The Road Ahead (MEGA)


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    NewCaprica wrote: »
    Prepare yourself, Kylo Unmasked is coming to the game!

  • Roy_Royksopp
    8 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Not really. Aside from an arguably better unique, his other abilities are pretty comparable to the other capital ships. Especially Tarkin.

    His basic is a targeted assist with more ooph. Ackbar's basic is two hits with a random assist that also grants protection up to the assisting ship. Mace and Tarkin's basics deal damage and a status effect you'd probably have an ally try and afflict anyway.

    Art of War buffs and debuffs, but it's unwieldy and support units aside they won't make or break a battle. Also health recovery != protection recovery. I'll happily take Tarkin's TM boost or Mace's targeted taunt and recovery instead.

    Tractor Beam Projectors damage all ships and grant turn meter. Every other capital ship has an ability that deals damage with similarly good benefits (Tarkin also has an ability that grants turn meter). Mace's can be spammed under the right conditions.

    His Ultimate is an "I win" button. So is Tarkin's.

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    JaggedJ wrote: »
    Will wait and see, but can't say I'm excited by recent changes or what's coming.

    The gear crunch is horrible so I had been saving arena and what gw I had time to grab for gear in shard shop (still hate this btw) but now I need to use that to unlock nightsisters who will no doubt be valuable in a DS territory battle....

    Then there's the ships. Do I now starve myself of zeta to get my ships up to scratch?

    Guild vs guild? As if matchmaking isn't difficult enough, this is going to end badly I fear.

    I'm struggling for time as it is. I think these changes will be the tipping point for me.

    Chill's not mandatory to participate in everything in the game. Just have fun with it.
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    DS TB could be all about raw power and have nothing to do with enduring 6 waves of clones.

    Maybe each CM is one wave of really strong LS heroes. Who knows? Only time will tell. Too early to get worked up ;)
  • Gawejn
    1162 posts Member
    I love this ship. Wont get it first time but still love it. Very strong ship, maybe too much power but who cares. In this game should be 3 more capital ships.
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    Everyone cried about how OP Phoenix was going to be when they were announced. Take a lesson from past rage in the forums, and just give it a chance first ;)
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    Not really. Aside from an arguably better unique, his other abilities are pretty comparable to the other capital ships. Especially Tarkin.

    His basic is a targeted assist with more ooph. Ackbar's basic is two hits with a random assist that also grants protection up to the assisting ship. Mace and Tarkin's basics deal damage and a status effect you'd probably have an ally try and afflict anyway.

    Art of War buffs and debuffs, but it's unwieldy and support units aside they won't make or break a battle. Also health recovery != protection recovery. I'll happily take Tarkin's TM boost or Mace's targeted taunt and recovery instead.

    Tractor Beam Projectors damage all ships and grant turn meter. Every other capital ship has an ability that deals damage with similarly good benefits (Tarkin also has an ability that grants turn meter). Mace's can be spammed under the right conditions.

    His Ultimate is an "I win" button. So is Tarkin's.

    Less than tarkins since his ultimate only targets one ship.
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    Rojas wrote: »
    Those with wives/husbands, wait for the divorce papers coming soon. You’ll be spending all your time playing this game. Lol

    nah, i play mostly at work :tongue:

    I feel sorry for your employer

    Most jobs have breaks lunch. It really should not take that long especially if u been playing a while auto most of the dailies on the phone the gw auto the ones up till six beat six auto 7 8 play the rest. And th tb really doesn't take that long especially since u can't retreat
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    DarthZader wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Everyone cried about how OP Phoenix was going to be when they were announced. Take a lesson from past rage in the forums, and just give it a chance first ;)

    Noone said phoenix was gonna be op, also noone gave them a chance by gearing them and they had not one single zeta, chich is adressed now. This time the chimaera is simply broken, there's no comparison

    Are you serious? Maybe you just weren't around for the "Hera has a leadership that gives everyone shared passives. I hate rebels blah, blah, blah."

    They have great kits, but are still lackluster. Just wait until you see the Chimaera in action before you start with your rants.
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    Wow, Thrawn is getting lots of love. Legendary event for him and his Capital Ship. I see the requirements will be a 7* fleet to win and activate. Wonder if will be all Light side ships? And do we need 5x5* or 8x7* ships including re-enforcements?

    Dark Side TB, bring it on...

    GvG, I have mixed feelings about this one, but just like tournaments, hope it does the matching/ranking well. Just, please don't make it as time intensive as tournaments though.

    Yeah, more toons!
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    Neat. Neat stuff.
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    Neat. Neat stuff.
    Great gif
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    Tommylew wrote: »
    Please just fix the chracters we already have! Your new chracters have completly broken balance in PVP and it's boring as hell! The is no fun playing against GLS and GK every battle! I'd rather that then adding more and more content to the game! Gear 12 chracters should dominate gear 11 as f they are not even touching them like what happens with GW now!!!

