Nute Nuances Megathread (All things Nute)


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    Lol if you spent thousands on this game and still can't get top rewards even with this strategy available there is something really wrong with the way you play and spent that money. It's one phase so it dies nothing to let ftp take top rewards over guys who have huge rosters.

    lol!!! that's exactly what i've been saying!!!
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....

    yup, so sad... honestly, i wouldn't want to cross paths w/ this player. you know those people in the movies who would burn their own grandmothers, if not their own mothers, to get whatever they want? i think i just saw where they got the concept...

    Maybe thousands are no big deal to that dude. Spenders large and small keep the servers up and the devs building new content. They are the reason we have a game to play.

    As are ftp players, you know, the player base that gives the whales ( the minority ) a reason to spend
  • tmntguy86
    447 posts Member
    I had to retreat a handful of times to get the run I did. It took work. And modding correctly.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    Their priorities don't seem to be in line with what the community is asking for, which is very odd to me. I was banking on the Tarkin rework to update my Vader lead in arena, but from the looks of it that is going to be another disappointment.
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    Just as the title suggests, this is aimed at the developers and this thread will most likely get taken down but it still needs to be said. Why is this Nute Jawa squad getting "fixed" this quickly when all of those abilities have been in the game for months. We all know it's a nerf at this point and there is absolutely no reason to nerf them. The mechanic isn't breaking anything, it's WAI based on what the description says it will do, and you are being petty because somebody yesterday figured out a way to use the mechanics you made for this game to play the game. Somebody figured out that Nute can make Jawas deal a lot of damage to only half of the Tank Raid, and they are already being nerfed because you failed to stress test every character in this game in every part of this game. This is unwarranted and unprecedented. There is no reason to do so and we all know it. If you are nerfing Nute and the Jawas then you better nerf Teebo in the Rancor Raid. You better nerf Zylo in the tank raid and you better start nerfing these squads the can solo entire phases of both raids because it is unfair to nerf one and none of the others. This "unintended behavior" is also applicable to so many other squads so you've got a lot of nerve to pull this so fast. At least you didn't wait until people farmed them up to nerf them, so thank you for that at least. Get to nerfing guys.

    You can put the games key game mode on auto and solo it, of course they were not going to let that fly.

    For 2 out of 4 of the raid phases and even then you have to rely on RNG to get results. Plus to top it all off, nothing about what they could do was broken or mislabeled like Zarris and Zader, it was WAI but the devs didn't like how well it was working so they decided to nerf the already terrible toon back into the graveyard.

    You could Solo a whole phase of the games key mode with the game on auto. We all know that's not WAI.

    So Teebo isn't WAI then? That's been around for about a year now right. He's able to solo **** near the entire raid, and now that Jyn is available, the Rancor Raid is 100% able to be fully autoed. This latest "fix" stopped people from being able to do only 2 of the 4 phases of the raid, and not even the hardest phases of the raid either.

    You couldn't put Teebo on auto.

    What are you going to do if this stays as is? You'll put it on auto and go back to having nothing to play but a few arena battles and Galactic war. Look at the big picture. If you want the game to still exist they have to have is actively playing it.

    I still have to worry about the hardest half the raid you ****. How is that so lost with you. This was an option to beat the two easiest phases of the raid. You still have to worry about GG in phase 1, and the army of Droids in phase 3. They changed it for absolutely no reason. And yes Teebo can still auto the Rancor raid, and with Bistan and Jyn the Rancor will never have a turn with Teebo

    Name calling? Classy.

    We all know this isn't WAI.

    Who is "we" here? Nearly 80% of the playerbase voted and said that they didn't need a nerf. You are in the minority here by a lot. It was working as intended because they were the ones that changed the ability in the first place to give 50% TM. They knew that it would do that when they released R2 but they didn't do a thing about it until Fugo discovered it and went public with the info.

    Just because you want it doesn't mean it's WAI. We all knew as soon as the video came out that this wasn't going to last.

