone needs...everyone loves it and are happy!

    Tank Normal. FFA, finishes under 2 days We are being more deliberate and practicing our Tank 7 'superteams' as we build them up, etc.

    - GUILD MERGER INTEREST. I'm scouting for a guild merger for 50/50 and the Tank Heroic farming, we may be joining an 11 guild alliance to facilitate that. They have 2 Tank 7 guilds that ppl could transfer into over time, while we continue towards becoming one also.

    - We use Discord, it's great, a clubhouse in fact. Very useful for YouTube tutorials, lots of rooms, file, link sharing, direct messaging, device notifications on new alerts & raid coirdinating, even occassional voting. Everyone gets periodic mentoring & coaching on all areas to get & stay on track for faster progress.

    We have about 20 x 40-50k inventories, rapidly filling out to 25-40+ x 7* and developing fast. 15 x up n coming over 33k, also prepping big time. We've Arena & Fleet arena #1 and top 30s in several servers.

    You can ask questions here, friend me up on discord or just join

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    We are Legacy of Chaos we use slack time zone isn't an issue we alternate launch times one for us convieniance n one for over seas...... In need of 4 the only rule is if u have solo don't go **** on rancor so guys that don't can grow n that u must use slack
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    Our guild has decided to expand to two guilds, both of which will need new/quality friendly active members, got yr attention? Please read on!

    The first guild is our Heroic tank guild. This guild is for level 85 players with approximately 40+ 7* toons or over with the great synergies needed to defeat the Heroic tank raid.

    The second guild will be our Developmental Guild. It is intended for players level 65+ with a few 7* toons capable of assisting in defeating Heroic Pit Raids, and the Normal Tank Raid.

    Both guilds will require members to be active daily (generating your 600 tickets through activities) and have line app for communication.

    If you're interested in joining either guild, please private message me
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    We are looking for 3-4 members to fill up our guild and complete Heroic AAT Raid (we deal 90% damage right now).

    Guild Name: Italia Fury
    Requirements: 600 coins/day / active players / chat / min 25 7* Gear IX characters

    Raid Times and Rules
    - Heroic Rancor: Launch rotates weekly between 08:00 and 14:00 (Italian Time)

    - Heroic AAT: - Launch time 08:00.

    Enter our Guild if you are interested and eligible (we usually are 49/50)!
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    Heroic AAT contributors wanted. Resplendent Whispers is the guild name.

    Who we are-
    We are an original guild (49/50) looking for 1 new member who plays regularly (and wants to raid regularly) to put us over the top to finish AAT Heroic. Lots of F2P with a handful of spenders. We've retained many of our original members since guilds began, which speaks to how solid and respectful our group is.

    Heroic Rancor every other day, 2pmPST/5pmEST. 24 hr registration, 1 attack, 1mil dmg cap. We like for everyone to get a chance at rewards. We roll Normal AAT as soon as we get the coins, but 1 team per phase gets us through in around 24 hours. We're about to do another Heroic AAT.

    Who would we like to raid with?
    Again, we're looking for daily players, ideally with a solid 7 star squad for each phase of Heroic AAT, g9+.

    How do I join/ask ?s?
    PM me with your ally code is fastest, so I can see your awesome roster. I will respond and invite you! (Provided your best character isn't a G9 Talia. Hey- It's a matter of taste .)
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    The Thugs in White Armor are recruiting around 10 guild mates.

    We are currently finishing the Normal tank raids quite easily, without a refresh and will be trying our first Heroic AAT raid this week. You’ll need to have one solid g10 or g11 AAT tank team to join.

    We’re a fun guild with some dolphins and a lot of serious F2P mates. We communicate on Groupme, which would be mandatory for the joining members.

    If you’re in a guild with 10 to 15 solid members, but are struggling to gain traction with Heroic AAT raids, consider bringing all your friends over too! Contact me on LINE or message me to consider joining.

    Thanks for looking!
    LINE ID: a-dubby
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    Darthh Tatertot is recruiting heroic tank ready players. We are part of the KoR alliance, and a major part of the team that helped get KoR Resurgence to the top of the tank leaderboard. Now its our turn. We just need a few more players to put us over the top on heroic so we can be independently successful.

    We are a fairly casual guild from around the world, but we do require that everyone get their daily 600 and use LINE for communication. If you are interested or have any questions, send me a message on LINE @ Pixman83.

    Guild info: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/51886/darthh-tatertot-guild-looking-for-members-lvl-80-20-t7-toons/p1?new=1

    Profile: https://swgoh.gg/u/pixman83/
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    Hey guys, my guild is called Strike.
    We are seeking a few last members.

    If you are a active player level 85 with multiples 7* teams G10/11, you are welcome to join us.

