Yoda challenge - level 90 omega Megathread


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    Pls ea fix this
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    Why did they make this harder for the people who are already falling behind the curve? How much money do they want us to spend?

    All of it.
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    Bring back Omega's and increase the trash can lid drop rate for gear, and pls don't raise cap too fast
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    A dev in reddit said it well:

    "When you get frustrated, you have a tendency to post in a way that shifts from "constructive criticism" to out right "**** is wrong with you guys". Any time that happens, there's no way anyone is going to respond to you and it tends to create a situation where you've undermined the point of your post."


    So people clam down a bit. This is why John Salera and Jessse have been quiet all week they are hard at work, balancing characters and bringing new content. Sure I am frustrated with the game, particularly with the precraft fiasco and difficulty in high level missions related to it but I am confident that it will be sorted out in the long run.
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    It is hard but not impossible. It may take several tries (it took me about 7 tries) but I did it. It is supposed to be a challenge. And it is. So stop whining and try a different strategy if yours isn't working. I beat him with Barriss, Lumi, QGJ, JC, and Ani against Ani and Barriss.

    I killed Ani first, then I was trying to severely damage Barriss so she would heal and in doing so would hurt Yoda but I accidentally killed Barriss and then just had to hack away at Yoda. I ended up losing my Ani and JC but I won.

    It can be done. If it weren't challenging, we wouldn't want to play the game.
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    If you are going to make a challenge this hard (what developer in their right mind increases the difficulty on old content?!) At least allow me to use EVERYTHING in my arsenal, not just mediocre jedi only teams.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I spent way to many hours on this game. To me Yoda should be the reward for putting the time and effort.
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    Just seems like you enjoy annoying everyone who plays this game to be honest lol after the way you annoyed everyone with the 'guild' system you come up with this rubbish..
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    If you don't fix this yoda challenge, then I will take my money else where cause it's not fair my lvl 76 jedi can't even beat him, make it fair to everybody else, put it back to where it was
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Alright so after a lot of resetting and some RNG magic I was able to beat Tier 7 Yoda! The roster I used is below:


    Yoda was flanked by JKG and JC so I did NOT use the Barriss trick although that's what I was resetting for. Only Lumi was gear 9 and everyone else was gear 8. This was my 5th try at fighting him in Tier 7 not including all of the retreats I made.

    With patience and a little luck it is possible guys! I know many of you have Jedi much higher leveled than mine so put your mind to it and bring down Grandmaster Yoda!
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Datika wrote: »
    Datika wrote: »
    Instead of carping about how the challenge is insurmountable, find a strategy that works with your team composition and keep at it. I assure you, it's difficult, but not impossible.

    I just completed the challenge after several failed attempts with a lvl 75 Lumi(L), lvl 76 QGJ, lvl 75 Ashoka, lvl 72 JC, lvl 70 Koth. Only QGJ's basic had an omega and lvl 7 on specials. All other players had abilities at level 6.

    I tackled Yoda paired with Ashoka and Gun Di. Killed Ashoka first and then focused attacks on Yoda. I sat on heals as long as possible and I used QGJ's debuff special on yoda after he stole Lumi's heal during 5v2. All 5 toons managed to survive.

    As always, RNG obviously played a large factor. I evaded two Yoda attacks, which would have db'd a healer.


    Prof- read my post above. We have similar rosters. Switch Lumi to lead for evasion and passive heal. And try to get all toons to at least lvl 70.

    Nicely done shardmate :)
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    I did it on my first try. I used barris 77, QGJ 78, lumi 75, Ashoka 70, and JC 64. Yoda has mace and barris. I killed mace first then slowly kill barris and finished yoda off at the end. I guess I got lucky. Every time i was about to heal before a toons die but it's definitely not as difficult as it looked.
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    ok I dont normally post about anything on here because it is a phone game to pass my time. This time though I am quite hacked off at your flipping game. I really was not a huge fan of the update which took away half of my characters health and they lost a ton of power. But oh well life goes on and speed is the most important dynamic apparently at this point. But I wanted to get yoda. I have been building up so I would have five 5 star jedi. You know what I did it I got there. Then today the event opens up. I spend a lot more time than I would like to admit as a phd student playing this event probably forty fights to pass the 5 star and have enough shards finally for yoda. After basically four hours of repeating the same **** battle i did it i got yoda down to red and beat the little bugger!!! then when getting ready to show my rewards it does that same **** thing it always seem to do. Connection error have to reload the entire game. Guess what I now have no victory. This the third time in a day this has happened. It sucks bad to lose energy and get no freaking reward but now I am going to to have to go thru that hell again to get my yoda shards...... no thanks I think i will go back to playing star wars uprising.... it had a tendency not to glitch so much. So I would like you to either fix the glitch and give me my hard earned yoda shards or say no thank you and I can go play a different game. I play the games to unwind from research papers not to get even more wound up.

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    I, like many others, spent a long time starring up my jedi to get yoda. They are all level 70+ with gear 8. My team is Barris (L), Lumi, QGJ, JC, and EK.

    Once protection is gone, QGJ and JC get one shotted by yoda. Keep in mind that they get 20% more health with Barris and STILL get one-shotted.

    There is no conceivable way to beat this atm. Now I have to spend millions to get these toons up to level 80 (millions that are not easily obtained in the current game). Most likely level 80 and gear 8 will still not be enough, which means I have to throw furnaces at toons I don't care about like JC (who I don't even use for GW anymore) to get them to gear 9.

    The investment no longer seems worth it.

    Would it really have been too much to keep it the same difficulty? If other people want to invest enough to make the yoda challenge easy instead of just doable, that's fine. Rn I have to invest that much just to make it possible again.
  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    FYI- the Yoda challenge has always been difficult.

