GAC “Make good” lol


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    also, decieved us how?
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    UdalCuain wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    The inability to count the number of weeks in February from so many posters is rather concerning. GAC is not on some made up time schedule of CG's. It is 5 calendar weeks. We've lost an entire week of GAC. It's not being replaced. We're not getting "more". There is an abandoned week now in GAC. It's not being "made up" in the next one.

    But hey, you think you're getting more bc CG has sold it that way so you don't know what you lost and now you can come here and defend them and praise them for giving you "extra" rewards when they've actually taken over 1k crystals from you that you're never going to get. They vanished an entire week of rewards. From now on all GACs going forward are delayed by a week that we will never be able to make up and get the rewards from.

    Are you forgetting the 5th week is the down time? There's only ever been 4 weeks of battles (12 battles total). We are getting the same number of battles/rounds as we always do.

    it is delayed one week

    weather that means we miss a week of rewards or not seems to be a matter of opinion or semantics

    It's not opinion or semantics.

    Unless you play the game until GAC is completely ended as a game mode. You will Always have received 1 week less in rewards(minus 1 round of attack). Just a fact.
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    also, decieved us how?

    Deceive us by making us feel like we got more than they are acutally giving us. By presenting us only one side of the coin.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Dreapool wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Dreapool wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Dreapool wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Also does not address end of round rewards for someone who won first round in the cancelation and then moved up skill and lost all 3 next round. End of round rewards will for sure be worse in that case.

    Now you will get an easier 4th week

    instead of 0-3 4th week

    What about the full week lost? We would have had a full week of GAC done by the 28th.


    Real what? Or avoiding question what?

    Next season was supposed to start Feb 21st. So by the time Feb 28th rolled around we would have a full week of rewards. Now.. we just will be starting.

    I think it's a very clear question.

    Feb 21st is Review week, not new season week

    It is NOW. Review week was going to be 2/14. This is a 6 week GAC not normal 5. You can admit you're wrong anytime.
    Asked around and you are right

    So End of Season rewards would’ve been this week in time for executor - which makes a big difference

    + an extra week worth of crystals etc

    Thank you for acknowledging
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    Dreapool wrote: »
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    The inability to count the number of weeks in February from so many posters is rather concerning. GAC is not on some made up time schedule of CG's. It is 5 calendar weeks. We've lost an entire week of GAC. It's not being replaced. We're not getting "more". There is an abandoned week now in GAC. It's not being "made up" in the next one.

    But hey, you think you're getting more bc CG has sold it that way so you don't know what you lost and now you can come here and defend them and praise them for giving you "extra" rewards when they've actually taken over 1k crystals from you that you're never going to get. They vanished an entire week of rewards. From now on all GACs going forward are delayed by a week that we will never be able to make up and get the rewards from.

    Are you forgetting the 5th week is the down time? There's only ever been 4 weeks of battles (12 battles total). We are getting the same number of battles/rounds as we always do.

    it is delayed one week

    weather that means we miss a week of rewards or not seems to be a matter of opinion or semantics

    It's not opinion or semantics.

    Unless you play the game until GAC is completely ended as a game mode. You will Always have received 1 week less in rewards(minus 1 round of attack). Just a fact.

    the other side also appears to believe their position is just a face so
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    zatho wrote: »
    also, decieved us how?

    Deceive us by making us feel like we got more than they are acutally giving us. By presenting us only one side of the coin.

    that seems to be your impression of it but ok
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    zatho wrote: »
    also, decieved us how?

    Deceive us by making us feel like we got more than they are acutally giving us. By presenting us only one side of the coin.

    Honestly I don't care about the rewards. They can put me on the did not join list (really, totally fine with that devs, let me know if you need my ally code)

    I just dont appreciate how it was handled and the deception.
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    Dreapool wrote: »
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    The inability to count the number of weeks in February from so many posters is rather concerning. GAC is not on some made up time schedule of CG's. It is 5 calendar weeks. We've lost an entire week of GAC. It's not being replaced. We're not getting "more". There is an abandoned week now in GAC. It's not being "made up" in the next one.

    But hey, you think you're getting more bc CG has sold it that way so you don't know what you lost and now you can come here and defend them and praise them for giving you "extra" rewards when they've actually taken over 1k crystals from you that you're never going to get. They vanished an entire week of rewards. From now on all GACs going forward are delayed by a week that we will never be able to make up and get the rewards from.

