Game Update 12/6/2016 Comments and Questions - ***MEGATHREAD***


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    Whts with android havin this new droid event an apple doesnt have it?surely this game not gonna go to certain platforms get certain characters
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    Credit where credit is do the 10 days event is amazing and fun, makes up for the IOS and I'm enjoying it greatly!

    So excited about it I came here to start a thread prasing EA's new update only to discover I'm jailed for replying to a necro thread lol irony

    So.... congrats great update guys makes up for the wedge thing and is overall fun followed by a PVP> looking forward to the activity:)
  • slothe
    221 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Skammadix wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    walmartman wrote: »
    New release today is not fair. Apple users have been shut out. EA can you please look at this and do the right thing. It's Christmas so can we have a little Christmas spirit. I'm a android user but my guild members are about 50/50 on platform so it's a case of have or have not. When it should all have. Thankyou.

    You want a check for $50 too while they are at it?

    Apple exclusives have been far superior to a bunch of lesser google/android ones. Please. Quit whining. It will take me 16 days to farm the 80 shards of wedge without refreshes, and you can farm biggs in what 2 days in GW. Please...

    Uh, Wedge was a twitter exclusive as far as I know for iOS, so only a portion of iOS got him, not all. I'm iOS and had to farm him like everyone else. That argument is worthless.

    That was Lando and it was months ago. They gave iOS users Wedge shards last week.

    And they gave android a Biggs pack. I'm not that impressed by either ship. Most of us were done with those toons way before those ship packs dropped for either phone platform. Thing is there was an offset, which is better is still a preference. Ties are way better imo and no one got those.
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    Well we didn't get a lando and we are still playing.

    And we didn't get Wedge, and Biggs isn't a top 5 meta toon(you can farm him in a few days in GW, and he is only used WHEN Wedge is there, thus Wedge being the big deal) Meta toons are guys like Sun Fac, Shoretrooper, Emperor, Wedge, etc that are hard to get and are game changers.

    Biggs is NOT a meta toon.

    And no man, We didn't all have Biggs and Wedge when those packs came out, we did all have Biggs though from back when rebel events required rebels and he was an easy farm. But we didn't all farm Wedge yet.
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    Well we didn't get a lando and we are still playing.

    And we didn't get Wedge, and Biggs isn't a top 5 meta toon(you can farm him in a few days in GW, and he is only used WHEN Wedge is there, thus Wedge being the big deal) Meta toons are guys like Sun Fac, Shoretrooper, Emperor, Wedge, etc that are hard to get and are game changers.

    Biggs is NOT a meta toon.

    And no man, We didn't all have Biggs and Wedge when those packs came out, we did all have Biggs though from back when rebel events required rebels and he was an easy farm. But we didn't all farm Wedge yet.

    Uh, Wedge is easy to get. Takes maybe 10-15 days to farm him.............
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    Nobody read it is "time limited"? Less people. iOS users will wait a little and that's all
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    I personally farmed Wedge in under 10 days from cantina mode. Farmed Lando there too. Never bought a single toon from auros, the only real free 7* toons I've personally ever gotten was EP and Yoda. That ship drop toon shards went straight to shardshop.
  • StarSon
    7509 posts Member
    Well we didn't get a lando and we are still playing.

    And we didn't get Wedge, and Biggs isn't a top 5 meta toon(you can farm him in a few days in GW, and he is only used WHEN Wedge is there, thus Wedge being the big deal) Meta toons are guys like Sun Fac, Shoretrooper, Emperor, Wedge, etc that are hard to get and are game changers.

    Biggs is NOT a meta toon.

    And no man, We didn't all have Biggs and Wedge when those packs came out, we did all have Biggs though from back when rebel events required rebels and he was an easy farm. But we didn't all farm Wedge yet.

    This is wrong on so many levels. Just because Biggs is an easy farm doesn't mean he isn't a meta toon. There are zero top 100 arena teams with Wedge and not Biggs.

    And to the original point, the only time iOS got something when Android didn't was the Lando thing. And it was a 2* Lando (when he unlocks normally at 4*), and it was cancelled after a few hours. That is not even close to the same thing at a 7* toon, 10M+ credits, 1k crystals, and an assortment of droids and materials.

