[Feedback] JTR back w/ BB8 [MERGE]


  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Dark_Light wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Dark_Light wrote: »
    Where did people get 4 months from? Stop saying that, you’re wrong.

    4 months is indeed a bit of an overstatement if you are going by "official" announcement (which was the first week in December) - it's more like 3 months + 3 weeks - so you are correct, 7 days more than 4 months. Crazy.

    Most people hypothesized that Vets would be required as a tie-in to the movie when the event was originally announced on November 1st, which would be well over 4 months.

    But sure, rationalize away. :D

    Just curious, and this is off topic, why are you such an apologist for ea/cg?

    You don't read the forums much, do you. :D

    Since I will presume that was a legitimate question, I will give it a real answer. I am an honest person. When I think CG/EA are being completely clueless or underhanded (and they often are) I call them out on it. In fact, I have, on more than one occasion been sent a PM asking why at my posts are so negative against CG/EA. However, when I think posters are being equally disingenuous or clueless, I call them out on it too. When I see new players asking for help, I try to help. When I see people asking about drop rates, I try to share what I have learned from many people who have worked hard collecting data.

    In this case, anyone trying to suggest that 3+ months is not enough time to farm 2 characters from 2* to 7* is either making excuses or simply being disingenuous. That's all. I just try to be fair and judge situations objectively - not rationalize them based on what I did or didn't do or what I thought would happen. That's it.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    At the end of the day, many were farming other things for a while because speculation from many sources was April/May for JTR event to return. It is very likely many of us could've gotten the Vets by then, even if we had to panic farm a little a week out.

    They've nerfed expose damage, but JTR is still the best option for a raid where "Galactic Heroes" get a buff (hahahahahahahahha) and Bounty Hunters get a buff (hahahahahahahaha) and Healers get extra healing (this is somewhat helpful). Hermit Yoda isn't any of those things and he's one of the better options for the Raid because if you're careful, he can be used with multiple teams throughout due to his escape.

    Again, we're just asking for a better notification, not "hey in 3 days...." for a major / significant event to happen. And as was stated previously, we did have more time for CLS between his two than we did for JTR, over a month more time. (Which is why the speculation was for April/May for her)

    Other than that, all you're saying is, "nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo, I'm better than you n' you."
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    FieldL wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    I feel your anger. What they have been doing didn’t consider our interests at all.

    They do. They know people want JTR to beat the Sith Raid. So, here she is. Put the nerf aside, she is still the most effective team to take down Sith Raid.

    As far as I see it, they basically try to force sell a nerfed character that has almost disappeared from arena at the original price after two months.

    Rey had more value before nerf for both arena and raid. For a Sith ready guild to benefit from this event, there has to be a fair number of players that are ready for RJT. Otherwise, not much help.

    But they don't have to "sell" anything. Any f2p who wanted JTRey (and didn't give in to the newest shiny of the month club) could have her this time around. The requirements have been suspected since November 1st and verified the first week of December. I haven't spent money on the game in over a year, and I've had the vets at 7* for over a month.

    While I do agree that some of the luster has worn off of JTRey in the last month, the fact is a JTRey team is still 3-4 times stronger than almost any other team in the Sith Raid. And she is still very prevalent in TW, especially on defense.

    Your logic would hold without the new raid. As you said yourself, she lost some of her luster with the Sith rework and whatnot. So, for ftp players, the investment was better used elsewhere, like in farming SiT who suddenly became arena viable and competes with the vets in cantina. But then bam! JTR is the only truly effective lead in Sith raid, so even those who mostly ignored her before suddenly need her. And if they really weren't trying to sell anything, they would have no reason whatsoever not to include this event in the calendar from the beginning.
  • Monel
    2788 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    At the end of the day, many were farming other things for a while because speculation from many sources was April/May for JTR event to return. It is very likely many of us could've gotten the Vets by then, even if we had to panic farm a little a week out.

    So speculation was wrong, people farmed other things. How is that a dev problem? They didn't make anyone speculate incorrectly, they didn't make people farm something else. Those were choices made by the people.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Monel wrote: »
    So speculation was wrong, people farmed other things. How is that a dev problem? They didn't make anyone speculate incorrectly, they didn't make people farm something else. Those were choices made by the people.
    They didn't make anyone farm anything, but they did announce the event on extremely short notice. That's where the problem is. We are trying to tell you that over and over again.
    Just to make sure:
    Three days be short. Bad.
    Two weeks be longer. Good.
    Get it?

