Double Droprates? [MERGE]

52 posts Member
edited November 2018

I am so happy with the double drops. I can tell im really getting a profit here.😂

But really, is this some sort joke or scam or does the double drops still has to be activated on my account?
Post edited by Kyno on


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    How nice... anyone else notice the RNG for character shards seems to be particularly bad now that we're getting double drops? Going 0/10 on nodes I've never gone more than 0/3 on before. Seems double drops means twice as hard to get a single drop. Just blew through my refreshes. But I bet CG will try to sell me on the crystal discount now.
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    If you have never gone more than 0/3 normally i'll take your RNG
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    Saraleb wrote: »
    If you have never gone more than 0/3 normally i'll take your RNG

    ^ this. You are looking at it wrong. You've had really good RNG up to this point. I'm quite happy with mine today, 20/36 on T3, 10/16 on Zaalbar, and the double currency is great too.
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    Got 24 T3 shards out of my three refreshes, not complaining. If it keeps up, I will have him 7* by the time the double drops end.
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    I've had pretty good luck farming Kylo U and Biggs earlier. But I've had dry spells in the past, including crystal refreshes that didn't give me a single shard or needed piece of gear. It sucks, and I guess it doubly sucks on double drop days :/ But that's the RNG for you. It's indeed random.
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    ey @CG. he/she wants to spend money, give him/her a chance
  • rookie1984
    11 posts Member
    edited November 2018

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    So awesome those double drops!

    I really notice it😂
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    rookie1984 wrote: »
    So awesome those double drops!

    I really notice it😂

    double drops in the cantina have been so good. I got like 25 shards for my aayla farm today and loads of golden eyeballs. Hard node farms as expected have been 2/4/8 shards, but for a hard node farm thats good :D
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    I must have received your shards by accident then. I’ve had great drops today. Last year I was in your boat. I had 10 shards of hounds tooth on my first round of 8.
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    You got 4 shards
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    You got 4 shards

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    Getting a car for my sweet 16 is nice, but why isn't it a ferrari?
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    Same question: only 5 shards from Bossk today over 16 attempts.

    That’s 30% drop rate, no different from the average I’ve been tracking.

    Won’t be spending anymore crystals on this.
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    I’ve got great drops.

    It’s still RNG at the end of the
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    Yep, I call scam. I've spent a TON of energy and crystals and received TWO Hounds Tooth shards, 4 Bastilla shards and ZERO Mission shards.

    Also, their weekly store "Anniversary Items" are a joke. Qui-Gon and Darth Maul? Really?

    As someone who's been playing for all three years, this has been most disappointing.
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    well, let that RNG be the same for all off us then.

    this is absurd

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    Yea double drops! Top one is range trooper shards......or lack thereof
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    On the bright side, I got 4 of those cuffs I only have a zillion of
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    Math checks out 2 x 0 does indeed equal 0
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    I feel last double drop event, there was originally no GW, then someone complained that it usually is part of it, then cg reversed and added it back. So time to try that again?
  • UdalCuain
    5041 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    Same question: only 5 shards from Bossk today over 16 attempts.

    That’s 30% drop rate, no different from the average I’ve been tracking.

    Won’t be spending anymore crystals on this.

    How have you got five shards when everything is dropping in multiples of two?

    Are your nodes yellow? That's the indicator the event is active in your county.

    Double drops doesn't mean double drop rate, it means double rewards for what you get each sim. And 30%/33% is the tracked drop rate anyway.
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    I've had pretty good luck farming Kylo U and Biggs earlier. But I've had dry spells in the past, including crystal refreshes that didn't give me a single shard or needed piece of gear. It sucks, and I guess it doubly sucks on double drop days :/ But that's the RNG for you. It's indeed random.

    If you truly think it’s RNG on events like these, I have a time machine I’ll sell ya?
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    thedrjojo wrote: »
    I feel last double drop event, there was originally no GW, then someone complained that it usually is part of it, then cg reversed and added it back. So time to try that again?

    Why was this merged?

    @CG_SBCrumb am I imaging this? I tried looking back to the may double drop event but couldn't find it
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    I got a 12/10 t3, where I've almost never gotten a 6/10.

    I got 6 Jolee bindo
    I got 4 bossk
    I got 0 Darth Sion...

    All seems to be wai
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    @VikCentari55 13 battles and 0 drops.... :o

    which hero where you farming there?
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    Double drops for mods has been horrible can’t tell difference from single drops everything else has been better. If mod slicing continues to be bad I’ll farm mods like I usually do.
  • TheJEFFtm
    917 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    48 sims (bought 2 cantina refreshes right before midnight, plus 3 right after, and had most of the native energy full) on mission hit 21 times for 42 shards, (Also did the same with energy), 16 Jolee sims hit 5 times, 8 Sion sims hit 3 times, Bossk and houndstooth both hit twice on 8 attempts, and nest hit 2 out of 7.

    Some good, some bad... all around average - just like it always does.
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