    We use a Discord server for the guild

    600/600 rule and chill.

    Our guild do the heroic raid every 2 days.
    Raid starts at 11am PST.

    Pm me of interested
  • MayThe4thBeWithU
    8 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    We are looking for 7-8 members to fill up our guild and push us over the top for heroic.
    Guild Name: Olympus
    Requirements: Lvl 85, 600 coins/ day, toon 7* and gear IX, and use the Line App (Optional but highly recommended)
    Raid Times and Rules:
    - Both raids start at 8.30 UK time. We raid mostly every other day.
    - 0 damage for 24 hours for both raids (so everyone can be rewarded)
    PM me here or send me message on Line if you are interested! (My Line is itsoliverking and my ally code is 872-285-131)
    Post edited by MayThe4thBeWithU on
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    "Too Old For This Sith" is looking to fill 3 open roster spots.

    Quick info about the Guild: Heroic Rancor x3 a week. We're moving on to Heroic Tank next as we're demolishing Normal in less than a day. Raid times will be around 6pm EST.

    Also we're pretty lax in terms of daily requirements. If you play the game regularly and enjoy a Guild full of players quoting movies, you'll do fine.

    If you can contribute to the Heroic Tank and aren't a total d-bag, we'd love to have ya!

    (We are GMT -05:00.)

    Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    We have a spot open!

    Nerf Herder Elite Force (NHEF) is currently accepting members for top 20 guild! (Completed AAT t7!)

    We have completed 22 AAT t7s at this time, everyone has at least 132 Kenobi shards or unlocked.

    No doubt we have the firepower! - https://swgoh.gg/g/4644/nerf-herder-elite-force/
    but we can use one more one more heavy-hitter

    Our top 20 elite guild is looking for one heavy-hitter, P2P player, level 85, min of 40 7* chars, daily players, top 50 in Arena, with AAT t7 raid ready teams (i.e. max'ed Droids, Jawas, etc...) Details/requirements in the first post at the link below. We run Rancor t7s every other day. AAT t7 every 3 days. No special chat app required. It's a really great group of people, we share a lot of information, we have very few rules, and everyone has a chance to earn Kenobi and Han Solo shards. We're always at 50 members and only replace when needed, usually related to not making the 600 daily energy requirements and daily guild activities. Many of us started in Nov/Dec and have been together for a long time. We discuss all high-level aspects of the game, mods, Arena, raid strategy. Our goal is for both the player and our guild to be happy with moving to our guild. We're looking for players who are going to be with us for the long haul. Our guild thread has over 5,700 views! The requirements are high, but we have an amazing group of players and have a lot of fun as well. It's definitely an opportunity to play with some of the best players in the game and take part in something bigger. Send me your ally code or you can ally me below, just let me know if your game name is different. I'd be happy to answer any questions.


    Guild leader: musashi
    Ally Code: 935-752-382
  • Kanyeworst
    29 posts Member
    edited January 2017

    Our guild is looking to pick up 10 heroic AAT ready players capable of doing 2% per phase.

    We are an English speaking guild but have worldwide membership and will try to accommodate all time zones.

    Our first guild attempt got us to 16% remaining in p3 of heroic AAT, with our top 35 doing the lions share of the damage (the bottom 15 under 300k each).

    We are a focused and goal oriented guild, but not a heartless one. Our bottom 15 members to be replaced will move over to our existing sister guild.

    Ideal candidates will have super teams (Jedi, droid/clone, Palpatine variations/Jawas, rebels).

    P1 is easily completed for our current guild members, so preference will be given to candidates with strong p2 and p3 teams.

    Our guild is a friendly one with the only expectations being:

    - Line app (mandatory)
    - 600 guild coins per day
    - Participate in raid team designated for your time zone

    For further info add me in game 339-696-623 and contact me, Kanyeworst on Line app (swgohkanyeworst)
    Post edited by Kanyeworst on
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    Check out cantina lords
    42/50 - going to attempt heroic tank in 2 weeks to gauge our new improved strength

    Join up if you want to be apart of the action.

    Talk to @Ghobis for applications.

    Regular T7 rancor 24hr no damage and normal tank (24hr no damage p2-4 on tank because we finish it too quick)
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    Wookiee Monsterz are attempting their first Heroic Tank this weekend! We have one spot open and are looking for a strong player that can help us ensure we finish. PM me if you're interested! Details on our guild are in the thread linked below.

  • Dreadeno
    100 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello my guild is looking for 2-3 mercenaries that could help us down AAT. My guild is I have a bad feeling and we are at 40% bit off a little more. If you can help us or do a decent amount of damage. Contact me on line look for Dreadeno or add me 591-841-714. We have 9 hours left. Thank you
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    We are now at 25%
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