    Generally speaking, I am on board with either platform sponsoring exclusive gifts. But a free 7* exclusive toon is beyond ridiculous.
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    Look for yourself and then explain to me how getting Wedge shards helped me so much......
  • DoomeyEyes
    264 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Don't blame EA for leaving ios users out in the cold... you have Apple to blame for that. Google most likely paid for the event, to encourage people to use android over ios. Apple doesn't think they have anything to worry about so they said screw it. Personally, I've always hated all Apple products, the UI is designed for **** children. I love my crackberry, so it's a double win that they use android now.

    I don't think EA will, or can, give any thing to ios users... that would most likely breach their contract with Google. This is mostly speculation on my part, but I'd bet real money (or crystals) that I'm right.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    That is not even close to the same thing at a 7* toon, 10M+ credits, 1k crystals, and an assortment of droids and materials.

    I am an Android user.. Yes, there is an event to get 7* droid toon.. But 10M+ credits?, 1000 crystals? and assortment of droids and materials? where?! I didn't get any of that! There was indeed an exclusive free pack for 3* K2SO and it had some crystals and credits, but certainly not 10M credits or 1000 crystals...

    And I personally think Apple users are reacting too soon. I am pretty sure there will be a new event for Cassian Andor or something else exclusive to iOS.

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    Well it shows how uninformed you are. Where are you coming up with 10mil? I didn't get 10 mil, and at the end of the 10 days I still won't have near that.
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    Well it shows how uninformed you are. Where are you coming up with 10mil? I didn't get 10 mil, and at the end of the 10 days I still won't have near that.
    People in our guild got 3mil credits on the first day,so it might be more than 10mil after 10 days.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    That is not even close to the same thing at a 7* toon, 10M+ credits, 1k crystals, and an assortment of droids and materials.

    I am an Android user.. Yes, there is an event to get 7* droid toon.. But 10M+ credits?, 1000 crystals? and assortment of droids and materials? where?! I didn't get any of that! There was indeed an exclusive free pack for 3* K2SO and it had some crystals and credits, but certainly not 10M credits or 1000 crystals...

    And I personally think Apple users are reacting too soon. I am pretty sure there will be a new event for Cassian Andor or something else exclusive to iOS.

    Cassian is in the datamine posted on Reddit, says he'll be the next pvp tourney toon after the current one.
  • StarSon
    7509 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    That is not even close to the same thing at a 7* toon, 10M+ credits, 1k crystals, and an assortment of droids and materials.

    I am an Android user.. Yes, there is an event to get 7* droid toon.. But 10M+ credits?, 1000 crystals? and assortment of droids and materials? where?! I didn't get any of that! There was indeed an exclusive free pack for 3* K2SO and it had some crystals and credits, but certainly not 10M credits or 1000 crystals...
    Well it shows how uninformed you are. Where are you coming up with 10mil? I didn't get 10 mil, and at the end of the 10 days I still won't have near that.

    There are up to 3 packs. If you get all 3, you get 1k crystals, 1M credits, 3 of each ability material, 20 mk3 droids, 20 mk4 droids, and 20 mk5 droids.

    Honestly not sure about what else you get from doing the event, but coworker said you get 350k credits from tier 7. Add it all up over 10 days, and you have over 10M credits.
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    Jyn Erso is iconic? This sentence is ironic. Iconic is Vader, Luke, Obi-Wan and some other folks, but not little girl from "actually not-Star Wars movie". Please, don't be ridicolous and don't OP these characters.
    Game's logic: It's better to have Baze, Chirrut and Jyn than ... Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker and Leia. Sounds awesome! (joke off).
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    The K-2s0 event is terrible.
    Why did you made an EXCLUSIVE deal? For more money?
    You have a RESPONSIBILITY as a game developer with your customers. Who cares if the user plays in Android or iOS. The platform that the user chose to play YOUR game should not matter in the content. You're not releasing a game that is EXCLUSIVE to a platform, right?
    When you download the game it doesn't say in the description "If you download it for Android you get more rewards"!!

