Conquest 4 Feedback [MERGE]


  • dogwelder79
    1505 posts Member
    edited May 2021
    el_mago wrote: »
    It really feels like DCS helped a lot of weaker rosters advance further than they should have. Now the shallowness of said rosters is really showing and suddenly it's not as fun?

    I hate to make this a case of "git gud", but if the shoe fits?

    I'm getting more or less the same results as before and also find it less fun. So no, this is not a matter of "git gud". The same happened with GC: it started as a fun replayable content, and suddenly they made it less fun.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    PoederAmon wrote: »
    It's a game. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Winning is fun, losing is not.

    What is always fun? Strategize how to develop your roster and gather the resources accordingly.

    Good luck and enjoy!

    It would be cool to strategize and use new combos of data disks, which would be totally fun! Unfortunately it costs 5 credits per swap so its either get credits for shards and gear or blow them on data disks...hmmm if only they didn’t punish us for trying to theory craft
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    PoederAmon wrote: »
    It's a game. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Winning is fun, losing is not.

    What is always fun? Strategize how to develop your roster and gather the resources accordingly.

    Good luck and enjoy!

    It would be cool to strategize and use new combos of data disks, which would be totally fun! Unfortunately it costs 5 credits per swap so its either get credits for shards and gear or blow them on data disks...hmmm if only they didn’t punish us for trying to theory craft

    Have to agree with you on that part. I would propose some kind of preview phase in which we could see feats and bosses. Would give us some more info about how to plan ahead.
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    It’s a very strange strategy from CG to do a few changes this Conquest that only are to the disadvantage of the players without combining it with some changes that would improve the experience for the players ( for example an in game feat counter, removing the cost for disk switching etc). In the past they usually talks a lot of how they don’t want to take stuff away from the players and that’s the reason for not implementing changes quickly. “We need to collect and analyze the data …”
    This feels like they’ve maybe used that as an excuse without it being grounded in reality.
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    Some of the feats are feeling a lot more “grindy” or more dependent on getting the right opponent teams early on without Deployable cooling. Some team combinations make it easier to quickly farm up detonations, marks and evasions for example.
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    The reason it is less fun (doesn't matter what level you are at) is the feats are the same and requires you to play battles a lot more times now than when you had deployable cooling systems.

    Personally I think it is fine DCS was removed. But then still having feats like inflect mark 40 times but also a feat on the same sector that has no attacker (JKR is both the only mark that is suppose to "work", but is also a attacker) So in theory this sector could require you playing (lets say you get 5 marks per battle) the 14 battles available 18 times (8 times for mark and 10 times for no attacker)

    Another sector has 14 full sith (surprise there is only 14 battles in each sector) but also require you to do 100 thermal detonators (which sith applies thermal detonators again?) and unless you got Jawas which requires you to play 15 or 16 battles, your second choice is some weird BH team and you are not going to get 100 thermals in 1 battle without DCS.

    It is the repetitiveness of the same battles i already beat and having to go back to gain 100, 300 or 14 of some thing very specific. I do feel they could've reduced the amount of some of these things by 20 or 25% with the removal of DCS (because with that it only required 1 or 2 battles and you'd be done with those silly things and on to the harder parts)

    Right now, conquest is a chore, but only for the repetitiveness as mentioned above. Not that it is more difficult
  • el_mago
    753 posts Member
    el_mago wrote: »
    It really feels like DCS helped a lot of weaker rosters advance further than they should have. Now the shallowness of said rosters is really showing and suddenly it's not as fun?

    I hate to make this a case of "git gud", but if the shoe fits?

    I'm getting more or less the same results as before and also find it less fun. So no, this is not a matter of "git gud". The same happened with GC: it started as a fun replayable content, and suddenly they made it less fun.

    If you are getting same results as before then you don't fall into the category I specified, do you?
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    I’ve been quite positive about Conquest in the past. This is a mode that has a lot of potential, but unfortunately suffers from a lot of issues imo.

