Reconciliation Plan!?


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    How is this an exploit? When he was first released we were asked if we would unlock him on dark side, light side, or both. I didn't even know that this was being considered an exploit untill I tried the light side again an there was a message saying it had been removed in game as I logged in.
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    Epic👏🏻 Confrontations👏🏻Need👏🏻To👏🏻Reward👏🏻 7*👏🏻Unlocks.

    That’s the root of the issue. If people unlocked Malak at 7* in the first place, nobody would be caring about extra shard shop currency. The issue is people spending 70k guild event tokens on a character and then others getting his shards for free.
    Do as Ahnald, and MG both suggested. Scrap the whole style of the Epic Confrontations. Refund the GET to those that spent it it get Malak to 7* and make him and GAS 7* unlocks.
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    This "resolution" is the greediest, most tone-deaf make good they've ever announced. This was a gigantic screwup that offended pretty much every portion of the fanbase, and their solution is to retcon everything and hand out a whopping 250 crystals? Wow, thanks. I'll try not to blow it on 8 and a half Carbanti salvage all at once.

    I'm frankly disgusted with the developers at this point. Not only are you objectively bad at your jobs, you might also genuinely be bad people, too. Why do you hate your fanbase so much, CG?
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    I would love to throw money someones way who can find a legal reason to bring a class action lawsuit against EA/CG for unethical business practices. Sign me up for that.

    Manufacturer of a good messes up and yet its somehow the consumer who pays? It happens far too often.
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    File a complant with EULA..all states have an attorney general, contact thier office. Better business bureau of California. Federal Consumer agency.
  • skypse
    19 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    @Kyno why don't they just roll back everything as they were prior to the event? Cancel the GA and the tw, compensate for those two, and roll back everything so that gear, crystals, relics, mods are not lost or useless..

    I didn't happen to check anything, forums reddit or yt. I won't lie, I learned that it gives shards through my guild so I just logged in and did the event, my participation wasn't random. I also wasted some gear on light side so I wouldn't have to struggle for hours like the first time.

    Spent about 4k crystals on gear to get him to 13, spent gear for relics, but the worst of all are the mods. High quality mods were all turned to 6 dot, meaning I won't be able to use them after the "reconciliation" which COMPLETELY destroys my arena team. I have nothing close to what he got right now.

    I'm not even sure 250 crystals are enough for 10 stun gun parts let alone the whole thing.

    Roll everything back. Give us the 250 crystals (or don't, it doesn't matter at the end of the day) but roll back everything and just cancel the 2 events. This is the most "damage control" scenario and the fact that it is not being implemented is very baffling..

    EDIT: what's extra worrying (from a business standpoint) is how much damage control is not implemented financially. The company is going to bleed with all the refunds that *SHOULD* and hopefully will be requested.
  • SithDude
    3 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    I see a lot of comments in here, but I don't see anyone bringing up the real issue. I have a 6* 75/100 Malak. I did the DS event and got 75 shards. I then bumped up Malak to 7* and converted the remaining shards to shard shop currency. I didn't have time do LS before it was removed (and they told us not to go for the shards), but I would have gotten an extra 1125 shard shop currency from that. Now I don't get that when other people do because you only get it if you had 7* before the event. So between the fact that they asked us to not to attempt to get the extra shards and that I would have got them had I ignored them, they should be giving me the shards on the same grounds as those people who already had 7* Malak are getting them.
    If you had Malak before this event, they should grant you shard shop currency based off of the shards remaining to get Malak to 7*. If you were more than 75 away, you get nothing. If you were less than 75 away, you get 1125 if you didn't complete one of the events.
  • Calo_Nord
    224 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    My dad went into a furniture store once. Found a really nice armchair listed at $250. The sales associate was like “oh crap the ottomans are $250, the armchair is supposed to be $750, but we’re obligated to respect the listed price now.” My dad walked out of that store with 2 brand new armchairs ($250 a piece). The store fixed the price immediately afterwards.

