Credit Gain: The Famine is Only Getting Worse - RESPONSE NEEDED PLEASE!!!


  • Starjumper
    993 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    darkensoul wrote: »
    Now that my tank team needs to get up to snuff, still leveling jedi for Yoda and bringing my arena team to current levels, my credit situation is really in a bad way. I feel I drop enough $ on packs and refreshes. I also refuse to drop cash on credits. I suppose this is going to hurt me.

    1. Only level your tank team enough to beat the challenge. My Chewie is only lv42 and teebo lv50. I'll only level these 2 if the difficulty increases to a point where I can't finish and only then will I level them just enough to pass it.
    2. I'm not sure what level you are but chromium become less effective after a certain point so maybe reduce the spend on them.
    3. Level your arena team as a priority and try to get to the point where your crystals earned cover your refreshes or as close to as possible
    4. If you're dropping cash on chromium packs you'll amass a larger number of toons then most and therefore require more credits so by buying one and not the other you will feel a pinch
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • President_Scroob
    1802 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window
  • Options
    I usually won't buy anything except for dailies for like a week or two. Same goes for upgrades etc. Then I go on spending spree till I hit 2.5 mil and 25-30 lvl 3 ability mats. Then I stop and wait again. That way I'm never at 0 and I don't feel the crunch as bad. #justsaying

    What good is having tons of credits when your toons are under par? The OP is wanting to expand his/her roster without traveling at a snails pace.

    @JediMindTricks I understand what you are saying. But I wouldn't say i'm under par really, I currently am sitting #12. have 3 battles left without a refresh, and am waiting to see if i get attacked and/or closer to payout to make a move in top 5. level 71 with 6192/6600 to lvl 72. I saved for weeks prior to the cap increase. I have 7 toons at 71, 7 toons at 70, all at max or close to max gear. Yeah, i'm not as good at P2P, and I never will be. I've hit #1 a couple times, but generally am in the top 20, but i'm okay with that. I don't have yoda, not even at 5* yet, I don't have Barrise, I don't have Daka, I don't have Kylo, and i'm 4 shards shy of unlocking Poe even with the Android freebies.

    I guess its all a matter of perspective. I know I won't be the best, I am not paying to be the best, and most importantly, I''m just having fun with the game. Shrugs, everyone is different.
    2761 posts Member
    I have 8M in credits and I just leveled my top 10 to my max level of 72 (5 light, 5 dark coincedentally). Including what I have now, in the next couple of days, I will have 7 more characters that I can 7 star that are still sitting at level 1-50. I am not doing that because I would blow through all of my credits just to give them stars. I am however going to have them ready for when the meta shifts and then I will make some sacrifices and raise up one or two that benefit the most from the meta change. In the mean time I am only spending credits leveling my top 10 and will only spend if I get the 35 shards for Rey to get to 7*. Considering that I will have characters like Dooku, RP, Savage, and IG-88 ready to 7 star, It will take some self control not to play with my new toys until we know more about the future balancing pass.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window

    How is it worse? Leveling 5 is better than none
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Options
    I have over 7mil credits and i am f2p, but i know a lot of people have this problem
  • Options
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window

    How is it worse? Leveling 5 is better than none

    How is it worse? Pretty easy to see. Some people might actually want to play with a different character than the same five over and over again.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    I have 8M in credits and I just leveled my top 10 to my max level of 72 (5 light, 5 dark coincedentally). Including what I have now, in the next couple of days, I will have 7 more characters that I can 7 star that are still sitting at level 1-50. I am not doing that because I would blow through all of my credits just to give them stars. I am however going to have them ready for when the meta shifts and then I will make some sacrifices and raise up one or two that benefit the most from the meta change. In the mean time I am only spending credits leveling my top 10 and will only spend if I get the 35 shards for Rey to get to 7*. Considering that I will have characters like Dooku, RP, Savage, and IG-88 ready to 7 star, It will take some self control not to play with my new toys until we know more about the future balancing pass.

