Territory Battles: Imperial - difficulty feedback


  • Skittlesnacks1
    209 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Why have all the posts about this been removed?

    Some are being moved to the DS TB board where they're being clumped into a mass about difficulty to be forgotten.
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    They say they'll review and adjust after this one is over, but that's junk. They could just as easily take the TB down and scale back difficulty then restart it.
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
  • Skittlesnacks1
    209 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    They say they'll review and adjust after this one is over, but that's junk. They could just as easily take the TB down and scale back difficulty then restart it.

    But people aren't done panic farming gear and shards like mad in hopes of doing well in this one. I mean wasn't that the goal of making it kitten hard?
    Post edited by Ambassador on
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    Don't you know you need mk7 mods, g13, level 100 and full zeta's. I mean the requirement is 3* characters after all. ;)
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    Dang I forgot to put my 7* mods on.
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    scuba wrote: »
    Don't you know you need mk7 mods, g13, level 100 and full zeta's. I mean the requirement is 3* characters after all. ;)

    Lol thanks man

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    First order is easy to beat.... B)
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    First order is easy to beat.... B)

    His point is that against a Phase 2 squad where the battle is supposedly a 3* requirement, it should be a fairly amicable fight rather than generic low level rebel troops destroying some of th most powerful squads in the game.
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    It would be the same in Arena if your fully zeta’d, g11+ squad got destroyed in 2 minutes by a squad of CUPS and Mob Enforcers.
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    Krakozyabr wrote: »
    Its not that early, to be honest. It was coming, everyone knew that and rather than throwing everything on LS we could all split smth to DS.

    The problem is different. DS toons are way harder to farm and they are far less in the game.

    Want a good DS tank? Hard Nodes
    First order tank? Hard Nodes
    Krenniс? Hard Nodes
    Veers? Hard Nodes
    Nightsisters? Major toons are not even farmable yet
    Darth Vader might be easy for older gamers, but for new ones it is a pain
    2 of the main FOrder toons are in the hard nodes. Well... ok the pilot shows randomly in ships store

    In total just for the phase 1 we need 4 decent squads... is LS its ok - lots of packs that have a nice synergies. But in DS its not that easy.

    And after that we have 4 waves with 4 elites in the end, all this with the whole meta being LS and extremely underpowered Sith with only Maul and Kylo having a decent zeta...
    Palpatine, one of the most powerful Sith in the universe does not even have a zeta... I know its a game and its not canon, but we have went into the path where r2d2 is more powerful than all Sith Lords in the game and CLS, (btw who was beaten by Vader in the movie) can whipe out the entire DS squad))) that is nonsense...

    In general, even gathering a nice Empire squad will require around 2 month at least, even purchasing packs.

    To be honest, I saw this as a general "rework" of DS toons... Palpatine is given a zeta and nice unique, Vader which is one of the most beloved characters in Star Wars is reworked to be useful not just in a Rankor raid, some toons moved to Cantina battles, some moved to GW store... that would be promising and everyone would understand "ok, here we go... lots of stuff to farm and explore! Great, new squads, metas, movements on arena"

    And finally we have the opposite... an unfarmable by now Nightsister squad that is way OP compared to Sith, Empire, First Order and the whole LS... I will just keep silence about droids... they have gone in nowhere

    Sorry for a long speech folks

    Great summary of the problem with the current state of the dark side !!!
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    It would be the same in Arena if your fully zeta’d, g11+ squad got destroyed in 2 minutes by a squad of CUPS and Mob Enforcers.

    This is a great analogy.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    I like the more challenging tb.
    Funny thing is everyone really going to be in uproar next week when light tb is same way.
    They made tb easy for over 2 months. Almost entire time we knew darkside tb was coming.
    Devs, thanks for giving the game a little challenge. Nice to know that finally there is some content in the game ONLY doable by the very strongest.
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    Why have all the posts about this been removed?

    Some are being moved to the DS TB board where they're being clumped into a mass about difficulty to be forgotten.

    It’s not going to be forgotten, they just can’t fix it yet:

    “Additionally, we are aware that the battles are extremely difficult, particularly in Phase 1 which is unaffected by Platoon Missions. While it was intended to be difficult, there are a number of factors that may be making it too hard, especially in the first few phases. However, we can make changes only after the Territory Battle is complete.”
    Ally code: 357613281
    swgoh.gg: https://swgoh.gg/u/lordterminus/
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    Goober1_ wrote: »
    I like the more challenging tb.
    Funny thing is everyone really going to be in uproar next week when light tb is same way.
    They made tb easy for over 2 months. Almost entire time we knew darkside tb was coming.
    Devs, thanks for giving the game a little challenge. Nice to know that finally there is some content in the game ONLY doable by the very strongest.

    What poor trolling even the strongest can barely complete a battle in the first 2 phases, if at all. Wait until tomorrow. lol
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    Thanks for sharing though, wasn’t sure if I wanted to use FO, now I am leaning away from it.
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    Yeah it's clearly busted. Bad first impression on this one. But they'll fix it up for the next round.
  • Saber_Lott
    2 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Ok this is absolutely kitten. I'm SLAUGHTERED in the fourth stage of PHASE TWO?!?