    To the best of my knowledge, the furniture store did not do any of the following:
    1) Hunt down my dad later and demand he return the armchairs and pay the correct price.
    2) Contact all previous customers who paid full price for the item and offer them any sort of compensation for that fact.
    3) Contact any other potential customers that missed out on the fluke and offer them compensation.

    That furniture store really dropped the ball. No rollbacks, no reconciliation plan. They simply didn’t understand the customer is always wrong. It was my dad’s fault for taking advantage of their mistake. He shouldn’t have come out ahead in the end.
    Post edited by Calo_Nord on
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    Calo_Nord wrote: »
    My dad went into a furniture store once. Found a really nice armchair listed at $250. The sales associate was like “oh crap the ottomans are $250, the armchair is supposed to be $750, but we’re obligated to respect the listed price now.” My dad walked out that store with 2 brand new armchairs ($250 a piece). The store fixed the price immediately afterwards.

    To the best of my knowledge, the furniture store did not do any of the following:
    1) Hunt down my dad later and demand he return the armchairs and pay the correct price.
    2) Contact all previous customers who paid full price for the item and offer them any sort of compensation for that fact.
    3) Contact any other potential customers that missed out on the fluke and offer them compensation.

    That furniture store really dropped the ball. No rollbacks, no reconciliation plan. They simple didn’t understand the customer is always wrong. It was my dad’s fault for taking advantage of their mistake. He shouldn’t have come out ahead in the end.


    Owning a mistake and allowing the customer base to 'reap' the rewards is the right move.
    Also the right move, for those whom did previous get Malak to 7 star before the event gaffe is the give those customers the equal amount of GET1 to the amount of Malak shards earned for second try players only.

    This keeps the playing field in equilibrium. How?

    Malak owners of 7 star can use that GET1 for GAS (this is assuming they got him, but even if they didn't they know have the equivalent of GET1 needed when they do unlock.) or whatever they want. They worked for it, they deserve it.

    New Malak owners should get NO further reimbursement and thus have their rosters as is right this moment.

    The only ones whom should be 'penalized' are those whom did the event AFTER OFFICIAL announcement his the Forums.

    Those are the ones whom 'technically exploited' a bug. Anything else is a complete farce.
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    mobious wrote: »
    so am I going to have my money I spent on gearing him refunded to me ?

    I’ve been trying to get that answered for a while now.
    mobious wrote: »
    so am I going to have my money I spent on gearing him refunded to me ?

    I’ve been trying to get that answered for a while now.

    For your money you will get 250 crystals and 2k shard shop currency, isnt that fair enough? According to Kyno, yes.

    What about those that barely squeaked by the 2nd time and decided to beef up their team a little when they saw they were offering shards for this. I'm sure they spent far more than 250 crystals if they put more gear on carth, mission, or zalbar. After all one stun gun costs 10 times that.

    I can definitely see people willing to gear toons like mission more to reduce the rng if they can finish malak. But not for no rewards because you can just pass.

    I understand you, I've spent 4k crystals on gear that I was still farming, and would never wasted if my Malak wasn't still 7*.

    Unfortunately man, they are here to please the whales and whales only. The F2P community means absolutely nothing to CG, nothing.
    No wonder Carrie abandoned this sinking ship before it's too late.
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    Unfortunately man, they are here to please the whales and whales only. The F2P community means absolutely nothing to CG, nothing.
    No wonder Carrie abandoned this sinking ship before it's too late.

    I wouldn't quite say that. Carrie is the one that said she expected people to spend money.

    Rather, they found someone/or some team, that makes her look good in this matter.
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    Just so we are all clear. CG messed up and missed out on money. This is the only reason for them “Reconciling” their books. This has NOTHING to do with player experience. The only reason for any of their decisions is money.

    Keep squeezing the rock.

    They could easily prove it’s not about the money by letting everyone keep their shards and reward anyone who already had a 7* Malak, but that only generates LOYALTY not MONEY therefore not within CG’s capabilities.
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    Unfortunately man, they are here to please the whales and whales only. The F2P community means absolutely nothing to CG, nothing.
    No wonder Carrie abandoned this sinking ship before it's too late.