    And for the love of god! Make Zetas more available!!!

    Well said
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    SWGAMER6 wrote: »
    JaggedJ wrote: »
    Will wait and see, but can't say I'm excited by recent changes or what's coming.

    The gear crunch is horrible so I had been saving arena and what gw I had time to grab for gear in shard shop (still hate this btw) but now I need to use that to unlock nightsisters who will no doubt be valuable in a DS territory battle....

    Then there's the ships. Do I now starve myself of zeta to get my ships up to scratch?

    Guild vs guild? As if matchmaking isn't difficult enough, this is going to end badly I fear.

    I'm struggling for time as it is. I think these changes will be the tipping point for me.

    Chill's not mandatory to participate in everything in the game. Just have fun with it.

    Chill out from what? I'm not upset.

    If something becomes a chore I'll cut it out. I'm simply saying that this game is starting to head in the direction of being a chore and if I feel it's too much I'll cut it out.

    Is that OK with you?

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    The problem is for players who can successfully compete in ALL of content. I mean, our guild does well in territory battles. I also do well in raids and I take top 3 in regular arena and ship arena.

    Honestly, I like doing all of the content and I do well, but its getting to be too time consuming.
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    Adding DS TB is a mixed bag. Yes, it should happen, without a doubt. How it happens could be problematic. You either have alternating or simultaneous TB. Alternating means that the LS teams that you work on for TB are half as useful. Simultaneous would be a logistical be a logistical nightmare.

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    Heff12345 wrote: »
    ... could cg maybe at least say something if apple is anti promotions

    This would go a LONG ways to at least calm the iOS users. If the devs could at least shed some light on why there isn't any deals for iOS users, they probably wouldn't flood the comment sections of the forums nearly as much. Some will definitely still post about it. But if a reason is actually given rather than being ignored, that will help a lot.
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    So does this ship legendary event mean that we will need 5 7* rebel ships to unlock it?
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    Many things mentioned in feedback here but didn't see anyone mention the unprecedented favoritism given to one side of your player base. EP, CLS, THRAWN, and now the Chimera all unlocked by the Rebel Faction, Yoda unlocked by Jedi. That's 4 out of 5 lightside being rebels needed for NEW CONTENT and 5 out of 7 with lightside requirements to unlock. The favoritism is so factual and verifiable it's uncanny nobody thought this was a bad idea. LS fans won't care, they get everything, DS fans feel yet again, betrayed by development for a game many have invested considerable sums of $$$ into.
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    Many things mentioned in feedback here but didn't see anyone mention the unprecedented favoritism given to one side of your player base. EP, CLS, THRAWN, and now the Chimera all unlocked by the Rebel Faction, Yoda unlocked by Jedi. That's 4 out of 5 lightside being rebels needed for NEW CONTENT and 5 out of 7 with lightside requirements to unlock. The favoritism is so factual and verifiable it's uncanny nobody thought this was a bad idea. LS fans won't care, they get everything, DS fans feel yet again, betrayed by development for a game many have invested considerable sums of $$$ into.

    A lot of us like both sides and build both equally. I presume most people that play this game are fans of Star Wars, not just Sith or Jedi, or Empire or Rebels.
  • Gavstar
    214 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    So does this ship legendary event mean that we will need 5 7* rebel ships to unlock it?

    Could be worst, they can force the requirement to needing 6 x 7* Rebel ships.
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    Is this "road ahead" ?!? I thought "ahead" means in future :smile: it is more like announcement
    I feel like
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    1. 11.50 to 12.10 >> collecting energy, shopping
    2. 17.00 to 18.00 >> climbing on arena, GW
    3. 18.00 to 19.00 >> climbing on fleet, collecting energy
    4. 19.00 to 21.00 >> doing raid
    5. 21.00 to 22.00 >> finishing TB, collecting energy

    I need to invest at least 4 hour every day for this game. Some of my guildmates quit because this game is becoming more like chores. So yeah, i agree the dev need to rework the playing experience, not just the toons
  • Sigra35
    6 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    I agree with those who complain about time consuming from this game. My wife already talk about divorce seriously. I can't play at work and when I get home my wife and 2 kids want to talk/play with me a little. But 3-4 hours are really minimum for this game right now.

    Ok, I can just register for raids and TB is not problem eather. Main problem is GW which is soo hard nowadays. Please please please make it more simple or remove it completely. I am seriously considering to stop playing because of GW. It makes me upset and sad everyday.
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    kalidor wrote: »
    Buffbeardo wrote: »
    kalidor wrote: »
    KyloRey wrote: »
    kalidor wrote: »
    KyloRey wrote: »
    ALL of this sounds great, but honestly how are we supposed to play all this content?!?! :#

    Buy a second tablet, log into your account on your phone and tablet simultaneously, and multitask! /s

    Umm, some of us have a lot of other responsibilities to deal with, like work and a social life.