    A number of people have already completed the newest iteration of the challenge. Please refrain from demanding it be made easier because you can't complete it. Instead, post your roster specs and ask for tips.
  • Galgenstrick
    849 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Got 7* Yoda after a few hours of mostly retreating battles.

    There were two strategies I was trying.

    1. The barriss technique. Wait for barriss to show up, focus down the other guard, focus down barriss, wait for barriss to heal etc etc. I found this didn't quite work too well given that yoda was too quick and took out my team before I had a chance to get too far. I think this could still work with the right RNG and it's worth trying every time barriss shows up in battle.

    2. RNG technique. Put Lumi in lead and restart battles until two weak allies show up. The possible combinations are Eeth + Old ben or Eeth + Plo. For this, if one of these combinations shows up, then focus down yoda first. If you can kill yoda and you have 3 or more survivors, you'll likely win since the other hit so weak. I'm calling it the RNG technique because you basically need to dodge a lot of yoda's attacks as well as hope that he doesn't land any crits...

    I was victorious with strategy #2. My lineup was Lumi(L), Barriss, Eeth, QGJ, JC. Make sure to only use Lumi's heal when you have QGJs debuff in the tank. If yoda steels your heal, and you can't remove it, you're basically screwed.
    Sinister Alliance (Leader) - accepting waitlist members - PM for information
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    I've already got today at 7 star from the a couple of events back. He was tough, but beatable. The rule shouldn't be changed like this - it's unfair as I had a much easier fight than the guys who come in now. Poor management. Again
  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Datika wrote: »
    Datika wrote: »
    Instead of carping about how the challenge is insurmountable, find a strategy that works with your team composition and keep at it. I assure you, it's difficult, but not impossible.

    I just completed the challenge after several failed attempts with a lvl 75 Lumi(L), lvl 76 QGJ, lvl 75 Ashoka, lvl 72 JC, lvl 70 Koth. Only QGJ's basic had an omega and lvl 7 on specials. All other players had abilities at level 6.

    I tackled Yoda paired with Ashoka and Gun Di. Killed Ashoka first and then focused attacks on Yoda. I sat on heals as long as possible and I used QGJ's debuff special on yoda after he stole Lumi's heal during 5v2. All 5 toons managed to survive.

    As always, RNG obviously played a large factor. I evaded two Yoda attacks, which would have db'd a healer.


    Prof- read my post above. We have similar rosters. Switch Lumi to lead for evasion and passive heal. And try to get all toons to at least lvl 70.

    Nicely done shardmate :)

    Aye Trrrey! You too. Congrats on your new miniature green toy. He should be a good tool in raids.
  • Kalcor
    92 posts Member
    It's impossible without qui gon and/or bariss.
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    by the way my player id is owwhy1mvSGuYsZx247ks1g
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    Hi All,

    I was excited until I got into this....
    Been through over 30 rounds and can barely beat 1 guy let alone all 3 at tier 7

    Here is my squad (all level 77, abilities 7, Gear as high as can be without raid gear pieces)

    I think it's rediculous if people tell me to get QGJ or some other toon as I have invested so much time / resources into these toons and would take months to build up 1-3 more different Jedi
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    djvita wrote: »
    A dev in reddit said it well:

    "When you get frustrated, you have a tendency to post in a way that shifts from "constructive criticism" to out right "**** is wrong with you guys". Any time that happens, there's no way anyone is going to respond to you and it tends to create a situation where you've undermined the point of your post."


    So people clam down a bit. This is why John Salera and Jessse have been quiet all week they are hard at work, balancing characters and bringing new content. Sure I am frustrated with the game, particularly with the precraft fiasco and difficulty in high level missions related to it but I am confident that it will be sorted out in the long run.

    You need to read the entire post my friend and not just the devs comments. Devs and producers of this game should be accountable for mistakes. If I forget to put one of my employees overtime through at work do I ignore their emails and hide behind my computer? No, I would respond, communicate, explain and fix. The fact that the devs go quiet and don't respond to such fundamental issues created by their hand is baffling. Can you not see why and exactly how angry people are for a valid reason?

    The only things John and Jesse have been balancing at work all week are stacks of our hard earned cash whilst signing off on a pretty messed up yoda event that they failed to communicate. So much for community updates.
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Ace5 wrote: »
    Oh and they made lumi unusable. Can't use her heal bc yoda will steal it and it heals him for 8k per tick and lasts 4 rounds!

    He's healing 10K for me - I can't even get him into the yellow... :-(

  • Terendol
    24 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I have a 7* squad - QGJ g9, Lumi G9, Bariss g8, Eeth g8, JC g8. No matter what ally config he has with him I can't even get him below 50% HP with the broken dodge/deflect/resist. This seems pretty primitive, over the top encounter design - one shotting people, stealing buffs, constantly evading, etc. if it comes down to some kind of RNG **** to defeat him, is this a game or a slot machine?
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Try it @ level 70 before his nerfs were in play. Took 8 hours.
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    Use Barriss as lead and only fight him when he has bad Jedi as allies or use the Barriss method against him.
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    Baldo wrote: »
    Try it @ level 70 before his nerfs were in play. Took 8 hours.


  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    For those that are having trouble with Yoda stealing Lumi's heal:

    I only used Lumi's heal ONCE when Yoda was also low health because I knew Yoda would steal it. As soon as he stole the heal over time I dispelled it with QGJ and finished Yoda off with my team having Offense Up. This way there would be no way Yoda could steal the Offense Up from my team and share it with his buddies.
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    I thought it was that bad after 2-3 tries, then not so bad, then cool, and then I got him after 10 tries give or take. I came around fast.
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