Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • ubn87
    314 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Mo_liza wrote: »
    Sounds like you don't have enough time for the game. Games aren't for everyone.

    Us 150+ clearers don't have problem with the usage of our time. GW is no challenge at all, it's just boring and a must bc credits flows thru it.

    I want increased challenge but not at the cost of longer playtime.
    Reduced nodes, better rewards and harder enemies.
    I am a 80 lvl player, p2p and been doing so since February. I have 7 seven star characters with gear viii. I log in every day and I'm part of a nice very active guild.... All this to say I love this game and I'm a loyal user.
    However this GW nonsense needs to be properly addressed by the developers.
    I'm very upset. This is the 3rd time since the changes I have not been able to finish it, I'm stuck in the 11th war. Please EA take our comments seriously. You're part of the entertainment industry. Listen to our feedback: We're not entertained, GW needs a lot of rework.

    How come you only have 7 7*? I'm not p2p and I'm up in over 20 7* and I started late January.

    It's very obvious you need more toons to complete GW. Even more important, you need to have at least g9-10 on them. This game is a grind and you need to accept that or else I fear you never will enjoy it.
    GW as a game mode requires several toons or at least very strong ones.
    When you gear and level more you will notice too how easy GW actually is.
  • Nodoon
    112 posts Member

    I'm free to play and can beat the gw daily, in about 30 mins. But most cannot. Even 30 mins, is long when you factor in people with lives. I participated in a raid with approx 75 people in the mmo I play last week. Start to finish it took 20 mins to bring down an elder dragon. (See guild wars 2 Tequatl) GW should take maybe 10 mins tops.[/quote]

    Not that I am in any way disagreeing that GW is way to hard for me, and most others, but you really think it should be under 1 minute per battle? That would be pretty pointless. Personally I would be okay with it taking an hour throughout the day, if it was semi entertaining. Right now, it is just impossible and no strategy that I can put together will allow me to complete it. I am in the boat that a lot of others are in. Not quite level 80, facing off against level 80 7* omega gear 10/11 teams.

    As has been said by many, that is not "hard", it is impossible, and in no way fun.

  • Talia
    180 posts Member

    My high-level, gear 9 char inflict damage on low-level, gear 7-8 opponent with such effect as if it was not lvl 80, but 65-70. When they hit, you get the impression that strikes like cotton.
  • SamoBudo
    223 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    removed my guild mates still have issues i was lucky
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    Well, at least yesterday's gave me a HRSo shard. I was dead stoked about that.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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    It seems people are so accustomed to getting everything for free, that they miss out the point that somehow the developers wages have to be paid. I'm not in this kind of business but obviously someone had to bring up the development costs in advance and now they need to at least even out, better earn some money with this game. So it's legit that they try.

    But they should definetly make annoncements on this and be somewhat more concrete on future plans on and influences of changes on the game.

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    I'm a P2P player who has invested more money into this dumb game than I'd like to admit. I've since stopped putting money into it mainly because I'm ok with grinding things out the way f2p players do and I have a deep enough roster to do well in most aspects of game.

    GW was always a challenge for me, and when I finally did start getting the strategy down it became a fun way to gain rewards while playing with teams and testing their metal through how many fights I could make them live through. Even prior to their first tweak I could do this and it was still fun. Then they nerfed it and made it significantly easier, but i didn't mind that either since I only play for rewards, I became more focused on my guild and pvp ranking than the challenges of GW.

    Now with this new stealth tweak, I'm being punished for succeeding in other places in this game. It's NOT challenging if it takes 4 top tier teams with level and gear maxes and multiple resets to beat one fight, especially when I'm only 6 fights in?!?! Then the next 5 battles are all level 80 gear 10-11 evasion taunting attacker crews that by the time I finally make it to the second to the last fight I have no one left. It's NOT challenging when it's **** near impossible.

    I have no problem struggling in GW and sometimes I enjoy a good challenge, but making 5 fights back to back so over the top difficult that I've exhausted my entire roster on the first of 5 is dumb and not fun. And don't think for a second i won't tank my pvp ranking to make gw manageable until you find a better solution.