    1. No enemy stats.
    2. No trackers for boss feats.
    3. Replaying missions for sector feats.
    4. RNG-based disks allowing same option x3.
    5. RNG-based opponents allowing same option x3
    6. OP enemy modifiers (steadfast retribution).
    7. No enemy stats.
    8. No trackers for boss feats.
    9. RNG-based purple disk retrieval (might get 0)
    10. Conquest currency balancing (costs most of the currency to unlock exclusive character allowing little room for other items)
    11. Cost to remove disks
    12. Poor gear pools in crates (mk4 stun guns etc)
    13. “Balanced” rewards (should increase in reward pool for achieving higher rewards in all categories, not take away while earning more).
    14. Inability to check disks without equipping and removing (no cost, just an annoyance)
    15. No enemy stats.
    16. No tracker for boss feats.

    This is an extensive list to be sure, but there are a couple items that need immediate attention imo 😉. I’m not 100% sure that I will achieve max crate this time (probably will), but the experience certainly has been less fun (for me) knowing the prohibitive cost of swapping disks to definitely be a detriment to unlocking exclusive characters now & in the future. Oh...I think I forgot a couple items in the list, could you please allow us to see enemy stats and also give us a tracker for boss feats?
  • Wargoat
    19 posts Member
    0 stars, not having any fun with it at all.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    One other bit of useful feedback--
    You should probably lower the cost or lower the amount of older character shards available at Wandering Jawa nodes. It's a problem you guys have already identified in other areas of the game, but if you give us a character we need to spend some sort of currency on then we're going to horde that currency until we have the character.

    Since the plan you've mentioned is to cycle new characters into these nodes as we progress through more and more Conquests, we're largely not going to use the currency for anything else.

    What about if after some number of Conquests, the shards or blueprints for older characters become free in those nodes?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    This game mode was fun the first few times, this time with the changes to data disks and every single round having overprepared its been an awful mess. Just trying to get some of the achievements is near impossible, I am trying to get the mark achievement and a ewok team is trashing my relic 5+ Revan team about 60% of the time. My last attempt Logray hit my relic 5 general Kenobi for 38k hp when my Kenobi's taunt drops most ewoks 1 shot or 2 shot my other jedi's they also get between 6-8 attacks for my one. I cant even beat GL Rey tier 4 with my SLKR team that I keeps me in the top 10 in squad arena, I never have problems beating Rey teams with SLKR yet for this GC I get destroyed in 20 seconds.

    Thanks capitol games for turning what was somewhat fun into such I grind I am giving up on it half way through this one
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    NicWester wrote: »
    One other bit of useful feedback--
    You should probably lower the cost or lower the amount of older character shards available at Wandering Jawa nodes. It's a problem you guys have already identified in other areas of the game, but if you give us a character we need to spend some sort of currency on then we're going to horde that currency until we have the character.

    Since the plan you've mentioned is to cycle new characters into these nodes as we progress through more and more Conquests, we're largely not going to use the currency for anything else.

    What about if after some number of Conquests, the shards or blueprints for older characters become free in those nodes?

    I dont see them becoming free, as future steps have them rotating to the store and then finally to a node or store not connected to Conquest.

    It also depends on the rotation, if they dont keep new characters coming every 3 months (which I dont think they will), then we will end up with a good income of currency which may help loosen the purse strings on those who dont want to change discs, but also allow players to float currency from one to the next. Over all this self feeding cycle should look different as we move through this new setup, which hasn't really had time to settle in yet.
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    well i need 1 last feat for my red box, and I will get it. However I've got some issues with this conquest.