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    MuCuS wrote: »
    This is disheartening . As a newer player who just hit level 75 and following all the F2P guides and YouTube event roadmaps R2 and then CLS should be next . Now I wasted well over a month (after first focusing on phx for thrawn) farming empire and the needed rebel team all for nothing . I could have been farming FO and resistance then circled back to the empire and necessary rebels. What a waste of time and new players like me miss out .
    Kinda disappointed in this now I get to wait 6 months for bb8 and JTR

    EA stick to your own event schedule format to not disrupt the newer player base . The game is difficult enough as it is

    Since you can't access the nodes to even farm the Veteran Smugglers this has no effect on you and only vindicates that you've been on the right path so far.
  • wvuparker
    98 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I was caught off guard by this and might even have to buy a pack to get my vets from 6 to 7*. But I'm fine with that considering how awesome (nerf or not) JTR can be.

    What I'm truely surprised about is that BB8 did not come back first, in his own event, before Rey. I was planning on using that BB8 event has the signal to get the Vets done ASAP. Now I'll have to spend for them, but I don't mind doing that every so often. And if it will get me Traya any faster...yeah buddy!
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    They announced during the last JTR event that BB8's event will be a part of JTR's event, same as R2's event will be a part of CLS's event every time they are released. They might do separate BB8 or R2 events, but at the least you will see BB8 and R2 with their respective hero during the same time.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    wvuparker wrote: »
    I was caught off guard by this and might even have to buy a pack to get my vets from 6 to 7*. But I'm fine with that considering how awesome (nerf or not) JTR can be.

    What I'm truely surprised about is that BB8 did not come back first, in his own event, before Rey. I was planning on using that BB8 event has the signal to get the Vets done ASAP. Now I'll have to spend for them, but I don't mind doing that every so often. And if it will get me Traya any faster...yeah buddy!

    Honestly, I think (and lest someone think I'm trying to be a "know it all", it was someone else's suggestion from another thread - but hey, feel free to shoot the messenger) they more than likely are putting out the JTRey event earlier than they planned - to help guilds better deal with expose nerf. If you lose 25-30% damage, but then have 8-10 more guild members that now have JTRey teams, you don't really lose much.

    As such, they didn't have time to push out the BB8 event before the JTRey event. But both are running for a full week, so it's really about 10 days to get them both.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    MrGrips wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    FieldL wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    I feel your anger. What they have been doing didn’t consider our interests at all.

    They do. They know people want JTR to beat the Sith Raid. So, here she is. Put the nerf aside, she is still the most effective team to take down Sith Raid.

    As far as I see it, they basically try to force sell a nerfed character that has almost disappeared from arena at the original price after two months.

    Rey had more value before nerf for both arena and raid. For a Sith ready guild to benefit from this event, there has to be a fair number of players that are ready for RJT. Otherwise, not much help.

    Force sell? Aren't you contradicting yourself? Youre saying JTR is useless/weak and then saying that somehow CG is forcing us to farm her. If youre right that shes weak, then they definitely aren't forcing anything.

    I really don't get how people are somehow mad about both reys release and the nerf. How are those things related in anyway I should care about?

    "Theyre trying to cover up how they nerfed expose!" Uh.. even if that were true (horrible way to cover it up btw)...

    Conclusion: you can’t think.

    Basic facts: the event is early (too early maybe), the character is nerfed and they will sell the required toons at the same price.

    And she is probably still the best character to conquer heroic.
  • Options
    Edward wrote: »
    MrGrips wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    FieldL wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    I feel your anger. What they have been doing didn’t consider our interests at all.

    They do. They know people want JTR to beat the Sith Raid. So, here she is. Put the nerf aside, she is still the most effective team to take down Sith Raid.

    As far as I see it, they basically try to force sell a nerfed character that has almost disappeared from arena at the original price after two months.

    Rey had more value before nerf for both arena and raid. For a Sith ready guild to benefit from this event, there has to be a fair number of players that are ready for RJT. Otherwise, not much help.

    Force sell? Aren't you contradicting yourself? Youre saying JTR is useless/weak and then saying that somehow CG is forcing us to farm her. If youre right that shes weak, then they definitely aren't forcing anything.

    I really don't get how people are somehow mad about both reys release and the nerf. How are those things related in anyway I should care about?

    "Theyre trying to cover up how they nerfed expose!" Uh.. even if that were true (horrible way to cover it up btw)...