    Balance :)
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    Please stop doing this. Jumping into a thread and posting a one liner that is clearly and patently not true for a majority of players, is not helpful to the conversation and only serves to create confusion when coming from a mod, whom some think has more information than the average player.

    For whales, yes, it's simple. Balance the gazillion credits/crystals you bought with hundreds of dollars. We get it.

    For the average player it is not "all about balance" - especially when the system of expenditures compared to rewards is anything but.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    Please stop doing this. Jumping into a thread and posting a one liner that is clearly and patently not true for a majority of players, is not helpful to the conversation and only serves to create confusion when coming from a mod, whom some think has more information than the average player.

    For whales, yes, it's simple. Balance the gazillion credits/crystals you bought with hundreds of dollars. We get it.

    For the average player it is not "all about balance" - especially when the system of expenditures compared to rewards is anything but.

    Agreed 100%

    Mods are players just like us, they don't have inside info on the devs.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    Please stop doing this. Jumping into a thread and posting a one liner that is clearly and patently not true for a majority of players, is not helpful to the conversation and only serves to create confusion when coming from a mod, whom some think has more information than the average player.

    For whales, yes, it's simple. Balance the gazillion credits/crystals you bought with hundreds of dollars. We get it.

    For the average player it is not "all about balance" - especially when the system of expenditures compared to rewards is anything but.

    Agreed 100%

    Mods are players just like us, they don't have inside info on the devs.

    It doesn't help when the mods are whales and have every character at 7*, fully geared and level 74, with $147 million credits and 47k crystals left over, then wonder what the problem is. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window

    How is it worse? Leveling 5 is better than none

    How is it worse? Pretty easy to see. Some people might actually want to play with a different character than the same five over and over again.

    If u want to level everything, spend $. If u cant afford it, pace urself. Pick 5 now.. Bring them to 80... Then work on others

    Its called budgeting
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    Starjumper wrote: »
    darkensoul wrote: »
    Now that my tank team needs to get up to snuff, still leveling jedi for Yoda and bringing my arena team to current levels, my credit situation is really in a bad way. I feel I drop enough $ on packs and refreshes. I also refuse to drop cash on credits. I suppose this is going to hurt me.

    1. Only level your tank team enough to beat the challenge. My Chewie is only lv42 and teebo lv50. I'll only level these 2 if the difficulty increases to a point where I can't finish and only then will I level them just enough to pass it.
    2. I'm not sure what level you are but chromium become less effective after a certain point so maybe reduce the spend on them.
    3. Level your arena team as a priority and try to get to the point where your crystals earned cover your refreshes or as close to as possible
    4. If you're dropping cash on chromium packs you'll amass a larger number of toons then most and therefore require more credits so by buying one and not the other you will feel a pinch

    I appreciate the feedback. I'm level 72 with six 7* toons and three 6* toons soon to be 7*. I haven't bought chromium in over a month.

    I will buff my tank team as little as possible to win. Most are 3-4* except for 5* chewie.

    I do the 100-400 and 50-100x3 every day. I also bought the kylo and qgj packs. I suppose I will have to take a couple days off from refreshes to buy credits. Not something I really want to do.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window

    How is it worse? Leveling 5 is better than none

    How is it worse? Pretty easy to see. Some people might actually want to play with a different character than the same five over and over again.

    And those people can bust out their credit card. F2P players will have limitations.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    Please stop doing this. Jumping into a thread and posting a one liner that is clearly and patently not true for a majority of players, is not helpful to the conversation and only serves to create confusion when coming from a mod, whom some think has more information than the average player.

    For whales, yes, it's simple. Balance the gazillion credits/crystals you bought with hundreds of dollars. We get it.

    For the average player it is not "all about balance" - especially when the system of expenditures compared to rewards is anything but.

    Thats unfair. Hes a mod not a dev. Ppl who cant tell the difference need a bit of education. He can post anything he wants, free speech and all. Nothing confusing about what he wrote.