    1. The sheer laziness of the boss feats. If you changed the bosses, surely you could have changed the feats? You made already difficult feats 100x harder. 40 crits vs SLK whose team is crit immune w/Advantage? Seriously?! How the heck did that get past testing? Just bc we don't need all the feats for the max box doesn't mean CG can't or shouldn't be accountable for such poor oversight.
    2. The stupid grind required for sector feats. I don't mind the "use Jedi teams" "use sith teams" those sorts of things. But the "inflict 300 DOTs" actually managed to make me mad at the game. The actual grind required is gross and it's so, so boring. Why does it have to be 300? Why not, say, 200? 150? The "Inflict Marked" feat is also very very stupid and unnecessarily long. I don't mind the big numbers in the event feats, bc you can do those in all the sectors; but making sector feats THAT lengthy and a stupid, dull grind is the worst kind of grind. And I play Disgaea, so it's not like I'm opposed to grinding.
    3. Why must almost every team be overprepared?! Conquest is a mode about strategy, it was said. What strategy is involved in having to be faster or be sturdier to survive the opening blitz?! Is it supposed to be fun using some of my less relic'd teams for feats only to have them die painful, embarrassing deaths?
    4. This ties into #3, actually. If you're going to make overprepared on every team not from Galactic Republic, then how about not charging us energy when we lose? bc several teams I attempted that should have been strong enough but got smoked bc RNG + modifier = evil cost me ALOT of energy. You can't even say I strategized wrong for the battle. I just hit battle and my team got wiped. On a second attempt, they didn't. If you're going to let RNG be THAT outrageous, then return our energy to us when we lose like that.
    5. all caps so you can see it from the balcony- MAKE NEW FEATS AND GIVE US COUNTERS FOR TM REMOVAL Failure to do so in GC and Conquest has actually made me very resentful of both modes and I don't even bother in GCs anymore bc I would rather play other games that are fun (and give them my money) than try to guesstimate how much turn meter I've managed to remove.

    Now onto the positives....CAT looks cool. Uh, I like the 90 shards in the box. tbh if she WASN'T in the box I'd have just given up on this conquest on the principle of "mode isn't fun, don't want to play". So I guess good job incentivizing the red box. Overall I'd rate this conquest as the very worst so far, and by far the least fun.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    well i need 1 last feat for my red box, and I will get it. However I've got some issues with this conquest.

    1. The sheer laziness of the boss feats. If you changed the bosses, surely you could have changed the feats? You made already difficult feats 100x harder. 40 crits vs SLK whose team is crit immune w/Advantage? Seriously?! How the heck did that get past testing? Just bc we don't need all the feats for the max box doesn't mean CG can't or shouldn't be accountable for such poor oversight.
    2. The stupid grind required for sector feats. I don't mind the "use Jedi teams" "use sith teams" those sorts of things. But the "inflict 300 DOTs" actually managed to make me mad at the game. The actual grind required is gross and it's so, so boring. Why does it have to be 300? Why not, say, 200? 150? The "Inflict Marked" feat is also very very stupid and unnecessarily long. I don't mind the big numbers in the event feats, bc you can do those in all the sectors; but making sector feats THAT lengthy and a stupid, dull grind is the worst kind of grind. And I play Disgaea, so it's not like I'm opposed to grinding.
    3. Why must almost every team be overprepared?! Conquest is a mode about strategy, it was said. What strategy is involved in having to be faster or be sturdier to survive the opening blitz?! Is it supposed to be fun using some of my less relic'd teams for feats only to have them die painful, embarrassing deaths?
    4. This ties into #3, actually. If you're going to make overprepared on every team not from Galactic Republic, then how about not charging us energy when we lose? bc several teams I attempted that should have been strong enough but got smoked bc RNG + modifier = evil cost me ALOT of energy. You can't even say I strategized wrong for the battle. I just hit battle and my team got wiped. On a second attempt, they didn't. If you're going to let RNG be THAT outrageous, then return our energy to us when we lose like that.
    5. all caps so you can see it from the balcony- MAKE NEW FEATS AND GIVE US COUNTERS FOR TM REMOVAL Failure to do so in GC and Conquest has actually made me very resentful of both modes and I don't even bother in GCs anymore bc I would rather play other games that are fun (and give them my money) than try to guesstimate how much turn meter I've managed to remove.

    Now onto the positives....CAT looks cool. Uh, I like the 90 shards in the box. tbh if she WASN'T in the box I'd have just given up on this conquest on the principle of "mode isn't fun, don't want to play". So I guess good job incentivizing the red box. Overall I'd rate this conquest as the very worst so far, and by far the least fun.

