Sith Raid Rewards: Time to Revisit


  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »

    @CG_Doja_Fett the Sith raid rewards are being a big problem in top guilds as more and more players are able to easily solo but get poor rewards

    CG previously implemented a uniform reward when introducing g12+ but nerfed the reward pool. I think returning to that with top 10 rewards or some extension of the reward pool from top 10 to top 25 needs to be done or so

    How would extending the top-10 to top-25 reward pool help players who end up at rank 26 when Soloing? How would your suggestion solve anything?

    The problem is automatically solved as more and more players in the guild can solo the raid. With many (or even all) players able to solo the raid the rewards will autonaticaly be distributed more evenly the more raids you complete, since the order in case of ties is random. Sometimes you'll rank high - sometimes low. It all evens out over a large number of raids.

    Expecting an entire guild gradually solo a raid is not a solution, if anything, it's a disgrace.

    Check the OP. The whole reason for this discussion is that in top guilds many players are able to solo the raid. That's what we are discussing - not the reward structure in general.

    Still: Having many (or all) players able to solo the raid solves the problem and @Ultra's suggestion doesn't.

    I'm in one of those guilds (330m+) and it didn't solve anything, it will not solve anything as time goes by either. There's now the reemergence of mercing. Almost half of the guild is constantly moving to merc. I bet you are aware of the resurgence of the merc market in the preceding months. This is not healthy for the game whatsoever.

    It distributes the raid rewards more evenly among the guild members of your guild. It solved the problem of an uneven distribution where top-10 won an extra rewards chest. When mercing it's a win-win situation - both for the mercenaries and for the guild they are helping out.

    It made a culture where mercing is the norm and you are losing if you don't merc. Are we now in the time that where we claim playing good means mercing, like we criticise other player oriented choices and offer options?

    There's not much new in this. Merc'ing was always a win for your guild since your guild would gain more rewards (total) than it would without mercing. The only new thing now is which individual players benefit personally from mercing. Previously players who always ranked just outside top-10 would benefit from mercing - now players who used to always rank high benefit from mercing.
  • Options
    Waqui wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »

    @CG_Doja_Fett the Sith raid rewards are being a big problem in top guilds as more and more players are able to easily solo but get poor rewards

    CG previously implemented a uniform reward when introducing g12+ but nerfed the reward pool. I think returning to that with top 10 rewards or some extension of the reward pool from top 10 to top 25 needs to be done or so

    How would extending the top-10 to top-25 reward pool help players who end up at rank 26 when Soloing? How would your suggestion solve anything?

    The problem is automatically solved as more and more players in the guild can solo the raid. With many (or even all) players able to solo the raid the rewards will autonaticaly be distributed more evenly the more raids you complete, since the order in case of ties is random. Sometimes you'll rank high - sometimes low. It all evens out over a large number of raids.

    Expecting an entire guild gradually solo a raid is not a solution, if anything, it's a disgrace.

    Check the OP. The whole reason for this discussion is that in top guilds many players are able to solo the raid. That's what we are discussing - not the reward structure in general.

    Still: Having many (or all) players able to solo the raid solves the problem and @Ultra's suggestion doesn't.

    I'm in one of those guilds (330m+) and it didn't solve anything, it will not solve anything as time goes by either. There's now the reemergence of mercing. Almost half of the guild is constantly moving to merc. I bet you are aware of the resurgence of the merc market in the preceding months. This is not healthy for the game whatsoever.

    It distributes the raid rewards more evenly among the guild members of your guild. It solved the problem of an uneven distribution where top-10 won an extra rewards chest. When mercing it's a win-win situation - both for the mercenaries and for the guild they are helping out.

    It made a culture where mercing is the norm and you are losing if you don't merc. Are we now in the time that where we claim playing good means mercing, like we criticise other player oriented choices and offer options?

    There's not much new in this. Merc'ing was always a win for your guild since your guild would gain more rewards (total) than it would without mercing. The only new thing now is which individual players benefit personally from mercing. Previously players who always ranked just outside top-10 would benefit from mercing - now players who used to always rank high benefit from mercing.

    "Nothing new to this" is not a legitimate argument about something that stinks and be easily changed lol.
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    I never merc'ed by the way, I'm not mercing now either. But until recent months, there was no such -do or die- incentive towards mercing either. So yeah, practical reality of this particular raid with particular reward structure causing a new merc wave is entirely new.
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    Waqui I keep seeing you in these threads going on about how the system currently is great and just leads to more and more even distribution over time, liking it to Rancor raid back in the day.