    Conclusion: you can’t think.

    Basic facts: the event is early (too early maybe), the character is nerfed and they will sell the required toons at the same price.

    And she is probably still the best character to conquer heroic.
    Bolded part is hardly a fact.

  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    Edward wrote: »
    MrGrips wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    FieldL wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    I feel your anger. What they have been doing didn’t consider our interests at all.

    They do. They know people want JTR to beat the Sith Raid. So, here she is. Put the nerf aside, she is still the most effective team to take down Sith Raid.

    As far as I see it, they basically try to force sell a nerfed character that has almost disappeared from arena at the original price after two months.

    Rey had more value before nerf for both arena and raid. For a Sith ready guild to benefit from this event, there has to be a fair number of players that are ready for RJT. Otherwise, not much help.

    Force sell? Aren't you contradicting yourself? Youre saying JTR is useless/weak and then saying that somehow CG is forcing us to farm her. If youre right that shes weak, then they definitely aren't forcing anything.

    I really don't get how people are somehow mad about both reys release and the nerf. How are those things related in anyway I should care about?

    "Theyre trying to cover up how they nerfed expose!" Uh.. even if that were true (horrible way to cover it up btw)...

    Conclusion: you can’t think.

    Basic facts: the event is early (too early maybe), the character is nerfed and they will sell the required toons at the same price.
    Dont throw insults around when you have no idea what you are talking about. Basic facts:
    1: They arent forcing you to buy it.
    2: Its completely irrelevant that Rey is worse if I choose to buy/farm her because-
    3: Many of us still think shes worth it

    Im glad me and my guildmates may get her, many of us FTP. Im not going to whine about how shes a little worse because ... (this should be obvious...) getting her is much better than not getting her, and complaining gets me nothing. Thats something Id do if I really couldn't think.
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Edward wrote: »
    MrGrips wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    FieldL wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    I feel your anger. What they have been doing didn’t consider our interests at all.

    They do. They know people want JTR to beat the Sith Raid. So, here she is. Put the nerf aside, she is still the most effective team to take down Sith Raid.

    As far as I see it, they basically try to force sell a nerfed character that has almost disappeared from arena at the original price after two months.

    Rey had more value before nerf for both arena and raid. For a Sith ready guild to benefit from this event, there has to be a fair number of players that are ready for RJT. Otherwise, not much help.

    Force sell? Aren't you contradicting yourself? Youre saying JTR is useless/weak and then saying that somehow CG is forcing us to farm her. If youre right that shes weak, then they definitely aren't forcing anything.

    I really don't get how people are somehow mad about both reys release and the nerf. How are those things related in anyway I should care about?

    "Theyre trying to cover up how they nerfed expose!" Uh.. even if that were true (horrible way to cover it up btw)...

    Conclusion: you can’t think.

    Basic facts: the event is early (too early maybe), the character is nerfed and they will sell the required toons at the same price.

    And she is probably still the best character to conquer heroic.
    Bolded part is hardly a fact.

    Any legendary event, the only other heroic event CLS, is there another exception? Name one at least, CLS is the closest because dev made it clear that Hero’s Journey is different from Legendary, since she was such a op characterand the required toons are the hardest to farm, you don’t expect her to return sooner than any other legendary event or CLS.
  • Duce
    8 posts Member
    Let me say this. I was farming vets when you needed crystals to farm them. When they announced the requirements for JTR my FO wasn’t enough to get BB8 in time. When the event finished I still had FOST needed to get from 6* to 7*. So I continued farming FO then went straight to vets after in Cantina. Around Feb I started panic farming and refreashing 2x a day. As of right now I have Vet Chewie to 7* and Vet Han 2/100. So how did I waste time? The only really big issue I have is the short notice cause crystals that I spent on gear for other toons could have went to more refreashes. If I still do double refreashes. I will have Han 3 days after the event is over. So I’m abit mad when I did everything I could to get JTR in time. Constancy needs to be a thing. They need to have this event next month like they did with Thrawn when you had 4 months to farm him to get him in Oct. Then Oops, we didn’t give enough notice so here he is again in Nov. I was ready for the first one but now it seems everyone has him. I’ve been playing this game close to when it first started. When events first started it was 6 months in between then got more common so it became every other month. Now Hero events that looked like 4 months. So yea dropping it to 3 months has me annoyed.
  • Options
    Edward wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    MrGrips wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    FieldL wrote: »
    Edward wrote: »
    I feel your anger. What they have been doing didn’t consider our interests at all.