    If you care about having new content in this game 6 months from now this has to be fixed.

    As an aside, I didn't realize you speak for 80% of the player base.

    Who do you think you are? If you can speak for all of "we" I can certainly speak for the 80% of the playerbase that share my view. You're starting to go off on a tangent here with the 6 months garbage, so let's try and stick to the topic, ok buddy. I didn't want Nute because he wasn't up long enough for me to be able to want him. From the videos I watched it was 100% WAI and the devs were the ones who changed his leader ability in the first place so of course it was WAI, they made it that way.

    You watched that video and thought "wow that's cool, the devs definitely aren't going to nerf this"?

    No because I actually realized what the guy did and looked into it. Funny thing when you realize how game mechanics work like that. Also no because they re made Nute's leader ability when they released R2 so they knew full and well what it would do on the tank raid, and they had plenty of time to have at least one beta tester use this leader ability in the Tank raid
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    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Lol if you spent thousands on this game and still can't get top rewards even with this strategy available there is something really wrong with the way you play and spent that money. It's one phase so it dies nothing to let ftp take top rewards over guys who have huge rosters.

    lol!!! that's exactly what i've been saying!!!
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....

    yup, so sad... honestly, i wouldn't want to cross paths w/ this player. you know those people in the movies who would burn their own grandmothers, if not their own mothers, to get whatever they want? i think i just saw where they got the concept...

    Maybe thousands are no big deal to that dude. Spenders large and small keep the servers up and the devs building new content. They are the reason we have a game to play.

    Be Careful here with these comments... Logic is not welcome here

    :D Can't believe there are so many people mad that they can't just give us all god mode in the tank raid.
  • BSwoody87
    149 posts Member
    Lol if you spent thousands on this game and still can't get top rewards even with this strategy available there is something really wrong with the way you play and spent that money. It's one phase so it dies nothing to let ftp take top rewards over guys who have huge rosters.

    lol!!! that's exactly what i've been saying!!!
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....

    yup, so sad... honestly, i wouldn't want to cross paths w/ this player. you know those people in the movies who would burn their own grandmothers, if not their own mothers, to get whatever they want? i think i just saw where they got the concept...

    Maybe thousands are no big deal to that dude. Spenders large and small keep the servers up and the devs building new content. They are the reason we have a game to play.

    As are ftp players, you know, the player base that gives the whales ( the minority ) a reason to spend

    Whales shouldn't even be able to compete with ftp players or players who've spent less than $100 on this game. Put them all on a different server.
  • Bobby777
    614 posts Member
    Why am I not surprised? So typical of them.
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    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Lol if you spent thousands on this game and still can't get top rewards even with this strategy available there is something really wrong with the way you play and spent that money. It's one phase so it dies nothing to let ftp take top rewards over guys who have huge rosters.

    Who ever claimed to stop getting top rewards? I didn't. I can go mindless Nute team myself and still stay right with everyone else. It's the principle

    You said it in the first post.
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Another who cannot read... where did I say I was not getting top rewards?? I was thanking EA for protecting and honoring what many have worked hard at.
  • aclbosox
    132 posts Member
    Lol if you spent thousands on this game and still can't get top rewards even with this strategy available there is something really wrong with the way you play and spent that money. It's one phase so it dies nothing to let ftp take top rewards over guys who have huge rosters.

    lol!!! that's exactly what i've been saying!!!
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....

    yup, so sad... honestly, i wouldn't want to cross paths w/ this player. you know those people in the movies who would burn their own grandmothers, if not their own mothers, to get whatever they want? i think i just saw where they got the concept...

    I don't understand why people hate whales. Most, if not all, that I know are actually very smart people and more importantly, very helpful to F2P's. The only reason we get new content is because of them. There's no ads in this game which is the only other way they could make money to fund this game. I for one am super glad they don't need to go this route. This game has been INCREDIBLY kind to F2P, it's all a matter of perspective and ditching this pervasive sense of entitlement that has plagued these forums for quite some time now. I know this isn't a popular opinion in these parts, so I'm gonna make like Old Ben and go back into hiding.
    ΔCŁBØSØX | Discord: aclbosox#8982
  • Bobby777
    614 posts Member
    Allenb60 wrote: »
    Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't they do something to nerf Palpatine during P3?