    Everybody getting slkr to solo the raid seems like a poor solution to me.
    It forces every single member of most higher end guilds to get slkr, above any other GL. This was not the case with Pit, which can be soloed by a number of teams and compositions. Furthermore even in current game economy, liking slkr with CLS seems way off.

    For most players it’s not possible to get al GLs at current release cadence, again meaning that your argument is that it’s great people have to prioritise one GL for an even reward distribution. And this includes most players in guilds with more than 10 slkrs.

    There’s also the argument that you must get in on the raid within minutes of it going live, otherwise damage could have been posted and you are locked out of top 10.

    To me it seems so weird to be a proponent for a reward system that is so clearly broken, it’s moving people towards 1 toon who is what, 8 months old, and forcing people to be on in a window of minutes.
    It’s leading people to leave their guild to merc with smaller guilds, leading people to leave their guilds permanently for lower level guilds without 10 SLKRs etc.

    Just seems silly.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »

    @CG_Doja_Fett the Sith raid rewards are being a big problem in top guilds as more and more players are able to easily solo but get poor rewards

    CG previously implemented a uniform reward when introducing g12+ but nerfed the reward pool. I think returning to that with top 10 rewards or some extension of the reward pool from top 10 to top 25 needs to be done or so

    How would extending the top-10 to top-25 reward pool help players who end up at rank 26 when Soloing? How would your suggestion solve anything?

    The problem is automatically solved as more and more players in the guild can solo the raid. With many (or even all) players able to solo the raid the rewards will autonaticaly be distributed more evenly the more raids you complete, since the order in case of ties is random. Sometimes you'll rank high - sometimes low. It all evens out over a large number of raids.

    Expecting an entire guild gradually solo a raid is not a solution, if anything, it's a disgrace.

    Check the OP. The whole reason for this discussion is that in top guilds many players are able to solo the raid. That's what we are discussing - not the reward structure in general.

    Still: Having many (or all) players able to solo the raid solves the problem and @Ultra's suggestion doesn't.

    I'm in one of those guilds (330m+) and it didn't solve anything, it will not solve anything as time goes by either. There's now the reemergence of mercing. Almost half of the guild is constantly moving to merc. I bet you are aware of the resurgence of the merc market in the preceding months. This is not healthy for the game whatsoever.

    It distributes the raid rewards more evenly among the guild members of your guild. It solved the problem of an uneven distribution where top-10 won an extra rewards chest. When mercing it's a win-win situation - both for the mercenaries and for the guild they are helping out.

    It made a culture where mercing is the norm and you are losing if you don't merc. Are we now in the time that where we claim playing good means mercing, like we criticise other player oriented choices and offer options?

    There's not much new in this. Merc'ing was always a win for your guild since your guild would gain more rewards (total) than it would without mercing. The only new thing now is which individual players benefit personally from mercing. Previously players who always ranked just outside top-10 would benefit from mercing - now players who used to always rank high benefit from mercing.

    "Nothing new to this" is not a legitimate argument about something that stinks and be easily changed lol.

    It is an argument that SLKR didn't create a new norm like you wrongfully claimed. LOL.

    Merc'ing was always a win for your guild. It happened long before SLKR was introduced. In one of my guilds it happened last year as well. In my other guild it doesn't happen even if those who want to are allowed to merc in between TBs.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I never merc'ed by the way, I'm not mercing now either. But until recent months, there was no such -do or die- incentive towards mercing either. So yeah, practical reality of this particular raid with particular reward structure causing a new merc wave is entirely new.

    To me it's nothing new. In one of my guilds it happened ever since I joined them more than a year ago. It may be new to you but to me it isn't.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    Waqui I keep seeing you in these threads going on about how the system currently is great and just leads to more and more even distribution over time, liking it to Rancor raid back in the day.

    Everybody getting slkr to solo the raid seems like a poor solution to me.
    It forces every single member of most higher end guilds to get slkr, above any other GL. This was not the case with Pit, which can be soloed by a number of teams and compositions. Furthermore even in current game economy, liking slkr with CLS seems way off.

    I never claimed that the current system is great. I simply claim that having many (or even all) members in a guild able to solo hSTR actually solves the previous problem with uneven distribution of rewards within a guild. Rewards will now be distributed more evenly within the guild without changing the reward structure. That's all.

    SLKR and CLS are not alike. SLKR teams are the first (and so far only) teams to solo hSTR. CLS was neither the first nor the only team/character to solo Rancor raids. CLS just made it faster and easier to solo it. I don't imagine that SLKR teams are the only ones that will ever solo hSTR. Do you?
    For most players it’s not possible to get al GLs at current release cadence, again meaning that your argument is that it’s great people have to prioritise one GL for an even reward distribution. And this includes most players in guilds with more than 10 slkrs.

