The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    Aknf2001 wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    @Aknf2001 Why would Android users be upset? They just got an exclusive toon that no Apple user can get?

    I'm upset that something this unfair would happen. I'm an android user and it makes my blood boil that they would do something like this.

    Also a android user, and although I wouldn't go as far that statement, I do agree this seems unfair and that EA/CG should avoid creating these divisions in the playerbase.
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    Aknf2001 wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    Maegor wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    @Aknf2001 Why would Android users be upset? They just got an exclusive toon that no Apple user can get?

    For now. I don't know why so many people believe he will remain Android exclusive forever.

    Dude it's also the fun of the event and all the crystals and credits that come with...

    We only get credits, where did you hear crystals excluding the free pack?

    Spenders got Crystals and training mats as well.

  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    USAmazing wrote: »
    Maegor wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    @Aknf2001 Why would Android users be upset? They just got an exclusive toon that no Apple user can get?

    For now. I don't know why so many people believe he will remain Android exclusive forever.

    Dude it's also the fun of the event and all the crystals and credits that come with...

    I agree that missing the credits and crystals hurts. That's really the only thing I'm upset about right now. Now, considering my previous statement, if K2 takes longer than 2 months to become farmable, and I mean farmable outside of chromiums, I will be upset. If he becomes chromium only, I will also be upset.
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    Tannjam wrote: »
    Aknf2001 wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    Maegor wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    @Aknf2001 Why would Android users be upset? They just got an exclusive toon that no Apple user can get?

    For now. I don't know why so many people believe he will remain Android exclusive forever.

    Dude it's also the fun of the event and all the crystals and credits that come with...

    We only get credits, where did you hear crystals excluding the free pack?

    Spenders got Crystals and training mats as well.

    There you go. Spenders can be on any OS.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Aknf2001 wrote: »
    Tannjam wrote: »
    Aknf2001 wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    Maegor wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    @Aknf2001 Why would Android users be upset? They just got an exclusive toon that no Apple user can get?

    For now. I don't know why so many people believe he will remain Android exclusive forever.

    Dude it's also the fun of the event and all the crystals and credits that come with...

    We only get credits, where did you hear crystals excluding the free pack?

    Spenders got Crystals and training mats as well.

    There you go. Spenders can be on any OS.

    I think you misunderstand. Only Android spenders got those rewards.
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    Maegor wrote: »
    Aknf2001 wrote: »
    Tannjam wrote: »
    Aknf2001 wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    Maegor wrote: »
    USAmazing wrote: »
    @Aknf2001 Why would Android users be upset? They just got an exclusive toon that no Apple user can get?

    For now. I don't know why so many people believe he will remain Android exclusive forever.

    Dude it's also the fun of the event and all the crystals and credits that come with...

    We only get credits, where did you hear crystals excluding the free pack?

    Spenders got Crystals and training mats as well.

    There you go. Spenders can be on any OS.

    I think you misunderstand. Only Android spenders got those rewards.

    You actually get a free pack that disappears after you open one.
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    @Aknf2001 ...
    "You don't want to sell me death sticks... You want to go home and rethink your life. "
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • DarthLucaz
    328 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    DarthLucaz wrote: »

    First and foremost: if you recall when Android first came out there was a bit of controversy over them using the term "droid". Why, you ask? Well the fact is, Lucasarts owns the word droid. What does that have to do with this event in our favorite star wars game in the last ten years? Everything. Everytime you see a commercial for a droid, you are witnessing an exchange of currency. Royalties if you will. It may be as small as $0.01, but every single android user has contributed to this game by way of a Lucasarts trademark. [you can tell your wives who give you grief over this game that they contribute too ;)]. So it goes without saying that google owes something back, for hiding royalties in your phone bill. Hence the three tiered reward packs. The free one for royalty payers, the other two for bigger spenders.

    Note that you are close, but not quite correct. Verizon pays LucasArts/Disney royalties on the Droid name. Google doesn't pay royalties on the Droid name because they don't sell Droid phones, only Verizon does.

    Google makes android, not verizon. Regardless the royalties are paid indirectly by the consumers, neither company takes that hit.
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    I'm on Android, I agree it's unfair; but it's also life, and what happens when Google and not Apple have a promo, or vice versa. As someone wrote, if you don't like it, talk to Apple. Many Xbox/PS4/PC games have particular things that are exclusive, at least for a time, to one version. I don't recall many iOS users complaining in the past at their exclusive events or other promotions, they're only complaining now because it's particularly good for Android.