    Im f2p and balance is the key
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    It's about balance and managing resources? Okay, let's take a look at that.
    Here are the resources I currently have:
    - 19 million credits
    - 15,000 training droids, 3,000 of which are 3-star or higher
    - 300 purple ability materials
    - tons of gear

    However, I also have:
    - 14 level 70 characters that need to get to level 80 eventually at a cost of what, 2 million each?
    - 12 characters between 60 and 70 I haven't been able to work on for ages that would take 4 million each to get to 80.
    - 8 characters below that which would take 5 million to get to 80.
    - 5 characters who aren't even activated yet, several of them with enough shards for 6*. To star up and gear up these would be what, 7 million? (One of these is Rey, incidentally, sitting at 253/80 shards).
    - 40,000 GW tokens, 45,000 arena tokens and 30,000 Cantina tokens. These represent the equivalent of 5 more 7* characters each requiring 7 million credits a piece.

    So: I have 19 million credits, sounds like a lot. But even if I leave aside characters I don't care for, I need over 150 million credits. With that sort of deficit, buying them at the current inflated prices wouldn't get me very far even if I weren't opposed on principle, so why would I bother? Also, at the rate each accumulates, I will literally never use up all of my training droids, and I can no longer sell them.
    Is that balanced?
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    Please stop doing this. Jumping into a thread and posting a one liner that is clearly and patently not true for a majority of players, is not helpful to the conversation and only serves to create confusion when coming from a mod, whom some think has more information than the average player.

    For whales, yes, it's simple. Balance the gazillion credits/crystals you bought with hundreds of dollars. We get it.

    For the average player it is not "all about balance" - especially when the system of expenditures compared to rewards is anything but.

    Also, while some things are a bit skewd, leveling 5 players is easily possible
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Options
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window

    How is it worse? Leveling 5 is better than none

    How is it worse? Pretty easy to see. Some people might actually want to play with a different character than the same five over and over again.

    If u want to level everything, spend $. If u cant afford it, pace urself. Pick 5 now.. Bring them to 80... Then work on others

    Its called budgeting

    Ah gotcha. So work on the same characters for probably two months, or spend money. Excellent options there
  • Kaib
    74 posts Member
    What's wrong with wanting to play with the characters you've already earned? This is what I resource managed for. I don't understand why it isnt common sense that the longer you play, the bigger your playable roster should become, rather than smaller.

  • Options
    darkensoul wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    darkensoul wrote: »
    Now that my tank team needs to get up to snuff, still leveling jedi for Yoda and bringing my arena team to current levels, my credit situation is really in a bad way. I feel I drop enough $ on packs and refreshes. I also refuse to drop cash on credits. I suppose this is going to hurt me.

    1. Only level your tank team enough to beat the challenge. My Chewie is only lv42 and teebo lv50. I'll only level these 2 if the difficulty increases to a point where I can't finish and only then will I level them just enough to pass it.
    2. I'm not sure what level you are but chromium become less effective after a certain point so maybe reduce the spend on them.
    3. Level your arena team as a priority and try to get to the point where your crystals earned cover your refreshes or as close to as possible
    4. If you're dropping cash on chromium packs you'll amass a larger number of toons then most and therefore require more credits so by buying one and not the other you will feel a pinch

    I appreciate the feedback. I'm level 72 with six 7* toons and three 6* toons soon to be 7*. I haven't bought chromium in over a month.

    I will buff my tank team as little as possible to win. Most are 3-4* except for 5* chewie.

    I do the 100-400 and 50-100x3 every day. I also bought the kylo and qgj packs. I suppose I will have to take a couple days off from refreshes to buy credits. Not something I really want to do.