    Roster/resource management is nothing new. It plays a major role in this game, yes. Your choices influence your ability to reach your goals, yes. What's your point?
    There’s also the argument that you must get in on the raid within minutes of it going live, otherwise damage could have been posted and you are locked out of top 10.

    How will a new rewards structure solve this? This is a social/guild problem rather than a design problem. Just be a good pal and don't register any early score.
    To me it seems so weird to be a proponent for a reward system that is so clearly broken,...

    The system is less broken now than it was before the raid became solo able.

  • Options
    Dear @CG_TopHat all raids can be soloed by SLKR. and as I remember CG responded the new raids will be prepared If the current raids can be soloed..

    Now, can you please share details of what is the new raid status?

    - Are you gonna release new RAID? (perhaps based on Final Order)
    - Are you gonna release new tier for curent raids (Rancor/Tank/Sithtriumvirate)
    - or both? or none?

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    HSTR rewards structure is something myself and Crumb have been (and will continue to be) raising awareness about with the devs. It's not our call, so can't say what will happen going forward, but I feel like it's a worthwhile cause.

    What ? the devs are choosing the rewards...?
    The devs are doing what they are told to.
    And in a proper company, this is not their call.
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    @CG_Doja_Fett is there any possibility of something happening about this? Leaving my guild just to get some better rewards inbetween TW and TB is not really how I want to play this game to survive. As others have stated, it’s not ideal that the game forces you to get SLKR to stay competitive in the raids and then you’re eternally punished for choosing any other GL.

  • Options
    Waqui wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I never merc'ed by the way, I'm not mercing now either. But until recent months, there was no such -do or die- incentive towards mercing either. So yeah, practical reality of this particular raid with particular reward structure causing a new merc wave is entirely new.

    To me it's nothing new. In one of my guilds it happened ever since I joined them more than a year ago. It may be new to you but to me it isn't.

    Being a day 1 player, mercing itself is not new to me. What's new is the -do or get left in the dust- nature of the current mercing scene. Anyways, cg will either give into the logic of what's been asked of them or not. Your -it's fine, you should do the same- won't have much effect to the outcome.
  • Options
    HSTR rewards structure is something myself and Crumb have been (and will continue to be) raising awareness about with the devs. It's not our call, so can't say what will happen going forward, but I feel like it's a worthwhile cause.

    What ? the devs are choosing the rewards...?
    The devs are doing what they are told to.
    And in a proper company, this is not their call.

    They are not the devs, they are the community managers.
  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    @MaruMaru i wouldn't argue with him, because he just argues for the sake of argument and its best to ignore him


    I argue for the sake of my argument. What is not clear about my point or any of my other points?

    I could be wrong but I think he was talking about Waqui not you. Sounds to me like he was telling you there was no point in arguing with Waqui because he argues for the sake of it. Not that you argue for the sake of it
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    @MaruMaru i wouldn't argue with him, because he just argues for the sake of argument and its best to ignore him


    I argue for the sake of my argument. What is not clear about my point or any of my other points?

    I was talking about Waqui here but didn’t want to specifically use his name, my bad
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    My bad, I misunderstood as well.
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    Waqui wrote: »
    SiStibbs wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    A player who solos the raids will sometimes rank high - at other times rank low. It all evens out the more raids they complete because of the random order. IMO it's a good thing.

    But this does mean everyone who unlocked SLKR share the good rewards, and the **** who went for one of the other "similar power level" GLs like SEE get the terrible rewards every time. It shouldn't be that you have to have one specific character of you want a chance at decent rewards.

    It has always been the case with every raid that at some point if you wanted to keep winning top rewards you needed to solo the raid. Nothing new. Raids become trivial at some point.

    First off, the other 2 raids have the possibility of full gear drops outside the top 10 - HSith does not (anymore). So the statement that "it has always been the case" while technically true, is not accurate.

    Secondly, there are several different teams that can can solo the other 2 raids. For HSith, there is 1. And now that there are 4 GLs....there's still only 1.

    The problem here is twofold - 1) CG reworked HSith rewards to make them disproportionately top-heavy compared to the other 2 raids. 2) CG created a situation where only one character can guarantee those top rewards.

    The problem with mercing is that SLKR owners are trying to merc to the very guilds that the non-SLKR owners are moving to to attain top scores without him. The situation has basically become one where both SLKR owners and those that don't, want to merc. HSith isn't trivial because the top 10 rewards are so much better than 11 down.