    Tier 6 and 7 Raids shouldn't be easier than GW. Challenging doesn't mean impossible. Please find a better solution.
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    SirDooth wrote: »
    It seems people are so accustomed to getting everything for free, that they miss out the point that somehow the developers wages have to be paid. I'm not in this kind of business but obviously someone had to bring up the development costs in advance and now they need to at least even out, better earn some money with this game. So it's legit that they try.

    Really? Are you really trying to pull THAT card here? How you think CG or actually EA earns money if new characters are gated behind P2P shipments? This game earns more money than you can even imagine. We are talking here not thousands of dollar/eur but tens of thousands.
  • Nodoon
    112 posts Member
    I would love to see the stats on how much they make. I think they could earn more if they brought prices down by half, and opened things up just a little. I would be more willing to buy things if I thought I was actually getting value out of it. Right now it seems as if unless you are willing to spend a few hundred minimum per month, you are not going to get any decent result. I would never spend that kind of money on any game though, much less a mobile phone app that could disappear at any time.
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    Divona wrote: »
    SirDooth wrote: »
    It seems people are so accustomed to getting everything for free, that they miss out the point that somehow the developers wages have to be paid. I'm not in this kind of business but obviously someone had to bring up the development costs in advance and now they need to at least even out, better earn some money with this game. So it's legit that they try.

    Really? Are you really trying to pull THAT card here? How you think CG or actually EA earns money if new characters are gated behind P2P shipments? This game earns more money than you can even imagine. We are talking here not thousands of dollar/eur but tens of thousands.

    And how high do you think the development costs for this game were? Hundreds of dollars or ten thousands of dollars?!? My guess it was even higher...but i might be wrong.

    Anyway i also see it as greed squeezing out the last bit of money from the players, at least when the initial development costs - plus an additional margin - have been covered. And i didn't say i agree with their course of action, i just said its legit...
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    There's a perfectly simple and foolproof way to win GW. You just need your own team to be at 40000 power. The algorithm then breaks and gives you a pathetic team of low gear low star toons for the final node.

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    Well i dont cry Bout GW...... I'm soon running away from the game.... First they make a Update that lowers the time spending om GW, fair enough. But now they went back on the long time Road again..... I like it to be hard, but i have no proceting on the last 6 fights. Thats ok but metting the full geared level 80 teams in node 10, 11 and 12 just dont fit the challange....... This dont make Me spend Money on the game... I'm not that lucky to meet low geared teams in GW at the last nodes.... I finish round 55 in arena, so my team isnt that strong.........
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    I don't have >40000 power and it happened to me too. Maybe the power needed depends on your arena rank...
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    SirDooth wrote: »
    Divona wrote: »
    SirDooth wrote: »
    It seems people are so accustomed to getting everything for free, that they miss out the point that somehow the developers wages have to be paid. I'm not in this kind of business but obviously someone had to bring up the development costs in advance and now they need to at least even out, better earn some money with this game. So it's legit that they try.

    Really? Are you really trying to pull THAT card here? How you think CG or actually EA earns money if new characters are gated behind P2P shipments? This game earns more money than you can even imagine. We are talking here not thousands of dollar/eur but tens of thousands.

    And how high do you think the development costs for this game were? Hundreds of dollars or ten thousands of dollars?!? My guess it was even higher...but i might be wrong.

    Anyway i also see it as greed squeezing out the last bit of money from the players, at least when the initial development costs - plus an additional margin - have been covered. And i didn't say i agree with their course of action, i just said its legit...

    We are talking about EA here. Are you new to their published games? EA is known to support ONLY games that make a lot profit. They do not make mediorce business plans over low profit games.
    Dont worry EA earns a lot with CG right now. I'm even thinking they could top out many EA PC titles easily.
    And you are right EA has huge greed where ever they put their hands on.
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    SirDooth wrote: »
    I don't have >40000 power and it happened to me too. Maybe the power needed depends on your arena rank...

