The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


  • DarthLucaz
    328 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    So, I've been watching the forums blow up over this android exclusive event, and since most users are spreading misinformation and false news, in the spirit of 2016 sadly, I decided to brreak my month long silence and try to explain why Android got this event, and us ios users didn't and why it is justifyable.

    First and foremost: if you recall when Android first came out there was a bit of controversy over them using the term "droid". Why, you ask? Well the fact is, Lucasarts owns the word droid. What does that have to do with this event in our favorite star wars game in the last ten years? Everything. Everytime you see a commercial for a droid, you are witnessing an exchange of currency. Royalties if you will. It may be as small as $0.01, but every single android user has contributed to this game by way of a Lucasarts trademark. [you can tell your wives who give you grief over this game that they contribute too ;)]. So it goes without saying that google owes something back, for hiding royalties in your phone bill. Hence the three tiered reward packs. The free one for royalty payers, the other two for bigger spenders.
    Many forum users have pointed out that google paid and apple didnt. Well thats a simplistic view and usually the poster is a troll, but its not far from the truth.

    The anger, from users, though is not over the exclusivity persay, it is over the character itself. Had it been a character that was more generic, say deathtrooper, it wouldve been completely moot. But, of course, EA said use the droid. CG did not make this decision so lashing out at them or a forum moderator is inappropriate, call and complain to EA if you want something done. The Droid is probably the most desired character of all Rogue One characters. I personally want Krennic more, especially after reading Catalyst, but for most users this is the rebel we wanted most across both platforms. Sadly ios users feel snubbed. But this relationship between android and lucasarts existed already. In the same way EA got picked up for this game and battlefront 3 for producing class A star wars titles in the past, androids relationship with Lucasarts was pre-established and since every droid owner pays money to star wars every bill, that community is owed.

    Conclusion: it was disappointing seeing 3/4 of my guild get the new toon for free while I twiddled my thumbs, but we all know its only a matter of time before us ios guys get him too. Android will ALWAYS have better exclusive events than IOS. It is the nature of the beast. My only warning is DO NOT do this with R2D2, who shouldve been released by now.
  • Aknf2001
    546 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    My prediction is IOS will get an exclusive toon and Android players will be upset. IOS players will say things along the lines of "That's what you get!" While ironically the most viewed trending thread is titled "Equal Playing Fields For All Players"

    Just saying I called it before it happens ;)
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    I just had brain cells die.
  • Ktulu
    80 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    AKJ = Nostrodamus


    Or should that be Captain Obvious
  • Aknf2001
    546 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Ktulu wrote: »
    AKJ = Nostrodamus


    Or should that be Captain Obvious

    Lol Katie
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    Are you talking about the Vader glitch? The one they revoked from everyone? Lulz
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    I would hope they make it fair but nethier side should be getting any kind of exclusive toons due to platforms not having separate servers.

    If there was a android only server and IOS server that wouldn't of been a problem at all
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    DarthLucaz wrote: »
    Are you talking about the Vader glitch? The one they revoked from everyone? Lulz

    Pretty sure he was lol.

    People that grasp at straws make me lol
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    There is no way to justify this.

    They are splitting a fan base that is already split.

    Yes it sucks and yes IOS has gotten things but giving out an exclusive toon that is a free 7* that the other half of platforms CANT unlock is a problem.

    That droid did way more than just be a free toon.

    - free palp event prep help

    - could possibly change arena and arena payouts

    - event use

    I could go on and on in other areas an exclusive toon could impact.

    If the toon was able to be unlocked by IOS this wouldn't be such a big deal

    I think you're confusing an exclusive event with an exclusive toon. I fully expect iOS users, like myself, will be able to farm him soon.

    If you want to complain about the packs, you should be complaining about the credits and crystals.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    IOS users need to get a grip. It's a single average toon that will be gathering dust right next to a bunch of other toons that nobody uses in a month. Google decided to give their customers a gift, big deal. It isn't like we were given a ship.

    Except it's not just a toon that will be gathering dust. It is a 7* character, along with the resources to level it from 1 to 85.

    News flash: Gear >>>>>>>>>>>> stars/level. But you've been a member on the forums for almost a year, so you know that. Which makes me wonder why you even mention it.