    Are you forgetting the 5th week is the down time? There's only ever been 4 weeks of battles (12 battles total). We are getting the same number of battles/rounds as we always do.

    it is delayed one week

    weather that means we miss a week of rewards or not seems to be a matter of opinion or semantics

    It's not opinion or semantics.

    Unless you play the game until GAC is completely ended as a game mode. You will Always have received 1 week less in rewards(minus 1 round of attack). Just a fact.

    the other side also appears to believe their position is just a face so

    Well lucky math doesn't subject to opinions. Lol.
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    Dreapool wrote: »
    Dreapool wrote: »
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    The inability to count the number of weeks in February from so many posters is rather concerning. GAC is not on some made up time schedule of CG's. It is 5 calendar weeks. We've lost an entire week of GAC. It's not being replaced. We're not getting "more". There is an abandoned week now in GAC. It's not being "made up" in the next one.

    But hey, you think you're getting more bc CG has sold it that way so you don't know what you lost and now you can come here and defend them and praise them for giving you "extra" rewards when they've actually taken over 1k crystals from you that you're never going to get. They vanished an entire week of rewards. From now on all GACs going forward are delayed by a week that we will never be able to make up and get the rewards from.

    Are you forgetting the 5th week is the down time? There's only ever been 4 weeks of battles (12 battles total). We are getting the same number of battles/rounds as we always do.

    it is delayed one week

    weather that means we miss a week of rewards or not seems to be a matter of opinion or semantics

    It's not opinion or semantics.

    Unless you play the game until GAC is completely ended as a game mode. You will Always have received 1 week less in rewards(minus 1 round of attack). Just a fact.

    the other side also appears to believe their position is just a face so

    Well lucky math doesn't subject to opinions. Lol.

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    zatho wrote: »
    also, decieved us how?

    Deceive us by making us feel like we got more than they are acutally giving us. By presenting us only one side of the coin.

    that seems to be your impression of it but ok

    One example is the special path. Previously, we always got to choose from two nodes. Then they announced a new feature called special path that would rewards us when staying on path. But it is not a new feature that shall reward us, it is just a mechanism to limit our choices and makes it more difficult to get a good data disk while picking the nodes with easier opponents.

    They took something away from us but sold it to us as an exciting new feature.
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    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    also, decieved us how?

    Deceive us by making us feel like we got more than they are acutally giving us. By presenting us only one side of the coin.

    that seems to be your impression of it but ok

    One example is the special path. Previously, we always got to choose from two nodes. Then they announced a new feature called special path that would rewards us when staying on path. But it is not a new feature that shall reward us, it is just a mechanism to limit our choices and makes it more difficult to get a good data disk while picking the nodes with easier opponents.

    They took something away from us but sold it to us as an exciting new feature.

    not sure what this has to do with 1000 crystals and 1000 tokens being deception
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    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    also, decieved us how?

    Deceive us by making us feel like we got more than they are acutally giving us. By presenting us only one side of the coin.

    that seems to be your impression of it but ok

    One example is the special path. Previously, we always got to choose from two nodes. Then they announced a new feature called special path that would rewards us when staying on path. But it is not a new feature that shall reward us, it is just a mechanism to limit our choices and makes it more difficult to get a good data disk while picking the nodes with easier opponents.

    They took something away from us but sold it to us as an exciting new feature.

    not sure what this has to do with 1000 crystals and 1000 tokens being deception

    was not sure if your question targeted at CG deceiving us in general.
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    What would help to stop all that kind of accusations and discussion, if CG just presents us a calculation of how they got to these numbers. They wrote "we added some extra Crystals and Tokens for general inconvenience", but even with this extra it feels very parsimoniously. Either we exaggerate on how much we missed due to the delay or they exaggerate on how much extra compensation they offered.
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    Easier to process visually for me. Here's what the two weeks would have looked like versus the adjusted dates. If this is correct the full season would end Match 28th a week later than normal. I would then assume the new season would start immediately (taking away the typical down week) to keep on the normal schedule. So we're still getting two full rounds with all rewards just a little delayed. So IMO the 1K crystals is good enough, but that might not work for everyone. Expectations were way too high on what would be received so of course there's disappointment.
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    Legend91 wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »

    What about this stuff??
    Couldn’t give out zetas lol. Really!