    I wouldn't quite say that. Carrie is the one that said she expected people to spend money.

    Rather, they found someone/or some team, that makes her look good in this matter.

    I think it's fair to say that Mark is not making a good first impression with the player base.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Wow, just Wow!! This is a mess though isn't it?!
    Everyone gets 250 crystals is the only thing that is clear.
    Those who had a 7* Malak prior to the release of the 3rd appearance of the event also get 2250 shard shop currency; you earned it already, you earned half and will get the other half, you didn't get any and so you will be given 2250. That is also clear despite the fact people like Kyno keep disputing it. What isn't clear is why do those of us who had the 7 star Malak only get this reward?
    Those who don't have the requirements to attempt the event are also thankfully easily sorted!! However, In the middle it just gets to be a mess. Someone had 70/100 shards; does one half and gets 75 shards. That is a 7 star Malak and 45 shards to be converted to shard shop currency. How exactly does this player get dealt with? After the fix they will once again be at 70/100? Okay, but now what about the shard shop currency - do they keep it? Is that also taken from them? How can it be. Maybe is has already been spent to gear Malak, or some other toon, or just in their inventory. My head hurts thinking of all the permutations out there. I kind of feel sorry for CG.
    In all honesty, I know this will sound greedy on my part - but the simplest solution is to look at where everyone's Malak was at prior to the start of the 3rd release. If you had 7 star Malak, you get 57000 get. If you had a 6 star Malak at 70/100 you get 120 shards worth of GET. If you were at 5 star Malak at 10/85, you Malak is bumped to 6 stars and 75/100 for shards. People who unlocked or brought him to 7 stars and then spent money can never be properly compensated can they?
    Best of luck to you CG in sorting this out, but honestly your initial communication for your plan is not a good solution. My solution will appease most everyone and hey, it will help you keep your promise of alleviating the gear crunch too. Also, don't forget 250 crystals and 2250 shard shop currency for everyone in addition to the GET payout based on Malak's status 10/18.
    Live long and prosper, err I mean May the force be with you CG.
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    The only fair thing to do is let everyone keep what they earned from the mess up and just say “oops.” It was their mistake, own it.
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    Yoduhhh wrote: »
    Seriously!? The reconciliation doesn’t even make sense. So wait you’re gonna give people that already owned a 7* Malak free shardshop shards for no reason? So again cater to the heaviest of hitters. You’re not only giving them the crystals the rest of will get but they get a bonus!? Why? No really why do they get 2k+ shard currency? They didn’t deserve the 150 shards of Malak just like the rest of us. It was glitch for everyone not just us who were still gather his shards. We should all be equal when it comes to event rewards, or in this case the take back of your rewards, with YOUR mistake. But yeah let’s still give the whales a bonus. Forget all the loyal lower level members, throw them a few crystals (scraps) to shut ‘em up. I’m not even speaking for myself as much as I am so many people I’ve already spoken to from our alliances at all levels of play. Very poor decision. Again, rewards, paybacks, bonuses, takeaways should be equal to all. I’ll be glad to hear from someone that disagrees and hear why they disagree and think the 7* Malak owners deserve a bonus for an event that gave everyone 150 shards then took them back.

    Sure we deserve a bonus, and we don't care about losers without Malak. Dude, that's life
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    Refund all the GET used to 7 star these epic unlocks, and just give everyone a 7 star unlock instead of 5 star unlock for these events.

    Ridiculously stupid how you have to gear up/zeta all these characters to get a useless 5 star character.
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    Impact #2 from this fiasco.... TW and GA.

    Since CG is saying that multiple players have ill-gotten 6 and 7* malak and are stealing them, are they also going to reimburse players in TW AND GA matches that lose to these ill-gotten toons that they have allowed to remain in players inventories for so long!!!!!
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    Ultra wrote: »
    cournojo wrote: »
    This is such ****. Why giving free stuff for the Malak 7* owner and not a single **** **** to the rest of us.

