Dev Update - 11/11/2016 Comments and Questions ***MEGATHREAD***


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    Thanks @scuba I didn't think I imagined that. Haha
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Feel free to look into the 'raid rewards exceeded' delightful surprise that randomly affects half our guild weekly despite membership being stable. Will it be me this week? Oh goody

    +35 - the number in our guild that were hit with a 2 day 10 hour reward cooldown yesterday
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    It would be nice if you could peg the HP of each phase of the Tank Raid to the number of players in the guild. I'm okay with the difficulty, I just can't stand that I've done 9 million damage since we started the raid and we're only at 85% health on phase two.

    I know there would be problems with executing this, though. You would have to lock rosters once the raid starts to prevent people from starting it with low guild membership, then recruiting 50 people once the raid has started and the HP has been set. You'd also have to scale it in some non-linear way so a small guild can't just keep pounding it out while a larger guild with only a few geared members is slogging away. Maybe (just making up numbers out of thin air here) have a certain base amount (say, 5 million per phase) and increase it by a decreasing percentage per additional player (say, guilds with 1-10 players have the HP increased by 100k per player; guilds with 11-20 by 90k per player, etc).

    Just spitballing. Probably not even pheasible. But I can dream!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    @benacrow I believe they said it was the last time Shoretrooper would be in the tournament, I'll dig around to confirm, but I read something that made me hope all my leftover Ally Points would be useful again for a DIFFERENT hero someday.

    EDIT: can't seem to find anything saying it was the last time, unless someone got a screenshot of the in-game newsletter. There's always hope.

    Yeah it was stealth changed from 'FINAL appearance' to 'second appearance' in the Dev notes after they first announced it.

    I still want to know so I can use my ally points most wisely, but thanks for looking into it anyways @ShaolinPunk :)
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    Awesome! Thank you ea!
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    nulami wrote: »
    BrtStlnd wrote: »
    @CG_Kozispoon This tournament again favors people who hoarded ally coins. Can we have a tournament where everyone is given equal amount of currency?

    The tournaments are all going to use ally points from now on. Feel free to save them. Or don't.

    Tournaments will favor those who have all of the GW characters and can spend their GW crystals on ally coins or those who choose to forego getting shards so they can get toon of the tournament shards instead. It comes down to do you want to get shards for a character you will be able to unlock (GW) or shards for a character most have no chance in coming close to unlocking?

    This last tournament, I came in 37th and the shards I got didn't even come close to unlocking Shoretrooper. They only good reward was the raid box. Not sure if that was worth giving up the character shards from GW though.

    You have to make your choice. If it's this important to you to unlock Chirrut Imwe then put off farming Lumi/Phasma/Biggs/whoever for a weeks to focus on building up a stack of ally coins to help you be competitive in the tournament. If, however, you decide that your gw farms are more important, then focus on them and you can unlock Chirrut in several months when he becomes farmable. This is the strategy that you have to make
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    AAT only been out for 3 weeks today, so I'm pretty impressed they have enough data already to address it. Nice work team!

    I'm impressed they actually commented about it instead of finding something else to work

    Took them long enough, they nerfed mods pretty quick when we complained that mods were op.
  • 3Edward9
    486 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    @benacrow I believe they said it was the last time Shoretrooper would be in the tournament, I'll dig around to confirm, but I read something that made me hope all my leftover Ally Points would be useful again for a DIFFERENT hero someday.

    EDIT: can't seem to find anything saying it was the last time, unless someone got a screenshot of the in-game newsletter. There's always hope.

    Any news about ships? Guessing we will have to wait for some unforeseeable tomorrow.

    You were the only one sharing with us the news saying ships would be 'tomorrow', which was three days ago. Perhaps it's a good idea to update the news now?
  • Svatlas
    183 posts Member
    edited November 2016

    Tournaments should be about good rosters, good mods and strategy. It should not be about who hoarded the most GW tokens.

    +1000 It has nothing to do with a tournament

  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    Great update guys, this is the sort of communication we need. Any chance of shedding light on the 6-12=13gate? :lol:
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    @CG_Kozispoon Revan? ;D
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    Josh_K wrote: »
    @CG_Kozispoon This tournament again favors people who hoarded ally coins. Can we have a tournament where everyone is given equal amount of currency?

    its finally an even playing field now. Everyone gets the same amount

    You do realize people have hoarded tons of GW tokens right?