    This situation is also bad for newer players, as CG is basically prescribing play, by forcing SLKR as the only HSith option for the foreseeable future.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    SiStibbs wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    A player who solos the raids will sometimes rank high - at other times rank low. It all evens out the more raids they complete because of the random order. IMO it's a good thing.

    But this does mean everyone who unlocked SLKR share the good rewards, and the **** who went for one of the other "similar power level" GLs like SEE get the terrible rewards every time. It shouldn't be that you have to have one specific character of you want a chance at decent rewards.

    It has always been the case with every raid that at some point if you wanted to keep winning top rewards you needed to solo the raid. Nothing new. Raids become trivial at some point.

    First off, the other 2 raids have the possibility of full gear drops outside the top 10 - HSith does not (anymore). So the statement that "it has always been the case" while technically true, is not accurate.

    Secondly, there are several different teams that can can solo the other 2 raids. For HSith, there is 1. And now that there are 4 GLs....there's still only 1.

    For now, yes. I trust that more will be introduced at some point - just like it they were for Rancor and AAT raids. At first you needed Teebo and Wampa to solo Rancor and AAT.
    The problem here is twofold - 1) CG reworked HSith rewards to make them disproportionately top-heavy compared to the other 2 raids. 2) CG created a situation where only one character can guarantee those top rewards.

    The problem with mercing is that SLKR owners are trying to merc to the very guilds that the non-SLKR owners are moving to to attain top scores without him. The situation has basically become one where both SLKR owners and those that don't, want to merc. HSith isn't trivial because the top 10 rewards are so much better than 11 down.

    This situation is also bad for newer players, as CG is basically prescribing play, by forcing SLKR as the only HSith option for the foreseeable future.

    If merc'ing was really such a problem why would any guild accept a mercenary? If merc'ing was really such a problem why would anybody merc? I believe merc'ing is mutualy beneficial for both the mercenary and the guild they help out (and also helps out the mercenary's home guild). I don't see merc'ing as such a bad thing. It's an option you can chose if you like. I believe that those who see merc'ing as a requirement now are players who benefited from the top-heavy reward structure - maybe for more than 2 years. I don't see it as a bad thing that more of their guild mates now also take a slice of the cake. Personaly I have been at both ends of that stick on different accounts (only rarely merc'ed myself).

    I don't see why it's such a problem for newer players that only one GL solos the raid. Newer players know which GL to chose as their first GL if they want to solo hSTR.
  • Options
    Waqui wrote: »

    If merc'ing was really such a problem why would any guild accept a mercenary? If merc'ing was really such a problem why would anybody merc?

    Is that a rhetorical question? People do it because the state of the game forced them to, hardly because they like it whatsoever. Is there even a single person that enjoys having to move in and out of their guilds every few days meanwhile deleting their track record in the guild.

  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »

    If merc'ing was really such a problem why would any guild accept a mercenary? If merc'ing was really such a problem why would anybody merc?

    Is that a rhetorical question? People do it because the state of the game forced them to, hardly because they like it whatsoever. Is there even a single person that enjoys having to move in and out of their guilds every few days meanwhile deleting their track record in the guild.
    If mercing is the only route for some to attain top 10 prizes, some of them probably do enjoy doing it.

  • GJO
    172 posts Member
    TuncBlack wrote: »
    Dear @CG_TopHat all raids can be soloed by SLKR. and as I remember CG responded the new raids will be prepared If the current raids can be soloed..

    Now, can you please share details of what is the new raid status?

    - Are you gonna release new RAID? (perhaps based on Final Order)
    - Are you gonna release new tier for curent raids (Rancor/Tank/Sithtriumvirate)
    - or both? or none?


    We don't want that. We want a sandbox mode and a GAC without prizes where you can fight your friends. Raid is boring anyway, just a waste of time of doing the same stuff almost everyday, over and over.

    Just equalize the prizes on raid sith and then.... work on a friendly GAC.
  • GJO
    172 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »

    If merc'ing was really such a problem why would any guild accept a mercenary? If merc'ing was really such a problem why would anybody merc?

    Is that a rhetorical question? People do it because the state of the game forced them to, hardly because they like it whatsoever. Is there even a single person that enjoys having to move in and out of their guilds every few days meanwhile deleting their track record in the guild.
    If mercing is the only route for some to attain top 10 prizes, some of them probably do enjoy doing it.

    Enjoy the prizes, not the mecanism to obtain them.
  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »

    If merc'ing was really such a problem why would any guild accept a mercenary? If merc'ing was really such a problem why would anybody merc?