    Woah woah no need to give any ideas out.
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    This will cost EA credibility & respect from, I'm gonna guess, a large portion of players.
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    Just as the title suggests, this is aimed at the developers and this thread will most likely get taken down but it still needs to be said. Why is this Nute Jawa squad getting "fixed" this quickly when all of those abilities have been in the game for months. We all know it's a nerf at this point and there is absolutely no reason to nerf them. The mechanic isn't breaking anything, it's WAI based on what the description says it will do, and you are being petty because somebody yesterday figured out a way to use the mechanics you made for this game to play the game. Somebody figured out that Nute can make Jawas deal a lot of damage to only half of the Tank Raid, and they are already being nerfed because you failed to stress test every character in this game in every part of this game. This is unwarranted and unprecedented. There is no reason to do so and we all know it. If you are nerfing Nute and the Jawas then you better nerf Teebo in the Rancor Raid. You better nerf Zylo in the tank raid and you better start nerfing these squads the can solo entire phases of both raids because it is unfair to nerf one and none of the others. This "unintended behavior" is also applicable to so many other squads so you've got a lot of nerve to pull this so fast. At least you didn't wait until people farmed them up to nerf them, so thank you for that at least. Get to nerfing guys.

    You can put the games key game mode on auto and solo it, of course they were not going to let that fly.

    For 2 out of 4 of the raid phases and even then you have to rely on RNG to get results. Plus to top it all off, nothing about what they could do was broken or mislabeled like Zarris and Zader, it was WAI but the devs didn't like how well it was working so they decided to nerf the already terrible toon back into the graveyard.

    You could Solo a whole phase of the games key mode with the game on auto. We all know that's not WAI.

    So Teebo isn't WAI then? That's been around for about a year now right. He's able to solo **** near the entire raid, and now that Jyn is available, the Rancor Raid is 100% able to be fully autoed. This latest "fix" stopped people from being able to do only 2 of the 4 phases of the raid, and not even the hardest phases of the raid either.

    You couldn't put Teebo on auto.

    What are you going to do if this stays as is? You'll put it on auto and go back to having nothing to play but a few arena battles and Galactic war. Look at the big picture. If you want the game to still exist they have to have is actively playing it.

    I still have to worry about the hardest half the raid you ****. How is that so lost with you. This was an option to beat the two easiest phases of the raid. You still have to worry about GG in phase 1, and the army of Droids in phase 3. They changed it for absolutely no reason. And yes Teebo can still auto the Rancor raid, and with Bistan and Jyn the Rancor will never have a turn with Teebo

    Name calling? Classy.

    We all know this isn't WAI.

    Who is "we" here? Nearly 80% of the playerbase voted and said that they didn't need a nerf. You are in the minority here by a lot. It was working as intended because they were the ones that changed the ability in the first place to give 50% TM. They knew that it would do that when they released R2 but they didn't do a thing about it until Fugo discovered it and went public with the info.

    Just because you want it doesn't mean it's WAI. We all knew as soon as the video came out that this wasn't going to last.

    If you care about having new content in this game 6 months from now this has to be fixed.

    As an aside, I didn't realize you speak for 80% of the player base.

    Who do you think you are? If you can speak for all of "we" I can certainly speak for the 80% of the playerbase that share my view. You're starting to go off on a tangent here with the 6 months garbage, so let's try and stick to the topic, ok buddy. I didn't want Nute because he wasn't up long enough for me to be able to want him. From the videos I watched it was 100% WAI and the devs were the ones who changed his leader ability in the first place so of course it was WAI, they made it that way.

    You watched that video and thought "wow that's cool, the devs definitely aren't going to nerf this"?

