Game Update 12/6/2016 Comments and Questions - ***MEGATHREAD***


  • slothe
    221 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    What is this event for andriod users? Are apple users going to get it also. For the new driod character.

    Seems rather dumb to offer a new character and event to peeps but favor only some of the players because of their choice of mobile devices. Its not like this game is exclusive to either system, like if is was a Sony exclusive or a Microsoft one.

    No, its android exclusive. Nothing for iOS users. Why I'll be f2p from now on. After chromes and everything recently, that was it for me. And I'm a whale.
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    Jyn Erso is iconic? This sentence is ironic. Iconic is Vader, Luke, Obi-Wan and some other folks, but not little girl from "actually not-Star Wars movie". Please, don't be ridicolous and don't OP these characters.
    Game's logic: It's better to have Baze, Chirrut and Jyn than ... Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker and Leia. Sounds awesome! (joke off).

    Its funny you say this. They are adding all these characters from Rogue One. And Im still waiting for my Rebels characters. Where is my Ezra Bridger or Kanan. Hera or Zeb or Sabine or Grand Admiral Thrawn or inquistors? Agent Callous or even Hondo. Lol.

    Also I'd like them to add an unlockable Jedi Temple Guard. You can fight them, but they have no unlockable ones.

    All these characters are actual star wars, but they keep releasing characters from a movie that is a star wars story but not an actual star war movie, that no one has seen so there's no really connection or feeling like you're getting an awesome or iconic character.
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    Non android people are using emulators n cheating on the freebie. Lols
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    slothe wrote: »
    No, its android exclusive. Nothing for iOS users. Why I'll be f2p from now on. After chromes and everything recently, that was it for me. And I'm a whale.

    Your whales had enough advantages in the past or not ? You can never get enough.

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    Do a significant number of people out there actually enjoy these?
    I do enjoy the tourneys, it's a good way to try out teams I wouldn't normally use, to come up with different strategies based on the opponent's level, team etc etc

    However I really dislike the fact that the main prize, the OP toon, is out of reach for the vast majority of players, me included.

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    jarael wrote: »
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JYN IN A TOURNAMENT NOOOOOOO. I was really looking forward to unlock her. She is the only character I care about in Rogue One :'( . Please, at least put her in a cantina node after this!!!

    She is pretty **** powerful, no way she hits a F2P farming node. Sorry, she'll cost you $1500 in Chromium packs.

    I do appreciate the free X2 shards. I imagine Apple will get something.
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    slothe wrote: »
    What is this event for andriod users? Are apple users going to get it also. For the new driod character.

    Seems rather dumb to offer a new character and event to peeps but favor only some of the players because of their choice of mobile devices. Its not like this game is exclusive to either system, like if is was a Sony exclusive or a Microsoft one.

    No, its android exclusive. Nothing for iOS users. Why I'll be f2p from now on. After chromes and everything recently, that was it for me. And I'm a whale.

    Im starting to feel it myself. My money use to get me more and now that same money gets me much less value, so I just spend less now. If their price structure ever comes back down to earth that could change.
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    His counter will give him tons of turns under an HK lead. Which means he gets to Daze and apply offense down quite a bit. and give those squishy droids some protection. I like him. I don't think he is OP, but hey, that's a good thing, right?

    He's not a bad character by any means, but he doesn't do enough to replace any of the existing droid staples. If you want the best possible droid team, it's still going to be HK, 86 (or another attacker), 88, B2, JE. You could possibly swap out 86 for K-2SO, but then you'd be seriously lacking in damage.
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    Oh, another tournament?

    *continues spending ally points on bronziums*
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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    Stabshimi wrote: »
    I don't even bother playing the tournament. It's a money grabber for greedy EA.