    I mean I was doing comfortably well in the cancelled GAC with my first battle ending in a victory, but now i got teamed up agaonst kyber 2 even though im kyber 3, all 3 battles were uphill battles with people having 4 gls and executor to my 2 gl and no executor and now im ending this weeks GAC with garbage rewards and no zeta so that 1000 crystall doesnt really cut it bdoe0ibsuj9u.jpg
    So yes what about these rewards

    I thought you wanted to hide your at all costs?

    I gave away my ally code a month ago, dont care that much about the game anymore
  • Aachthor
    138 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    WRONG. We only get 2 weeks now.

    And for Kyber I this "make good" is total crap - why ?

    The two canceled fights would deliver either 2x 900, or 900 + 200 or 2x 200 Crystals. Summed up over all 8 players this would be: 2x 2x 900, 4x (900 +200), 2x 2x 200 = 3600 + 4400 + 800 = 8.800.

    End of week rewards would be 1x 7500, 3x 500, 3x 250, 1x 100, summed up: 3.100

    Sum everything up and divide it equally over the 8 players: 1.487

    Uh - we only get 1000 AND we have a complete week of no extra crystals at all !
    Sorry, but this is the most ridiculous "makegood" ever.

    And please stop argueing with the end-of-GAC crystal reward - this is more or less only amends for the week without any GAC rewards at all, because GAC is pausing.

    P.S.: Why a total week without extra crystals ? We had several days of delay before the restart and the next GAC was said to be off for more than a week to get into regular schedule agin - thus will result in a complete week...
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    Aachthor wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    WRONG. We only get 2 weeks now.

    And for Kyber I this "make good" is total crap - why ?

    The two canceled fights would deliver either 2x 900, or 900 + 200 or 2x 200 Crystals. Summed up over all 8 players this would be: 2x 2x 900, 4x (900 +200), 2x 2x 200 = 3600 + 4400 + 800 = 8.800.

    End of week rewards would be 1x 7500, 3x 500, 3x 250, 1x 100, summed up: 3.100

    Sum everything up and divide it equally over the 8 players: 1.487

    Uh - we only get 1000 AND we have a complete week of no extra crystals at all !

    Sorry, but this is the most ridiculous "makegood" ever.

    You have wrong assumptions. They do not compensate the rewards for a canceled event as they've restarted the event with delay. They cancel for the delay itself. We will see if they can compensate the delay within some seasons, as the table posted above illustrates. Right now they delayed when we get the round and season rewards, but they also delayed the week where no event takes place.
  • Aachthor
    138 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    To clarify without the need of doing "correct" math: This GAC season has a length of 6 weeks (one extra week delay!) but we only get the rewards for 3 weeks + 1 Fight + 1000 Crystals + end-rewards

    And you really "dare" to write, we will own more than ever?
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    Easier to process visually for me. Here's what the two weeks would have looked like versus the adjusted dates. If this is correct the full season would end Match 28th a week later than normal. I would then assume the new season would start immediately (taking away the typical down week) to keep on the normal schedule. So we're still getting two full rounds with all rewards just a little delayed. So IMO the 1K crystals is good enough, but that might not work for everyone. Expectations were way too high on what would be received so of course there's disappointment.

    If they started that season with a 0 day review period on March 29th. Sure, I'd agree. I think we both know that's not happening though.
  • UdalCuain
    5050 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    Aachthor wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    To clarify without the need of doing "correct" math: This GAC season has a length of 6 weeks (one extra week delay!) but we only get the rewards for 3 weeks + 1 Fight + 1000 Crystals

    And you really "dare" to write, we will own more than ever?

    I really don't understand why people such as yourself are struggling with this.

    We had two full rounds of three battles.

    In round three (of four total) we got one battle, then it hit the fan.

    The restart gives us the remaining two rounds.

    So we get four rounds (as is the norm) plus one battle.
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    We wouldn’t be so frustrated if they didn’t make GAC our main source of crystals instead of arena.

    We were told there would be minimal disruption to our income due to this switch from Squad Arena to GAC, but as this “make good” shows, they are misleading everyone.

    Did you forget about this statement, CG? The minimal change in crystal income you said we’d experience due to the change to GAC?

    For those of us in K1 who used to take 1st in arena every day, that’s turned out to be a crock of ****. This “make good” only reiterates that.
  • Options
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Aachthor wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    To clarify without the need of doing "correct" math: This GAC season has a length of 6 weeks (one extra week delay!) but we only get the rewards for 3 weeks + 1 Fight + 1000 Crystals

    And you really "dare" to write, we will own more than ever?

    I really don't understand why people such as yourself are struggling with this.