    No because I actually realized what the guy did and looked into it. Funny thing when you realize how game mechanics work like that. Also no because they re made Nute's leader ability when they released R2 so they knew full and well what it would do on the tank raid, and they had plenty of time to have at least one beta tester use this leader ability in the Tank raid

    Being a software tester is tough. It's easy to miss one edge case like using Nute and 2 random Jawas in the tank raid.

    They can't give us all cheat codes to the tank raid. It was cool to see it happen and kudos to the guy who figured it out.
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    aclbosox wrote: »
    Lol if you spent thousands on this game and still can't get top rewards even with this strategy available there is something really wrong with the way you play and spent that money. It's one phase so it dies nothing to let ftp take top rewards over guys who have huge rosters.

    lol!!! that's exactly what i've been saying!!!
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....

    yup, so sad... honestly, i wouldn't want to cross paths w/ this player. you know those people in the movies who would burn their own grandmothers, if not their own mothers, to get whatever they want? i think i just saw where they got the concept...

    I don't understand why people hate whales. Most, if not all, that I know are actually very smart people and more importantly, very helpful to F2P's. The only reason we get new content is because of them. There's no ads in this game which is the only other way they could make money to fund this game. I for one am super glad they don't need to go this route. This game has been INCREDIBLY kind to F2P, it's all a matter of perspective and ditching this pervasive sense of entitlement that has plagued these forums for quite some time now. I know this isn't a popular opinion in these parts, so I'm gonna make like Old Ben and go back into hiding.

    Yes... away with your common sense and good reason.
  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Lol... you guys crack me up. You really think this was fair? You really have lost your minds...

    Not about being fair. It was working as intended based on the toons collective mechanics AND it was completely RNG dependant, even more so than Zylo. So if someone spent thousands and feels jilted because three toons can do what their 8k squad can do, too bad. It's called being a creative gamer.
    Nice post.
  • Tatebomb
    797 posts Member
    Is it just me or is it laughably hypocritical in every sense? Guildmates working together to beat it? Let's put aside the fact that this raid ripped a bunch of guilds apart but seriously p1 and 4 could be soloed already. And zylo is not even a p2p character.

    I have a 7 star Kenobi so I don't have a horse in this race but was it so bad to throw the guilds that honestly have little chance of ever beating this raid a bone? Guilds that can already beat it have it on farm anyway. How about make some new content instead of worrying about a 7 month old raid getting beaten easier.
  • Options
    Just as the title suggests, this is aimed at the developers and this thread will most likely get taken down but it still needs to be said. Why is this Nute Jawa squad getting "fixed" this quickly when all of those abilities have been in the game for months. We all know it's a nerf at this point and there is absolutely no reason to nerf them. The mechanic isn't breaking anything, it's WAI based on what the description says it will do, and you are being petty because somebody yesterday figured out a way to use the mechanics you made for this game to play the game. Somebody figured out that Nute can make Jawas deal a lot of damage to only half of the Tank Raid, and they are already being nerfed because you failed to stress test every character in this game in every part of this game. This is unwarranted and unprecedented. There is no reason to do so and we all know it. If you are nerfing Nute and the Jawas then you better nerf Teebo in the Rancor Raid. You better nerf Zylo in the tank raid and you better start nerfing these squads the can solo entire phases of both raids because it is unfair to nerf one and none of the others. This "unintended behavior" is also applicable to so many other squads so you've got a lot of nerve to pull this so fast. At least you didn't wait until people farmed them up to nerf them, so thank you for that at least. Get to nerfing guys.

    You can put the games key game mode on auto and solo it, of course they were not going to let that fly.

    For 2 out of 4 of the raid phases and even then you have to rely on RNG to get results. Plus to top it all off, nothing about what they could do was broken or mislabeled like Zarris and Zader, it was WAI but the devs didn't like how well it was working so they decided to nerf the already terrible toon back into the graveyard.

    You could Solo a whole phase of the games key mode with the game on auto. We all know that's not WAI.

