5/23/2017 Update *MEGATHREAD*


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    I'm all for new events but I just don't understand the reasoning behind it only being open for limited times during the day. Why do this instead of making it open all day?

    To keep you logged in and spending at times you generally aren't.

  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    I'm all for new events but I just don't understand the reasoning behind it only being open for limited times during the day. Why do this instead of making it open all day?

    To get people fired because they playing a game during work hours.
  • Peperlu
    125 posts Member
    I'm waiting to see for how long it's gonna be up, but I find this pretty stupid too! ALL EVENTS should be 24h minimum so everyone gets a chance to play it, otherwise it's just giving an edge to those who aren't working or who have a somewhat easy job that allows them to play anyway... And if it lasts only a few hours, an event starting at 11am is pretty weird and a big fail...
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Peperlu wrote: »
    I'm waiting to see for how long it's gonna be up, but I find this pretty **** too! ALL EVENTS should be 24h minimum so everyone gets a chance to play it, otherwise it's just giving an edge to those who aren't working or who have a somewhat easy job that allows them to play anyway... And if it lasts only a few hours, an event starting at 11am is pretty weird and a big fail...

    It takes, what, 5 min at most to play a tier or this event? Just take a break at work. Go use the bathroom.
  • rawman
    685 posts Member
    Nightlores wrote: »
    To get people fired because they playing a game during work hours.
    Actually I already see me take a break from a meeting for "going to toilet" at some point :D
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    I agree with OP. The event should be playable four times with a 3 hour window between each time you play (same method as the gear challenges).

    It's not about the time it takes to complete. For me, the event opened at 6 am (because I moved and my game has a different timezone). Then it opened again at 9 am. I wasn't awake any of the two times, and wouldn't plan on waking up just to complete the event. I like the idea of flash events, but not this fixed schedule.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Peperlu wrote: »
    I'm waiting to see for how long it's gonna be up, but I find this pretty **** too! ALL EVENTS should be 24h minimum so everyone gets a chance to play it, otherwise it's just giving an edge to those who aren't working or who have a somewhat easy job that allows them to play anyway... And if it lasts only a few hours, an event starting at 11am is pretty weird and a big fail...

    It takes, what, 5 min at most to play a tier or this event? Just take a break at work. Go use the bathroom.

    Between these events and raids, bonus energy, guild reset in the middle of the day, etc., my coworkers are convinced that I either have a bladder infection or recurring issues with the stomach flu. :D
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Peperlu
    125 posts Member
    I can confirm something for sure...

    1. They alterered the drop rate just to milk us with the shards 3x refreshes
    2. Something is fkd up with their double drops

    Since they made Shoretrooper, Baze, Kreinic and Nihilus available, I farmed them every single day and for each of them, for 3x per day, I regularly got 1 shard, sometimes 2 and VERY RARELY did I get none.

    Ofc this morning, for a total of 15x sims (including a few refreshes), I got a tremendous total of 2 shard (x2 for a total of 4 shards). Yeah sure, EA will blame it on the rng again and again, still weird that half the guild is complaining about it this morning because it's happening to EVERYONE...
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    Hey, everyone knows there was just an empire pass right and that the complete garbageness of it is getting buried under farmboy luke and ahsoka.

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    Any suggestions on how to beat iT? The event characters get decimated in the final tier (not bonus) and I don't know how to beat it?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Hey, everyone knows there was just an empire pass right and that the complete garbageness of it is getting buried under farmboy luke and ahsoka.

    Oh darn - an Empire pass? I blinked. Must have missed it. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • sneeyatch
    518 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    ummm - even though I meet all the requirements, I can only do the first battle?? Am I missing something? Says it's all complete - like the ship challenges do...
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    So wished I had visited the forums first. Didn't know you could only do ONE battle....!!!
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    One question...Why isn't the Fulcrum Ahsoka a member of the Phoenix faction? When I looked at the Wookiepedia page of Phoenix Squadron, it said that, like Hera, Ahsoka is a commanding officer. An idea I just had was that since Hera has a leader ability, possibly due to her rank, Fulcrum could have one too.

    P.S. Another idea I've been having is a special type of synergy between the original Ahsoka, JKA, & Gen. Kenobi. Some new character ideas could be Padmé, Shaak Ti, BB-8, Jango, Adi Gallia, Satine, Ki-Adi Mundi, Aurra Sing, Mother Talzin, Thrawn, and Wicket W. Warwick.

    I literally just created an EA account just to write all this
  • Morpheus
    279 posts Member
    Good thing my tin foil hat is ready
  • Radonis
    504 posts Member
    No real strat just auto and hope RNG falls in your favor if not just keep doing it over and over and over and hope that you can win. Cause i dont have an hour to keep playing before the even goes away so i can just hit auto and hope RNG treats me good. I dunno i like most of the events even the hard ones but give us some kinda of strat.
  • msb14
    301 posts Member
    Or you could have read the description of the event in the game, which clearly states that plays are shared across all tiers...
  • Ultra
    11551 posts Moderator
    msb14 wrote: »
    Or you could have read the description of the event in the game, which clearly states that plays are shared across all tiers...
    I'm trying to play a game not a book!
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    The event will 'flash' again later today I believe. Up to 5 times. Each time you should do a different tier as you get a signiicant reward the first time you clear a tier.