    We had two full rounds of three battles.

    In round three (of four total) we got one battle, then it hit the fan.

    The restart gives us the remaining two rounds.

    So we get four rounds (as is the norm) plus one battle.

    The thing here is "delayed". CG calls it delayed because then they can get away with lower compensation.

    But if I stopped playing right now then I will have lost the crystals I was supposed to gain. So by defining this as a delayed event they are trying to keep us played in order to always get the delayed reward.

    Because the reward is only delayed as long as you keep playing.

    What I don't get is why they aren't actually using this to score some goodwill.

    They should have assumed max rewards for all players and given everybody that. It would have made us all happy and put them in a positive light.

    And the happier we are the more likely we see to keep/increase spending.

    When they define this as delayed rewards instead of lost, and the lowball the rewards, they are pissong off people, and also decreasing their will to spend.

    Sure some people will spend now because they are lacking crystals for the Executor event, but that will likely be a one off.
  • Options
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Aachthor wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    To clarify without the need of doing "correct" math: This GAC season has a length of 6 weeks (one extra week delay!) but we only get the rewards for 3 weeks + 1 Fight + 1000 Crystals

    And you really "dare" to write, we will own more than ever?

    I really don't understand why people such as yourself are struggling with this.

    We had two full rounds of three battles.

    In round three (of four total) we got one battle, then it hit the fan.

    The restart gives us the remaining two rounds.

    So we get four rounds (as is the norm) plus one battle.

    Four rounds in how many weeks? Hint. Round 1 started Jan 17th.
  • Options
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    We wouldn’t be so frustrated if they didn’t make GAC our main source of crystals instead of arena.

    We were told there would be minimal disruption to our income due to this switch from Squad Arena to GAC, but as this “make good” shows, they are misleading everyone.

    Did you forget about this statement, CG? The minimal change in crystal income you said we’d experience due to the change to GAC?

    For those of us in K1 who used to take 1st in arena every day, that’s turned out to be a crock of ****. This “make good” only reiterates that.

    If you are in K1 you are earning more crystals than you used to just by winning half the time
  • UdalCuain
    5050 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    Dreapool wrote: »
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Aachthor wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    To clarify without the need of doing "correct" math: This GAC season has a length of 6 weeks (one extra week delay!) but we only get the rewards for 3 weeks + 1 Fight + 1000 Crystals

    And you really "dare" to write, we will own more than ever?

    I really don't understand why people such as yourself are struggling with this.

    We had two full rounds of three battles.

    In round three (of four total) we got one battle, then it hit the fan.

    The restart gives us the remaining two rounds.

    So we get four rounds (as is the norm) plus one battle.

    Four rounds in how many weeks? Hint. Round 1 started Jan 17th.

    I'm not arguing the timescale. The person I was responding to is flat out wrong that we are getting one less round this GAC.
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    Even at Chromium 2 we can get more than 1000 crystals with 2 out of 3 wins. 175+320+320+500 = 1315. This was not a slap on the face, this was a deliberate kick in the nuts.
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    Dismissing complaints because the event was pushed back and will still be played is wrong and doesn't mean players weren't adversely affected by the delay. This is all about the time value of money (crystals in this case) and the notion that crystals today are always better than crystals tomorrow.

    For exmaple: if the delayed crystals meant I couldn't refresh cantina enough to relic a character that is used on this weeks GC it will cost me the difference in rewards from the 8th crate to the 10th. The same is true for Assault Battles, Omega Battles, Special Events, etc. Once those are missed this week there is no way to ever get them back and there are often sizable differences in reward tiers.
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    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Dreapool wrote: »
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Aachthor wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    To clarify without the need of doing "correct" math: This GAC season has a length of 6 weeks (one extra week delay!) but we only get the rewards for 3 weeks + 1 Fight + 1000 Crystals

    And you really "dare" to write, we will own more than ever?

    I really don't understand why people such as yourself are struggling with this.

    We had two full rounds of three battles.

    In round three (of four total) we got one battle, then it hit the fan.

    The restart gives us the remaining two rounds.

    So we get four rounds (as is the norm) plus one battle.

    Four rounds in how many weeks? Hint. Round 1 started Jan 17th.

    I'm not arguing the timescale. The person I was responding to is flat out wrong that we are getting one less round this GAC.

    Ok, well the timescale is the main issue.

    We are getting one less round (minus the 1 attack) by 2/28. the start of the next GAC.
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