    It's a hoarders tournament. They need to level the playing field where everyone starts out with same amount...and not favouring people who hoarded GW tokens & ally coins.

    Everyone gets GW tokens and ally points exactly at the same rate and are free.

    The first tournament flushed a lot the banked GW tokens and the more tournaments the closer everyone will get.

    Giving everyone 10 attacks is boring and would result in so many ties.

    This system is good and adds a little fair variance. Spend for bronze, spend for shard shop or save for tourney.

    This is coming from someone who spent most of his ally points on bronze and will be sitting in a bad spot for the tourney but it's ok cause it was my choice I made.

    Strongly disagree. Alot of the winners of the first tournament didnt spend much in the 2nd tournament. Also, there are still significant numbers of huge stockpiles remaining. Just asking around I can easily find 40 to 50 people with at least half a million ally points ready to go.

    Per region there are what, maybe 10 to 15 shards? Too many hoarders with no way to be competitive EVEN if you want to fork out to do so. Energy refresh is not a viable AP generator. A maxed days refreshes will only get you close to 5k ally points which is ONE tourney refresh at where it counts.

    @EA_Jesse please give players an option to be competitive here if they choose to.

    100% agree with josh.

    I know people who could run 4-5 million ally coins if they converted their GW tokens. Many have close to million Ally coins.

    People who went for Grievous in shard shop are severely punished...because they used GW tokens to generate shard shop currency.

    Tournaments should be about good rosters, good mods and strategy. It should not be about who hoarded the most GW tokens.

    There will be like 10-20 USA servers. Unless you hoarded a ton, you won't finish in top 5. They need to create a level playing field.

    @CG_Kozispoon can you please address this issue and create a more level playing field?

    This. Right here. This.
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    JJBagger wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    JJBagger wrote: »
    @CG_Kozispoon thank you for the update. I must say at first the AAT raid was difficult. After a few weeks of leveling toons, gear and player level I believe it's spot on. Please do not let it turn into rancor easy or to were we have to limit damage. It is fine and people will work up to it. I was very bored and complacent before the new raid. This has invigorated our guild and teammates to work together.
    People who complain about the difficulty
    1. Don't have rosters equipped or any depth
    2. Modded incorrectly
    3. Don't maximize on synergy
    4. Haven't achieved level 85 and or geared 11
    Please don't lower the raid or make it easier. Let's keep the game challenging and working towards a goal. Thank you for your help!
    @SnakesOnAPlane @EA_Jesse @Waterdog01

    Not commenting on "difficulty" of the Raid.

    Needing gear 11 to complete the Raid is kinda of the Chicken and the egg scenario. Without spending crystals the majority of the characters in the game cannot get to g11 without completing tank raids.

    Gear 9-11 toons do fine

    My toons are gear 9 they don't do fine. It take a deep guild with lots of power. Or whales. So it is a whale raid. If ships are like this raid, game will go belly up.
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    Can anyone remember the refresh rates? Like:
    1st refresh = 100 ally points
    2nd refresh etc.
  • 3Edward9
    486 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Kitch wrote: »
    Can anyone remember the refresh rates? Like:
    1st refresh = 100 ally points
    2nd refresh etc.

    Similar to cantina refreshes
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    Nice one devs love donnie yen :)
  • 3Edward9
    486 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I want to point out the fact that the two new Rebel characters from the Rogue One that CG is about to release resemble very little facial characteristics of the two well known actors in the movie.

    The one with a stick is a top action movie actor and the one with a gun is also an internationally recognised film director other than a top actor. He has been nominated and awarded some most important international movie awards for his work.

    So please show some respect and ask the graphic team to do a little extra work to make them alike.
    Post edited by 3Edward9 on
  • 3Edward9
    486 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Here are their profiles:

    Jiang Wen has won many international awards which haven't been translated and included in the above wiki link. Here is a screenshot of a non concluded list of his awards:


    And please don't delete a comment because you didn't do a good job.
    Post edited by 3Edward9 on
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    I like Chirrut - I don't think I would get it, but anyway I like him :smile:
    I would use him with Rey - duo with sticks :smile:
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    We need more rebels to be introduced so that all other toons are outnumbered and useless. So I can puke more often when I see rebel teams.