    That said, I acknowledge the rewards for this are particularly good, and ideally when this is done if the agreement permits it could be announced that e.g. it's a limited-time exclusive and the event will come to iOS in the future or something (as I think was eventually announced re a prior originally iOS-only event, I think with Ewoks? Or am I mistaken?).

    Also, it's kind of a small stress when at first people don't realize it's Android only thinking there was a problem with their game or an update or something, if there were a limited period of exclusivity then at least there could be an announcement pushed to iOS about the upcoming Jedha event and how there's an Android exclusive right now but it will come to iOS in future (if, in fact, that is the case).
  • StarSon
    7531 posts Member
    DarthLucaz wrote: »
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    DarthLucaz wrote: »

    First and foremost: if you recall when Android first came out there was a bit of controversy over them using the term "droid". Why, you ask? Well the fact is, Lucasarts owns the word droid. What does that have to do with this event in our favorite star wars game in the last ten years? Everything. Everytime you see a commercial for a droid, you are witnessing an exchange of currency. Royalties if you will. It may be as small as $0.01, but every single android user has contributed to this game by way of a Lucasarts trademark. [you can tell your wives who give you grief over this game that they contribute too ;)]. So it goes without saying that google owes something back, for hiding royalties in your phone bill. Hence the three tiered reward packs. The free one for royalty payers, the other two for bigger spenders.

    Note that you are close, but not quite correct. Verizon pays LucasArts/Disney royalties on the Droid name. Google doesn't pay royalties on the Droid name because they don't sell Droid phones, only Verizon does.

    Google makes android, not verizon. Regardless the royalties are paid indirectly by the consumers, neither company takes that hit.

    Yes, but a Droid is a very specifically branded phone, sold by Verizon, made by Motorola:

    So, the controversy, and the hit, were because of the use of the actual word "Droid" not the shortening of the word "Android."
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    K-S20 is FaF!

    Problem lies with Apple, not EA/CG :/

    And who's to say IOS won't be the ones getting Cassian Andor?
  • StarSon
    7531 posts Member
    K-S20 is FaF!

    Problem lies with Apple, not EA/CG :/

    And who's to say IOS won't be the ones getting Cassian Andor?

    The datamine shows Cassian as a tournament reward.
    2761 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    K-S20 is FaF!

    Problem lies with Apple, not EA/CG :/

    And who's to say IOS won't be the ones getting Cassian Andor?

    The datamine shows Cassian as a tournament reward.

    Did we see the same datamine? The one I read didn't . .
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • DarthLucaz
    328 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    StarSon wrote: »
    DarthLucaz wrote: »
    RegnadKcin wrote: »
    DarthLucaz wrote: »

    First and foremost: if you recall when Android first came out there was a bit of controversy over them using the term "droid". Why, you ask? Well the fact is, Lucasarts owns the word droid. What does that have to do with this event in our favorite star wars game in the last ten years? Everything. Everytime you see a commercial for a droid, you are witnessing an exchange of currency. Royalties if you will. It may be as small as $0.01, but every single android user has contributed to this game by way of a Lucasarts trademark. [you can tell your wives who give you grief over this game that they contribute too ;)]. So it goes without saying that google owes something back, for hiding royalties in your phone bill. Hence the three tiered reward packs. The free one for royalty payers, the other two for bigger spenders.

    Note that you are close, but not quite correct. Verizon pays LucasArts/Disney royalties on the Droid name. Google doesn't pay royalties on the Droid name because they don't sell Droid phones, only Verizon does.

    Google makes android, not verizon. Regardless the royalties are paid indirectly by the consumers, neither company takes that hit.

    Yes, but a Droid is a very specifically branded phone, sold by Verizon, made by Motorola:

    So, the controversy, and the hit, were because of the use of the actual word "Droid" not the shortening of the word "Android."

    Right, but the marketing campaign used the term Droid, not android and that is where most of the royalties were necessitated. They used the terms interchagably and thats why the "controversy" started. I'm assuming as it was Google's foray into the smartphone world and they paid the marketing costs, which in turn means they paid the royalties, which they charged to motorola, to verizon, then to verizon customers. So since I'm on At&t and ios none of that is reflected on my monies :)

    Edit: you are right. Verizon pays for the licensing not Google and i was under the impression that the Android line was a side-line of Motorola. Its not they are just both owned by google.
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    Does anyone have his new leader ability and just how awesome is it?
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    DarthLucaz wrote: »
    First and foremost: if you recall when Android first came out there was a bit of controversy over them using the term "droid". Why, you ask? Well the fact is, Lucasarts owns the word droid. What does that have to do with this event in our favorite star wars game in the last ten years? Everything. Everytime you see a commercial for a droid, you are witnessing an exchange of currency. Royalties if you will. It may be as small as $0.01, but every single android user has contributed to this game by way of a Lucasarts trademark.