    So much love for this
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Hopefully the devs are listening. If not, they’re falling back into old habits of coasting off of initial success and letting fun new game modes get stale and boring very quickly.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    DCS was way overpowered, I think they did a better balance job this time. I just got the max reward this morning, doing about 5-6 energy refreshes, spending about 30 currency for swaps, and skipping several boss feats.

    I need a new message here.
  • Glauron
    56 posts Member
    The big issue for me is they toom out a lot of the "different" disks. Now most are flat stat boosts, except speed, while opponents mostly get... stat bonus and speed.

    Secondly, all the feats, like 40 marks and 300 dots, have gone from "how can I do this in 1-2 fights" eg vader cooldown and jkr cooldown to " guess I'll run the exact same fight vs the easiest matchup 20 times. Yes, they got me to spend crystals for refreshes but it isn't fun. It's more grinding.

    With smart play the goal was to get all feats done without extra battles - so you had to pick NS for jkr mark spam etc. Now one has to be resigned to grinding. And refreshes. And flat stat bonuses.

    If you won't bring cooling systems back give us a mark or thermal detonator disk that actually changes how a team plays.

    Finally, lower the costs on the shards. As it stands we can't experiment or try different disk combos (that might be as fun as the old ones), like pure dots, leader buffs etc, because we don't have the extra currency to swap around. Again fun->GRINDING.

    Thanks for listening! This was by far, without doubt the best new thing in 4 years. That glory is starting to fade with the changes. If you can't think of new exotic and somewhat broken/op disks, ask the players! We all have hundreds of creative disk ideas. This event was at its best when the enemies were tough, fast and powerful... and we had disks to match.
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    braccer wrote: »
    Has anyone found a way to beat the Sector 5 SLKR? His stats are insane. I’ve tried using JKR, JML, JKL, GAS, and wat like in arena, but he just smokes through them.

    I beat him with a R8 SLKR, R7 KRU, R5 ST, R5 FOST, and R7 Hux. Granted, SLKR was the only survivor. But I did beat it.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    DCS was way overpowered, I think they did a better balance job this time. I just got the max reward this morning, doing about 5-6 energy refreshes, spending about 30 currency for swaps, and skipping several boss feats.

    I don’t think anyone is really complaining about DCS itself being taken away. The bigger issue is that aside from new bosses, they didn’t add anything to help or freshen up conquest. Feats are the same, without any sort of counter in battles. The cost for data disk swaps is still there which is asinine. There’s plenty they can still do to make Conquest more fun and help the player base get to theory craft their data disks
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    TVF wrote: »
    DCS was way overpowered, I think they did a better balance job this time. I just got the max reward this morning, doing about 5-6 energy refreshes, spending about 30 currency for swaps, and skipping several boss feats.

    Ironically DCS was letting players be as OP and broken as the enemy teams. They've since made every non-GR team overprepared while removing DCS so they've massively boosted their teams while weakening us as players. But I don't even care about that disk. There were no disks this time that I went "oooh this sounds really interesting." As was pointed out by another poster, almost all the disks are now flat stat boosts. starting a fight with prot up isn't going to excite me. It doesn't introduce fun new interactions or help you strategize how to maximize your benefit from it. Add into it that for me I had very limited disks to choose from bc of how many nodes had 2-3 of the same disk on it and you get...well I got disappointed. I loved this mode's concept, and the initial beta test was awesome. But this conquest doesn't live up to the others at all.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    edited May 2021
    Conquest is the worst game mode I have played in my life. Boring, repetitive garbagemode timesuck.

    I’ll never understand how people think it’s fun to do the same stuff over and over again. Even MSF’s most hated mode, rta, can just be auto’d.

    I’d pay $20 for the prize box every single Conquest, bc I have things to do and adding hours of repetitive uninspired weaksauce is the opposite of fun. At the very least have this awful game mode be a stand alone thing, so all the people that like a sandbox with modifiers can spend all day having “fun” while the rest of us do have to bother.