    @darkensoul You're in better shape than me. I'm lv71 (72 tomorrow) with 4x7* toons with my 5th coming tomorrow. I've also spent a bit on the game. If I were you I'd focus on the 3 approaching 7* slowly. Prioritise them and do one every 5 days or so. Dont rush them all as 3million will make it tough
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    It's about balance and managing resources? Okay, let's take a look at that.
    Here are the resources I currently have:
    - 19 million credits
    - 15,000 training droids, 3,000 of which are 3-star or higher
    - 300 purple ability materials
    - tons of gear

    However, I also have:
    - 14 level 70 characters that need to get to level 80 eventually at a cost of what, 2 million each?
    - 12 characters between 60 and 70 I haven't been able to work on for ages that would take 4 million each to get to 80.
    - 8 characters below that which would take 5 million to get to 80.
    - 5 characters who aren't even activated yet, several of them with enough shards for 6*. To star up and gear up these would be what, 7 million? (One of these is Rey, incidentally, sitting at 253/80 shards).
    - 40,000 GW tokens, 45,000 arena tokens and 30,000 Cantina tokens. These represent the equivalent of 5 more 7* characters each requiring 7 million credits a piece.

    So: I have 19 million credits, sounds like a lot. But even if I leave aside characters I don't care for, I need over 150 million credits. With that sort of deficit, buying them at the current inflated prices wouldn't get me very far even if I weren't opposed on principle, so why would I bother? Also, at the rate each accumulates, I will literally never use up all of my training droids, and I can no longer sell them.
    Is that balanced?

    The game is designed so u are behind the curve. I dont deny that. Thats how they entice u to spend. But u can stay competitive by focusing on 5 chars at once. Once u hit level cap, u can start catching up again
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window

    How is it worse? Leveling 5 is better than none

    How is it worse? Pretty easy to see. Some people might actually want to play with a different character than the same five over and over again.

    If u want to level everything, spend $. If u cant afford it, pace urself. Pick 5 now.. Bring them to 80... Then work on others

    Its called budgeting

    Ah gotcha. So work on the same characters for probably two months, or spend money. Excellent options there

    U think it will take 2 months?
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Options
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window

    How is it worse? Leveling 5 is better than none

    How is it worse? Pretty easy to see. Some people might actually want to play with a different character than the same five over and over again.

    If u want to level everything, spend $. If u cant afford it, pace urself. Pick 5 now.. Bring them to 80... Then work on others

    Its called budgeting

    Ah gotcha. So work on the same characters for probably two months, or spend money. Excellent options there

    U think it will take 2 months?
    Rough estimate. I'm 72 now
  • Options
    Qeltar wrote: »
    It's about balance and managing resources? Okay, let's take a look at that.
    Here are the resources I currently have:
    - 19 million credits
    - 15,000 training droids, 3,000 of which are 3-star or higher
    - 300 purple ability materials
    - tons of gear

    However, I also have:
    - 14 level 70 characters that need to get to level 80 eventually at a cost of what, 2 million each?
    - 12 characters between 60 and 70 I haven't been able to work on for ages that would take 4 million each to get to 80.
    - 8 characters below that which would take 5 million to get to 80.
    - 5 characters who aren't even activated yet, several of them with enough shards for 6*. To star up and gear up these would be what, 7 million? (One of these is Rey, incidentally, sitting at 253/80 shards).
    - 40,000 GW tokens, 45,000 arena tokens and 30,000 Cantina tokens. These represent the equivalent of 5 more 7* characters each requiring 7 million credits a piece.

    So: I have 19 million credits, sounds like a lot. But even if I leave aside characters I don't care for, I need over 150 million credits. With that sort of deficit, buying them at the current inflated prices wouldn't get me very far even if I weren't opposed on principle, so why would I bother? Also, at the rate each accumulates, I will literally never use up all of my training droids, and I can no longer sell them.
    Is that balanced?

    Sorry to say it but people would kill to be in your situation. You're obviously very passionate about the game but you're trying/wanting to do too much at once. You have 26 toons above level 60! Need to focus on say half if that as a primary and do the rest at a trickle pace
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window

    How is it worse? Leveling 5 is better than none

    How is it worse? Pretty easy to see. Some people might actually want to play with a different character than the same five over and over again.