    Really need to correct you there: the word 'Android' predates 'Droid' and not the other way round - in fact, the latter was derived from the former.

    The only copyright/royalties thing that did happen was Motorola's use of the word Droid as the literal name of some of their phone models - in fact they publicly declared that they did so.
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    OP at worst
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    Skykrak of TeamSkunk uses his lead.
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
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    Here is my take.

    Watching half my guild get presents and a new character that will soon be 7*, knowing I am not a part of it, is annoying.

    You feel left out. No longer part of the community. An outcast.

    I will now go to a corner. I'll sit there, alone. I'll be loooking up and around at everything and everyone, hoping they will see me and get me involved again. But they never come. I am still alone. Still left out. In the cold. Looking sad.

    The fact it's the festive period only increases the difficulty I face. I know there are people out there with terminal illnesses that have to die in hospital as they can't afford a nurse to let them be home. I know there are humans who will go to sleep tonight, outside, without haven eaten today. I know there are people who are dodging bombs and bullets whilst carrying their children in war torn countries. My plight is surely no lesser than theirs.

    Please, somebody think of me at this stressful time.
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    All anyone with iOS can do I not put money into the game. Nobody hears the complaints of iOS users right now. If you want a voice, use your wallet. Money is obviously the only thing they hear. It's great that Android users are getting rewards, but this promo is adversely affecting the rest. With everything in the game being such a grind to achieve, I think we can all appreciate a good gift. The problem here is simply the massive amount or rewards one party is receiving while the other gets NOTHING. Not even a little courtesy gift to keep player moral. Now I won't go as far as to say I'm quitting, I do enjoy the gameplay. But I cannot spend money on a game while others are simply being given what I must buy. That's insanity
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    My last post was of course tounge in cheek. But the reality is that people here are getting passionately upset about something free on a phone game.

    If only that passion could be turned to climate change, poverty, hunger, universal heath care, ending wars, ending Trump...........

    Who knows what we could achieve as a species?

    But that won't happen. Someone missed out on a phone game freebie and hell will freeze over before they stop being upset by it.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Mhmacleod wrote: »
    DarthLucaz wrote: »
    First and foremost: if you recall when Android first came out there was a bit of controversy over them using the term "droid". Why, you ask? Well the fact is, Lucasarts owns the word droid. What does that have to do with this event in our favorite star wars game in the last ten years? Everything. Everytime you see a commercial for a droid, you are witnessing an exchange of currency. Royalties if you will. It may be as small as $0.01, but every single android user has contributed to this game by way of a Lucasarts trademark.

    Really need to correct you there: the word 'Android' predates 'Droid' and not the other way round - in fact, the latter was derived from the former.

    The only copyright/royalties thing that did happen was Motorola's use of the word Droid as the literal name of some of their phone models - in fact they publicly declared that they did so.

    Correct. Lucas owns the word droid. Google (now Alphabet) owns the word Android.
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    I have been corrected on the difference between Droid and Android. My confusion came from the fact that Google owns both, and had been under the impression the were on the same product line. And the first android commercials. Ty for correcting me.
  • John_Matrix1985
    2276 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Skykrak would have +20 speed on the opposition for each if his toons... just saying.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    DarthLucaz wrote: »
    I have been corrected on the difference between Droid and Android. My confusion came from the fact that Google owns both, and had been under the impression the were on the same product line. And the first android commercials. Ty for correcting me.

    Google (Alphabet) doesn't own both. LucasFilms, and by extension The Walt Disney Company, owns droid. Alphabet owns Android.
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    I'm not super impressed just by watching videos of it in action. First off, it sucks if you don't have Kenobi in the lineup. Second, all the buffs just feed tm to Baze, who then makes it easy for other characters to go to work

    Also, the mega assist attack from Kenobi was a little disappointing. The jedi hit softly and I watched it fail to bring Wedge below green health. No personal experience here though.
    Willis Mcgahee of the Mighty Chlorians ~
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    I don't understand why the developers aren't addressing this? Why are we left to argue and speculate?
  • StarSon
    7531 posts Member
    I don't understand why the developers aren't addressing this? Why are we left to argue and speculate?

    They did address it. They said "Yep, K-2SO is a Google exclusive character."
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    Nightlores wrote: »
    Thats not the issue right. Those who spend more should get more. Thats how a F2P game works. But don't exclude a part of your player base.
    So you mean android users are spending more than iOS users??

    Are you confused?
This discussion has been closed.