    So Teebo isn't WAI then? That's been around for about a year now right. He's able to solo **** near the entire raid, and now that Jyn is available, the Rancor Raid is 100% able to be fully autoed. This latest "fix" stopped people from being able to do only 2 of the 4 phases of the raid, and not even the hardest phases of the raid either.

    You couldn't put Teebo on auto.

    What are you going to do if this stays as is? You'll put it on auto and go back to having nothing to play but a few arena battles and Galactic war. Look at the big picture. If you want the game to still exist they have to have is actively playing it.

    I still have to worry about the hardest half the raid you ****. How is that so lost with you. This was an option to beat the two easiest phases of the raid. You still have to worry about GG in phase 1, and the army of Droids in phase 3. They changed it for absolutely no reason. And yes Teebo can still auto the Rancor raid, and with Bistan and Jyn the Rancor will never have a turn with Teebo

    Name calling? Classy.

    We all know this isn't WAI.

    Who is "we" here? Nearly 80% of the playerbase voted and said that they didn't need a nerf. You are in the minority here by a lot. It was working as intended because they were the ones that changed the ability in the first place to give 50% TM. They knew that it would do that when they released R2 but they didn't do a thing about it until Fugo discovered it and went public with the info.

    Just because you want it doesn't mean it's WAI. We all knew as soon as the video came out that this wasn't going to last.

    If you care about having new content in this game 6 months from now this has to be fixed.

    As an aside, I didn't realize you speak for 80% of the player base.

    Who do you think you are? If you can speak for all of "we" I can certainly speak for the 80% of the playerbase that share my view. You're starting to go off on a tangent here with the 6 months garbage, so let's try and stick to the topic, ok buddy. I didn't want Nute because he wasn't up long enough for me to be able to want him. From the videos I watched it was 100% WAI and the devs were the ones who changed his leader ability in the first place so of course it was WAI, they made it that way.

    You watched that video and thought "wow that's cool, the devs definitely aren't going to nerf this"?

    No because I actually realized what the guy did and looked into it. Funny thing when you realize how game mechanics work like that. Also no because they re made Nute's leader ability when they released R2 so they knew full and well what it would do on the tank raid, and they had plenty of time to have at least one beta tester use this leader ability in the Tank raid

    Being a software tester is tough. It's easy to miss one edge case like using Nute and 2 random Jawas in the tank raid.

    They can't give us all cheat codes to the tank raid. It was cool to see it happen and kudos to the guy who figured it out.

    It's not software testing. This could have been completely avoided it they just told one of their workers to use a Nute Lead in every part of the game and to try out different squad comps. They would have had a head start on Lugo and would have been able to "fix" it before Lugo ever even thought about looking for it.
  • CleverWes
    648 posts Member
    Mullato wrote: »
    ABNRAS wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    How is 1 player using 1 character to clear a phase of the Raid meeting the intent of "work together as a guild to overcome normally insurmountable foes."
    Yet this team that can only solo (haven't seen proof that it can solo p2) the final phase, which you have to work together to get there, doesn't meet the intent?

    Yeah I don't like the phrasing for the nerf at all. I'm sure most of the forum expected the devs to respond with a nerf or some alteration to prevent the jawa loop. Clones and Zylo aside, Wonder if Resistance is going to get a nerf too since they can dish out huge damage in P2 and P4 since the recent change.

    It's simple - can you put the game's key feature on auto and Solo it?

    If yes it will be nerfed (Nutinni, Broken Zader)

    If no, it won't be a priority (Teebo, Clones, Resistance)

    Oh, is that the litmus test?

    It's a mobile game they have to have 2 things - some portion of people spending money and the users engaged while in app to keep the game up and running.

    Why are you defending this like your life depends on it?

    Ok bro, we get it. You agree with the devs.

    Because they can't have us putting the main game mode on auto. They made the right decision.