    I have spent at least a thousand in your game. That is A LOT for any game. If you buy a PS3 or Xbox game, you pay once and that's it. Your game is waaay too expensive compared to other games. And now you show that you have 0 commitment with your customers? You're going to lose a lot of gamers with this "exclusive deal" - I'm one of them, you already lost me. I already submit a refund claim of all the money I have spent. Hope your "exclusive deal" paid you enough money.

    And in the case you're releasing a later thing for iOS. Your lack of communication is terrible. You should fire the person in charge of that. Because there is no turning back.

    All the gamers you will loose, won't come back. Do you realize that the iOS users will be in disadvantage for the palatine event? I have four rebels 7*, I was missing one to be able to get palp. Now the Android users get an extra 7* rebel. No matter if you release an "iOS exclusive" later, the iOS users will missed to use the new toon for the palpatine event.

    And finally.... What you could do at least is release an statement with an explanation. You are EA. Medal of Honor, Fifa, Madden, Sims, etc. And this is how you handle things? You let a "lowly event designer" to do the public statements? Because that's the only explanation we got since you release the update, in Reddit one of your employees that called himself a "lowly event designer". Is that how EA Games handle things? You could solve a lot of problems by just giving an explanation. It looks like you don't care about your customers. And because I'm an iOS customer and it looks like you don't care about me, I'm quitting this thing. I expect my money back!

  • Mullato
    2582 posts Member
    slothe wrote: »
    Well it shows how uninformed you are. Where are you coming up with 10mil? I didn't get 10 mil, and at the end of the 10 days I still won't have near that.
    People in our guild got 3mil credits on the first day,so it might be more than 10mil after 10 days.

    Man you need to chill. It's not anywhere close to that many credits.
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    I got 1 pack, my girlfriend got 3 packs. I just spoke to Galaxy of Heroes technical support to ask why the discrepancy between free packs for players and was told to post on the forums. Awesome.
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    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Well it shows how uninformed you are. Where are you coming up with 10mil? I didn't get 10 mil, and at the end of the 10 days I still won't have near that.
    People in our guild got 3mil credits on the first day,so it might be more than 10mil after 10 days.

    Man you need to chill. It's not anywhere close to that many credits.

    No android users just need to chill and back off, allow people to vent. Some of you are just making yourselves look like terrible human beings.
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    slothe wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Well it shows how uninformed you are. Where are you coming up with 10mil? I didn't get 10 mil, and at the end of the 10 days I still won't have near that.
    People in our guild got 3mil credits on the first day,so it might be more than 10mil after 10 days.

    Man you need to chill. It's not anywhere close to that many credits.

    No android users just need to chill and back off, allow people to vent. Some of you are just making yourselves look like terrible human beings.

    No its the complete opposite. You are making yourself look like a terrible human being for the excessive whining and childish antics.

    Like ffs, either quit spending money like you keep saying, quit the game, continue to play, or get the hell over it.

    What are you 6? Ok we get it, some users got rewarded by a device company and some didn't. Boohoo it's not the end of the world.
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    Nietha wrote: »
    I got 1 pack, my girlfriend got 3 packs. I just spoke to Galaxy of Heroes technical support to ask why the discrepancy between free packs for players and was told to post on the forums. Awesome.

    Until I read it here, I didn't know anything about 3 packs. I just got 1 pack. Didn't pay attention to the number of crystals or cash in it, but I know it was nowhere near 1k crystals or cash. I do remember thinking that a total of 4 ability mats was not going to be enough to level him up though.

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    Biggs isn't a meta toon??? LOL, really? Please let me transfer to your server.
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    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Well it shows how uninformed you are. Where are you coming up with 10mil? I didn't get 10 mil, and at the end of the 10 days I still won't have near that.
    People in our guild got 3mil credits on the first day,so it might be more than 10mil after 10 days.

    Man you need to chill. It's not anywhere close to that many credits.

    No android users just need to chill and back off, allow people to vent. Some of you are just making yourselves look like terrible human beings.

    No its the complete opposite. You are making yourself look like a terrible human being for the excessive whining and childish antics.

    Like ffs, either quit spending money like you keep saying, quit the game, continue to play, or get the hell over it.

    What are you 6? Ok we get it, some users got rewarded by a device company and some didn't. Boohoo it's not the end of the world.