    They do. They know people want JTR to beat the Sith Raid. So, here she is. Put the nerf aside, she is still the most effective team to take down Sith Raid.

    As far as I see it, they basically try to force sell a nerfed character that has almost disappeared from arena at the original price after two months.

    Rey had more value before nerf for both arena and raid. For a Sith ready guild to benefit from this event, there has to be a fair number of players that are ready for RJT. Otherwise, not much help.

    Force sell? Aren't you contradicting yourself? Youre saying JTR is useless/weak and then saying that somehow CG is forcing us to farm her. If youre right that shes weak, then they definitely aren't forcing anything.

    I really don't get how people are somehow mad about both reys release and the nerf. How are those things related in anyway I should care about?

    "Theyre trying to cover up how they nerfed expose!" Uh.. even if that were true (horrible way to cover it up btw)...

    Conclusion: you can’t think.

    Basic facts: the event is early (too early maybe), the character is nerfed and they will sell the required toons at the same price.

    And she is probably still the best character to conquer heroic.
    Bolded part is hardly a fact.

    Any legendary event, the only other heroic event CLS, is there another exception?
    The only premise to base the return RJT was the 2nd of CLS. One point of data doesn't establish a trend. Even though legendary events are not heroes' journeys, they have moved legendaries around before, so it's not even unheard of.

    Furthermore, it has never been explicitly stated when it would be returning, or even a general guideline, unlike the legendary events and marquee character cadence - and even those are subject to change. These aren't astral bodies in motion: they're arbitrary decisions made by business people. They could tell us something is happening tomorrow, but until it's actually in-game everything is subject to change.

    However, it's probably not entirely a coincidence that the DVD/Blu Ray release of The Last Jedi is coinciding with this event any more than the Theatrical release did the first time around.

    If the McRib comes back tomorrow, is that too early?
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    There's just a litany of legitimate gripes in this game including (but not exclusive to) unresolved bugs, poorly designed raid content, mod management, gear availability, the entire economic model...

    This is a non issue. Chasing shadows and tilting at windmills.
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    Small reminder:

    No player on player bashing, personal insults will be removed and action taken - these posts should be about topic even if negative and not about being uncivil to each other.

    Thank you all

    ~Lady VX
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Vampire_X wrote: »
    Small reminder:

    No player on player bashing, personal insults will be removed and action taken - these posts should be about topic even if negative and not about being uncivil to each other.

    Thank you all

    ~Lady VX

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I started farming the Vets right after the JTR event, I experienced the horrible drop rates, I finished farming them about a month ago, started to farm KRU at that time and just got him to 7* today. It can be done, you just have to prioritize what you want and focus on just that. I would have liked to work on Mods and Death Trooper also, but I had to wait on them until now. I would like to thank CG and the development staff on creating such a fun FTP game. I also want to thank all the people who spend a ton of money on this game so the rest of us can play it for free if we want to. Remember that without any of those things we would all be stuck playing something like solitare.
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    OSUBucknut wrote: »
    I started farming the Vets right after the JTR event, I experienced the horrible drop rates, I finished farming them about a month ago, started to farm KRU at that time and just got him to 7* today. It can be done, you just have to prioritize what you want and focus on just that. I would have liked to work on Mods and Death Trooper also, but I had to wait on them until now. I would like to thank CG and the development staff on creating such a fun FTP game. I also want to thank all the people who spend a ton of money on this game so the rest of us can play it for free if we want to. Remember that without any of those things we would all be stuck playing something like solitare.

    No fair bringing common sense to a forum fight.
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    JTR is like the popular girl everyone wants to ask out... but some of us went to the gym(cantina Han and chewy nodes) and got new clothing ( 5 first order characters to 7*) this game is about choices and living with them.
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    That's funny I thought this game was about having fun and playing and avoiding responsibility of Life. What you described of choices and living with them that's what life is.
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    Ace5 wrote: »
    Duce wrote: »
    Let me say this. I was farming vets when you needed crystals to farm them. When they announced the requirements for JTR my FO wasn’t enough to get BB8 in time. When the event finished I still had FOST needed to get from 6* to 7*. So I continued farming FO then went straight to vets after in Cantina. Around Feb I started panic farming and refreashing 2x a day. As of right now I have Vet Chewie to 7* and Vet Han 2/100. So how did I waste time? The only really big issue I have is the short notice cause crystals that I spent on gear for other toons could have went to more refreashes. If I still do double refreashes. I will have Han 3 days after the event is over. So I’m abit mad when I did everything I could to get JTR in time. Constancy needs to be a thing. They need to have this event next month like they did with Thrawn when you had 4 months to farm him to get him in Oct. Then Oops, we didn’t give enough notice so here he is again in Nov. I was ready for the first one but now it seems everyone has him. I’ve been playing this game close to when it first started. When events first started it was 6 months in between then got more common so it became every other month. Now Hero events that looked like 4 months. So yea dropping it to 3 months has me annoyed.