    Anyone just about to battle try the hardest tier first.
  • Ouchie
    1233 posts Member
    One question...Why isn't the Fulcrum Ahsoka a member of the Phoenix faction? When I looked at the Wookiepedia page of Phoenix Squadron, it said that, like Hera, Ahsoka is a commanding officer. An idea I just had was that since Hera has a leader ability, possibly due to her rank, Fulcrum could have one too.

    P.S. Another idea I've been having is a special type of synergy between the original Ahsoka, JKA, & Gen. Kenobi. Some new character ideas could be Padmé, Shaak Ti, BB-8, Jango, Adi Gallia, Satine, Ki-Adi Mundi, Aurra Sing, Mother Talzin, Thrawn, and Wicket W. Warwick.

    I literally just created an EA account just to write all this

    Sorry you did all that only to have it buried in the megathread. Welcome to the forums @Richard_Goodwin
  • Barhebraeus
    620 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    So wished I had visited the forums first. Didn't know you could only do ONE battle....!!!

    Oh boy--here we go again with the whining about only getting to do one battle ... the fact is that EA sent a detailed message to your in-game inbox (the same message that CG_Kozispoon posted in the Updates section of these Forums, in which it is clearly stated that the flash events "only last one to four hours in each instance and repeat several times a day." I don't know how much clearer EA could make this other than sending you a Western Union telegram or dropping leaflets on your head. Suck it up and accept that you made a mistake (*gasp!* -- how un-PC!) and PLEASE stop blaming EA/CG, who (and I'm referring specifically to the devs here) are at this point doing a great job, imo, to freshen up the game and satisfy us Star-Wars-addicted players.
  • Ambassador
    1653 posts Member
    Seeing the title, I thought I finally stumbled on people simply happy to play the game.

    I was wrong. More complaints. It's a wonder the Devs sometimes read and react.

    Guys, this is a gambling game. Except for shipments, it's all a big gambling game, with a thin veneer of strategy (and a healthy dose of ressources management - but good ressources management is all you need on a gambling game).
  • CK_3030
    177 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Listen devs... you have said that we now have more consistent events so that everyone can receive new characters/ships/etc. instead of saving and using ally points. Fine, perfectly OK with that.

    Now, we have flash events which essentially goes against your first concept. How? People have lives. That's how.

    By having FE's that only last 1 hour and only come around every few hours, instead of it lasting a day, people AREN'T getting what your first concept intended.

    People work. People go out to eat. People have kids. Not everyone has internet on their phone, or time, to log-in whenever an event comes around. Some people rely on their Wi-Fi at home for that. Some people simply just forget about the next flash event until AFTER it's already run.

    And because we're only allowed to do one Tier during each FE, if one forgets or can't do it the next time, how is it that players are supposed to receive the rewards which you intended us to have?

    Please get rid of FE's.
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    Where in this description does it say it's 1 battle per event?

    NEW! Trouble on Tatooine Flash Event
    May sees the introduction of a new type of event- Flash Events! Unlike other events, Flash Events only last one to four hours in each instance and repeat several times a day, so be sure to catch them when they launch! Flash Events difficulty and rewards are based off your account level. All initial runs of a Flash Event have more generous rewards, so be sure to participate early and often!
    Our first Flash Event Begins MAY 25th and takes you to the harsh desert planet of Tatooine. This lawless world holds many dangers and mysteries, especially for moisture farmers. To participate in this multi-tiered event, task Luke Skywalker with inspecting the perimeter of the farm as you join forces with Jawas to square off against marauding Tusken Raiders.

    Why does it say to participate early and often? That makes it seem like we can attack multiple times instead of saying. "All initial runs of a Flash Event have more generous rewards so be sure to attack each tier before attacking the same one twice."

    Except we can't attack the same one often because we only get 1 attempt....
  • Sturmbock
    198 posts Member
    I have to complain about this, I assumed, as in past events that the bonus tier was extra so I tried tier 3 first thinking It wouldn't count against trying the bonus tier later. This thinking was reinforced by the fact that they were totally different scenarios. Well, that thinking was wrong and now I blew a chance at a zeta. That's poor, poor wordsmithing on the part of the Devs. They should have either called the bonus tier, tier 4, or made it explicit that your one chance to complete the event included the bonus tier. I am very disappointed.
  • Options
    The title says it all. Why is there only the capability of doing one tier? Or, why is it not EXPLICITLY explained that you get only one tier? That's never been the case before for any event. That's kind of an important little difference. I always start with tier 1. That was a big mistake today...
  • Acrofales
    1363 posts Member
    The title says it all. Why is there only the capability of doing one tier? Or, why is it not EXPLICITLY explained that you get only one tier? That's never been the case before for any event. That's kind of an important little difference. I always start with tier 1. That was a big mistake today...

    Droids strike back was the same.
This discussion has been closed.