    38000 will probably do it. Anything that when you add 10% creates an impossible team. You can't get a team of 44k power, hence breakage. That probably goes for 42k too though.

    It's not just arena team, by the way. Never has been. Combination of arena team and top 5 toons.
  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    not everyone had 3 teams with 7 stars. id rather you be bored to tears than me being royally pooched everyday in gw.

    You know that you need a big roster for GW, thats what CG writes since month. If you dont have, finishing GW is not possible and you / we have to deal with it.
    But for sure atm they did it too hard.
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    I managed to get through GW the last days but the change has been absurd. It seems my combination of arena rank and top 5 toons is just on the verge of letting me pass GW...lucky me...
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    Kabbes wrote: »
    SirDooth wrote: »
    I don't have >40000 power and it happened to me too. Maybe the power needed depends on your arena rank...

    38000 will probably do it. Anything that when you add 10% creates an impossible team. You can't get a team of 44k power, hence breakage. That probably goes for 42k too though.

    It's not just arena team, by the way. Never has been. Combination of arena team and top 5 toons.

    Highest Power team
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    five2zero wrote: »

    not everyone had 3 teams with 7 stars. id rather you be bored to tears than me being royally pooched everyday in gw.

    You know that you need a big roster for GW, thats what CG writes since month. If you dont have, finishing GW is not possible and you / we have to deal with it.
    But for sure atm they did it too hard.

    Yes it is true and reason why they did it. Most big whales or old players could auto through in GW with Ewok squad. So they didnt like that and adjusted difficulty that even the strongest old players are forced to use backups and cant auto anymore in GW with just one squad.

    This however created a mess and something unexpected happened. Those with high arena power 40k+ can get last nodes broken AI squads because there is no way to put out squad with 45k+ arena power. Doesnt exist so their small script goes crazy and puts some random green geared low star squad.
    While lower arena power players have to face most ridiculous squads like 38k-40k omega teams.
    This also affects under level cap even more so. They face AI squads with 2 gear rank difference and maxed stars.

    For CG it would be nice to just come forward and apologize for this mess and fix it correctly this time while giving out some GW currency for inconvinience this caused.

  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    Divona wrote: »
    five2zero wrote: »

    not everyone had 3 teams with 7 stars. id rather you be bored to tears than me being royally pooched everyday in gw.

    You know that you need a big roster for GW, thats what CG writes since month. If you dont have, finishing GW is not possible and you / we have to deal with it.
    But for sure atm they did it too hard.

    Yes it is true and reason why they did it. Most big whales or old players could auto through in GW with Ewok squad. So they didnt like that and adjusted difficulty that even the strongest old players are forced to use backups and cant auto anymore in GW with just one squad.

    This however created a mess and something unexpected happened. Those with high arena power 40k+ can get last nodes broken AI squads because there is no way to put out squad with 45+ arena power. Doesnt exist so their small script goes crazy and puts some random green geared low star squad.
    While lower arena power players have to face most ridiculous squads like 38k-40k omega teams.
    This also affects under level cap even more so. They face AI squads with 2 gear difference and maxed stars.

    For CG it would be nice to just come forward and apologize for this mess and fix it correctly this time while giving out some GW currency for inconvinience this caused.

    And a new toon or two too use it on ;)
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    Ztyle wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    SirDooth wrote: »
    I don't have >40000 power and it happened to me too. Maybe the power needed depends on your arena rank...

    38000 will probably do it. Anything that when you add 10% creates an impossible team. You can't get a team of 44k power, hence breakage. That probably goes for 42k too though.

    It's not just arena team, by the way. Never has been. Combination of arena team and top 5 toons.

    Highest Power team

    Good to know. So a team of 38.5k power will break the algorithm (give or take).

    Not that I would mind facing that highest power team. It's pretty awful!
  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Yep, devs have to learn their job, there are too many bugs
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    @CG_JohnSalera Why does GW meant to be hard? We have so called "challenges", which are not challenging, but anyway. We have arena, we have "The Pit", we have those new events (Empire & Ewoks, Yoda in past) ... so, why does GW also have to be a challenge? Isnt the game to entertain, to enjoy ... if everything becomes a "challenge", alot of ppl wont continue, since its still a mobile game which should NOT consume hours after hours for just one single game mode out of 5 or even more.

