Yoda challenge - level 90 omega Megathread


  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    Ok, took me 10 tries or so, but I got him.

    Went against Anakin, Yoda, Barris

    I killed Anakin first ignoring Barris and Yoda. Then I killed Barris and still had all of my Jedi standing, a couple with protection. After that I used no specials until I wore the lil punk down and yeay. I guess the key is to get Barris since she does close to no damage.

    My team:
    Barris (L) level 70, G8
    JC Level 70, G8
    Ahsoka level 71, G8
    Lumi level 77, G10
    QGJ level 77, G8 (Omega Basic)

    So I guess not that crazy after all. He does hit hard though.
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    So basically if others completed it with Barris as the leader then this is not a strategy raid at all. There are only toon characters that are dedicated for Yoda Tier 7. Meaning we need to farm again with Barris and try our luck with her.

    Level 90 with Gear 12 completed with omega abilities, we are just an ant with Yoda. Hitting 10k to 12K damage thats ridiculous.
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    I beat it about 10th time with lumi (l), barris, JC, Koth, QGJ. Nobody died, and the helpers were plo and JKG. I killed polo, then guardian and then yoda. No one died for me. I would have lost if Koth didn't stun yoda at one point, because yoda had the next turn and would have killed JC and barris easily, then gone again. I had nothing to lose with yoda gaining turn meter, so I just went for the stun. :D I thought there was no chance of it landing; guess I was wrong.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I guess it's time to quit playing
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    Sysy wrote: »
    I think it is pretty easy. I just defeated 7 star Yoda, like, in five minutes... I got lucky to have Eeth Koth and Barriss with him. I instantly killed Koth and hit Barriss to red, when she healed Yoda for -40% hp. I just rushed Yoda and laughed at Barriss. My setup is Barriss lead, QGJ, Consular, Lumi, and Koth. I think Yoda became much slower and has much lower hp now...

    What level were your guys? (And gals)
    I have the same line-up with levels between 70 and 78.
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    DARTH_TED wrote: »
    Why do people not understand that this is the equivalent of changing the rules in the middle of a game. Made even more ridiculous by the fact that we're paying to play the game.

    We do understand that, that's why this thread is full of complaints.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • Irul
    55 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    One shot barris level 72, gear 8 at full health, what the heck. My other toons are higher lvl and they also get shot. So 7* gear 8 is not enough!!!!! What the...
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    lv 9 gear lv 70s all 6* and he does 8.5 damage with his stun hit..... He was way easier before. I cant even get him to 6* now.
  • SRG
    17 posts Member
    Nobody wrote: »
    I guess it's time to quit playing

    I'm at the same point. Having invested so much credits and time in a jedi team that can't do anything with an event that has been upgraded to an abnormal level is way too frustrating. Good job CG.
  • Sfc10463
    5 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I just got him down with Barris (l) lumi, mace, asoka, and JC. He had JC and JKG. Smacked down the JC asap, ignored JKG and used Mace's dispell on yoda whenever he picked up lumi's heal. Finished with everyone capped off on health.

    And I had a metric ton of problems last event. 0 for approx. 250 tries. So... maybe I just got lucky?