    I play the tournaments just enough to get a purple raid chest and the 10 character shards. I am way too new to have a roster deep enough to place high enough to even think I will come close to getting the unlocked character/ship from these tournaments.
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    I have almost every character. This android only character was made just to screw with me, i know it.
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    Wonder if the powers to be even read these or that is why this post has been moved to be hidden.. alot of good points and suggestions, but we all know the whales and select stable of players probably already messaged, emailed or called the powers that be to ignore these ideas.
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    I don't understand why the devs think tournaments are a good thing. They have only turned me off to spending on the game in general. I can pretty easily get a 3 star character from the tournament but I'm not going to grind for multiple days in order for a chance at a higher star level. And I'm certainly not going to play the slot machine when these characters get released in chromium packs to even have a chance at staring them up. The end result is the game means less to me, every day, every tournament, every new character that I can't star up just removes a little more of the attachment I have to the game. If the devs are trying to get me to quit, they are on the right path.
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    I have almost every character. This android only character was made just to screw with me, i know it.

    You can still get the character on any device. That is what the current event provides. Android users just unlocked him as a freeby before tackling the event.
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    Varlie wrote: »
    I have almost every character. This android only character was made just to screw with me, i know it.

    You can still get the character on any device. That is what the current event provides. Android users just unlocked him as a freeby before tackling the event.

    There is no event on iOS.
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    BrtStlnd wrote: »
    Varlie wrote: »
    I have almost every character. This android only character was made just to screw with me, i know it.

    You can still get the character on any device. That is what the current event provides. Android users just unlocked him as a freeby before tackling the event.

    There is no event on iOS.

    Wait - do you mean that for iOS users there is no event AT ALL?!? I thought that all this noise is just about 20 shards in free pack
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    pargame wrote: »
    BrtStlnd wrote: »
    Varlie wrote: »
    I have almost every character. This android only character was made just to screw with me, i know it.

    You can still get the character on any device. That is what the current event provides. Android users just unlocked him as a freeby before tackling the event.

    There is no event on iOS.

    Wait - do you mean that for iOS users there is no event AT ALL?!? I thought that all this noise is just about 20 shards in free pack

    Just the Jyn and tonic event.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    pargame wrote: »
    BrtStlnd wrote: »
    Varlie wrote: »
    I have almost every character. This android only character was made just to screw with me, i know it.

    You can still get the character on any device. That is what the current event provides. Android users just unlocked him as a freeby before tackling the event.

    There is no event on iOS.

    Wait - do you mean that for iOS users there is no event AT ALL?!? I thought that all this noise is just about 20 shards in free pack

    Yup, no packs and no event for iOS. Both are Android exclusives 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    BrtStlnd wrote: »
    pargame wrote: »
    BrtStlnd wrote: »
    Varlie wrote: »
    I have almost every character. This android only character was made just to screw with me, i know it.

    You can still get the character on any device. That is what the current event provides. Android users just unlocked him as a freeby before tackling the event.

    There is no event on iOS.

    Wait - do you mean that for iOS users there is no event AT ALL?!? I thought that all this noise is just about 20 shards in free pack

    Just the Jyn and tonic event.

    Ha ha ha ha
    sorry this was not for iOS users - I am just thinking that what if Cassian will be iOS exclusive toon
    Two toons with synergy and not able to have both. I can smell the money.... :smile:
  • ddlooping2
    1047 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    EnderLevin wrote: »
    Anyone else find it frustrating when you are in the level 80+ shard for tournaments, but you have only been Level 80 for a month or two. Going up against folks who have been level 80 for 6 or 8 months with 3 times as many strong toons kind of takes the wind out of the sail....
    I will probably get to level 80 a couple of days before the tourney starts.
    Carnage is the word that comes to mind. :s

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    New release today is not fair. Apple users have been shut out. EA can you please look at this and do the right thing. It's Christmas so can we have a little Christmas spirit. I'm a android user but my guild members are about 50/50 on platform so it's a case of have or have not. When it should all have. Thankyou.
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    walmartman wrote: »
    New release today is not fair. Apple users have been shut out. EA can you please look at this and do the right thing. It's Christmas so can we have a little Christmas spirit. I'm a android user but my guild members are about 50/50 on platform so it's a case of have or have not. When it should all have. Thankyou.