    Is that a rhetorical question? People do it because the state of the game forced them to, hardly because they like it whatsoever. Is there even a single person that enjoys having to move in and out of their guilds every few days meanwhile deleting their track record in the guild.
    If mercing is the only route for some to attain top 10 prizes, some of them probably do enjoy doing it.

    Getting up at 4:00 am is some people's only way to attain a paycheck. That doesn't mean they enjoy it.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Getting up at 4:00 am is some people's only way to attain a paycheck. That doesn't mean they enjoy it.

    But getting up at 2:00 am is unreasonable for a game
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »

    If merc'ing was really such a problem why would any guild accept a mercenary? If merc'ing was really such a problem why would anybody merc?

    Is that a rhetorical question? People do it because the state of the game forced them to, hardly because they like it whatsoever. Is there even a single person that enjoys having to move in and out of their guilds every few days meanwhile deleting their track record in the guild.
    If mercing is the only route for some to attain top 10 prizes, some of them probably do enjoy doing it.

    Getting up at 4:00 am is some people's only way to attain a paycheck. That doesn't mean they enjoy it.

    No, but one person not enjoying it doesn't mean nobody does, which is what @MaruMaru is suggesting.
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »

    If merc'ing was really such a problem why would any guild accept a mercenary? If merc'ing was really such a problem why would anybody merc?

    Is that a rhetorical question? People do it because the state of the game forced them to, hardly because they like it whatsoever. Is there even a single person that enjoys having to move in and out of their guilds every few days meanwhile deleting their track record in the guild.
    If mercing is the only route for some to attain top 10 prizes, some of them probably do enjoy doing it.

    Getting up at 4:00 am is some people's only way to attain a paycheck. That doesn't mean they enjoy it.

    No, but one person not enjoying it doesn't mean nobody does, which is what @MaruMaru is suggesting.

    Yes, I'm suggesting exactly that. The outcome of it=more gear being desirable/enjoyable has nothing to do with mercing being enjoyable.
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    And before you come back "helping out the underdog" response, I'm not talking about people that does merc for that exact purpose regardless of the current scene. They were already dedicated mercs. My point revolves around the recent events that made people who otherwise don't merc into mercs (which waqui claims is not a thing or has no difference to 6 months prior these developments).
  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »

    If merc'ing was really such a problem why would any guild accept a mercenary? If merc'ing was really such a problem why would anybody merc?

    Is that a rhetorical question? People do it because the state of the game forced them to, hardly because they like it whatsoever. Is there even a single person that enjoys having to move in and out of their guilds every few days meanwhile deleting their track record in the guild.
    If mercing is the only route for some to attain top 10 prizes, some of them probably do enjoy doing it.

    Getting up at 4:00 am is some people's only way to attain a paycheck. That doesn't mean they enjoy it.

    No, but one person not enjoying it doesn't mean nobody does, which is what @MaruMaru is suggesting.

    Yes, I'm suggesting exactly that. The outcome of it=more gear being desirable/enjoyable has nothing to do with mercing being enjoyable.

    OK. I know a collection of people that merc, and they all enjoy it.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    If merc'ing was really such a problem why would any guild accept a mercenary? If merc'ing was really such a problem why would anybody merc?

    Is that a rhetorical question? People do it because the state of the game forced them to, hardly because they like it whatsoever. Is there even a single person that enjoys having to move in and out of their guilds every few days meanwhile deleting their track record in the guild.

    It's their choice. If they merc everybody wins: The mercenaries, the guild they are helping and their home guild. If they don't like the hassle - don't do it. I'm sure mercs only merc if it's worth the hassle.
  • Options
    Waqui wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    If merc'ing was really such a problem why would any guild accept a mercenary? If merc'ing was really such a problem why would anybody merc?

    Is that a rhetorical question? People do it because the state of the game forced them to, hardly because they like it whatsoever. Is there even a single person that enjoys having to move in and out of their guilds every few days meanwhile deleting their track record in the guild.

    It's their choice. If they merc everybody wins: The mercenaries, the guild they are helping and their home guild. If they don't like the hassle - don't do it. I'm sure mercs only merc if it's worth the hassle.

    Won't be the case when cg changes it. Since you were talking about how mercing scene came into being, I'm sure you remember they also changed the limitations of mercing which was much more profitable beforehand.
  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    They are not the devs, they are the community managers.
    Community manager telling the devs what to do is normal.
    But the way CG Doja expressed it, felt like the devs were choosing.

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