    Because while gear is definitely better than rarity and level, it's not the only thing to consider. His gear is an easy farm with only 2 stun cuffs and only 2 droid callers. But that doesn't mean stars are trivial. A large portion of content is gated by star levels, most toons aren't arena viable without stars, and in many instances it takes longer to farm stars than it does gear.
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    Just look at it as the most expensive 'pack' yet. When you buy a new android phone, you get a droid character =]
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    yea iOS, dont be salty! you could have cheated that one time to get 7* vader !!
    that is some next level justification right there xD rofl
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    YadiYoda wrote: »
    Do iOS and Android players play in same arena/tournament groups? If not then the unfair advantage is kinda moot, it just boils down to platform-specific content, which isn't new at all.
    <-- iOS player

    Yes, arena and tournament leaderboards contain players from both platforms. So you may very well end up fighting a 7* K-2SO in the next couple days in Arena, and he will almost definitely show up in the next tournament.
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    Maegor wrote: »
    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    There is no way to justify this.

    They are splitting a fan base that is already split.

    Yes it sucks and yes IOS has gotten things but giving out an exclusive toon that is a free 7* that the other half of platforms CANT unlock is a problem.

    That droid did way more than just be a free toon.

    - free palp event prep help

    - could possibly change arena and arena payouts

    - event use

    I could go on and on in other areas an exclusive toon could impact.

    If the toon was able to be unlocked by IOS this wouldn't be such a big deal

    I think you're confusing an exclusive event with an exclusive toon. I fully expect iOS users, like myself, will be able to farm him soon.

    If you want to complain about the packs, you should be complaining about the credits and crystals.

    No I'm not talking about an event.

    And why be upset about crystals and credits that everyone has access to be able to get.

    That's the whole point a lot are upset at the exclusive fact not the free credits or crystals
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    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    I would hope they make it fair but nethier side should be getting any kind of exclusive toons due to platforms not having separate servers.

    If there was a android only server and IOS server that wouldn't of been a problem at all

    I think that sounds fair
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    WhiIe I dont like platform speficis events, I can understand why companies do them. But I can't understand that there is no countdown event/shards whatever for a movie of the franchise that this game is promoting. There is really nothing going on on iOS until the movie is released? That is disappointing and shouldn't depend on any specific sponsoring.
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    Kagehonoo wrote: »

    Those games don't run on mixed servers. There, debunked, back to you.

    1. You want a special iOS server to fight against iOS users?
    2. It was an illustration, but thank you for point out the flaw in it
    3. Let me give you another illustration so that everything can be clear for you @Sticare_Courts_0073 Pepsi offers extra 250 millilitres for every drink they have because the want to reward their customers. You go to store name XYZ they have Pepsi has promotional said drinks and normal Coca Cola and you start harassing the store clerk because you are not getting the Pepsi promotion on your Coca Cola drink?

    Go ahead. Point out another flaw in the illustration because somehow that will help change the current predicament.

    I was a bit harsh towards you @Kagehonoo , I'll give you that much. It just gets tiresome to see the same flawed logic over and over again, as far as that counts as an excuse. So, nothing personal.

    Now then, the analogy still doesn't stand, but ah well, agree to disagree seems to be the only realistic option here.

    Lastly, bleh merges again. No comment but I'm just expressing a personal opinion here: megathreads are hard to catch up on, hard to follow, hard to read, just annoying overall. :/
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    DarthLucaz wrote: »
    Conclusion: it was disappointing seeing 3/4 of my guild get the new toon for free while I twiddled my thumbs, but we all know its only a matter of time before us ios guys get him too. Android will ALWAYS have better exclusive events than IOS. It is the nature of the beast. My only warning is DO NOT do this with R2D2, who shouldve been released by now.

    Thats fine and if thats what they want to do so be it. Please allow for us who use both OS to switch between the two. I installed it on iOS thinking I could switch and use my other devices like all the other games I play. Apparently no such luck, thats all I ask for.
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    I've been playing this game since it was released and I didn't get Vader and Grievous like some Android users said. I still don't have grievous and my Vader is still 6* that I hard earned through achievements and buying from shard shop and ship store. I also play every single day so I don't know what Androids users talking about.
  • gorki
    31 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    People are really confused these days. Did you guys notice words like "Google" and "Google Play Store" in thise event description? Yes? Well these things cost money. Do you expect Google to pay for other platforms? Are you people nuts? Just swallow the fact and hope Apple comes up with something next Christmas. Btw I'm pretty sure you guys will get the caracter soon too. Stop crying, it's a freaking mobile game for crying out loud.
    Post edited by J0K3R on
  • Baze
    182 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    i've got a sincere question. Itunes gift cards are on sale quite frequent in the netherlands. Does android have sales like that aswell?
    Obviously you will have to spend to get extra stuff for free, so for me as an f2p player it's completely useless. But if you're a whale, and android doesn't have sales like this, i'd reckon you're way better of with iOS.