    As an officer of a guild, I can tell you I'm pretty close to maxed out with raids and territory battles. I mean I spend like an hour a day for regular and ship arena too. Thank goodness GW is easy.

    /s means sarcasm. I hear you on all of the above.

    So the game's progression should be stunted due to a particular player's lack of time? What is a fair time investment and who gets to make that determination?

    I'm honestly not sure. But if they keep increasing the time requirements without relaxing some of the older restrictions (like 10 min between challenge attempts, or insane GW nodes), then they're going to lose players. We lose 1-2 players a month from our guild because they give up and stop playing. That's not healthy either.

    same on our guild. 2 of our officers quitted because they have a lot to catch up and sad to say responsibilities on real life first before swgoh. im really happy this game is bringing out a lot of content and tbh i stopped playing ps4 because not only on my responsiblities IRL but the time required to finish the daily's,energy refreshes,TB and HAAT. im not into much complaining but you know when the actual conflicts start to affect your life=) its a very addicting game but it shouldnt be a burden to an individual b/c games are supposed to be a breather if you know what i mean.

    only people who dont have a life outside this game can fully focus on it. even the whales (no matter how powerful they have become )needs a break. pls DEVS consider the thoughts

    That’s kind of hurtful man. I have a social life in this game and outside of it, i am sure many others do as well
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    This game is supposed to be a mobile game, not a full fledge computer game. I doubt that most people will have the necessary time to devote to these new features and still be able to do everything else. A major overhaul needs to happen to reduce the amount of time that this game takes. It should take at most 1 hour a day to play.
  • vazelos81
    166 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    "October will also see one of our more popular factions get a much-requested update. We’re introducing several new Nightsister characters, so be on the lookout for their events. Finally, we’re going to end the month with a spirited, seasonal event; let’s see what else we can dig up with the Nightsisters."

    one of our more popular functions. lol. Are they taking drugs?
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    Sigra35 wrote: »
    I agree with those who complain about time consuming from this game. My wife already talk about divorce seriously. I can't play at work and when I get home my wife and 2 kids want to talk/play with me a little. But 3-4 hours are really minimum for this game right now.

    Ok, I can just register for raids and TB is not problem eather. Main problem is GW which is soo hard nowadays. Please please please make it more simple or remove it completely. I am seriously considering to stop playing because of GW. It makes me upset and sad everyday.

    never had a run longer than 15 minutes. With g8 squad. You should just invest in Zeta on Finn.

    The new content looks crazy good. But there should be some serious relief to the people organizing TB and GvsG in guilds. People are already close to burn out – and exactly those player you can not afford losing dear CG. They are the most dedicated and make the game more pleasant experience for another 40 people in the guild. If they stop playing the domino effect will be hard to stop. Think about how you can help all officer, territory battle organizations and so on. A lot of officers offer you help to work with you on solutions. Take advantage of that or you will regret it. You probably don’t see it coming but once you do it might be just a bit too late. That being said I am really excited to take on the strongest guilds out there. It will be fun. Also I hope strategy will be more important than empty GP acquired through time. Or maybe at least 50:50
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    Jedi and Nightsisters are the first two factions one can complete playing this game. So, they are popular as almost everyone has at least 4 of each without much effort put into getting them. Making them longer lasting like PS is much needed. Maybe they will be the PS of dark side TB. Or maybe, they will be the PS of unlocking a legendary event. Right now, them and most Jedi are useless after one cracks top 1000 in Arena. And both are useless in Raids T5 and up.
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    NewCaprica wrote: »
    Prepare yourself, Kylo Unmasked is coming to the game!
    mnogokuh wrote: »
    Sigra35 wrote: »
    I agree with those who complain about time consuming from this game. My wife already talk about divorce seriously. I can't play at work and when I get home my wife and 2 kids want to talk/play with me a little. But 3-4 hours are really minimum for this game right now.

    Ok, I can just register for raids and TB is not problem eather. Main problem is GW which is soo hard nowadays. Please please please make it more simple or remove it completely. I am seriously considering to stop playing because of GW. It makes me upset and sad everyday.

    never had a run longer than 15 minutes. With g8 squad. You should just invest in Zeta on Finn.

    The new content looks crazy good. But there should be some serious relief to the people organizing TB and GvsG in guilds. People are already close to burn out – and exactly those player you can not afford losing dear CG. They are the most dedicated and make the game more pleasant experience for another 40 people in the guild. If they stop playing the domino effect will be hard to stop. Think about how you can help all officer, territory battle organizations and so on. A lot of officers offer you help to work with you on solutions. Take advantage of that or you will regret it. You probably don’t see it coming but once you do it might be just a bit too late. That being said I am really excited to take on the strongest guilds out there. It will be fun. Also I hope strategy will be more important than empty GP acquired through time. Or maybe at least 50:50

    Relief = delegation/i]
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