    My Lumi and mace are gear 9+ and most of my guys are 77
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    I feel like I have great characters to take him on in tier VI but can barely get an attack on him. Why is this so difficult?! Who else has this problem? Also, who is a good leader to use? I've tried Windu, Luminara, Qui-Gon, and Koth with leader level 6. My characters are all gear level 7 or 8 and character level 70.
  • VeeDee
    140 posts Member
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I have been waiting to try last time I was a little short. I thought games were suppose to be fun. This game is no longer fun
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    yoda 90 is really disapointing & ridiculous
  • VeeDee
    140 posts Member
    This Game is a bunch of garbage
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    Tier VI was easy enough. Didnt lose a toon. Still waiting for my last jedi to get to Tier VII
  • Tomuk83
    19 posts Member
    Even his support toons are 1 shotting my mid 70 gear 7, 8 & 9s
  • Revenant
    255 posts Member
    I made hundreds of attempts to finally get him to 7* last event. He was no walk in the park. Some adjustment was probably necessary given the new levels and ability and gear upgrades available.
  • VeeDee
    140 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    It is impossible to beat Yoda at seven star all my characters are eight or nine geared Attack abilities are seven too...no way you beat him
  • Aedosis
    10 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    nerf yoda 3vent and please Rey is way OP
  • Dark0ne
    22 posts Member
    Wow I'm so happy I spent those months farming and gearing my jedi,n level 70-77 all gear 8 and most times one or two is dead within 1 enemy turn. That was a waste of 3 months of farming and resources.
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    People that are struggling should try to put in Ahsoka. Her paired with QGJ offense up is critical at getting those huge attacks to take down yoda as quickly as possible.
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    My complain is that Yoda and his Jedi crit way too much been at this since the event came live and I barely see any blue numbers from him and his helpers but yellow numbers most of the time. Also OU won't come up when my QGJ dispels the tenacity buff... is that suppose to be normal or is it a bug. Barriss lead kinda useless since Yoda can 2 shot everybody. I don't mind the scale but the crit proc is insane.
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    Let's get something straight.
    5-7* jedi has always been the requirement for 7* yoda.
    This is not new.
    Those of us who beat 7 star yoda last time, it usually took 3 days of battle after battle after battle.
    100+ battles before you finally get the little bugger was NORMAL.

    Also, don't fret too much. They nerfed the little guy hard this last go around. He is not nearly as valuable as he once was. Check out the top of your arena board. How many guys run yoda? 1, maybe 2 at most? he has low health and low damage.
  • VeeDee
    140 posts Member
    what is their problem... I have spent tons of money and my characters, they should have no problem beating Yoda on 7 stars..... why did the developers keep pulling down threats about Yoda???? I'm about to say screw this game
  • Irul
    55 posts Member
    I have ahsoke and she gets killed in 1 hit with crit so does not chnage anything
  • Verodio
    21 posts Member
    I took down Yoda on the first try. I used Old Ben (74) lead, QGJ (79), Barris (67), Lumi (71), and Ahsoka (70) (QGJ gear 10, the rest gear 8). I fought against Eeth Koth and Plo Koon. I decided just to focus down on Yoda first and bank on them attacking Old Ben. The evasion lead didn't really work but they did attack Old Ben and killed him, which gave everyone on the team all of those offensive boosts. After that I just continued to fire away on Yoda and then the other 2 were easy just making sure I kept myself healed up. Hope this can work for some of you. Keep your head up, you will get it!

    I'm sorry but I'm going to call you a liar unless you provide actual proof. Most of those characters would get one-shot killed.
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    Okay it is possible to beat him. I managed to. Take a break and come back a little later and yup beat him. Guess what all of my guys are level 77 and have only level 8 gear. Yoda had Barriss and another, but Barriss never did her life thing so Yoda never really lost any health. It was just good luck, good strategy, and the right set up. I still think he is too hard and that the challenge should not have increased in difficulty just because the cap was increased. Just glad to be done with this event. Took like 30 tries to get to the right set up. And I did not have QGL guy, just barriss, Lumni, JC, Ahsnoke, and Mace Windu.

    Now when will there be a dark side event to earn someone good there?
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    Jazz66 wrote: »
    So Yoda and co are lvl90! And gold gear. This could be tougher than I thought.

    I'm so glad I finished it last go around
  • American
    394 posts Member
    I beat yoda on 6/7th try. I lucked out and had yoda with old Ben and eeth. I ran old Ben lead, qgj, lumi, jc, and eeth. All level 80 gear 8 except qgj lumi and old Ben who are gear 9. Yoda killed Ben then I killed yoda and eeth. Left one on one with lumi vs old Ben.

    I hit heal and repeat until I beat old Ben and unlocked 7 star grandmaster
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