    This is exactly what I'm talking about, coming on here to troll other people in the community. I can only assume your roster sucks like your attitude. Trolling is for children, so go back under your bridge already.
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    ios users should vent to apple
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    slothe wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Well it shows how uninformed you are. Where are you coming up with 10mil? I didn't get 10 mil, and at the end of the 10 days I still won't have near that.
    People in our guild got 3mil credits on the first day,so it might be more than 10mil after 10 days.

    Man you need to chill. It's not anywhere close to that many credits.

    No android users just need to chill and back off, allow people to vent. Some of you are just making yourselves look like terrible human beings.

    No its the complete opposite. You are making yourself look like a terrible human being for the excessive whining and childish antics.

    Like ffs, either quit spending money like you keep saying, quit the game, continue to play, or get the hell over it.

    What are you 6? Ok we get it, some users got rewarded by a device company and some didn't. Boohoo it's not the end of the world.

    This is exactly what I'm talking about, coming on here to troll other people in the community. I can only assume your roster sucks like your attitude. Trolling is for children, so go back under your bridge already.

    Dude nobody is trolling you. I'm just being real.

    And lmao @ "your roster sucks". Dude are you so elite and upset that you take your anger out by telling me how I haven't wasted as much time and money on pixels as you have?

    Hahaha get a life dude.
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    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Well it shows how uninformed you are. Where are you coming up with 10mil? I didn't get 10 mil, and at the end of the 10 days I still won't have near that.
    People in our guild got 3mil credits on the first day,so it might be more than 10mil after 10 days.

    Man you need to chill. It's not anywhere close to that many credits.

    No android users just need to chill and back off, allow people to vent. Some of you are just making yourselves look like terrible human beings.

    No its the complete opposite. You are making yourself look like a terrible human being for the excessive whining and childish antics.

    Like ffs, either quit spending money like you keep saying, quit the game, continue to play, or get the hell over it.

    What are you 6? Ok we get it, some users got rewarded by a device company and some didn't. Boohoo it's not the end of the world.

    This is exactly what I'm talking about, coming on here to troll other people in the community. I can only assume your roster sucks like your attitude. Trolling is for children, so go back under your bridge already.

    Dude nobody is trolling you. I'm just being real.

    And lmao @ "your roster sucks". Dude are you so elite and upset that you take your anger out by telling me how I haven't wasted as much time and money on pixels as you have?

    Hahaha get a life dude.

    Get a life says the guy that keeps trolling and claims he isn't. Lol, just lol. I'm just keeping it real! Lol
  • Options
    slothe wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    slothe wrote: »
    Well it shows how uninformed you are. Where are you coming up with 10mil? I didn't get 10 mil, and at the end of the 10 days I still won't have near that.
    People in our guild got 3mil credits on the first day,so it might be more than 10mil after 10 days.

    Man you need to chill. It's not anywhere close to that many credits.

    No android users just need to chill and back off, allow people to vent. Some of you are just making yourselves look like terrible human beings.

    No its the complete opposite. You are making yourself look like a terrible human being for the excessive whining and childish antics.

    Like ffs, either quit spending money like you keep saying, quit the game, continue to play, or get the hell over it.

    What are you 6? Ok we get it, some users got rewarded by a device company and some didn't. Boohoo it's not the end of the world.

    This is exactly what I'm talking about, coming on here to troll other people in the community. I can only assume your roster sucks like your attitude. Trolling is for children, so go back under your bridge already.

    Dude nobody is trolling you. I'm just being real.

    And lmao @ "your roster sucks". Dude are you so elite and upset that you take your anger out by telling me how I haven't wasted as much time and money on pixels as you have?

    Hahaha get a life dude.

    Get a life says the guy that keeps trolling and claims he isn't. Lol, just lol. I'm just keeping it real! Lol

    So telling you to suck it up and quit whining about something you have no control over is trolling?

    Telling you to quit acting like a 6 year old is trolling?

    Talking sense into you is trolling?
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    Are you in denial?

    Please someone give @slothe a free pixel so he can go back into his cave peacefully. He seems to be rather upset.
  • slothe
    221 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Lol, claims he isn't trolling and keeps trying to get the last word in. You're in denial, I'm only voicing my opinion or are people not allowed to have those? Done with you now, enjoy the trolling.
This discussion has been closed.