    Beyond absurd.

    Same here. I have a full Zeta FO Team, all Stage 11 with Zylo Level 12 and I had no chance in phase 2 (!!!) to complete the fourth wave. This is ridiculous! The day before yesterday, I was really looking forward to get some break and variety to the more and more palled light side battles. Now, I do not even want to continue this battles. Not talking about a phase 6 mission, this is phase 2 with a requirement of 4 star toons...what the heck?! However even in phase 6 you should be able to win the fight with such a team! This is just a pain in the a**. No fun at all! As an officer, I should motivate the weaker players in my guild to participate. Asking myself how, since its already hard to get myself going. Might simply stage my troops, at least this saves time :wink:
    I am native German. Hope there are not as many mistakes :smiley:

    Post edited by Ambassador on
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    g9-10 LS might be able to beat g11 Empire but the reverse isn't true. So the devs were either drunk or high on some drug when they did DS TB to have higher gear than LS in Wave 4 of Phase ONE.
  • Urgedgrunt
    75 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Ok I’m not sure if posts on this are being deleted or what, because I’m not seeing the issue addressed. I’m posting this because it breaks the whole event beyond the bugs already addressed, and obviously plenty of guilds are taking advantage of a bug with platoons that give massive points. Not sure what devs could do to correct this, and the incorrect payouts people will get, short of stopping the event. It could literally get all the points needed without deploys or missions played. Just needs to be fixed all I’m saying.
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    I think my grievance is not at the Devs for pushing out new content..

    ..but it is for pushing out new content without a quality check.

    So I won't say it's damned if they do, damned if they don't.

    Then as @Goodhelmet accurately summed up the farming problems, how on earth do you expect your lower end players to just suddenly switch farming methodology and preferences at the snap of the fingers?

    So if next week we go back to Light Side TB, are guilds going to fault members for farming DS toons instead of LS toons?

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    Please nerf strafing run.

    The LS strafing run reads "deal physical damage to all enemies, dispel all buffs and remove 100% TM with 70% chance to apply defense down".

    DS strafing run reads "deal physical damage EQUAL TO 65% max health, dispel all buffs and remove 100% TM with 70% chance to apply defense down."

    see the difference?
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    We need MORE BOUNTYHUNTERS, Cad Bane, Greedo and Dengar are super weak
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    Why have all the posts about this been removed?

    Some are being moved to the DS TB board where they're being clumped into a mass about difficulty to be forgotten.

    “Additionally, we are aware that the battles are extremely difficult, particularly in Phase 1 which is unaffected by Platoon Missions. While it was intended to be difficult, there are a number of factors that may be making it too hard, especially in the first few phases. However, we can make changes only after the Territory Battle is complete.”

    Meaning "We didn't test this thing before we released it. Now that we see its too hard we will adjust it and properly playtest it. We are sorry, not sorry, it was horrible for the player base the first time around. Thanks so much for spending your money with us. Expect 3 Chewie shards in your inbox as compensation. "

  • Gawejn
    1133 posts Member
    ElleMadara wrote: »
    LOL My G12 Boba was destroyed too, those Wampas are broken
    But the rest of your squad is what gear? And what mods did you use? I finished special with just being lucky. I had full potency on them combined 310%. All g8, Zam g 9. Wampas were dstroying my squad one by one. Only dengar left.
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    The rebels in phase 4 are way overpowered. Their ability to constantly generate health, remove buff, and enable retaliation is unfair for the dark side. Full squads of gear 10+ sith and empire stand no chance.
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    Why have all the posts about this been removed?

    They haven't. There is a an entire subforum about the DS TB - they are simply moving the threads there.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Gawejn
    1133 posts Member
    Please nerf strafing run.

    The LS strafing run reads "deal physical damage to all enemies, dispel all buffs and remove 100% TM with 70% chance to apply defense down".

    DS strafing run reads "deal physical damage EQUAL TO 65% max health, dispel all buffs and remove 100% TM with 70% chance to apply defense down."

    see the difference?

    So best tactics with mods should be a lot of protection, minimum health. team composition with prot regeneration.
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    Gawejn wrote: »
    Please nerf strafing run.

    The LS strafing run reads "deal physical damage to all enemies, dispel all buffs and remove 100% TM with 70% chance to apply defense down".

    DS strafing run reads "deal physical damage EQUAL TO 65% max health, dispel all buffs and remove 100% TM with 70% chance to apply defense down."

    see the difference?

    So best tactics with mods should be a lot of protection, minimum health. team composition with prot regeneration.

    There is no empire team with a passive protection regen like Phoenix.
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    Do they even test this stuff before the release it? It’s beyond insane.

    The beta....
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    They said they messed up and made it harder then intended, but the can't fix it while it's going on. Just have to wait and see what the next one holds
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