    This is first thing that make think about quitting.
    Everyone's getting something

    Oh enlighten me. I got 150 malak shards from the event. 70 were to 7 star him. Thats worth over 20k in get if you convert it. The rest was shard shop currency. So I get to keep my shard shop currency.

    But they take away the 70 malak shards and exchange it for 250 crystals which is worth far less. How is that a net gain?

    And remember you said their fix gives everyone something.
  • Ultra
    11551 posts Moderator
    Ultra wrote: »
    cournojo wrote: »
    This is such ****. Why giving free stuff for the Malak 7* owner and not a single **** **** to the rest of us.

    This is first thing that make think about quitting.
    Everyone's getting something

    Oh enlighten me. I got 150 malak shards from the event. 70 were to 7 star him. Thats worth over 20k in get if you convert it. The rest was shard shop currency. So I get to keep my shard shop currency.

    But they take away the 70 malak shards and exchange it for 250 crystals which is worth far less. How is that a net gain?

    And remember you said their fix gives everyone something.
    You're getting 250 crystals, I'm getting 250 crystals, someone who slept through the whole Malak Event is also getting 250 crystals
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    cournojo wrote: »
    This is such ****. Why giving free stuff for the Malak 7* owner and not a single **** **** to the rest of us.

    This is first thing that make think about quitting.
    Everyone's getting something

    Oh enlighten me. I got 150 malak shards from the event. 70 were to 7 star him. Thats worth over 20k in get if you convert it. The rest was shard shop currency. So I get to keep my shard shop currency.

    But they take away the 70 malak shards and exchange it for 250 crystals which is worth far less. How is that a net gain?

    And remember you said their fix gives everyone something.
    You're getting 250 crystals, I'm getting 250 crystals, someone who slept through the whole Malak Event is also getting 250 crystals

    But they are taking 70 malak shards from me. That's 20k in get currency or 8 fully crafted stun guns. 250 crystals buys maybe 5 pieces of a stun gun. So they are effectively taking almost 8 fully crafted stun guns from me with this reconciliation.

    Not a net benefit.
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    Woke up, 7 guild members have quit. 31 mill gp total
    All over this
    The straw that broke the camels back

    "The Camel's Back" is such an odd name for a Star Wars guild....
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Ultra wrote: »
    mobious wrote: »
    so am I going to have my money I spent on gearing him refunded to me ?
    You'll have the gear you spent your money on refunded

    You spent money to buy gear, you use gear to equip him, it gets unequipped and you get what you paid for back

    The point is gear being returned isn’t the value of what it was. The crystals were spent for an advantage. Having the gear wouldn’t be needed and the crystals wouldn’t been spent if their mistake wasn’t made. The crystals and cash all needs to be refunded as it was spent under false pretenses caused by the developers.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Ededed wrote: »
    So if I'm reading you correctly - those with 7* malak and did both sides for 150 shards get keep the shard shop currency while everyone else is having the actual shards pulled but replaced with the equivalent shard shop currency to bring them to 2250 total. Right?
    So in the end everyone will have 2250 currency plus 250 crystals?

    Cuz the dev post made it sound like Only 7* malak owners were being given the currency.
    Thanks for the clarification.

    Anyone who has a 7* before this event will end up at the same place, with 2250 shard shop currency and 250 crystals.

    Anyone who did stuff this round for the first time will keep it and get 250 crystals.

    Anyone who couldnt do the event, will still get 250 crystals.

    So people with 7 stars get shard shop but not those who had six and five stars? That is totally unfair. No one should get shard shop just the crystals.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Myriddan wrote: »
    My biggest problem with this while thing, there has been no in game communication. So people can still be gearing him as we speak. Kyno why hasn't there been any in game communication about why the event was removed and warning people not to gearing Malak, etc?

    Not sure.

    But anything purchased to out in him will be returned and they will have a chance to unlock him shortly.

    But people want actual refunds of crystals not the gear. Will people’s money be returned?
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    This is such garbage. Why don’t the people that don’t have him 7* get shard shop currency? I know people cry wahh not fair. Life isn’t fair but come on man, roll back everyone’s stuff they got and give every single player the same rewards. I miss you CG carrie
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