    GW is the main source for credits, taking out this source, ppl will get stuck and quit game. Maybe you should rethink your "tunings" ...
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • KelEl85
    158 posts Member
    @CG_JohnSalera @EA_Jesse I hope you had a nice 3 day weekend (sincerely).

    It's time to get to work though. I'm sure your inbox is full of people mailing you and linking you to their posts on this issue. You have a real mess on your hands here. The feedback of the players is clear. GW is ruined and ruining the game. You cannot wait until Fridays community update to make a statement about it. In the next 24 hours most of us will be trying to bang out 3 gws. I fear the frustration, anger and hopelessness that this wil bring us. I think you will lose a significant portion of your players if you don't make a statement today. And I love this game. I don't want that to happen. Please let us know how and when you are going to fix this. Thanks
  • Salty01
    105 posts Member
    GW completely SUX now! Please address ASAP devs.
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    I've been patient and hopeful up until today. Mostly because I was still able to complete 11 nodes of GW before running into the brick wall on the 12th node. But today that wall moved to the 6th node and I abandoned GW for the first time without having earned enough war tokens to purchase any shards for the characters in the GW store. Which essentially means my forward progression has slowed from a steady crawl to an imperceptible glacial advance. I don't mind planning years ahead for some things, like retirement, but I don't think a mobile game should require that kind of commitment. I know, now there's the ewok event in which I can earn many credits and shards, I do look forward to being involved in that event in 8 months once I've earned the necessary toons to be competitive. Of course I could always throw money at the situation, but I only invest in things in which I have confidence, something this game lately does very little to inspire. I have faith you'll fix this massive bungle, but you probably won't ever be able to earn back some degree of loyalty and trust from your player base. Whether your inconsistent and chaotic planning is intentional or by design I don't know, or care for that matter, but it does show a serious lack of professionalism and respect towards your customers. Thank you.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Griner_01 wrote: »
    a flaw I've noticed in GW is the base used to calculate the opposing team. Most players have focused on arena and the characters they use there and thus have developed and geared them much more than the rest of their available characters. Using the arena squad power as the base for calculating the opponent eliminates most of the players available characters because they aren't geared or developed to that level.

    And that Dearies, is the root cause.
    Kabbes wrote: »
    There's a perfectly simple and foolproof way to win GW. You just need your own team to be at 40000 power. The algorithm then breaks and gives you a pathetic team of low gear low star toons for the final node.


    Which is why some want things to stay as they are now, built in exploit.
  • Tamonizer
    325 posts Member
    It's way harder the past week.

    The first 9 nodes are ok. But the last three are always hard usually Teebo/Ben teams. The hardest one I fought was a Ben (lead) with fives, stormtrooper, aayla, sun fac. It took three teams to beat. Haha

    I dont mind it being a "challenge," but we also need to live our lives. haha
  • DefenseOfEvil
    7 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Nodoon wrote: »
    I would love to see the stats on how much they make.

    The app had been in top twenty grossing games on google play for months. we arent talking thousands. we are talking multi millions.

    Estimates are that this game is making $103,868 daily with 11,628 new installs a day. that is IPHONE stats. does not include google play.

    google - EA GALAXY OF HEROES GROSS for complete numbers.
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    This thread reminds me of the update to town halls in Clash. Lots of people complaining but rightfully none of it was taken to head & the game has stayed & being played so much more now. Yes, EA might take a small dip due to the naysayers but overall guarantee their future in the game.

    So many folks don't seem to understand what needs to be done & im assuming throw their "best toons" at meta teams without really knowing how to beat a meta team in the first place.

    Me, I sit & smile at some of the people's comments on this thread (most of which is simply complaining because they don't get things for free anymore). I wouldn't mind seeing images of some of these folks squads & what they perceive to be their best squads. Hahahaha!

    Very funny! :smiley:
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