    And pls fix the RNG problem.
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    @CG_Kozispoon @EA_Jesse

    Gents, first, the new raid is near perfect. Please don't punish the strong guilds! Many have dismantled and restructured everything in order to compete, some tearing foundations apart and losing friendships along the way. Our guild ( @JJBagger @Waterdog01 @Obs0lete ) was lucky in that we found another strong, team players, guild that we could merge each guild to create 2 (a Heroic and a Normal), but function as 1. We now are 100 strong, and the Heroic guild is helping the Normal guild to build themselves towards Heroic.

    If you're considering a nerf to the event, my suggestion is to keep the Heroic how it is now, and give us guilds, who have the sufficienct rosters, the ability to continue playing it how it is. In just 4 attempts, our guild went from not beating it, to beating it (after the merger) with minutes left on the clock (thanks again @Smithie for all your help B)), to beating it within 24 hours, to now within 16 hours (could actually do it within 6-8, or less, if no sleep).

    Some suggestions, please:

    - Why not create another Tier, a middle tier, of the event where GK shards (not as many) can be earned, as well, so that guilds with less overall strength can have a healthier goal?
    - Increase Raid Rewards! It's mentally tough to compete for such little rewards.
    - Fix Normal so it doesn't take days/week to beat it. Players aren't wanting to compete in their guilds because of the monotonous game play (and, again, little rewards).
    - Lower the overall tokens it costs to run each Tier, so that they can be played more than 2x a week (with Normal damage requirements fixes).


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    More tiers and reduced shards by level of difficulty would be a massive compromise, and would meet the player base in the middle. Best solution I have heard yet!
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    I would like to see two reward thresholds for tourneys. The current rated threshold and an additional flat reward threshold for passing certain point benchmarks. Let more of the player base get access to these toons by participating, it's fine if we can't get the toons at 7 star, but I have no prayer of getting him at all.

    Also, would be nice if we could unlock the tourney toon with fewer shards, say at the 1 or 2 star level. We need the same number of shards either way, but I would like to be able to get them.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    It's not a tournament, it's an auction, highest bidder wins. Lol
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    It's not a tournament, it's an auction, highest bidder wins. Lol

    If they keep with the tournament as is soon enough it will even out as older players run out of GW tokens and ally coins. Once that happens things will get more interesting in these tournament because it will be more about who wins more and has more survivals. Also deeper rosters.
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    It's not a tournament, it's an auction, highest bidder wins. Lol

    If they keep with the tournament as is soon enough it will even out as older players run out of GW tokens and ally coins. Once that happens things will get more interesting in these tournament because it will be more about who wins more and has more survivals. Also deeper rosters.

    I agree to speed that process up add gear and new characters to GW shipments. Let ally points be spent elsewhere, bronzium is useless IMO, make players have to make a choice to hord for tournament or spend elsewhere. Heck can even cap ally points.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    scuba wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    It's not a tournament, it's an auction, highest bidder wins. Lol

    If they keep with the tournament as is soon enough it will even out as older players run out of GW tokens and ally coins. Once that happens things will get more interesting in these tournament because it will be more about who wins more and has more survivals. Also deeper rosters.

    I agree to speed that process up add gear and new characters to GW shipments. Let ally points be spent elsewhere, bronzium is useless IMO, make players have to make a choice to hord for tournament or spend elsewhere. Heck can even cap ally points.

    Yeah anything to help drain down the numbers and make it closer to who has the roster or is willing grind out the battles to get the spot.

    My concern is they will bring back the sale of gear for ally coins and we will be back to square one again.
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    3Edward9 wrote: »
    I want to point out the fact that the two new Rebel characters from the Rogue One that CG is about to release resemble very little facial characteristics of the two well known actors in the movie.

    The one with a stick is a top action movie actor and the one with a gun is also an internationally recognised film director other than a top actor. He has been nominated and awarded some most important international movie awards for his work.

    So please show some respect and ask the graphic team to do a little extra work to make them alike.

    They have to pay likeness rights if the character faces are directly based on the actors' faces. That's why Mace, Rey, etc are all cartoony versions that deliberately only bear a passing resemblance.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Oh--And thank you for starting the tournament late on Friday and running it through Sunday! Weekend tournaments are very convenient.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    It's not a tournament, it's an auction, highest bidder wins. Lol

    Not really, if you have a weak roster all the ally money in the world isn't going let help you win matches to get points to move up in the ranks. I reached a ceiling trying to stay in the top 200.
This discussion has been closed.