    How else can they get you to panic on packs? If they gave you notice you could have planned and that hurts the first quarter closing numbers :smile:

    Remember this is a business, not a lesson in fairness or promises on timelines. Q1 closes at end of March and early 2018 figures are due at my work too, there’s a big push in many businesses.

    The nerfs are not fun but taking a more “free” attitude about it and just waiting for next time around will leave a resounding message for the “bottom line” to discourage this behavior down the road. Why do you think apple charges $1000 for a phone? Because people still line up to buy their phones! If iPhones stopped selling because they took away the headphone jack then they would have put the headphone jack back in the new phone

    who knows maybe new 6 dot mods or level cap increase will make the Sith raid more doable ... they may be released in April for all we know

    I understand it’s a business but they didn’t drop this as a money grab I don’t think. This is a cover up from Nerfing Rey. If so atleast BB8 would have been in the calendar like they did in dec when we didn’t know the exact dates of JTR when the calendar came out. I do spend money every once in awhile to help when I can. But this frustrates me to no end. And to be missing out by 3 days is rediculous when I could have had them ready with a slight more notice.
  • Nurgle
    252 posts Member
    I understand both sides of this ongoing discussions of the same arguments. I am on the side of having gotten Rey ready a few days ago. I never strayed from farming vets but didn‘t invest too many refreshes.

    I am happy getting her as early as possible. But I get why a better communication of the event would have been better.

    I know that some game changers try to convince CG that double drops are a good idea. I wish they‘d do it, just to show some good will.
  • AΣΣ
    25 posts Member
    I’ve been farm the vets since they dropped in the cantina I’m still six shards short, that is after 2 reset a day and. I’ve only be getting 2-4 shards a day after spending around 360 nrg. Now that is the worst part. I even tried to spoof my connection to a different server to see if that help and it didn’t. I’ve been working on 7 Star vet for 2 weeks and only got 39 shards.
  • TVF
    36704 posts Member
    AΣΣ wrote: »
    I even tried to spoof my connection to a different server to see if that help and it didn’t.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Balingar1024
    1 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I don’t mind spending money if I can get what I’m trying to get.
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    Who cares? It's hard to care anymore.
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
  • tharduskafka
    474 posts Member
    edited March 2018

    So let me get this straight. Apparently most people thought Rey wouldn't come back for 6 months, because that's how long it was for Luke?

    Well, first of all Luke was 4 months, but if you were planning on 6 months, and it came back in 3... Well, I'm no betting man, but I'd say the chances of the event returning in another 3 months or so is pretty good.

    Which means what people are complaining about isn't the at JTR is back, but that other people will get her and not them. Why not just go with that? I'd just call your post:
    "I'm mad other people get Rey before me! Again!"
    At least that would be honest.

    I have to assume anyone actually upset is fairly new to this game, because this has happened for literally every event when it comes back (other than the ones rotating monthly at least).

    So don't fret, just stick with your plan to get Rey 3 months from now, or better yet, don't count on anything returning when you think it will.

    Also, JTR is no longer the arena champion, and she has already been Nerfed in the raid once. Oh, and they said she was still performing better than they anticipated, so... She may very well be reduced to the level of the other mere legendary characters, much like Luke was. Hmm, almost like there is a pattern of forced obsolescence. Shocking I know.

    It sure seems to me that these events have more to do with promotional pushes than anything else, so dates like May 4, Force Friday, anniversaries and dvd/bd/movie releases are probably a better bet than anything else.

    And for the record, no event has ever been 6 months, not even the first Yoda and Palpatine events. Yoda came back for the 2nd time just a month later if I recall, and Palpatine was about 3 months.

    The only rule you could make that includes all previous events is that they will come back in 1-4 months. So plan on them coming back sooner than later, and nothing in life will ever make you sad again!
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