    ^ This +1

    And I've been seeing iTunes discounts everywhere ever since pre-Thanksgiving here in the States.

    But Google Play discounts? Big Fat Zero!

    I'll take a 20% discount on game cards over a pixel character any day. Especially when there's a crystal bonus coming up in the near future.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    gorki wrote: »
    People are really confused these days. Did you guys notice words like "Google" and "Google Play Store" in thise event description? Yes? Well these things cost money. Do you expect Google to pay for other platforms? Are you people nuts? Just swallow the fact and hope Apple comes up with something next Christmas. Btw I'm pretty sure you guys will get the caracter soon too. Stop crying FFS, it's a freaking mobile game for crying out loud.

    It's a mobile game on which we have spent real $$$. And I'm not generally upset by platform specific promotions, mostly because it never gives anyone any real advantage. In the past it has been free crystals or a small amount of shards for toons that are freely available. And honestly in this case I'm not made about the 3* toon from a pack, because 3* is only a few days of farming if he's anywhere but hard nodes. The real issue is that it's a free 7* character, around 10M credits, up to 1k crystals, and playable content.

    CG could have done lots of things to appease the other half of their users. But they won't, because money.
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    DarthLucaz wrote: »

    First and foremost: if you recall when Android first came out there was a bit of controversy over them using the term "droid". Why, you ask? Well the fact is, Lucasarts owns the word droid. What does that have to do with this event in our favorite star wars game in the last ten years? Everything. Everytime you see a commercial for a droid, you are witnessing an exchange of currency. Royalties if you will. It may be as small as $0.01, but every single android user has contributed to this game by way of a Lucasarts trademark. [you can tell your wives who give you grief over this game that they contribute too ;)]. So it goes without saying that google owes something back, for hiding royalties in your phone bill. Hence the three tiered reward packs. The free one for royalty payers, the other two for bigger spenders.

    Note that you are close, but not quite correct. Verizon pays LucasArts/Disney royalties on the Droid name. Google doesn't pay royalties on the Droid name because they don't sell Droid phones, only Verizon does.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    gorki wrote: »
    People are really confused these days. Did you guys notice words like "Google" and "Google Play Store" in thise event description? Yes? Well these things cost money. Do you expect Google to pay for other platforms? Are you people nuts? Just swallow the fact and hope Apple comes up with something next Christmas. Btw I'm pretty sure you guys will get the caracter soon too. Stop crying FFS, it's a freaking mobile game for crying out loud.

    It's a mobile game on which we have spent real $$$. And I'm not generally upset by platform specific promotions, mostly because it never gives anyone any real advantage. In the past it has been free crystals or a small amount of shards for toons that are freely available. And honestly in this case I'm not made about the 3* toon from a pack, because 3* is only a few days of farming if he's anywhere but hard nodes. The real issue is that it's a free 7* character, around 10M credits, up to 1k crystals, and playable content.

    CG could have done lots of things to appease the other half of their users. But they won't, because money.

    Yeah 7* anything would be nice to get for free. Ewoks vs Droids, Wedge vs Biggs, free pack last year vs nothing, free pack this year vs nothing... All the credits and crystals androids have got over Apple is my big issue.
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    @Aknf2001 Why would Android users be upset? They just got an exclusive toon that no Apple user can get?
    "You don't want to sell me death sticks... You want to go home and rethink your life. "
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    USAmazing wrote: »
    @Aknf2001 Why would Android users be upset? They just got an exclusive toon that no Apple user can get?

    For now. I don't know why so many people believe he will remain Android exclusive forever.
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    It will only be fair for both platforms and I will be happy with that along with all other iOS users
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    USAmazing wrote: »
    @Aknf2001 Why would Android users be upset? They just got an exclusive toon that no Apple user can get?

    I'm upset that something this unfair would happen. I'm an android user and it makes my blood boil that they would do something like this.
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    Maegor wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    @Aknf2001 Why would Android users be upset? They just got an exclusive toon that no Apple user can get?

    For now. I don't know why so many people believe he will remain Android exclusive forever.

    Dude it's also the fun of the event and all the crystals and credits that come with...
    "You don't want to sell me death sticks... You want to go home and rethink your life. "
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Options
    USAmazing wrote: »
    Maegor wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    @Aknf2001 Why would Android users be upset? They just got an exclusive toon that no Apple user can get?

    For now. I don't know why so many people believe he will remain Android exclusive forever.

    Dude it's also the fun of the event and all the crystals and credits that come with...

    We only get credits, where did you hear crystals excluding the free pack?
This discussion has been closed.