    If u want to level everything, spend $. If u cant afford it, pace urself. Pick 5 now.. Bring them to 80... Then work on others

    Its called budgeting

    Ah gotcha. So work on the same characters for probably two months, or spend money. Excellent options there

    U think it will take 2 months?
    Rough estimate. I'm 72 now

    If thats the case, im hoping the new update helps
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Options
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window

    How is it worse? Leveling 5 is better than none

    How is it worse? Pretty easy to see. Some people might actually want to play with a different character than the same five over and over again.

    If u want to level everything, spend $. If u cant afford it, pace urself. Pick 5 now.. Bring them to 80... Then work on others

    Its called budgeting

    Ah gotcha. So work on the same characters for probably two months, or spend money. Excellent options there

    U think it will take 2 months?
    Rough estimate. I'm 72 now

    If thats the case, im hoping the new update helps

    Given the track record of updates, I expect it to increase the grind, not help
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    Would be have an extra credit income. I just hit lvl 72 and already all out of credit after leveling only a few characters. Now I can't buy anything else but save all credits for when I hit lvl 73 and then it's the same time over and over again....
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    ChefHaze wrote: »
    It's a resources management game.

    Manage your resources!!

    This! It's all about balance.

    LOL. You have got to be joking. Keeping rewards the same while pushing the costs through the roof AND increasing difficulty of the main payout is anything but balance. Its a bald faced attempt to get into our wallets.

    Ur applying his reference to balance to the wrong aspect of the game. Its about the player needing to be more balanced in how he alocates his resources.

    Ah, so that makes it worse then. Level the same five toons, to heck with variety. Before the cap increase I was having a lot of fun building other teams than my main. That's now out the window

    How is it worse? Leveling 5 is better than none

    How is it worse? Pretty easy to see. Some people might actually want to play with a different character than the same five over and over again.

    If u want to level everything, spend $. If u cant afford it, pace urself. Pick 5 now.. Bring them to 80... Then work on others

    Its called budgeting

    Ah gotcha. So work on the same characters for probably two months, or spend money. Excellent options there

    The average F2P player should be able to hit 80 (if they were already 70) in about 5-6 weeks. During this time you should have no problem getting your main squad to 80. More if that squad is already 7*'d.

    It's something like 2.2m credits per toon from 70-80. So in a week of regular farming you'll get enough credits for 2 toons. At the 5 week mark you'll have enough for 10 if you don't need to star them. This isn't terrible by any means if you're not paying into the game.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • El_Duderino
    413 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    It's about balance and managing resources? Okay, let's take a look at that.
    Here are the resources I currently have:
    - 19 million credits
    - 15,000 training droids, 3,000 of which are 3-star or higher
    - 300 purple ability materials
    - tons of gear

    However, I also have:
    - 14 level 70 characters that need to get to level 80 eventually at a cost of what, 2 million each?
    - 12 characters between 60 and 70 I haven't been able to work on for ages that would take 4 million each to get to 80.
    - 8 characters below that which would take 5 million to get to 80.
    - 5 characters who aren't even activated yet, several of them with enough shards for 6*. To star up and gear up these would be what, 7 million? (One of these is Rey, incidentally, sitting at 253/80 shards).
    - 40,000 GW tokens, 45,000 arena tokens and 30,000 Cantina tokens. These represent the equivalent of 5 more 7* characters each requiring 7 million credits a piece.

    So: I have 19 million credits, sounds like a lot. But even if I leave aside characters I don't care for, I need over 150 million credits. With that sort of deficit, buying them at the current inflated prices wouldn't get me very far even if I weren't opposed on principle, so why would I bother? Also, at the rate each accumulates, I will literally never use up all of my training droids, and I can no longer sell them.
    Is that balanced?

    I'm curious, would you have enough to gear up Rey to gear level 8 immediately? If so, how would that put your gear reserves to say, level up another character to level 8 gear?

    I'm honestly trying to get a handle on where others are at here. Personally my gear situation is weeks behind my credit situation-- For example I have IG88, Poggle at level 1, with enough shards to max, but have so many other gear priorities, this isn't happening until 2017 (unless I make them a priority). If I wanted to, I could save the credits in a couple days, but gearing would take weeks.
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