    You want a check for $50 too while they are at it?

    Apple exclusives have been far superior to a bunch of lesser google/android ones. Please. Quit whining. It will take me 16 days to farm the 80 shards of wedge without refreshes, and you can farm biggs in what 2 days in GW. Please...
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    walmartman wrote: »
    New release today is not fair. Apple users have been shut out. EA can you please look at this and do the right thing. It's Christmas so can we have a little Christmas spirit. I'm a android user but my guild members are about 50/50 on platform so it's a case of have or have not. When it should all have. Thankyou.

    You want a check for $50 too while they are at it?

    Apple exclusives have been far superior to a bunch of lesser google/android ones. Please. Quit whining. It will take me 16 days to farm the 80 shards of wedge without refreshes, and you can farm biggs in what 2 days in GW. Please...

    Uh, Wedge was a twitter exclusive as far as I know for iOS, so only a portion of iOS got him, not all. I'm iOS and had to farm him like everyone else. That argument is worthless.
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    Then shame on you for not getting on twitter. The point is, that the free opportunity for stuff has been better on Apple when they do it.
    Apple users could literally farm Biggs from 0 to 80(only need 25 to unlock), and farm his ship to at least 4 stars as well as getting wedge ship to 4* well before I could farm Wedge to 80.
    Yet apple users what to complain that it isnt fair... Get over yourselves.
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    Then shame on you for not getting on twitter. The point is, that the free opportunity for stuff has been better on Apple when they do it.
    Apple users could literally farm Biggs from 0 to 80(only need 25 to unlock), and farm his ship to at least 4 stars as well as getting wedge ship to 4* well before I could farm Wedge to 80.
    Yet apple users what to complain that it isnt fair... Get over yourselves.

    Nice recovery after the premise of your last argument was completely baseless.
  • designingsean
    218 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Then shame on you for not getting on twitter. The point is, that the free opportunity for stuff has been better on Apple when they do it.
    Apple users could literally farm Biggs from 0 to 80(only need 25 to unlock), and farm his ship to at least 4 stars as well as getting wedge ship to 4* well before I could farm Wedge to 80.
    Yet apple users what to complain that it isnt fair... Get over yourselves.

    4* shards for slow farm character + ship

    4* shards for fast farm character + ship
    4* shards for unfarmable character + tournament to farm more shards

    Yeah, you are right, that is totally balanced. /sarcasm
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    You got 80 shards of a top 5 meta toon, let's not pretend that getting biggs had any value because it did not.

    Now we get a new rebel robot. Is it a top 5 meta toon with a slow farm? Apprenetly not or they wouldnt be giving it at 7* for free.

  • designingsean
    218 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    You got 80 shards of a top 5 meta toon, let's not pretend that getting biggs had any value because it did not.

    Now we get a new rebel robot. Is it a top 5 meta toon with a slow farm? Apprenetly not or they wouldnt be giving it at 7* for free.

    You also got 80 shards of a top 5 meta toon. How many top teams use Wedge without Biggs?

    As for the value of K2: Who knows right now? Early reports make him sound moderately viable. But I wouldn't really know, since I don't have him and have no way of getting him.
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    slothe wrote: »
    walmartman wrote: »
    New release today is not fair. Apple users have been shut out. EA can you please look at this and do the right thing. It's Christmas so can we have a little Christmas spirit. I'm a android user but my guild members are about 50/50 on platform so it's a case of have or have not. When it should all have. Thankyou.

    You want a check for $50 too while they are at it?

    Apple exclusives have been far superior to a bunch of lesser google/android ones. Please. Quit whining. It will take me 16 days to farm the 80 shards of wedge without refreshes, and you can farm biggs in what 2 days in GW. Please...

    Uh, Wedge was a twitter exclusive as far as I know for iOS, so only a portion of iOS got him, not all. I'm iOS and had to farm him like everyone else. That argument is worthless.

    That was Lando and it was months ago. They gave iOS users Wedge shards last week.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    The iOS Twitter exclusive was actually Lando 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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