    Is it the main game mode? I always saw arena as the main game mode. That's where people want to use General Kenobi. How about they fix the bugs that affect that in a timely manner?
  • Ouchie
    1233 posts Member
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    Krynn007 wrote: »
    People always come back to the argument "whales keep the game going" that's half true. They do.
    F2p players also help keep the game going. When you rate a game who would you think the majority of players are rating? I'd say out of 100k positive reviews there isn't that many all spending money. The Majority would be free to play. Thus giving the game a good review means it'll attract new players.

    Stop getting butt hurt. So what. You spent hundreds or thousands of dollars to lvl up some digital characters (which btw you'll have absolutely nothing to show for when they shut down their servers) and now someone was able to find a way using the tools provide by the devs to do some of it in a fashion that helps many other players and guilds? Without the need to spend money.

    Give me a break. If this bothers people, then that's pretty sad. Guess the saying is true, money really doesn't buy happiness

    They say it because non-spending users don't pay people's salaries or to keep the games servers up and running.
  • Ouchie
    1233 posts Member
    I just can't believe this team is so alarming to them that they will spend time during the anniversary week with all the "awesome" stuff coming out (new game mode, event, toons etc) to "fix" this.

  • Broulan
    374 posts Member
    sL_Spinoza wrote: »
    nite0wl29 wrote: »
    Oh please...sure money can buy the best teams but obviously money doesn't buy brains. It took a very clever and creative gamer to come up with this "trash squad". If you have that much money to throw away, how exactly does this effect YOUR gaming experience? You're still probably getting the best rewards, right? You must be ranking top 5 in arena, right? But this ruffles your feathers because someone got creative and didn't spend a ton of cash on this squad? What exactly does this hurt: your ego?

    How would you use your brain with this team? I ask because if you push the auto button you need much of your brain I'll be worried about you.

    I'm 100% F2P, applaud, and applaud those who created the team, was brilliant, he have perceived it.

    It is exactly for use the brain that I asked to correct this problem, ok the one who found out the team used the brain and then any noob who does not know how to deal with resource management could solo a whole level of HAAT. Any one without the need to invest in gear, zeta, mods and strategy could make 9m.

    If you think that I don't use the brain to look at the my topics, you will see that I have already created a team that many people use today.

    It took brain power to think up the comp. It doesn't take brain power to gear and zeta kylo according to YouTube and press the buttons YouTube tells you to press. Congrats to you for thinking up a team comp, but there are plenty calling for a nerf who just pull out their credit card and follow the mob.
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    Agree 100%
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    tmntguy86 wrote: »
    Hmmmmm.... I think I just had a comment deleted from here. Didn't think I had violated anything. I was trying to edit the wording and now it's gone

    I didn't delete anything so it might be in your drafts then or it may not have saved. Happened to me earlier today.

    Had a few of my posts disappear into the void when I edited them right after posting it. (Some message about being sent for approval) Never saw them again.

    And if you don't mind, let me get back to the main topic again. I would like to thank the Devs for the quick decision and announcement so that people do not start a mad rush for Nute farming. If they had let this continue for long, players would assume this is WAI and invest precious resources into setting up this team which would subsequently be nerfed/fixed. There would be a lot more backlash.
    Post edited by Mageduckey on
  • BSwoody87
    149 posts Member
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    aclbosox wrote: »
    Lol if you spent thousands on this game and still can't get top rewards even with this strategy available there is something really wrong with the way you play and spent that money. It's one phase so it dies nothing to let ftp take top rewards over guys who have huge rosters.

    lol!!! that's exactly what i've been saying!!!
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....

    yup, so sad... honestly, i wouldn't want to cross paths w/ this player. you know those people in the movies who would burn their own grandmothers, if not their own mothers, to get whatever they want? i think i just saw where they got the concept...

    I don't understand why people hate whales. Most, if not all, that I know are actually very smart people and more importantly, very helpful to F2P's. The only reason we get new content is because of them. There's no ads in this game which is the only other way they could make money to fund this game. I for one am super glad they don't need to go this route. This game has been INCREDIBLY kind to F2P, it's all a matter of perspective and ditching this pervasive sense of entitlement that has plagued these forums for quite some time now. I know this isn't a popular opinion in these parts, so I'm gonna make like Old Ben and go back into hiding.