    It’s unreal that developers wasted this much time with a way to add hours to gameplay and then just tuned up rancor instead of making an actual new challenge/raid.

    And yes, of course I always get the last prize box. The problem is being forced to spend all this time beating a mode, then going back over and over doing tickytack busywork “feats.” It’s a joke.

    Edit: lol I forgot they took out the only thing that added any enjoyment to the mode, DCS. Looooool get it together, cg
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Gifafi wrote: »
    Conquest is the worst game mode I have played in my life. Boring, repetitive garbagemode timesuck.

    I’ll never understand how people think it’s fun to do the same stuff over and over again. Even MSF’s most hated mode, rta, can just be auto’d.

    I’d pay $20 for the prize box every single Conquest, bc I have things to do and adding hours of repetitive uninspired weaksauce is the opposite of fun. At the very least have this awful game mode be a stand alone thing, so all the people that like a sandbox with modifiers can spend all day having “fun” while the rest of us do have to bother.

    It’s unreal that developers wasted this much time with a way to add hours to gameplay and then just tuned up rancor instead of making an actual new challenge/raid.

    And yes, of course I always get the last prize box. The problem is being forced to spend all this time beating a mode, then going back over and over doing tickytack busywork “feats.” It’s a joke.

    Edit: lol I forgot they took out the only thing that added any enjoyment to the mode, DCS. Looooool get it together, cg

    At its core the game mode is totally fine. The idea of the prizes, data disks, feats etc is fine.

    The issue is that they let it get stale. They’ve only changed the bosses once, the feats are exactly the same, the nodes are the same modifiers over and over again, and the data disk cost is ridiculous as it forces the choice between fresh data disk combos or missing out on crucial character shards, relic material or gear.

    They could also allow us to chose certain modifiers as well (obviously not the retribution one) to apply to our own teams as well which would be fun to theory craft with too.

    They need to be more involved in keeping the game mode fresh or it’s just going to get more stale and boring as time goes on.
  • QuickGoneJim
    192 posts Member
    edited May 2021
    I achieved max rewards today. That new evasion disc was very useful and without DCS discs I needed only a few more battles than last time.

    Its safe to say that the only way they could make this harder for me is to increase the threshold for max rewards. The 27-points margin they left us is enough to skip the annoying feats that require switching mods and/or certain disc combinations.

    I don’t mind repeating battles. There is plenty of time and energy is not an issue. Spending 150-250 crystals on refreshes every couple of weeks is ok.

    The game mode is not a chore. However, it’s not particularly entertaining either. I don’t care as long as I know that I can finish after 7-8 days.
  • khdelboy
    754 posts Member
    The data disk screen needs to be improved.

    Why can’t I hold down on a disk and see what it is without adding it to the data disk list?
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    TVF wrote: »
    Sebek wrote: »
    Conquest was 9/10 with cooling Systems, now it's 3/10

    Sounds like a shallow roster problem. Relying that heavily on deployable cooling systems didn’t really make conquest fun. It was just cheesing your way through for the rewards.

    But he has 2 GLs :wink:, so his roster cannot be shallow :wink:

    Deployable cooling Systems is fun. I can still beat conquest sector 5. The only reason to play games is to have fun, also, i still have my 1.7M account that Was almost through sector 3 with deployable cooling Systems. now, it is stuck on the GAS at the end of sector 2

    So you can't beat sector 5.

    depends on which account
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Sebek wrote: »
    Conquest was 9/10 with cooling Systems, now it's 3/10

    Sounds like a shallow roster problem. Relying that heavily on deployable cooling systems didn’t really make conquest fun. It was just cheesing your way through for the rewards.

    But he has 2 GLs :wink:, so his roster cannot be shallow :wink:

    Deployable cooling Systems is fun. I can still beat conquest sector 5. The only reason to play games is to have fun, also, i still have my 1.7M account that Was almost through sector 3 with deployable cooling Systems. now, it is stuck on the GAS at the end of sector 2

    So you can't beat sector 5.

    depends on which account

    Yeah but you only have one.
    I need a new message here.
This discussion has been closed.