    Yes... away with your common sense and good reason.

    This post is ironic. If you had any common sense or good reason you wouldn't be WASTING cash away on little pixels that will be irrelevant within a few years. I don't care how much excess cash you have. If you're spending it on garbage like this, you're a small person.
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    @CG_Kozispoon , Just read your post about unintended behavior. The words that caught my attention are "work together as a guild to overcome normally insurmountable odds". If that is the intended behavior, then it is pretty clear that Nute, a zeta'd Cody and zKylo and the new 'expose' are among toons / actions that are not behaving as you have intended in the raid. These can do large amounts of damage in phases.. above normal limits and circumvent the 'work together as a guild' statement.

    I truly hope that your concern is over the function of the raid, not the fact that another team, that is easy to farm for a F2P player, is highly viable for the HAAT raid. And if your concern is over function and intended behavior, then I hope you look at all teams that can do damage large amounts of damage and prevent the entire guild from working together.

    If you do the math behind the process, it is still highly RNG dependent (depending on base assumptions of damage, the chance that you solo a raid is 0.15%) because Datcha will come out of stealth at some point (there is about a 2.6% chance of that, which over the number of attacks you need to do, provides the near certainty stealth will break several times). It takes a lot of work to set up the team right in HAAT. It's certainly harder than using zKylo to solo P1.

    All I am saying is that if this is considered an issue then other teams and methods that produce 'significant damage' should be treated the same.

    First of all false dichotomy.

    Second, if you care about them being able to build us new content, this has to be fixed.

    Maybe I'm dense. Please explain how this is a false dichotomy. Kozi clearly said, "...this most recent discovery disrupts our intent for the Tank Takedown Raid, which is to work together as a guild to overcome normally insurmountable foes."
  • Bobby777
    614 posts Member
    If only the actual bugs got fixed in a quick manner :lol:
  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    For the record: What people choose to spend their money on is entirely their own choice. Some can think spending $10000s on a car is ridiculous, as is buying an expensive home, watch, jewelry, song, game or the like. Spend money on the things you enjoy. Life is short.

    However, creative and clever players being punished for their innovations? Disagree.
    nite0wl29 wrote: »
    Oh please...sure money can buy the best teams but obviously money doesn't buy brains. It took a very clever and creative gamer to come up with this "trash squad". If you have that much money to throw away, how exactly does this effect YOUR gaming experience? You're still probably getting the best rewards, right? You must be ranking top 5 in arena, right? But this ruffles your feathers because someone got creative and didn't spend a ton of cash on this squad? What exactly does this hurt: your ego?
    Good post.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Wow. This sums it up!
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • JediGhost117
    1756 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Huatimus wrote: »
    tmntguy86 wrote: »
    Hmmmmm.... I think I just had a comment deleted from here. Didn't think I had violated anything. I was trying to edit the wording and now it's gone

    I didn't delete anything so it might be in your drafts then or it may not have saved. Happened to me earlier today.

    Had a few of my posts disappear into the void when I edited them right after posting it. (Some message about being sent for approval) Never saw them again.

    And if you don't mind, let me get back to the main topic again. I would like to thank the Devs for the quick decision and announcement so that people do not start a mad rush for Nute farming. If they had let this continue for long, players would assume this is WAI and invest precious resources into setting up this team which would subsequently be nerfed/fixed. There would be a lot more backlash.

    But it was WAI, that's the primary issue. They designed Nute's leader ability to be changed from 30% TM to 50% around the same time R2 was released. They knew that Nute lead would give 50% TM. They knew that the Jawas could keep assisting each other because that how Jawa compositions play overall. The fact that they didn't see this combination is ludicrous. They designed Nute's leader and had weeks to test it out, but only once Lugo found it did they decide to "fix" it.
    Post edited by Mageduckey on
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